Linux x86 Host Cross Compiler HOWTO for the DJGPP Target Revised
Linux x86 Host Cross Compiler HOWTO for the DJGPP Target (Revised)
updated 11-14-2002 by Charles Wilkins
Step-by-step instructions for setting up a djgpp cross compiler on
your linux machine
This HOWTO is a 'third draft revision' of the March 1, 1999 HOWTO by
DJ Delorie.
[1] Prerequisite Requirements
It is assumed that you have the following already properly installed
on your Linux operating system.
a native GCC compiler 2.95.3 or greater
gnu make 3.79.1 or greater
binutils 2.13 or greater
bash 2.05 or greater
autoconf-2.13 (not 2.5x)
unzip-5.41 or greater ( http://www.info-zip.org )
Earlier versions may work, but were not tested.
The steps performed in this HOWTO were done in Linux Mandrake with
kernel-2.4.19 on a dual i686. There are sometimes subtle differences
between Linux flavors for getting things done. Please let me know if
you find something in this HOWTO that doesn't work as expected.
Packages to be compiled, as listed below, have been successfully build
tested using a native gcc-2.95.3 compiler and a native gcc-3.2
compiler. All of the make commands listed below have been also tested
with -j2 and -j3 parameters. This can improve compiling time greatly
for systems with multiple processors.
[2] Sources and Libraries Needed to Build the Cross Compiler
djcrx203.zip can be found at:
gcc32s2.zip can be found at:
Mirrors to GNU sources can be found at http://gcc.gnu.org/mirrors.html
Mirrors to DJGPP packages can be found at
Latest News, Bugs & Workarounds, and Windows XP & Windows 2000
status can be found at http://clio.rice.edu/djgpp/win2k/main.htm
[3] Preparing the Source and Target Trees
Set these environment variables according to your configuration:
prefix the directory where you will be installing to
target canonical target name i.e. i586-pc-msdosdjgpp
PATH updated for this shell session so that the build can see
the cross-binutils
CC the path to your gcc compiler
assuming sh/bash/ksh
export prefix=/usr/local/compiler/cross/djgpp
export target=i586-pc-msdosdjgpp
export PATH=$PATH:$prefix/bin
export CC=/usr/local/compiler/gcc-3.2/bin/gcc
assuming csh
setenv prefix /usr/local/compiler/cross/djgpp
setenv target i586-pc-msdosdjgpp
setenv PATH $PATH:$prefix/bin
setenv CC /usr/local/compiler/gcc-3.2/bin/gcc
Make the target directory:
mkdir -p $prefix/$target
Make the source directory where you want it:
mkdir -p packages/cross
The following files need to be in the 'packages' directory:
cd packages
Use the following commands to unarchive the packages:
cd cross
unzip -a ../djcrx203.zip
unzip -a ../gcc32s2.zip
chmod 744 unpack-gcc.sh
./unpack-gcc.sh ../gcc-3.2.tar.gz ( takes a little while )
rm -f gcc32s.zip ( optional step )
cd gnu
tar xzvf ../../binutils-2.13.1.tar.gz
mkdir binutils-2.13.1-obj gcc-3.2-obj
[4] Building the Packages
Copy djgpp headers and libraries to the target tree:
cd ..
mkdir $prefix/$target/bin
cp -r lib $prefix/$target
cp -r include $prefix/$target
Compile stubify:
cd src/stub
$CC -O2 stubify.c -o $prefix/$target/bin/stubify
Build cross-binutils:
cd ../../gnu/binutils-2.13.1-obj
../binutils-2.13.1/configure --prefix=$prefix \
--target=$target >& configure.log
make >& make.log
make install >& install.log
Build cross-gcc:
cd ../gcc-3.2-obj
../gcc-3.2/configure --prefix=$prefix --target=$target \
--with-headers=$prefix/$target/include >& configure.log
make >& make.log
make install >& install.log
Make symbolic links:
cd $prefix/$target/lib
ln -s libstdc++.a $prefix/$target/lib/libstdcxx.a
ln -s libsupc++.a $prefix/$target/lib/libsupcxx.a
ln -s $prefix/bin/$target-gcc /usr/local/bin/djgcc
ln -s $prefix/bin/$target-g++ /usr/local/bin/djgpp
Consult your configure.log, make.log, and install.log and make sure
that the build succeeded as expected. One built, you can safely
delete the files in your source tree if you choose.
cd /path/to/packages
rm -rf cross ( optional step )
[5] Using the Compiler
Use djgcc to compile .c (standard C) files.
Use djgpp to compile .cpp .cc (standard C++) files.
Compiling your executable:
This simple C++ program...
// welcome.cpp
#include <iostream>
int main ()
std::cout << "Welcome to GNU C++ for Linux programming!\n" << std::endl;
return 0;
can be compiled using the following command:
djgpp -O2 welcome.cpp -o welcome.exe
To compile with debugging information:
djgpp -O2 -g welcome.cpp -o welcome.exe
To compile with no debugging information and strip the binary:
djgpp -O2 -s welcome.cpp -o welcome.exe
Further binary compression can be achieved by compressing your binary
with UPX. http://upx.sourceforge.net/
Note: Debugging is not possible with compressed or stripped binaries.
More information about using the compiler can be found at
[6] 'DOS'ifying your .exe file
If your build was successful and you have compiled a C or C++ file
into an .exe file, it will run under Win32.
There are a couple ways of running your file under real mode DOS or
plain doze.
Get these DJGPP packages:
djdev203.zip can be found at
csdpmi5b.zip can be found at
Better sources for this information are included with the above
packages, but here is a summary of some things you can do.
From within DOS or Windows, unzip both of the above zips from the same
To simply run your executable under dos, make sure that CWSDPMI.EXE is
in your path or in the same directory as the executable.
To add a stub to the executable so that it can run by itself, do the
cd bin
copy /path/to/yourfile.exe .
Create a COFF image of your binary.
exe2coff yourfile.exe
Combine the coff image ( yourfile ) with cwsdstub.exe
copy /B cwsdstub.exe+yourfile newfile.exe
The newly created file ( newfile.exe ) will now run under DOS without
the presence of an external DPMI file.
Consider checking out http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/doc/
for more information on the use of DPMI.
[7] Resources helpful to the creation of this HOWTO
The following Internet Resources played an integral role in
developing this HOWTO:
The comp.os.msdos.djgpp newsgroup at news:comp.os.msdos.djgpp
The DJGPP Homepage at http://www.delorie.com/djgpp
The DJGPP mailing list archives at
The RedHat CROSSGCC mailing list archives at
The Gnu Compiler Collection Online Documents at
and as always ... Google at http://www.google.com/
[8] Credits
I would like to especially thank the following individuals who gave me
their time and attention towards helping me troubleshoot various DJGPP
build issues and develop this HOWTO.
DJ Delorie
Andris Pavenis
Andrew Cottrell
Charles Sandmann
Kai Ruottu
Hans-Bernhard Broeker
Martin Stromberg
Eli Zaretskii
Questions or Comments about this HOWTO? -> mailto:[email protected]
Visit the DJGPP homepage at http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/
About Me
My name is Charles Albert Frederick Wilkins Jr and I am 32.
I am happily married to my wife Linda in Cherry Hill, N.J.
I have two female boxer dogs, Sugar and Scout.
I am currently a C++ 'developer in training' and am pursuing a
Bachelors degree in Computer Science. I am a Master Certified Novell
Engineer and am A+ Certified by CompTIA. I have an associates degree
in automotive technology and applied sciences. I am a Master
Automobile Technician and previously worked for Chevrolet for 5 years.
When I am not hacking something up in Linux, playing with my dogs, or
spending time with my wife, I am playing UT2003 or with the Unreal