This is a DJGPP port of byacc 1.9 1. DJGPP specific changes. ----------------------- This version of byacc handles the file name creation a little bit different than the prior versions of this port. On plain DOS and Win9X, if LFN support is *NOT* available the usual short file names will be used: y_tab.c, y_tab.h, y_code.c and y.out On Win9X with available LFN support, you can control the file name used by specifying or not the new command-line option `-s'. This option controls if `.tab' or `_tab' is used as an extension. The following file names are used depending on if the option has been specified or not: 1. If `-s' has *NOT* been specified then the following names will be used:,, y.code.c and y.output 2. If `-s' has been specified then the same names as on plain DOS will be used: y_tab.c, y_tab.h, y_code.c and y.out On plain DOS and Win9X without LFN support the `-s' option is ignored. With this new command-line option you should be able to write makefiles that run unmodified on plain DOS and Win95, if the `-s' option is specified. If you run a posix makefile on Win9X with LFN support available and you omit the `-s' option the makefile should also run unmodified. Of course, "unmodified" refers only to the grammar file targets in the makefile. 2. Installation. ------------- - Unzip the binary package preserving the directory structure (-d switch to PKUNZIP) from the top DJGPP directory. 3. Building byacc. --------------- - In addition to the standard DJGPP tools, this are v2/ v2gnu/ and v2gnu/ or any later version, you will need Make and Install from the Fileutils. They are available as v2gnu/ and v2gnu/, accordingly, from the usual DJGPP sites. - Unzip the source package preserving the directory structure (-d switch to PKUNZIP). This creates a directory contrib/byacc-1.9. - Chdir to the byacc directory and type the following command to compile and link yacc and byacc (yacc is a sym link to byacc): make - To install the products (yacc.exe, byacc.exe and yacc.1) type the following command: make install or make install DEST=c:/djgpp respectively. If ${DJDIR} is set DEST will default to this value, else replace DEST=c:/djgpp by the appropiate prefix for your DJGPP installation. - The file diffs in the djgpp directory describes the changes that I've done relative to the original byacc distribution. Enjoy. Guerrero, Juan Manuel