/*=========================================================================== Copyright (c) 1998-2000, The Santa Cruz Operation All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: *Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. *Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. *Neither name of The Santa Cruz Operation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. =========================================================================*/ /* cscope - interactive C symbol or text cross-reference * * command functions */ #include "global.h" #include "build.h" /* for rebuild() */ #include #if defined(USE_NCURSES) && !defined(RENAMED_NCURSES) #include #else #include #endif #include static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: command.c,v 1.19 2002/07/28 15:40:07 broeker Exp $"; int selecting; int curdispline = 0; BOOL caseless; /* ignore letter case when searching */ BOOL *change; /* change this line */ BOOL changing; /* changing text */ char newpat[PATLEN + 1]; /* new pattern */ char pattern[PATLEN + 1]; /* symbol or text pattern */ static char appendprompt[] = "Append to file: "; static char pipeprompt[] = "Pipe to shell command: "; static char readprompt[] = "Read from file: "; static char toprompt[] = "To: "; /* Internal prototypes: */ static BOOL changestring(void); static void clearprompt(void); static void mark(int i); static void scrollbar(MOUSE *p); static void countrefs(void); /* execute the command */ BOOL command(int commandc) { char filename[PATHLEN + 1]; /* file path name */ MOUSE *p; /* mouse data */ int c, i; FILE *file; struct cmd *curritem, *item; /* command history */ char *s; switch (commandc) { case ctrl('C'): /* toggle caseless mode */ if (caseless == NO) { caseless = YES; postmsg2("Caseless mode is now ON"); } else { caseless = NO; postmsg2("Caseless mode is now OFF"); } egrepcaseless(caseless); /* turn on/off -i flag */ return(NO); case ctrl('R'): /* rebuild the cross reference */ if (isuptodate == YES) { postmsg("The -d option prevents rebuilding the symbol database"); return(NO); } exitcurses(); freefilelist(); /* remake the source file list */ makefilelist(); rebuild(); if (errorsfound == YES) { errorsfound = NO; askforreturn(); } entercurses(); postmsg(""); /* clear any previous message */ totallines = 0; disprefs = 0; topline = nextline = 1; selecting = 0; break; #if UNIXPC case ESC: /* possible unixpc mouse selection */ #endif case ctrl('X'): /* mouse selection */ if ((p = getmouseaction(DUMMYCHAR)) == NULL) { return(NO); /* unknown control sequence */ } /* if the button number is a scrollbar tag */ if (p->button == '0') { scrollbar(p); break; } /* ignore a sweep */ if (p->x2 >= 0) { return(NO); } /* if this is a line selection */ if (p->y1 < FLDLINE) { /* find the selected line */ /* note: the selection is forced into range */ for (i = disprefs - 1; i > 0; --i) { if (p->y1 >= displine[i]) { break; } } /* display it in the file with the editor */ editref(i); } else { /* this is an input field selection */ field = p->y1 - FLDLINE; /* force it into range */ if (field >= FIELDS) { field = FIELDS - 1; } setfield(); resetcmd(); return(NO); } break; case '\t': /* go to next input field */ if (disprefs) { selecting = !selecting; if (selecting) { move(displine[curdispline], 0); refresh(); } else { atfield(); resetcmd(); } } return(NO); #if TERMINFO case KEY_ENTER: #endif case '\r': case '\n': /* go to reference */ if (selecting) { editref(curdispline); return(YES); } /* FALLTHROUGH */ case ctrl('N'): #if TERMINFO case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_RIGHT: #endif if (selecting) { if ((curdispline + 1) < disprefs) { move(displine[++curdispline], 0); refresh(); } } else { field = (field + 1) % FIELDS; setfield(); atfield(); resetcmd(); } return(NO); case ctrl('P'): /* go to previous input field */ #if TERMINFO case KEY_UP: case KEY_LEFT: #endif if (selecting) { if (curdispline) { move(displine[--curdispline], 0); refresh(); } } else { field = (field + (FIELDS - 1)) % FIELDS; setfield(); atfield(); resetcmd(); } return(NO); #if TERMINFO case KEY_HOME: /* go to first input field */ if (selecting) { curdispline = 0; move(REFLINE, 0); refresh(); } else { field = 0; setfield(); atfield(); resetcmd(); } return(NO); case KEY_LL: /* go to last input field */ if (selecting) { move(displine[disprefs - 1], 0); refresh(); } else { field = FIELDS - 1; setfield(); atfield(); resetcmd(); } return(NO); #endif case ' ': /* display next page */ case '+': case ctrl('V'): #if TERMINFO case KEY_NPAGE: #endif /* don't redisplay if there are no lines */ if (totallines == 0) { return(NO); } /* note: seekline() is not used to move to the next * page because display() leaves the file pointer at * the next page to optimize paging forward */ curdispline = 0; break; case ctrl('H'): case '-': /* display previous page */ #if TERMINFO case KEY_PPAGE: #endif /* don't redisplay if there are no lines */ if (totallines == 0) { return(NO); } curdispline = 0; /* if there are only two pages, just go to the other one */ if (totallines <= 2 * mdisprefs) { break; } /* if on first page but not at beginning, go to beginning */ nextline -= mdisprefs; /* already at next page */ if (nextline > 1 && nextline <= mdisprefs) { nextline = 1; } else { nextline -= mdisprefs; if (nextline < 1) { nextline = totallines - mdisprefs + 1; if (nextline < 1) { nextline = 1; } } } seekline(nextline); break; case '>': /* write or append the lines to a file */ if (totallines == 0) { postmsg("There are no lines to write to a file"); } else { /* get the file name */ (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) addstr("Write to file: "); s = "w"; if ((c = mygetch()) == '>') { (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) addstr(appendprompt); c = '\0'; s = "a"; } if (c != '\r' && getline(newpat, COLS - sizeof(appendprompt), c, NO) > 0) { shellpath(filename, sizeof(filename), newpat); if ((file = myfopen(filename, s)) == NULL) { cannotopen(filename); } else { seekline(1); while ((c = getc(refsfound)) != EOF) { (void) putc(c, file); } seekline(topline); (void) fclose(file); } } clearprompt(); } return(NO); /* return to the previous field */ case '<': /* read lines from a file */ (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) addstr(readprompt); if (getline(newpat, COLS - sizeof(readprompt), '\0', NO) > 0) { clearprompt(); shellpath(filename, sizeof(filename), newpat); if (readrefs(filename) == NO) { postmsg2("Ignoring an empty file"); return(NO); } return(YES); } clearprompt(); return(NO); case '^': /* pipe the lines through a shell command */ case '|': /* pipe the lines to a shell command */ if (totallines == 0) { postmsg("There are no lines to pipe to a shell command"); return(NO); } /* get the shell command */ (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) addstr(pipeprompt); if (getline(newpat, COLS - sizeof(pipeprompt), '\0', NO) == 0) { clearprompt(); return(NO); } /* if the ^ command, redirect output to a temp file */ if (commandc == '^') { (void) strcat(strcat(newpat, " >"), temp2); /* HBB 20020708: somebody might have even * their non-interactive default shells * complain about clobbering * redirections... --> delete before * overwriting */ remove(temp2); } exitcurses(); if ((file = mypopen(newpat, "w")) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot open pipe to shell command: %s\n", newpat); } else { seekline(1); while ((c = getc(refsfound)) != EOF) { (void) putc(c, file); } seekline(topline); (void) mypclose(file); } if (commandc == '^') { if (readrefs(temp2) == NO) { postmsg("Ignoring empty output of ^ command"); } } askforreturn(); entercurses(); break; case ctrl('L'): /* redraw screen */ #if TERMINFO case KEY_CLEAR: #endif (void) clearmsg2(); (void) clearok(curscr, TRUE); (void) wrefresh(curscr); drawscrollbar(topline, bottomline); return(NO); case '!': /* shell escape */ (void) execute(shell, shell, NULL); seekline(topline); break; case '?': /* help */ (void) clear(); help(); (void) clear(); seekline(topline); break; case ctrl('E'): /* edit all lines */ editall(); break; case ctrl('Y'): /* repeat last pattern */ if (*pattern != '\0') { (void) addstr(pattern); goto repeat; } break; case ctrl('B'): /* cmd history back */ case ctrl('F'): /* cmd history fwd */ if (selecting) return(NO); curritem = currentcmd(); item = (commandc == ctrl('F')) ? nextcmd() : prevcmd(); clearmsg2(); if (curritem == item) { /* inform user that we're at history end */ postmsg2("End of input field and search pattern history"); } if (item) { field = item->field; setfield(); atfield(); (void) addstr(item->text); (void) strcpy(pattern, item->text); switch (c = mygetch()) { case '\r': case '\n': goto repeat; default: (void) myungetch(c); atfield(); (void) clrtoeol(); /* clear current field */ break; } } return(NO); case '\\': /* next character is not a command */ (void) addch('\\'); /* display the quote character */ /* get a character from the terminal */ if ((commandc = mygetch()) == EOF) { return(NO); /* quit */ } (void) addstr("\b \b"); /* erase the quote character */ goto ispat; case '.': postmsg("The . command has been replaced by ^Y"); atfield(); /* move back to the input field */ /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: if (selecting && !mouse) { char *c; if ((c = strchr(dispchars, commandc))) editref(c - dispchars); } /* if this is the start of a pattern */ else if (isprint(commandc)) { ispat: if (getline(newpat, COLS - fldcolumn - 1, commandc, caseless) > 0) { (void) strcpy(pattern, newpat); resetcmd(); /* reset command history */ repeat: addcmd(field, pattern); /* add to command history */ if (field == CHANGE) { /* prompt for the new text */ (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) addstr(toprompt); (void) getline(newpat, COLS - sizeof(toprompt), '\0', NO); } /* search for the pattern */ if (search() == YES) { curdispline = 0; ++selecting; switch (field) { case DEFINITION: case FILENAME: if (totallines > 1) { break; } topline = 1; editref(0); break; case CHANGE: return(changestring()); } } /* try to edit the file anyway */ else if (field == FILENAME && access(newpat, READ) == 0) { edit(newpat, "1"); } } else { /* no pattern--the input was erased */ return(NO); } } else { /* control character */ return(NO); } } return(YES); } /* clear the prompt line */ static void clearprompt(void) { (void) move(PRLINE, 0); (void) clrtoeol(); } /* read references from a file */ BOOL readrefs(char *filename) { FILE *file; int c; if ((file = myfopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) { cannotopen(filename); return(NO); } if ((c = getc(file)) == EOF) { /* if file is empty */ return(NO); } totallines = 0; disprefs = 0; nextline = 1; if (writerefsfound() == YES) { (void) putc(c, refsfound); while ((c = getc(file)) != EOF) { (void) putc(c, refsfound); } (void) fclose(file); (void) fclose(refsfound); if ( (refsfound = myfopen(temp1, "rb")) == NULL) { cannotopen(temp1); return(NO); } countrefs(); } return(YES); } /* change one text string to another */ static BOOL changestring(void) { char newfile[PATHLEN + 1]; /* new file name */ char oldfile[PATHLEN + 1]; /* old file name */ char linenum[NUMLEN + 1]; /* file line number */ char msg[MSGLEN + 1]; /* message */ FILE *script; /* shell script file */ BOOL anymarked = NO; /* any line marked */ MOUSE *p; /* mouse data */ int c, i; char *s; /* open the temporary file */ if ((script = myfopen(temp2, "w")) == NULL) { cannotopen(temp2); return(NO); } /* create the line change indicators */ change = mycalloc((unsigned) totallines, sizeof(BOOL)); changing = YES; mousemenu(); /* until the quit command is entered */ for (;;) { /* display the current page of lines */ display(); same: atchange(); /* get a character from the terminal */ if ((c = mygetch()) == EOF || c == ctrl('D') || c == ctrl('Z')) { break; /* change lines */ } /* see if the input character is a command */ switch (c) { case ' ': /* display next page */ case '+': case ctrl('V'): #if TERMINFO case KEY_NPAGE: #endif case '-': /* display previous page */ #if TERMINFO case KEY_PPAGE: #endif case '!': /* shell escape */ case '?': /* help */ (void) command(c); break; case ctrl('L'): /* redraw screen */ #if TERMINFO case KEY_CLEAR: #endif (void) command(c); goto same; case ESC: /* don't change lines */ #if UNIXPC if((p = getmouseaction(DUMMYCHAR)) == NULL) { goto nochange; /* unknown escape sequence */ } break; #endif case ctrl('G'): goto nochange; case '*': /* mark/unmark all displayed lines */ for (i = 0; topline + i < nextline; ++i) { mark(i); } goto same; case ctrl('A'): /* mark/unmark all lines */ for (i = 0; i < totallines; ++i) { if (change[i] == NO) { change[i] = YES; } else { change[i] = NO; } } /* show that all have been marked */ seekline(totallines); break; case ctrl('X'): /* mouse selection */ if ((p = getmouseaction(DUMMYCHAR)) == NULL) { goto same; /* unknown control sequence */ } /* if the button number is a scrollbar tag */ if (p->button == '0') { scrollbar(p); break; } /* find the selected line */ /* note: the selection is forced into range */ for (i = disprefs - 1; i > 0; --i) { if (p->y1 >= displine[i]) { break; } } mark(i); goto same; default: { /* if a line was selected */ char *cc; if ((cc = strchr(dispchars, c))) mark(cc - dispchars); goto same; } } } /* for each line containing the old text */ (void) fprintf(script, "ed - <<\\!\n"); *oldfile = '\0'; seekline(1); for (i = 0; fscanf(refsfound, "%s%*s%s%*[^\n]", newfile, linenum) == 2; ++i) { /* see if the line is to be changed */ if (change[i] == YES) { anymarked = YES; /* if this is a new file */ if (strcmp(newfile, oldfile) != 0) { /* make sure it can be changed */ if (access(newfile, WRITE) != 0) { (void) sprintf(msg, "Cannot write to file %s", newfile); postmsg(msg); anymarked = NO; break; } /* if there was an old file */ if (*oldfile != '\0') { (void) fprintf(script, "w\n"); /* save it */ } /* edit the new file */ (void) strcpy(oldfile, newfile); (void) fprintf(script, "e %s\n", oldfile); } /* output substitute command */ (void) fprintf(script, "%ss/", linenum); /* change */ for (s = pattern; *s != '\0'; ++s) { /* old text */ if (strchr("/\\[.^*", *s) != NULL) { (void) putc('\\', script); } if (caseless == YES && isalpha((unsigned char)*s)) { (void) putc('[', script); if(islower((unsigned char)*s)) { (void) putc(toupper((unsigned char)*s), script); (void) putc(*s, script); } else { (void) putc(*s, script); (void) putc(tolower((unsigned char)*s), script); } (void) putc(']', script); } else (void) putc(*s, script); } (void) putc('/', script); /* to */ for (s = newpat; *s != '\0'; ++s) { /* new text */ if (strchr("/\\&", *s) != NULL) { (void) putc('\\', script); } (void) putc(*s, script); } (void) fprintf(script, "/gp\n"); /* and print */ } } (void) fprintf(script, "w\nq\n!\n"); /* write and quit */ (void) fclose(script); /* if any line was marked */ if (anymarked == YES) { /* edit the files */ clearprompt(); (void) refresh(); (void) fprintf(stderr, "Changed lines:\n\r"); (void) execute("sh", "sh", temp2, NULL); askforreturn(); seekline(1); } else { nochange: clearprompt(); } changing = NO; mousemenu(); free(change); return(anymarked); } /* mark/unmark this displayed line to be changed */ static void mark(int i) { int j; j = i + topline - 1; if (j < totallines) { (void) move(displine[i], 1); if (change[j] == NO) { change[j] = YES; (void) addch('>'); } else { change[j] = NO; (void) addch(' '); } } } /* scrollbar actions */ static void scrollbar(MOUSE *p) { /* reposition list if it makes sense */ if (totallines == 0) { return; } switch (p->percent) { case 101: /* scroll down one page */ if (nextline + mdisprefs > totallines) { nextline = totallines - mdisprefs + 1; } break; case 102: /* scroll up one page */ nextline = topline - mdisprefs; if (nextline < 1) { nextline = 1; } break; case 103: /* scroll down one line */ nextline = topline + 1; break; case 104: /* scroll up one line */ if (topline > 1) { nextline = topline - 1; } break; default: nextline = p->percent * totallines / 100; } seekline(nextline); } /* count the references found */ static void countrefs(void) { char *subsystem; /* OGS subsystem name */ char *book; /* OGS book name */ char file[PATHLEN + 1]; /* file name */ char function[PATLEN + 1]; /* function name */ char linenum[NUMLEN + 1]; /* line number */ int i; /* count the references found and find the length of the file, function, and line number display fields */ subsystemlen = 9; /* strlen("Subsystem") */ booklen = 4; /* strlen("Book") */ filelen = 4; /* strlen("File") */ fcnlen = 8; /* strlen("Function") */ numlen = 0; while ((i = fscanf(refsfound, "%250s%250s%6s %5000[^\n]", file, function, linenum, tempstring)) != EOF) { if (i != 4 || !isgraph((unsigned char)*file) || !isgraph((unsigned char)*function) || !isdigit((unsigned char)*linenum)) { postmsg("File does not have expected format"); totallines = 0; disprefs = 0; return; } if ((i = strlen(pathcomponents(file, dispcomponents))) > filelen) { filelen = i; } if (ogs == YES) { ogsnames(file, &subsystem, &book); if ((i = strlen(subsystem)) > subsystemlen) { subsystemlen = i; } if ((i = strlen(book)) > booklen) { booklen = i; } } if ((i = strlen(function)) > fcnlen) { fcnlen = i; } if ((i = strlen(linenum)) > numlen) { numlen = i; } ++totallines; } rewind(refsfound); /* restrict the width of displayed columns */ i = (COLS - 5) / 3; if (ogs == YES) { i = (COLS - 7) / 5; } if (filelen > i && i > 4) { filelen = i; } if (subsystemlen > i && i > 9) { subsystemlen = i; } if (booklen > i && i > 4) { booklen = i; } if (fcnlen > i && i > 8) { fcnlen = i; } }