;; $Header: /home/amb/cxref/RCS/cxref.el 1.5 1996/11/16 15:29:51 amb Exp $ ;; ;; C Cross Referencing & Documentation tool. Version 1.3. ;; ;; Some useful Emacs lisp functions for use with cxref. ;; Adds in comments of the appropriate format for cxref. ;; ;; Written by Andrew M. Bishop ;; ;; This file Copyright 1995,96 Andrew M. Bishop ;; It may be distributed under the GNU Public License, version 2, or ;; any higher version. See section COPYING of the GNU Public license ;; for conditions under which this file may be redistributed. ;; ;;;###autoload (defun cxref-c-mode-common-hook () "Set up the key bindings for cxref in cc-mode" (define-key c-mode-map "\C-c\C-f" 'cxref-file-comment) ;; Control-C Control-F (define-key c-mode-map "\C-cf" 'cxref-function-comment) ;; Control-C f (define-key c-mode-map "\C-cv" 'cxref-variable-comment) ;; Control-C v (define-key c-mode-map "\C-ce" 'cxref-endline-comment) ;; Control-C e (define-key c-mode-map "\C-ci" 'cxref-inline-comment) ;; Control-C i ) ;;;###autoload (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'cxref-c-mode-common-hook) ;; Insert a file comment suitable for parsing with cxref (defun cxref-file-comment () "Inserts a file comment suitable for parsing with cxref" (interactive) (let ((cp (make-marker))) (goto-char (point-min)) (insert "/***************************************") (c-indent-command) (insert (concat "\n$" "Header" "$")) (c-indent-command) (insert "\n") (insert "\n")(c-indent-command) (set-marker cp (point)) (insert "\n***************************************/") (c-indent-command) (insert "\n\n\n") (while (looking-at "\n") (delete-char 1)) (if (string-match "\\.h$" (buffer-file-name)) (let ((st) (defname (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)))) (while (setq st (string-match "\\." defname)) (setq defname (concat (substring defname 0 st) "_" (substring defname (+ 1 st) nil)))) (setq defname (upcase defname)) (insert (concat "#ifndef " defname "\n")) (insert (concat "#define " defname " /*+ To stop multiple inclusions. +*/\n")) (insert "\n") (goto-char (point-max)) (while (looking-at-backward "\n") (delete-char -1)) (insert "\n\n") (insert (concat "#endif /* " defname " */\n")) )) (goto-char cp) (c-indent-command) )) ;; Insert a function comment suitable for parsing with cxref (defun cxref-function-comment () "Inserts a function comment suitable for parsing with cxref" (interactive) (let ((bp (make-marker)) (cp (make-marker)) (fp (make-marker)) (as) (ae) (a) (depth 0)) (beginning-of-line) (while (looking-at-backward "\n\n") (delete-backward-char 1)) (insert "\n\n") (insert "/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") (c-indent-command) (insert "\n") (set-marker bp (point)) (insert "\n") (set-marker cp (point)) (insert "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/") (c-indent-command) (insert "\n\n") (if (looking-at "static") (re-search-forward "[ \t\n]+")) (set-marker fp (point)) (if (not (looking-at "void[\t ]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]")) (progn (setq as (point)) (search-forward "(") (backward-char) (setq ae (point)) (setq a (buffer-substring as ae)) (goto-char cp) (insert "\n") (insert a) (c-indent-line) (insert "\n") (set-marker cp (point)) (goto-char fp) ) ) (search-forward "(") (set-marker fp (point)) (catch 'finished-args (while t (if (looking-at-backward ")") (throw 'finished-args t)) (re-search-forward "[\n\t ]*") (set-marker fp (point)) (setq as (point)) (while (not (and (= depth 0) (looking-at "[,)]"))) (if (looking-at "[({]") (setq depth (1+ depth))) (if (looking-at "[)}]") (setq depth (1- depth))) (forward-char)) (set-marker fp (1+ (point))) (re-search-backward "[\n\t ]*") (setq ae (point)) (setq a (buffer-substring as ae)) (if (not (or (string= a "void") (string= a ""))) (progn (goto-char cp) (insert "\n") (insert a) (c-indent-line) (insert "\n") (set-marker cp (point)) )) (goto-char fp) )) (goto-char bp) (c-indent-command) )) ;; Insert a variable comment suitable for parsing with cxref (defun cxref-variable-comment () "Inserts a variable comment suitable for parsing with cxref" (interactive) (let ((fp (make-marker))) (beginning-of-line) (while (looking-at-backward "\n\n") (delete-backward-char 1)) (insert "\n") (insert "/*+ ") (set-marker fp (point)) (insert " +*/") (insert "\n") (goto-char fp) (c-indent-command) )) ;; Inserts an end of line comment that is parsed by cxref (defun cxref-endline-comment () "Inserts an end of line comment that is parsed by cxref" (interactive) (let ((fp (make-marker))) (end-of-line) (indent-to-column (c-comment-indent)) (insert "/*+ ") (setq fp (point)) (insert " +*/") (goto-char fp) )) ;; Insert an inline comment that is not parsed with cxref (defun cxref-inline-comment () "Inserts an inline comment that is not parsed with cxref" (interactive) (let ((fp (make-marker))) (beginning-of-line) (while (looking-at-backward "\n\n") (delete-backward-char 1)) (insert "\n") (insert "/* ") (set-marker fp (point)) (insert " */") (insert "\n\n") (goto-char fp) (c-indent-command) )) ;; A Very Useful Function (defun looking-at-backward (arg) (save-excursion (let ((cp (point)) (return)) (if (re-search-backward arg (point-min) t) (if (re-search-forward arg cp t) (if (= (point) cp) (setq return t) ))) return )))