Directory lout/doc/expert This directory contains the Lout source files for the Expert's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System. To produce the Guide, type the command lout all > in this directory. This must be done four times to completely resolve all cross references, although the PostScript file is printable after the first run. Auxiliary files with .li and .ld suffixes will be created in this directory. A copy of the final is included. There should be no warning messages on the fifth run, except this one: lout file "pre_conc" (from "pre" line 7, from "all" line 25): 162,1: 13.2c object too high for 8.7c space; will try elsewhere which just warns about a figure that is not able to be placed on the first possible page, and so has to appear on the next page. Jeffrey H. Kingston 20 December 2002