@Section @Title { Adding a key to the graph } @Tag { key } @Begin @PP A @I key to a graph is an explanation of what each data set graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.keys @SubIndex { keys } keys.graph @Index { keys in graphs } represents. To assist you in constructing a key, some extra symbols are provided in addition to {@Code "@Graph"}: graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphcross @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphCross" symbol } { graphacross } @Index { @Code "@GraphCross" symbol (graphs) } graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphplus @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphPlus" symbol } { graphaplus } @Index { @Code "@GraphPlus" symbol (graphs) } graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphsquare @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphSquare" symbol } { graphasquare } @Index { @Code "@GraphSquare" symbol (graphs) } graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphfilled.square @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphFilledSquare" symbol } { graphafilled.square } @Index { @Code "@GraphFilledSquare" symbol (graphs) } graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphdiamond @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphDiamond" symbol } { graphadiamond } @Index { @Code "@GraphDiamond" symbol (graphs) } graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphfilled.diamond @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphFilledDiamond" symbol } { graphafilled.diamond } @Index { @Code "@GraphFilledDiamond" symbol (graphs) } graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphcircle @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphCircle" symbol } { graphacircle } @Index { @Code "@GraphCircle" symbol (graphs) } graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphfilled.circle @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphFilledCircle" symbol } { graphafilled.circle } @Index { @Code "@GraphFilledCircle" symbol (graphs) } graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphtriangle @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphTriangle" symbol } { graphatriangle } @Index { @Code "@GraphTriangle" symbol (graphs) } graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphfilled.triangle @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphFilledTriangle" symbol } { graphafilled.triangle } @Index { @Code "@GraphFilledTriangle" symbol (graphs) } graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphnoline @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphNoLine" symbol } { graphanoline } @Index { @Code "@GraphNoLine" symbol (graphs) } graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphsolid @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphSolid" symbol } { graphasolid } @Index { @Code "@GraphSolid" symbol (graphs) } graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphdashed @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphDashed" symbol } { graphadashed } @Index { @Code "@GraphDashed" symbol (graphs) } graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) } graphs.graphdotted @SubIndex { @Code "@GraphDotted" symbol } { graphadotted } @Index { @Code "@GraphDotted" symbol (graphs) } @ID @Tab @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B ! @Col @Code C ! @Col D } { @Rowa A { "@GraphCross" } B { @GraphCross } C { "@GraphPlus" } D { @GraphPlus } @Rowa A { "@GraphSquare" } B { @GraphSquare } C { "@GraphFilledSquare" } D { @GraphFilledSquare } @Rowa A { "@GraphDiamond" } B { @GraphDiamond } C { "@GraphFilledDiamond" } D { @GraphFilledDiamond } @Rowa A { "@GraphCircle" } B { @GraphCircle } C { "@GraphFilledCircle" } D { @GraphFilledCircle } @Rowa A { "@GraphTriangle" } B { @GraphTriangle } C { "@GraphFilledTriangle" } D { @GraphFilledTriangle } @Rowa @Rowa A { "@GraphNoLine" } B { @GraphNoLine } @Rowa A { "@GraphSolid" } B { @GraphSolid } @Rowa A { "@GraphDashed" } B { @GraphDashed } @Rowa A { "@GraphDotted" } B { @GraphDotted } } These extra symbols may be used anywhere in your document except within the right parameter of {@Code "@Graph"}; they are commonly used within the caption options of {@Code "@Graph"}: @ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim { @Graph rightcaption { @GraphPlus @GraphSolid @GraphPlus Boston @GraphPlus @GraphDashed @GraphPlus New York @GraphPlus @GraphDotted @GraphPlus Philadelphia } } (You can also use them within the @Code objects option, which is the way to place your key within the graph itself.) Recall that unlike the other captions, @Code rightcaption is set using the @Code "lines @Break" style rather than {@Code "clines @Break"} (Section {@NumberOf captions}). Adding this caption to the graph from Section {@NumberOf data}, the complete result is @CD @Graph rightcaption { @GraphPlus @GraphSolid @GraphPlus Boston @GraphPlus @GraphDashed @GraphPlus New York @GraphPlus @GraphDotted @GraphPlus Philadelphia } { @Data points { plus } pairs { solid } { 1720 12000 1730 13000 1740 15601 1760 15631 1770 15877 } @Data points { plus } pairs { dashed } { 1720 7000 1730 8622 1740 10451 1750 14255 1760 18000 1770 22667 } @Data points { plus } pairs { dotted } { 1720 10000 1730 11500 1740 12654 1750 18202 1760 23750 1770 34583 } } The first eight symbols have a @Code "symbolsize" option with the usual meaning and the usual default value ({@Code "0.15f"}). The last four symbols have @Code "dashlength" and @Code "linewidth" options with the usual default values, {@Code "0.2f"} and {@Code "0.5p"} respectively, and a @Code "length" option, which determines the length of the line drawn by each symbol; its default value is {@Code "1.0f"}. @End @Section