/*@z43.c:Language Service:LanguageChange, LanguageString@*********************/ /* */ /* THE LOUT DOCUMENT FORMATTING SYSTEM (VERSION 3.28) */ /* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2002 Jeffrey H. Kingston */ /* */ /* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */ /* Basser Department of Computer Science */ /* The University of Sydney 2006 */ /* AUSTRALIA */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */ /* any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* */ /* FILE: z43.c */ /* MODULE: Language Service */ /* EXTERNS: LanguageInit(), LanguageDefine(), LanguageChange(), */ /* LanguageString(), LanguageHyph() */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "externs.h" #define INIT_LANGUAGE_NUM 100 /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* LANGUAGE_TABLE */ /* */ /* A symbol table permitting access to language name records. */ /* The table will automatically enlarge to accept any number of entries. */ /* */ /* ltab_new(newsize) New empty table, newsize capacity */ /* ltab_insert(x, &S) Insert new language name object x into S */ /* ltab_retrieve(str, S) Retrieve language name object named str */ /* ltab_debug(S, fp) Debug print of table S to file fp */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ typedef struct { int langtab_size; /* size of table */ int langtab_count; /* number of objects held */ OBJECT langtab_item[1]; } *LANGUAGE_TABLE; #define ltab_size(S) (S)->langtab_size #define ltab_count(S) (S)->langtab_count #define ltab_item(S, i) (S)->langtab_item[i] #define hash(pos, str, S) \ { FULL_CHAR *p = str; \ pos = *p++; \ while( *p ) pos += *p++; \ pos = pos % ltab_size(S); \ } static LANGUAGE_TABLE ltab_new(int newsize) { LANGUAGE_TABLE S; int i; ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 1, 2*sizeof(int) + newsize * sizeof(OBJECT))); S = (LANGUAGE_TABLE) malloc(2*sizeof(int) + newsize * sizeof(OBJECT)); if( S == (LANGUAGE_TABLE) NULL ) Error(43, 1, "run out of memory enlarging language table", FATAL, no_fpos); ltab_size(S) = newsize; ltab_count(S) = 0; for( i = 0; i < newsize; i++ ) ltab_item(S, i) = nilobj; return S; } /* end ltab_new */ static void ltab_insert(OBJECT x, LANGUAGE_TABLE *S); static LANGUAGE_TABLE ltab_rehash(LANGUAGE_TABLE S, int newsize) { LANGUAGE_TABLE NewS; int i; NewS = ltab_new(newsize); for( i = 1; i <= ltab_size(S); i++ ) { if( ltab_item(S, i) != nilobj ) ltab_insert(ltab_item(S, i), &NewS); } free(S); return NewS; } /* end ltab_rehash */ static void ltab_insert(OBJECT x, LANGUAGE_TABLE *S) { int pos; OBJECT z, link, y; if( ltab_count(*S) == ltab_size(*S) - 1 ) /* one less since 0 unused */ *S = ltab_rehash(*S, 2*ltab_size(*S)); hash(pos, string(x), *S); if( ltab_item(*S, pos) == nilobj ) New(ltab_item(*S, pos), ACAT); z = ltab_item(*S, pos); for( link = Down(z); link != z; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); if( StringEqual(string(x), string(y)) ) { Error(43, 2, "language name %s used twice (first at%s)", FATAL, &fpos(x), string(x), EchoFilePos(&fpos(y))); } } Link(ltab_item(*S, pos), x); } /* end ltab_insert */ static OBJECT ltab_retrieve(FULL_CHAR *str, LANGUAGE_TABLE S) { OBJECT x, link, y; int pos; hash(pos, str, S); x = ltab_item(S, pos); if( x == nilobj ) return nilobj; for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); if( StringEqual(str, string(y)) ) return y; } return nilobj; } /* end ltab_retrieve */ #if DEBUG_ON static void ltab_debug(LANGUAGE_TABLE S, FILE *fp) { int i; OBJECT x, link, y; fprintf(fp, " table size: %d; current number of keys: %d%s", ltab_size(S), ltab_count(S), STR_NEWLINE); for( i = 0; i < ltab_size(S); i++ ) { x = ltab_item(S, i); fprintf(fp, "ltab_item(S, %d) =", i); if( x == nilobj ) fprintf(fp, " "); else if( type(x) != ACAT ) fprintf(fp, " not ACAT!"); else for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); fprintf(fp, " %s", is_word(type(y)) ? string(y) : AsciiToFull("not-WORD!")); } fprintf(fp, "%s", STR_NEWLINE); } } /* end ltab_debug */ #endif static LANGUAGE_TABLE names_tab; /* the language names */ static OBJECT *hyph_tab; /* arry of hyph filenames */ static OBJECT *canonical_tab; /* array of lang names */ static int lang_tabsize; /* size of prev two arrays */ static int lang_count; /* number of languages */ static OBJECT lang_ends[MAX_LANGUAGE];/* sentence endings */ /*@@**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* BOOLEAN LanguageSentenceEnds[] */ /* */ /* LanguageSentenceEnds[ch] is TRUE if there exists a language in which */ /* character ch could occur at the end of a sentence. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN LanguageSentenceEnds[MAX_CHARS]; /*@::LanguageInit(), LanguageDefine()@****************************************/ /* */ /* LanguageInit() */ /* */ /* Initialize this module. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ void LanguageInit(void) { int i; debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageInit()"); names_tab = ltab_new(INIT_LANGUAGE_NUM); lang_count = 0; lang_tabsize = INIT_LANGUAGE_NUM; ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 0, INIT_LANGUAGE_NUM * sizeof(OBJECT))); hyph_tab = (OBJECT *) malloc(INIT_LANGUAGE_NUM * sizeof(OBJECT)); ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 0, INIT_LANGUAGE_NUM * sizeof(OBJECT))); canonical_tab = (OBJECT *) malloc(INIT_LANGUAGE_NUM * sizeof(OBJECT)); for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ ) LanguageSentenceEnds[i] = FALSE; debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageInit returning."); } /* end LanguageInit */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* LanguageDefine(names, inside) */ /* */ /* Define a language whose names are given by ACAT of words names, and */ /* whose associated hyphenation patterns file name is hyph_file. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ void LanguageDefine(OBJECT names, OBJECT inside) { OBJECT link, y, hyph_file; BOOLEAN junk; FULL_CHAR ch; int len; assert( names != nilobj && type(names) == ACAT, "LanguageDefine: names!"); assert( Down(names) != names, "LanguageDefine: names is empty!"); debug2(DLS, D, "LanguageDefine(%s, %s)", EchoObject(names), EchoObject(inside)); /* double table size if overflow */ if( ++lang_count >= lang_tabsize ) { ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 0, -lang_tabsize * sizeof(OBJECT))); ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 0, -lang_tabsize * sizeof(OBJECT))); lang_tabsize *= 2; ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 0, lang_tabsize * sizeof(OBJECT))); ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 0, lang_tabsize * sizeof(OBJECT))); hyph_tab = (OBJECT *) realloc(hyph_tab, lang_tabsize * sizeof(OBJECT) ); canonical_tab = (OBJECT *) realloc(canonical_tab, lang_tabsize * sizeof(OBJECT) ); } /* insert each language name into names_tab */ for( link = Down(names); link != names; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); assert( is_word(type(y)), "LanguageDefine: type(y) != WORD!" ); word_language(y) = lang_count; ltab_insert(y, &names_tab); } /* initialize canonical language name entry */ Child(y, Down(names)); canonical_tab[lang_count] = y; /* make inside an ACAT if it isn't already */ if( type(inside) != ACAT ) { New(y, ACAT); FposCopy(fpos(y), fpos(inside)); Link(y, inside); inside = y; } /* initialize hyphenation file entry (first child of inside) */ Child(hyph_file, Down(inside)); DeleteLink(Down(inside)); if( !is_word(type(hyph_file)) ) Error(43, 3, "hyphenation file name expected here", FATAL, &fpos(inside)); if( StringEqual(string(hyph_file), STR_EMPTY) || StringEqual(string(hyph_file), STR_HYPHEN) ) { Dispose(hyph_file); hyph_tab[lang_count] = nilobj; } else hyph_tab[lang_count] = hyph_file; /* initialize sentence ends */ lang_ends[lang_count] = inside; for( link = Down(inside); link != inside; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ ) { link = PrevDown(link); DisposeChild(NextDown(link)); continue; } if( !is_word(type(y)) ) { debug2(DLS, D, "word patterns failing on %s %s", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y)); Error(43, 4, "expected word ending pattern here", FATAL, &fpos(y)); } len = StringLength(string(y)); if( len == 0 ) Error(43, 5, "empty word ending pattern", FATAL, &fpos(y)); ch = string(y)[len - 1]; LanguageSentenceEnds[ch] = TRUE; } /* if initializing run, initialize the hyphenation table */ if( InitializeAll ) { if( hyph_tab[lang_count] != nilobj ) junk = ReadHyphTable(lang_count); } debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageDefine returning."); } /* end LanguageDefine */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* BOOLEAN LanguageWordEndsSentence(OBJECT wd, BOOLEAN lc_prec) */ /* */ /* Returns TRUE if word ends a sentence in the current language. This is */ /* so if it ends with a string in the list associated with the current */ /* language. If lc_prec is TRUE, it is also necessary for the character */ /* preceding this suffix to be lower-case. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN LanguageWordEndsSentence(OBJECT wd, BOOLEAN lc_prec) { OBJECT x, y, link; int pos; assert( is_word(type(wd)), "LanguageWordEndsSentence: wd!" ); debug2(DLS, D, "LanguageWordEndsSentence(%d %s)", word_language(wd), EchoObject(wd)); x = lang_ends[word_language(wd)]; for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); if( StringEndsWith(string(wd), string(y)) ) { if( !lc_prec ) { debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageWordEndsSentence returning TRUE (!lc_prec)"); return TRUE; } /* now check whether the preceding character is lower case */ pos = StringLength(string(wd)) - StringLength(string(y)) - 1; if( pos >= 0 && MapIsLowerCase(string(wd)[pos], FontMapping(word_font(wd), &fpos(wd)))) { debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageWordEndsSentence returning TRUE (!lc_prec)"); return TRUE; } } } debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageWordEndsSentence returning FALSE"); return FALSE; } /* end LanguageWordEndsSentence */ /*@::LanguageChange(), LanguageString(), LanguageHyph()@**********************/ /* */ /* LanguageChange(style, x) */ /* */ /* Change the current style to contain the language of language command x. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ void LanguageChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x) { OBJECT lname; debug2(DLS, D, "LanguageChange(%s, %s)", EchoStyle(style), EchoObject(x)); /* if argument is not a word, fail and exit */ if( !is_word(type(x)) ) { Error(43, 6, "%s ignored (illegal left parameter)", WARN, &fpos(x), KW_LANGUAGE); debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageChange returning (language unchanged)"); return; } /* if argument is empty, return unchanged */ if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_EMPTY) ) { debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageChange returning (empty, language unchanged)"); return; } /* retrieve language record if present, else leave style unchanged */ lname = ltab_retrieve(string(x), names_tab); if( lname == nilobj ) Error(43, 7, "%s ignored (unknown language %s)", WARN, &fpos(x), KW_LANGUAGE, string(x)); else language(*style) = word_language(lname); debug1(DLS, D, "LanguageChange returning (language = %s)", string(lname)); ifdebug(DLS, DD, ltab_debug(names_tab, stderr)); } /* LanguageChange */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* FULL_CHAR *LanguageString(lnum) */ /* */ /* Return the canonical name of language lnum. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ FULL_CHAR *LanguageString(LANGUAGE_NUM lnum) { FULL_CHAR *res; debug1(DLS, D, "LanguageString(%d)", lnum); assert( lnum > 0 && lnum <= lang_count, "LanguageString: unknown number" ); res = string(canonical_tab[lnum]); debug1(DLS, D, "LanguageString returning %s", res); return res; } /* end LanguageString */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* OBJECT LanguageHyph(lnum) */ /* */ /* Return the hyphenation file name object for language lnum. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ OBJECT LanguageHyph(LANGUAGE_NUM lnum) { OBJECT res; debug1(DLS, D, "LanguageHyph(%d)", lnum); assert( lnum > 0 && lnum <= lang_count, "LanguageHyph: unknown number" ); res = hyph_tab[lnum]; debug1(DLS, D, "LanguageHyph returning %s", EchoObject(res)); return res; } /* end LanguageHyph */