This is the DJGPP port of Gnu Less Version 358. Contents ======== * Installing the binary * DJGPP port news * Building from sources * Bug reports & Known problems * Obtaining the latest version Installing the binary ===================== Unzip the binary package with the option to preserve directories (the -d option in PKUNZIP, the -directories option in PKZIP 2.5 and above) from the top of your DJGPP directory tree. Documentation for `less' and `lesskey' is in the form of manpages. You will need a DJGPP port of `man' to view them. The DJGPP port of the standalone info file viewer, `info', should also work. DJGPP port news =============== * Please see the README and NEWS files found in the subdirectories for other new features in this release. Changes against the official Gnu Less 358: * Builds out of the box with DJGPP v2.03. The Makefile was tweaked a bit, so `make install' works. Building from sources ===================== You will need: * * Bash 2.03 or later. * GCC compiler and Binutils. * Make 3.78.1 or later. * Fileutils 3.16 or later. * DJGPP v2.03 1. Unzip the source archive with the option to preserve directories (the -d option in the old PKUNZIP, the -directories option in newer versions of PKZIP) from the top of your DJGPP directory tree. Install the Bash binary and required utilities if you haven't already done so. 2. Run make. `make' will build the executables `less', `lesskey', and `lessecho'. To install the binaries and manual pages, type `make install'. Bug reports & Known problems ============================ Please send DJGPP-specific bug reports to the newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp or to the e-mail gateway There are no known problems at this time. All other problems involving less and its accompanying programs should be reported to or Obtaining the latest version ============================ Point your browser to for the latest official release and information on Gnu Less.