#!/bin/perl -w #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # # This program creates a fade (a sequence of frames) between two images. # # Author: Wesley C. Barris # AHPCRC # Minnesota Supercomputer Center, Inc. # Date: January 7, 1994 # # Converted to perl and renamed from pbmfade to ppmfade by Bryan Henderson # on March 31, 2000 for inclusion in Netpbm. Also, superfluous ability to # process other formats removed. # # Copyright @ 1994, Minnesota Supercomputer Center, Inc. # # RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND # # Use, duplication, or disclosure of this software and its documentation # by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision # { (b) (3) (ii) } of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software # clause at 52.227-7013. # #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- use strict; my $SPREAD = 1; my $SHIFT = 2; my $RELIEF = 3; my $OIL = 4; my $EDGE = 5; my $BENTLEY = 6; my $BLOCK = 7; my $MIX = 8; # # Set some defaults. # my $nframes = 30; # total number of files created (1 sec) my $first_file = "undefined"; my $last_file = "undefined"; my $base_name = "fade"; # default base name of output files my $image = "ppm"; # default output storage format my $mode = $SPREAD; # default fading mode # # Check those command line args. # if (@ARGV == 0) { usage(); } my $n; # argument number for ($n = 0; $n < @ARGV; $n++) { if ("$ARGV[$n]" eq "-f") { $n++; $first_file = $ARGV[$n]; if (-e $first_file) { } else { print "I can't find $first_file\n"; exit 20; } } elsif ($ARGV[$n] eq "-l") { $n++; $last_file = $ARGV[$n]; if (-e $last_file) { } else { print "I can't find $last_file\n"; exit 20; } } elsif ($ARGV[$n] eq "-base") { $n++; $base_name = $ARGV[$n]; } elsif ($ARGV[$n] eq "-spread") { $mode = $SPREAD; } elsif ($ARGV[$n] eq "-shift") { $mode = $SHIFT; } elsif ($ARGV[$n] eq "-relief") { $mode = $RELIEF; } elsif ($ARGV[$n] eq "-oil") { $mode = $OIL; } elsif ("$ARGV[$n]" eq "-edge") { $mode = $EDGE; } elsif ("$ARGV[$n]" eq "-bentley") { $mode = $BENTLEY; } elsif ("$ARGV[$n]" eq "-block") { $mode = $BLOCK; } elsif ("$ARGV[$n]" eq "-mix") { $mode = $MIX; } elsif ($ARGV[$n] eq "-help" || $ARGV[$n] eq "-h") { usage(); } else { print "Unknown argument: $ARGV[$n]\n"; exit 100; } } # # Define a couple linear ramps. # # We don't use element 0 of these arrays. my @spline10 = (0, 0, 0.11, 0.22, 0.33, 0.44, 0.55, 0.66, 0.77, 0.88, 1.0); my @spline20 = (0, 0, 0.05, 0.11, 0.16, 0.21, 0.26, 0.32, 0.37, 0.42, 0.47, 0.53, 0.58, 0.63, 0.69, 0.74, 0.79, 0.84, 0.89, 0.95, 1.0); # # Just what are we supposed to do? # my ($height, $width); # width and height of our frames if ($first_file ne "undefined") { if ((`pnmfile $first_file` =~ m{\b(\d+)\sby\s(\d+)} )) { $width = $1; $height = $2; } else { print("Unrecognized results from pnmfile on $first_file.\n"); exit(50); } } elsif ($last_file ne "undefined") { if ((`pnmfile $last_file` =~ m{\b(\d+)\sby\s(\d+)} )) { $width = $1; $height = $2; } else { print("Unrecognized results from pnmfile on $first_file.\n"); exit(50); } } else { print("ppmfade: You must specify -f or -l (or both)\n"); exit(90); } print("Frames are " . $width . "W x " . $height . "H\n"); if ($first_file eq "undefined") { print "Fading from black to "; system("ppmmake \\#000 $width $height >junk1$$.ppm"); } else { print "Fading from $first_file to "; system("cp", $first_file, "junk1$$.ppm"); } if ($last_file eq "undefined") { print "black.\n"; system("ppmmake \\#000 $width $height >junk2$$.ppm"); } else { print "$last_file\n"; system("cp", $last_file, "junk2$$.ppm"); } # # Perform the fade. # # Here's what our temporary files are: # junk1$$.ppm: The original (fade-from) image # junk2$$.ppm: The target (fade-from) image # junk3$$.ppm: The frame of the fade for the current iteration of the # the for loop. # junk1a$$.ppm: If the fade involves a ppmmix sequence from one intermediate # image to another, this is the first frame of that # sequence. # junk2a$$.ppm: This is the last frame of the above-mentioned ppmmix sequence my $i; # Frame number for ($i = 1; $i <= $nframes; $i++) { print("Creating $i of $nframes...\n"); if ($mode eq $SPREAD) { if ($i <= 10) { my $n = $spline20[$i] * 100; system("ppmspread $n junk1$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } elsif ($i <= 20) { my $n; $n = $spline20[$i] * 100; system("ppmspread $n junk1$$.ppm >junk1a$$.ppm"); $n = (1-$spline20[$i-10]) * 100; system("ppmspread $n junk2$$.ppm >junk2a$$.ppm"); $n = $spline10[$i-10]; system("ppmmix $n junk1a$$.ppm junk2a$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } else { my $n = (1-$spline20[$i-10])*100; system("ppmspread $n junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } } elsif ($mode eq $SHIFT) { if ($i <= 10) { my $n = $spline20[$i] * 100; system("ppmshift $n junk1$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } elsif ($i <= 20) { my $n; $n = $spline20[$i] * 100; system("ppmshift $n junk1$$.ppm >junk1a$$.ppm"); $n = (1-$spline20[$i-10])*100; system("ppmshift $n junk2$$.ppm >junk2a$$.ppm"); $n = $spline10[$i-10]; system("ppmmix $n junk1a$$.ppm junk2a$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } else { my $n = (1-$spline20[$i-10]) * 100; system("ppmshift $n junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } } elsif ($mode eq $RELIEF) { if ($i == 1) { system("ppmrelief junk1$$.ppm >junk1r$$.ppm"); } if ($i <= 10) { my $n = $spline10[$i]; system("ppmmix $n junk1$$.ppm junk1r$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } elsif ($i <= 20) { my $n = $spline10[$i-10]; system("ppmmix $n junk1r$$.ppm junk2r$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } else { my $n = $spline10[$i-20]; system("ppmmix $n junk2r$$.ppm junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } if ($i == 10) { system("ppmrelief junk2$$.ppm >junk2r$$.ppm"); } } elsif ($mode eq $OIL) { if ($i == 1) { system("ppmtopgm junk1$$.ppm | pgmoil >junko$$.ppm"); system("rgb3toppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm " . ">junk1o$$.ppm"); } if ($i <= 10) { my $n = $spline10[$i]; system("ppmmix $n junk1$$.ppm junk1o$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } elsif ($i <= 20) { my $n = $spline10[$i-10]; system("ppmmix $n junk1o$$.ppm junk2o$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } else { my $n = $spline10[$i-20]; system("ppmmix $n junk2o$$.ppm junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } if ($i == 10) { system("ppmtopgm junk2$$.ppm | pgmoil >junko$$.ppm"); system("rgb3toppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm " . ">junk2o$$.ppm"); } } elsif ($mode eq $EDGE) { if ($i == 1) { system("ppmtopgm junk1$$.ppm | pgmedge >junko$$.ppm"); system("rgb3toppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm " . ">junk1o$$.ppm"); } if ($i <= 10) { my $n = $spline10[$i]; system("ppmmix $n junk1$$.ppm junk1o$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } elsif ($i <= 20) { my $n = $spline10[$i-10]; system("ppmmix $n junk1o$$.ppm junk2o$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } else { my $n = $spline10[$i-20]; system("ppmmix $n junk2o$$.ppm junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } if ($i == 10) { system("ppmtopgm junk2$$.ppm | pgmedge >junko$$.ppm"); system("rgb3toppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm " . ">junk2o$$.ppm"); } } elsif ($mode eq $BENTLEY) { if ($i == 1) { system("ppmtopgm junk1$$.ppm | pgmbentley >junko$$.ppm"); system("rgb3toppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm " . ">junk1o$$.ppm"); } if ($i <= 10) { my $n = $spline10[$i]; system("ppmmix $n junk1$$.ppm junk1o$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } elsif ($i <= 20) { my $n = $spline10[$i-10]; system("ppmmix $n junk1o$$.ppm junk2o$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } else { my $n = $spline10[$i-20]; system("ppmmix $n junk2o$$.ppm junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } if ($i == 10) { system("ppmtopgm junk2$$.ppm | pgmbentley >junko$$.ppm"); system("rgb3toppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm junko$$.ppm " . ">junk2o$$.ppm"); } } elsif ($mode eq $BLOCK) { if ($i <= 10) { my $n = 1 - 1.9*$spline20[$i]; system("pnmscale $n junk1$$.ppm | " . "pnmscale -width $width -height $height >junk3$$.ppm"); } elsif ($i <= 20) { my $n = $spline10[$i-10]; system("ppmmix $n junk1a$$.ppm junk2a$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } else { my $n = 1 - 1.9*$spline20[31-$i]; system("pnmscale $n junk2$$.ppm | " . "pnmscale -width $width -height $height >junk3$$.ppm"); } if ($i == 10) { system("cp", "junk3$$.ppm", "junk1a$$.ppm"); system("pnmscale $n junk2$$.ppm | " . "pnmscale -width $width -height $height >junk2a$$.ppm"); } } elsif ($mode eq $MIX) { my $fade_factor = sqrt(1/($nframes-$i+1)); system("ppmmix $fade_factor junk1$$.ppm junk2$$.ppm >junk3$$.ppm"); } else { print("Internal error: impossible mode value '$mode'\n"); } my $outfile = sprintf("%s.%04d.ppm", $base_name, $i); system("cp", "junk3$$.ppm", $outfile); } # # Clean up shop. # system("rm junk*$$.ppm"); exit(0); sub usage() { print "Usage: ppmfade [-f first_file] [-l last_file]\n"; print " [-spread|-relief|-oil|-edge|-bentley|-block]\n"; print " [-base basename]\n"; print "Notes: Default base: fade\n"; print " The resulting image files will be named fade.NNNN.ppm.\n"; exit(100); }