pbmtolps(1) pbmtolps(1) NNAAMMEE pbmtolps - convert portable bitmap to PostScript SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS pbmtolps [ -dpi n ] [ pbmfile ] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Reads a portable bitmap as input, and outputs PostScript. The output Postscript uses lines instead of the image operator to generate a (device dependent) picture which will be imaged much faster. The Postscript path length is constrained to be less that 1000 points so that no limits are overrun on the Apple Laserwriter and (presumably) no other printers. SSEEEE AALLSSOO ppbbmm(5), ppnnmmttooppss(1), ppssttooppnnmm(1), ppbbmmttooeeppssii(1), ppssiidd-- ttooppggmm(1), ggss(1) AAUUTTHHOORR George Phillips 12 Dec 1990 1