pgmslice(1) pgmslice(1) NNAAMMEE pgmslice - extract one line of pixel values out of a portable graymap SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ppggmmsslliiccee --rrooww|--ccooll _l_i_n_e [_p_g_m_f_i_l_e] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Extracts one line of pixel values out of a portable graymap and outputs it in a two column ascii format, with the first value being the pixel's position in the line and the second value the pixel's greyscale value. This is use- ful for making cross sections through, for example, greyscale CCD images. OOPPTTIIOONNSS --rrooww Extract a row of pixels --ccooll Extract a column of pixels SSEEEE AALLSSOO pgm(5) AAUUTTHHOORR pgmslice was written by Jos Dingjan after being unable to find the source code to Marco Beijersber- gen's program with the same name. 22 May 2000 1