zeisstopnm(1) zeisstopnm(1) NNAAMMEE zeisstopnm - convert a Zeiss confocal file into a portable anymap SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS zzeeiissssttooppnnmm [_-_p_g_m | _-_p_p_m] [_z_e_i_s_s_f_i_l_e] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Reads a Zeiss confocal file as input. Produces a portable anymap as output. The type of the output file depends on the input file - if it's grayscale a _p_g_m file, else a _p_p_m file will be produced. The program tells you which type it is writing. OOPPTTIIOONNSS --ppggmm Force the output to be a _p_g_m file. --ppppmm Force the output to be a _p_p_m file. SSEEEE AALLSSOO pnm(5) AAUUTTHHOORR Copyright (C) 1993 by Oliver Trepte 15 June 1993 1