/* libpgm1.c - pgm utility library part 1 ** ** Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer. ** ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its ** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that ** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting ** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or ** implied warranty. */ #define _POSIX_SOURCE /* This makes sure fileno() is in stdio.h */ /* On some systems, all the POSIX declarations we need are there without _POSIX_SOURCE, so we just undefine it. */ #if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__bsdi__) #undef _POSIX_SOURCE #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include "pgm.h" #include "libpgm.h" #include "pbm.h" #include "libpbm.h" void pgm_init( argcP, argv ) int* argcP; char* argv[]; { pbm_init( argcP, argv ); } void pgm_nextimage(FILE *file, int * const eofP) { pm_nextimage(file, eofP); } void pgm_readpgminitrest( file, colsP, rowsP, maxvalP ) FILE* file; int* colsP; int* rowsP; gray* maxvalP; { int maxval; /* Read size. */ *colsP = pbm_getint( file ); *rowsP = pbm_getint( file ); /* Read maxval. */ maxval = pbm_getint( file ); if ( maxval > PGM_OVERALLMAXVAL ) pm_error( "maxval is too large. The largest we can handle is %d.", PGM_OVERALLMAXVAL ); *maxvalP = maxval; } void pgm_readpgminit( file, colsP, rowsP, maxvalP, formatP ) FILE* file; int* colsP; int* rowsP; int* formatP; gray* maxvalP; { /* Check magic number. */ *formatP = pbm_readmagicnumber( file ); switch ( PGM_FORMAT_TYPE(*formatP) ) { case PGM_TYPE: pgm_readpgminitrest( file, colsP, rowsP, maxvalP ); break; case PBM_TYPE: pbm_readpbminitrest( file, colsP, rowsP ); *maxvalP = 1; break; default: pm_error( "bad magic number - not a pgm or pbm file" ); } } gray pgm_getrawsample(FILE *file, const gray maxval) { if (maxval < 256) { /* The sample is just one byte. Read it. */ return(pbm_getrawbyte(file)); } else { /* The sample is two bytes. Read both. */ unsigned char byte_pair[2]; size_t pairs_read; pairs_read = fread(&byte_pair, 2, 1, file); if (pairs_read == 0) pm_error("EOF /read error while reading a long sample"); /* This could be a few instructions faster if exploited the internal format (i.e. endianness) of a pixval. Then we might be able to skip the shifting and oring. */ return((byte_pair[0]<<8) | byte_pair[1]); } } #if __STDC__ void pgm_readpgmrow( FILE* file, gray* grayrow, int cols, gray maxval, int format ) #else /*__STDC__*/ void pgm_readpgmrow( file, grayrow, cols, maxval, format ) FILE* file; gray* grayrow; int cols; gray maxval; int format; #endif /*__STDC__*/ { register int col; register gray* gP; bit* bitrow; register bit* bP; switch ( format ) { case PGM_FORMAT: for ( col = 0, gP = grayrow; col < cols; ++col, ++gP ) { *gP = pbm_getint( file ); #ifdef DEBUG if ( *gP > maxval ) pm_error( "value out of bounds (%u > %u)", *gP, maxval ); #endif /*DEBUG*/ } break; case RPGM_FORMAT: for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { grayrow[col] = pgm_getrawsample( file, maxval ); #ifdef DEBUG if ( grayrow[col] > maxval ) pm_error( "value out of bounds (%u > %u)", grawrow[col], maxval ); #endif /*DEBUG*/ } break; case PBM_FORMAT: case RPBM_FORMAT: bitrow = pbm_allocrow( cols ); pbm_readpbmrow( file, bitrow, cols, format ); for ( col = 0, gP = grayrow, bP = bitrow; col < cols; ++col, ++gP, ++bP ) *gP = ( *bP == PBM_WHITE ) ? maxval : 0; pbm_freerow( bitrow ); break; default: pm_error( "can't happen" ); } } gray** pgm_readpgm( file, colsP, rowsP, maxvalP ) FILE* file; int* colsP; int* rowsP; gray* maxvalP; { gray** grays; int row; int format; pgm_readpgminit( file, colsP, rowsP, maxvalP, &format ); grays = pgm_allocarray( *colsP, *rowsP ); for ( row = 0; row < *rowsP; ++row ) pgm_readpgmrow( file, grays[row], *colsP, *maxvalP, format ); return grays; } void pgm_check(FILE * file, const enum pm_check_type check_type, const int format, const int cols, const int rows, const int maxval, enum pm_check_code * const retval_p) { if (check_type != PM_CHECK_BASIC) { if (retval_p) *retval_p = PM_CHECK_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } else if (PGM_FORMAT_TYPE(format) == PBM_TYPE) { pbm_check(file, check_type, format, cols, rows, retval_p); } else if (format != RPGM_FORMAT) { if (retval_p) *retval_p = PM_CHECK_UNCHECKABLE; } else { const unsigned int bytes_per_row = cols * (maxval > 255 ? 2 : 1); const unsigned int need_raster_size = rows * bytes_per_row; pm_check(file, check_type, need_raster_size, retval_p); } }