/* pnmsmooth.c - smooth out an image by replacing each pixel with the ** average of its width x height neighbors. ** ** Version 2.0 December 5, 1994 ** ** Copyright (C) 1994 by Mike Burns (burns@chem.psu.edu) ** ** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its ** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that ** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting ** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or ** implied warranty. */ /* Version 2.0 - December 5, 1994 ** ------------------------------ ** Rewrote as a C program that accepts a few options instead of a shell ** script with no options. ** */ #define _BSD_SOURCE 1 /* This makes sure that mkstemp() is in unistd.h */ #include #include #include "pnm.h" #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 int main( argc, argv ) int argc; char* argv[]; { FILE *cofp; #define TMPFILE_TEMPLATE "/tmp/pnmsmooth.XXXXXX" char tempfn[sizeof(TMPFILE_TEMPLATE)]; char *pnmfn; int argn; int format, forceplain; int cols, rows; int pid, status; int DUMPFLAG = FALSE; char *usage = "[-size width height] [-dump dumpfile] [pnmfile]"; pnm_init( &argc, argv ); /* set up defaults */ cols = 3; rows = 3; format = PGM_FORMAT; forceplain = 1; pnmfn = (char *) 0; /* initialize to NULL just in case */ argn = 1; while ( argn < argc && argv[argn][0] == '-' && argv[argn][1] != '\0' ) { if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-size", 2 ) ) { ++argn; if ( argn+1 >= argc ) { pm_message( "incorrect number of arguments for -size option" ); pm_usage( usage ); } else if ( argv[argn][0] == '-' || argv[argn+1][0] == '-' ) { pm_message( "invalid arguments to -size option: %s %s", argv[argn], argv[argn+1] ); pm_usage( usage ); } if ( (cols = atoi(argv[argn])) == 0 ) pm_error( "invalid width size specification: %s", argv[argn] ); ++argn; if ( (rows = atoi(argv[argn])) == 0 ) pm_error( "invalid height size specification: %s",argv[argn] ); if ( cols % 2 != 1 || rows % 2 != 1 ) pm_error( "the convolution matrix must have an odd number of rows and columns" ); } else if ( pm_keymatch( argv[argn], "-dump", 2 ) ) { ++argn; if ( argn >= argc ) { pm_message( "missing argument to -dump option" ); pm_usage( usage ); } else if ( argv[argn][0] == '-' ) { pm_message( "invalid argument to -dump option: %s", argv[argn] ); pm_usage( usage ); } cofp = pm_openw( argv[argn] ); DUMPFLAG = TRUE; } else pm_usage( usage ); ++argn; } /* Only get file name if given on command line to pass through to ** pnmconvol. If filename is coming from stdin, pnmconvol will read it. */ if ( argn < argc ) { pnmfn = argv[argn]; ++argn; } if ( argn != argc ) pm_usage( usage ); if ( !DUMPFLAG ) { int fd; strcpy(tempfn, TMPFILE_TEMPLATE); fd = mkstemp(tempfn); if (fd == -1) pm_error( "could not create temporary convolution file" ); if ( (cofp = pm_openw(tempfn)) == NULL ) pm_error( "could not create temporary convolution file" ); } { const xelval convmaxval = rows * cols * 2; /* normalizing factor for our convolution matrix */ const xelval g = rows * cols + 1; /* weight of all pixels in our convolution matrix */ int col, row; xel *outputrow; if ( convmaxval > PNM_OVERALLMAXVAL ) pm_error("The convolution matrix is too large. " "Width x Height x 2\n" "must not exceed %d and it is %d.", PNM_OVERALLMAXVAL, convmaxval); pnm_writepnminit( cofp, cols, rows, convmaxval, format, forceplain ); outputrow = pnm_allocrow( cols ); for ( row = 0; row < rows; ++ row ) { for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col ) PNM_ASSIGN1( outputrow[col], g ); pnm_writepnmrow( cofp, outputrow, cols, convmaxval, format, forceplain ); } pm_close( cofp ); pnm_freerow( outputrow ); } /* If we're only going to dump the file, now is the time to stop. */ if ( DUMPFLAG ) exit( 0 ); /* fork a child process */ if ( (pid = fork()) < 0 ) pm_error( "fork" ); /* child process executes following code */ if ( pid == 0 ) { /* If pnmfile name is not given on command line, then pnmfn will be ** (char *) 0 and the arglist will terminate there. */ execlp( "pnmconvol", "pnmconvol", tempfn, pnmfn, (char *) 0 ); pm_error( "error executing pnmconvol command" ); } /* wait for child to finish */ while ( wait(&status) != pid ) ; unlink( tempfn ); exit( 0 ); }