This is version 1.0 of pnmpalm, netpbm converters for Palm pixmaps. It's derived from version 1.0 of ppmtoTbmp. The original 'ppmtoTbmp' program has been renamed 'pnmtopalm', and has been rewritten to handle the various bitmaps that exist as of PalmOS 3.5, and to handle colormaps, a transparent color, and the various compression formats recognized by Palm OS. The 'Tbmptopnm' program is now 'palmtopnm', and has been updated to handle the various newer bitmap formats as well. Man pages for 'pnmtopalm' and 'palmtopnm' have been added. See those man pages for more information. Note that command-line switches have changed. As with Tbmptoppm, ppm images must be quantified properly before being passed to pnmtopalm. Several colormap files are provided to use for this: - -- 1-bit grayscale (i.e. monochrome) - -- 2-bit grayscale - -- 4-bit grayscale - -- 8-bit color, using the default color palette -- Bill Janssen The original ppmtoTbmp README read as follows: This is version 1.0 of ppmtoTbmp, a ppm to Pilot bitmap converter. To compile it, you'll need the netpbm package. Last I checked, it was available at "". Change the Makefile to point to the directory that contains the netpbm header files, and make. Usage: ppmtoTbmp [-2bit] [file.ppm] If the ppm file is not specified, one is read from stdin. The -2bit option produces a 2-bit bitmap instead of the normal 1-bit bitmap. The ppm must have at most 4 colours in it (for 2-bit) or at most 2 colours (for 1-bit). Common invokations might be: xbmtopbm icon.xbm | ppmquant -fs -map | ppmtoTbmp > tAIB03e8.bin giftopnm image.gif | ppmquant -fs -map | ppmtoTbmp -2bit > Tbmp0bb8.bin ( and are trivial 2 and 4 colour maps, respectively, and are included in this distribution.) To include the resulting bitmap in a .prc file, just name the output tAIB03e8.bin (for an application icon) or Tbmpxxxx.bin (for a form bitmap, where xxxx is replaced by four hex digits giving the bitmap ID). I'll probably make Tbmptopnm later, and put it in the 1.1 release. - Ian Goldberg