.TH bmptoppm 1 "08 June 2000" .IX bmptoppm .SH NAME bmptoppm \- convert a BMP file into a portable pixmap .SH SYNOPSIS .B bmptoppm .RI [ bmpfile ] .SH DESCRIPTION Reads a Microsoft Windows or OS/2 BMP file as input. .IX BMP Produces a portable pixmap as output. This program cannot convert BMP files with compressed (run length encoded) image data. It recognizes the compression and issues an error message. This program cannot convert BMP files with 16 bits per pixel (only because the author did not have a complete specification for them). It recognizes the format and issues an error message. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR ppmtobmp (1), .BR ppmtowinicon (1), .BR ppm (5) .SH AUTHOR Copyright (C) 1992 by David W. Sanderson. .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and .\" its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, .\" provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and .\" that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in .\" supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without .\" express or implied warranty.