This are some examples of the use of hpcdtoppm, insert one of your images where a filename as img0010.pcd is used. "postscriptprinter" means something on your machine, what prints postscript output on paper. "xv" is a program for viewing images on X11. hpcdtoppm img0005.pcd img0005.ppm converts the image img0005.pcd to the ppm-format with resolution 128x192. Output into the file img0005.ppm hpcdtoppm -3 -crop img0005.pcd | xv - removes a black frame (some images are scanned with a black frame) and displays the image with resolution 512x768 on a X11-display (24-bit if possible). hpcdtoppm -l -5 -s -pgm img0005.pcd img0005.pgm turns the images counter-clockwise to portrait, converts to the 2048x3072 resolution, applies a sharpness-operator and writes it as 8-Bit-grayscale pgm to the file img0005.pgm. hpcdtoppm -l -5 -c+ -psd img0005.pcd corrects the images brighter and converts to a 2048x3072 dithered postscript image. Fits on a sheet of paper if used on a 300dpi printer. hpcdtoppm -s -S 1300-1850 1000-1260 -5 img0010.pcd | xv -8 - displays a small subrectangle of the high resolution an your x11 screen. hpcdtoppm -c+ -l -s -S 1300-1850 1000-1260 -5 -psd -pw 500 -dpi 300 img0010.pcd | postscriptprinter prints out a dithered small subrectangle of your image. hpcdtoppm -c+ -C 6 l -psd -dpi 300 -pw 500 overview.pcd |postscriptprinter prints an index print; play with the number 6. hpcdtoppm -c+ -C 4 n -psd -dpi 300 -pw 500 overview.pcd |postscriptprinter something similar