/*===========================================================================* * opts.c * * * * Special C code to handle TUNEing options * * * * EXPORTED PROCEDURES: * * Tune_Init * * CollectQuantStats * * * *===========================================================================*/ /* * Copyright (c) 1995 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without written agreement is * hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and the following * two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ /*==============* * HEADER FILES * *==============*/ #include #include #include #include #include "opts.h" /*==============* * EXTERNALS * *==============*/ extern char outputFileName[]; extern boolean pureDCT; extern int32 qtable[], niqtable[]; extern int ZAG[]; extern boolean printSNR, decodeRefFrames; void init_idctref _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); void init_fdct _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); /*===================* * GLOBALS MADE HERE * *===================*/ boolean tuneingOn = FALSE; int block_bound = 128; boolean collect_quant = FALSE; int collect_quant_detailed = 0; FILE *collect_quant_fp; int kill_dim = FALSE; int kill_dim_break, kill_dim_end; float kill_dim_slope; int SearchCompareMode = DEFAULT_SEARCH; boolean squash_small_differences = FALSE; int SquashMaxLum, SquashMaxChr; float LocalDCTRateScale = 1.0, LocalDCTDistortScale = 1.0; boolean IntraPBAllowed = TRUE; boolean WriteDistortionNumbers = FALSE; int collect_distortion_detailed = 0; FILE *distortion_fp; FILE *fp_table_rate[31], *fp_table_dist[31]; boolean DoLaplace = FALSE; double **L1, **L2, **Lambdas; int LaplaceNum, LaplaceCnum; boolean BSkipBlocks = TRUE; /*====================* * Internal Prototypes* *====================*/ void SetupCollectQuantStats _ANSI_ARGS_((char *charPtr)); void SetupSquashSmall _ANSI_ARGS_ ((char *charPtr)); void SetupKillDimAreas _ANSI_ARGS_((char *charPtr)); void SetupLocalDCT _ANSI_ARGS_((char *charPtr)); void SetupWriteDistortions _ANSI_ARGS_((char *charPtr)); void SetupLaplace _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); void CalcLambdas _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); void Mpost_UnQuantZigBlockLaplace _ANSI_ARGS_((FlatBlock in, Block out, int qscale, boolean iblock)); /* define this as it too much of a pain to find toupper on different arch'es */ #define ASCII_TOUPPER(c) ((c>='a') && (c<='z')) ? c-'a'+'A' : c /*=====================* * EXPORTED PROCEDURES * *=====================*/ /*===========================================================================* * * Tune_Init * * Do any setup needed before coding stream * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: varies * *===========================================================================*/ void Tune_Init() { int i; /* Just check for each, and do whats needed */ if (collect_quant) { if (!pureDCT) { pureDCT = TRUE; init_idctref(); init_fdct(); } fprintf(collect_quant_fp, "# %s\n", outputFileName); fprintf(collect_quant_fp, "#"); for (i=0; i<64; i++) fprintf(collect_quant_fp, " %d", qtable[i]); fprintf(collect_quant_fp, "\n#"); for (i=0; i<64; i++) fprintf(collect_quant_fp, " %d", niqtable[i]); fprintf(collect_quant_fp, "\n# %d %d %d\n\n", GetIQScale(), GetPQScale(), GetBQScale()); } if (DoLaplace) { if (!pureDCT) { pureDCT = TRUE; init_idctref(); init_fdct(); } decodeRefFrames = TRUE; printSNR = TRUE; } } /*===========================================================================* * * ParseTuneParam * * Handle the strings following TUNE * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: varies * *===========================================================================*/ void ParseTuneParam(charPtr) char *charPtr; { switch (ASCII_TOUPPER(*charPtr)) { case 'B': if (1 != sscanf(charPtr+2, "%d", &block_bound)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid tuning parameter (b) in parameter file.\n"); } break; case 'C': SetupCollectQuantStats(charPtr+2); break; case 'D': SetupLocalDCT(SkipSpacesTabs(charPtr+1)); break; case 'K': SetupKillDimAreas(SkipSpacesTabs(charPtr+1)); break; case 'L': SetupLaplace(); break; case 'N': SearchCompareMode = NO_DC_SEARCH; break; case 'Q': SearchCompareMode = DO_Mean_Squared_Distortion; break; case 'S': SetupSquashSmall(SkipSpacesTabs(charPtr+1)); break; case 'W': SetupWriteDistortions(SkipSpacesTabs(charPtr+1)); break; case 'U': BSkipBlocks = FALSE; break; case 'Z': IntraPBAllowed = FALSE; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown tuning (%s) in parameter file.\n",charPtr); break; } } /*===============* * Internals * *===============*/ /*===========================================================================* * * SetupCollectQuantStats * * Setup variables to collect statistics on quantization values * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: sets collect_quant and collect_quant_fp * *===========================================================================*/ void SetupCollectQuantStats(charPtr) char *charPtr; { char fname[256], *cp; cp = charPtr; while ( (*cp != ' ') && (*cp != '\t') && (*cp != '\n')) { cp++; } strncpy(fname, charPtr, cp-charPtr); fname[cp-charPtr] = '\0'; collect_quant = TRUE; if ((collect_quant_fp = fopen(fname,"w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s for quant statistics\n", fname); fprintf(stderr, "Using stdout (ick!)\n"); collect_quant_fp = stdout; } cp = SkipSpacesTabs(cp); if (*cp != '\n') { switch (*cp) { case 'c': collect_quant_detailed = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown TUNE parameter setting format %s\n", cp); }} } /*===========================================================================* * * SetupKillDimAreas * * Do a transform on small lum values * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: sets kill_dim, kill_dim_break, kill_dim_end * *===========================================================================*/ void SetupKillDimAreas(charPtr) char *charPtr; { int items_scanned; kill_dim = TRUE; items_scanned = sscanf(charPtr, "%d %d %f", &kill_dim_break, &kill_dim_end, &kill_dim_slope); if (items_scanned != 3) { kill_dim_slope = 0.25; items_scanned = sscanf(charPtr, "%d %d", &kill_dim_break, &kill_dim_end); if (items_scanned != 2) { /* Use defaults */ kill_dim_break = 20; kill_dim_end = 25; } } /* check values */ if (kill_dim_break > kill_dim_end) { fprintf(stderr, "TUNE parameter k: break > end is illegal.\n"); exit(-1); } if (kill_dim_slope < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "TUNE parameter k: slope < 0 is illegal.\n"); exit(-1); } } /*===========================================================================* * * SetupSquashSmall * * Setup encoder to squash small changes in Y or Cr/Cb values * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: sets squash_max_differences SquashMaxLum SquashMaxChr * *===========================================================================*/ void SetupSquashSmall(charPtr) char *charPtr; { squash_small_differences = TRUE; if (sscanf(charPtr, "%d %d", &SquashMaxLum, &SquashMaxChr) == 1) { /* Only set one, do both */ SquashMaxChr = SquashMaxLum; } } /*===========================================================================* * * SetupLocalDCT * * Setup encoder to use DCT for rate-distortion estimat ein Psearches * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: sets SearchCompareMode and * can change LocalDCTRateScale, LocalDCTDistortScale * *===========================================================================*/ void SetupLocalDCT(charPtr) char *charPtr; { int num_scales=0; SearchCompareMode = LOCAL_DCT; /* Set scaling factors if present */ num_scales = sscanf(charPtr, "%f %f", &LocalDCTRateScale, &LocalDCTDistortScale); if (num_scales == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of scaling factors for local DCT\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Must specify Rate Scale and Distorion scale (both floats)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Continuing with 1.0 1.0\n"); LocalDCTRateScale = 1.0; LocalDCTDistortScale = 1.0; } } /*===========================================================================* * * SetupLaplace * * Setup encoder to find distrubution for I-frames, and use for -snr * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: sets DoLaplace, L1, L2, and Lambdas * *===========================================================================*/ void SetupLaplace() { int i; DoLaplace = TRUE; LaplaceNum = 0; L1 = (double **)malloc(sizeof(double *)*3); L2 = (double **)malloc(sizeof(double *)*3); Lambdas = (double **)malloc(sizeof(double *)*3); if (L1 == NULL || L2 == NULL || Lambdas == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory!!!\n"); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { L1[i] = (double *)calloc(64, sizeof(double)); L2[i] = (double *)calloc(64, sizeof(double)); Lambdas[i] = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * 64); if (L1[i] == NULL || L2[i] == NULL || Lambdas[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory!!!\n"); exit(1); } } } void CalcLambdas() { int i,j,n; double var; n = LaplaceNum; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) { var = (n*L1[i][j] + L2[i][j]*L2[i][j]) / (n*(n-1)); Lambdas[i][j] = sqrt(2.0) / sqrt(var); } } } /*===========================================================================* * * Mpost_UnQuantZigBlockLaplace * * unquantize and zig-zag (decode) a single block, using the distrib to get vals * Iblocks only now * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: none * *===========================================================================*/ void Mpost_UnQuantZigBlockLaplace(in, out, qscale, iblock) FlatBlock in; Block out; int qscale; boolean iblock; { register int index; int position; register int qentry; int level, coeff; double low, high; double mid,lam; /* qtable[0] must be 8 */ out[0][0] = (int16)(in[0] * 8); for ( index = 1; index < DCTSIZE_SQ; index++ ) { position = ZAG[index]; level = in[index]; if (level == 0) { ((int16 *)out)[position] = 0; continue; } qentry = qtable[position] * qscale; coeff = (level*qentry)/8; low = ((ABS(level)-.5)*qentry)/8; high = ((ABS(level)+.5)*qentry)/8; lam = Lambdas[LaplaceCnum][position]; mid = (1.0/lam) * log(0.5*(exp(-lam*low)+exp(-lam*high))); mid = ABS(mid); if (mid - floor(mid) > .4999) { mid = ceil(mid); } else { mid = floor(mid); } if (level<0) {mid = -mid;} /*printf("(%2.1lf-%2.1lf): old: %d vs %d\n",low,high,coeff,(int) mid);*/ coeff = mid; if ( (coeff & 1) == 0 ) { if ( coeff < 0 ) { coeff++; } else if ( coeff > 0 ) { coeff--; } } ((int16 *)out)[position] = coeff; } } void SetupWriteDistortions(charPtr) char *charPtr; { char fname[256], *cp; int i; WriteDistortionNumbers = TRUE; cp = charPtr; while ( (*cp != ' ') && (*cp != '\t') && (*cp != '\n')) { cp++; } strncpy(fname, charPtr, cp-charPtr); fname[cp-charPtr] = '\0'; collect_quant = TRUE; if ((distortion_fp = fopen(fname,"w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s for quant statistics\n", fname); fprintf(stderr, "Using stdout (ick!)\n"); distortion_fp = stdout; } cp = SkipSpacesTabs(cp); if (*cp != '\n') { switch (*cp) { case 'c': collect_distortion_detailed = TRUE; break; case 't': { char scratch[256]; collect_distortion_detailed = 2; for (i = 1; i < 32; i++) { sprintf(scratch, "%srate%d", fname, i); fp_table_rate[i-1] = fopen(scratch, "w"); sprintf(scratch, "%sdist%d", fname, i); fp_table_dist[i-1] = fopen(scratch, "w"); }} break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown TUNE parameter setting format %s\n", cp); }} } int mse(blk1, blk2) Block blk1, blk2; { register int index, error, tmp; int16 *bp1, *bp2; bp1 = (int16 *)blk1; bp2 = (int16 *)blk2; error = 0; for ( index = 0; index < DCTSIZE_SQ; index++ ) { tmp = *bp1++ - *bp2++; error += tmp*tmp; } return error; }