/*============================================================================* * rate.c * * * * Procedures concerned with rate control * * * * EXPORTED PROCEDURES: * * initRatecontrol() * * targetRateControl() * * updateRateControl() * * MB_RateOut() * * needQScaleChange() * * incNumBlocks() * * incQuant() * * incMacroBlockBits() * * setPictureRate() * * setBitRate() * * getBitRate() * * setBufferSize() * * getBufferSize() * * * * NOTES: * * Naming conventions follow those of MPEG-2 draft algorithm (chap. 10) * *============================================================================*/ /* * Copyright (c) 1995 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without written agreement is * hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and the following * two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ /*==============* * HEADER FILES * *==============*/ #include #include "all.h" #include "mtypes.h" #include "bitio.h" #include "frames.h" #include "prototypes.h" #include "param.h" #include "mheaders.h" #include "fsize.h" #include "postdct.h" #include "mpeg.h" #include "parallel.h" #include "dct.h" #include "rate.h" /*==================* * GLOBAL VARIABLES * *==================*/ #define MAX_BIT_RATE 104857600 /* 18 digit number in units of 400 */ #define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 16760832 /* 10 digit number in units of 16k */ #define DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE 327680 /* maximun for "constrained" bitstream */ #define DEFAULT_VBV_FULLNESS 3 /* wait till 1/3 full */ #define DEFAULT_PICT_RATE_CODE 5 /* code for 30 Frames/sec */ #define DEFAULT_PICT_RATE 30 /* 30 frames per second */ #define MAX_VBV_DELAY 32768 /* 16 digits */ /* Variables from Parameter File */ static int RateControlMode = VARIABLE_RATE; static int32 buffer_size = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; static int32 bit_rate = -1; /* Variables for the VBV buffer defined in MPEG specs */ static int32 VBV_delay =0; /* delay in units of 1/90000 seconds */ static int32 VBV_buffer = 0; /* fullness of the theoretical VBV buffer */ static int32 bufferFillRate = 0; /* constant rate at which buffer filled */ static int32 frameDelayIncrement = 0; /* number of "delay" units/Frame */ /* Global complexity measure variables */ static int Xi, Xp, Xb; /* Global complexity measure */ static int Si, Sp, Sb; /* Total # bits for last pict of type (Overhead?) */ static float Qi, Qp, Qb; /* avg quantizaton for last picture of type */ /* Target bit allocations for each type of picture*/ int Ti, Tp, Tb; int current_Tx; /* allocation for current frame */ /* Count of number of pictures of each type remaining */ int GOP_X = 0; int GOP_I = 0; int GOP_P = 0; int GOP_B = 0; int Nx = 0; int Ni = 0; int Np = 0; int Nb = 0; /* Counters used while encoding frames */ int rc_numBlocks = 0; int rc_totalQuant = 0; int rc_bitsThisMB; int rc_totalMBBits; int rc_totalFrameBits; int rc_totalOverheadBits = 0; /* Want to print out Macroblock info every Nth MB */ int RC_MB_SAMPLE_RATE = 0; static float Ki = .7; static float Kp = 1; static float Kb = 1.4; static int rc_R; static int rc_G; /* Rate Control variables */ /* Virtual buffers for each frame type */ static int d0_i; /* Initial fullnesses */ static int d0_p; static int d0_b; static int lastFrameVirtBuf; /* fullness after last frame of this type */ static int currentVirtBuf; /* fullness during current encoding*/ static int MB_cnt = -1; /* Number of MB's in picture */ static int rc_Q; /* reference quantization parameter */ static int reactionParameter; /* Reaction parameter */ /* Adaptive Quantization variables */ static int act_j; /* spatial activity measure */ static float N_act; /* Normalised spacial activity */ static int avg_act; /* average activity value in last picture encoded */ static int total_act_j; /* Sum of activity values in current frame */ static int var_sblk; /* sub-block activity */ static int P_mean; /* Mean value of pixels in 8x8 sub-block */ static int mquant; /* Raw Quantization value */ static int Qscale; /* Clipped, truncated quantization value */ /* Output-related variables */ #ifdef RC_STATS_FILE static FILE *RC_FILE; #endif static char *Frame_header1 = " Fm # Bit GOP V "; static char *Frame_header2 = " # type MBs Alloc left Ni Np Nb N_act buff Q_rc Qscale"; static char *Frame_header3 = "---- - ---- ------ ------- -- -- -- ----- ------ ---- ----"; static char *Frame_trailer1 = " avg virt % GOP % VBV"; static char *Frame_trailer2 = " Sx Qx Xx act N_act buffer alloc left left buf delay"; static char *Frame_trailer3 = "------ --.-- ------- --- --.-- ------- --- ------- --- ------- ------"; static char *MB_header1 = "MB# #bits Q mqt Dj Q_j actj N_act totbits b/MB %alloc %done"; static char *MB_header2 = "--- ----- -- --- ------ --- ----- --.-- ------ ---- --- ---"; static char rc_buffer[101]; /* EXTERNAL Variables */ extern char *framePattern; extern int framePatternLen; /*===============================* * INTERNAL PROCEDURE prototypes * *===============================*/ int initGOPRateControl _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); int determineMBCount _ANSI_ARGS_((void)); void checkBufferFullness _ANSI_ARGS_((int count)); void checkSpatialActivity _ANSI_ARGS_((Block blk0, Block blk1, Block blk2, Block blk3)); void incNumBlocks _ANSI_ARGS_((int num)); void calculateVBVDelay _ANSI_ARGS_((int num)); void updateVBVBuffer _ANSI_ARGS_((int frameBits)); int BlockExperiments _ANSI_ARGS_((int16 *OrigBlock, int16 *NewBlock, int control)); /*=====================* * EXPORTED PROCEDURES * *=====================*/ /*===========================================================================* * * initRateControl * * initialize the allocation parameters. * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: many global variables * * NOTES: Get rid of the redundant pattern stuff!! *===========================================================================*/ int initRateControl() { int index; int result; DBG_PRINT(("\tInitializing Allocation Data\n")); #ifdef RC_STATS_FILE RC_FILE = fopen("RC_STATS_FILE", "w"); if ( RC_FILE == NULL) { DBG_PRINT(("\tOpen of RC file failed, using stderr\n")); RC_FILE = stderr; fprintf(RC_FILE, "\tOpen of RC file failed, using stderr\n"); fflush(RC_FILE); } #endif /* Initialize Pattern info */ GOP_X = framePatternLen; for ( index = 0; index < framePatternLen; index++ ) { switch( framePattern[index] ) { case 'i': GOP_I++; break; case 'p': GOP_P++; break; case 'b': GOP_B++; break; default: printf("\n\tERROR rate.c - BAD PATTERN!\n"); RateControlMode = VARIABLE_RATE; return (0); } } if (GOP_X != (GOP_I + GOP_P + GOP_B )) { printf("\n\tERROR rate.c - Pattern Length Mismatch\n"); RateControlMode = VARIABLE_RATE; return (-1); } /* Initializing GOP bit allocation */ rc_R = 0; rc_G = (bit_rate * GOP_X/frameRateRounded); /* Initialize the "global complexity measures" */ Xi = (160 * bit_rate/115); Xp = (60 * bit_rate/115); Xb = (42 * bit_rate/115); /* Initialize MB counters */ rc_totalMBBits= rc_bitsThisMB= rc_totalFrameBits=rc_totalOverheadBits = 0; rc_numBlocks = rc_totalQuant = 0; /* init virtual buffers */ reactionParameter = (2 * bit_rate / frameRateRounded); d0_i = (10 * reactionParameter / 31); d0_p = (Kp * d0_i); d0_b = (Kb * d0_i); lastFrameVirtBuf = d0_i; /* start with I Frame */ rc_Q = lastFrameVirtBuf * 31 / reactionParameter; /* init spatial activity measures */ avg_act = 400; /* Suggested initial value */ N_act = 1; mquant = rc_Q * N_act; frameDelayIncrement = (90000 / frameRateRounded); /* num of "delay" units per frame */ bufferFillRate = bit_rate / frameRateRounded; /* VBV buf fills at constant rate */ VBV_buffer = buffer_size; DBG_PRINT(("\tVBV- delay: %d, fill rate: %d, delay/Frame: %d units, buffer size: %d\n", VBV_delay, bufferFillRate, frameDelayIncrement, buffer_size)); result = initGOPRateControl(); return result; } /*===========================================================================* * * initGOPRateControl * * (re)-initialize the RC for the a new Group of Pictures. * New bit allocation, but carry over complexity measures. * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: many global variables * *===========================================================================*/ int initGOPRateControl() { DBG_PRINT(("\tInitializing new GOP\n")); Nx = GOP_X; Ni = GOP_I; Np = GOP_P; Nb = GOP_B; rc_R += rc_G; DBG_PRINT(("\tbufsize: %d, bitrate: %d, pictrate: %d, GOP bits: %d\n", buffer_size, bit_rate, frameRateRounded, rc_R)); DBG_PRINT(("\tXi: %d, Xp: %d, Xb: %d Nx: %d, Ni: %d, Np: %d, Nb: %d\n", Xi, Xp, Xb, Nx,Ni,Np,Nb)); DBG_PRINT(("\td0_i: %d, d0_p: %d, d0_b: %d, avg_act: %d, rc_Q: %d, mquant: %d\n", d0_i, d0_p, d0_b, avg_act, rc_Q, mquant)); return 1; } /*===========================================================================* * * targetRateControl * * Determine the target allocation for given picture type, initiates * variables for rate control process. * * RETURNS: nothing. * * SIDE EFFECTS: many global variables * *===========================================================================*/ void targetRateControl(frame) MpegFrame *frame; { float temp1, minimumBits; float tempX, tempY, tempZ; int result; int frameType; char *strPtr; minimumBits = (bit_rate / (8 * frameRateRounded)); /* Check if new GOP */ if (Nx == 0) { initGOPRateControl(); } if (MB_cnt < 0) {MB_cnt = determineMBCount();} switch (frame->type) { case TYPE_IFRAME: frameType = 'I'; /* temp1 = ( rc_R / ( 1+ ((Np * Xp) / (Xi * Kp)) + ((Nb*Xb) / (Xi*Kb))))); */ tempX = ( (Np * Ki * Xp) / (Xi * Kp) ); tempY = ( (Nb * Ki * Xb) / (Xi*Kb) ); tempZ = Ni + tempX + tempY; temp1 = (rc_R / tempZ); result = (int) (temp1 > minimumBits ? temp1 : minimumBits); current_Tx = Ti = result; lastFrameVirtBuf = d0_i; break; case TYPE_PFRAME: frameType = 'P'; tempX = ( (Ni * Kp * Xi) / (Ki * Xp) ); tempY = ( (Nb * Kp * Xb) / (Kb * Xp) ); tempZ = Np + tempX + tempY; temp1 = (rc_R/ tempZ); result = (int) (temp1 > minimumBits ? temp1 : minimumBits); current_Tx = Tp = result; lastFrameVirtBuf = d0_p; break; case TYPE_BFRAME: frameType = 'B'; tempX = ( (Ni * Kb * Xi) / (Ki * Xb) ); tempY = ( (Np * Kb * Xp) / (Kp * Xb) ); tempZ = Nb + tempX + tempY; temp1 = (rc_R/ tempZ); result = (int) (temp1 > minimumBits ? temp1 : minimumBits); current_Tx = Tb = result; lastFrameVirtBuf = d0_b; break; default: frameType = 'X'; } N_act = 1; rc_Q = lastFrameVirtBuf * 31 / reactionParameter; mquant = rc_Q * N_act; Qscale = (mquant > 31 ? 31 : mquant); Qscale = (Qscale < 1 ? 1 : Qscale); /* Print headers for Frame info */ strPtr = Frame_header1; DBG_PRINT(("%s\n",strPtr)); strPtr = Frame_header2; DBG_PRINT(("%s\n",strPtr)); strPtr = Frame_header3; DBG_PRINT(("%s\n",strPtr)); /* Print Frame info */ sprintf(rc_buffer, "%4d %1c %4d %6d %7d %2d %2d %2d %2.2f %6d %4d %3d", frame->id,frameType,MB_cnt,current_Tx,rc_R,Ni,Np,Nb, N_act, lastFrameVirtBuf, rc_Q, Qscale); #ifdef RC_STATS_FILE fprintf(RC_FILE,"%s\n", rc_buffer); fflush(RC_FILE); #endif DBG_PRINT(("%s\n",rc_buffer)); /* Print headers for Macroblock info */ if (RC_MB_SAMPLE_RATE) { strPtr = MB_header1; DBG_PRINT(("%s\n",strPtr)); strPtr = MB_header2; DBG_PRINT(("%s\n",strPtr)); } else { return; } return; } /*===========================================================================* * * updateRateControl * * Update the statistics kept, after end of frame. Resets * various global variables * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: many global variables * *===========================================================================*/ void updateRateControl(type) int type; { int totalBits, frameComplexity, pctAllocUsed, pctGOPUsed; float avgQuant; char *strPtr; totalBits = rc_totalFrameBits; avgQuant = ((float) rc_totalQuant / (float) rc_numBlocks); frameComplexity = totalBits * avgQuant; pctAllocUsed = (totalBits *100 / current_Tx); rc_R -= totalBits; pctGOPUsed = (rc_R *100/ rc_G); avg_act = (total_act_j / MB_cnt); updateVBVBuffer(totalBits); switch (type) { case TYPE_IFRAME: Ti = current_Tx; d0_i = currentVirtBuf; Ni--; Si = totalBits; Qi = avgQuant; Xi = frameComplexity; break; case TYPE_PFRAME: Tp = current_Tx; d0_p = currentVirtBuf; Np--; Sp = totalBits; Qp = avgQuant; Xp = frameComplexity; break; case TYPE_BFRAME: Tb = current_Tx; d0_b = currentVirtBuf; Nb--; Sb = totalBits; Qb = avgQuant; Xb = frameComplexity; break; } /* Print Frame info */ strPtr = Frame_trailer1; DBG_PRINT(("%s\n",strPtr)); strPtr = Frame_trailer2; DBG_PRINT(("%s\n",strPtr)); strPtr = Frame_trailer3; DBG_PRINT(("%s\n",strPtr)); sprintf(rc_buffer, "%6d %2.2f %6d %3d %2.2f %7d %3d %7d %3d %6d %6d", totalBits, avgQuant, frameComplexity, avg_act, N_act, currentVirtBuf, pctAllocUsed, rc_R, pctGOPUsed, VBV_buffer, VBV_delay); #ifdef RC_STATS_FILE fprintf(RC_FILE,"%s\n", rc_buffer); fflush(RC_FILE); #endif DBG_PRINT(("%s\n",rc_buffer)); Nx--; rc_totalMBBits= rc_bitsThisMB= rc_totalFrameBits=rc_totalOverheadBits = 0; rc_numBlocks = rc_totalQuant = total_act_j = currentVirtBuf = 0; DBG_PRINT(("GOP now has %d bits remaining (%3d%%) for %d frames .. , Ni= %d, Np= %d, Nb= %d\n", rc_R, (rc_R*100/rc_G), (Ni+Np+Nb), Ni, Np, Nb)); } /*===========================================================================* * * MB_RateOut * * Prints out sampling of MB rate control data. Every "nth" block * stats are printed, with "n" controled by global RC_MB_SAMPLE_RATE * (NB. "skipped" blocks do not go through this function and thus do not * show up in the sample ) * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: none * * NOTES: * *===========================================================================*/ void MB_RateOut(type) int type; { int totalBits; int pctUsed, pctDone; int bitsThisMB; int bitsPerMB; bitsThisMB = rc_bitsThisMB; totalBits = rc_totalFrameBits; bitsPerMB = (totalBits / rc_numBlocks); pctDone = (rc_numBlocks * 100/ MB_cnt); pctUsed = (totalBits *100/current_Tx); sprintf(rc_buffer, "%3d %5d %2d %3d %6d %3d %6d %2.2f %6d %4d %3d %3d\n", (rc_numBlocks - 1), bitsThisMB, Qscale, mquant, currentVirtBuf, rc_Q, act_j, N_act, totalBits, bitsPerMB, pctUsed, pctDone); #ifdef RC_STATS_FILE fprintf(RC_FILE, "%s", rc_buffer); fflush(RC_FILE); #endif if ( (RC_MB_SAMPLE_RATE) && ((rc_numBlocks -1) % RC_MB_SAMPLE_RATE)) { DBG_PRINT(("%s\n", rc_buffer)); } else { return; } } /*===========================================================================* * * incNumBlocks() * * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: rc_numBlocks * * NOTES: * *===========================================================================*/ void incNumBlocks(num) int num; { rc_numBlocks += num; } /*===========================================================================* * * incMacroBlockBits() * * Increments the number of Macro Block bits and the total of Frame * bits by the number passed. * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: rc_totalMBBits * * NOTES: * *===========================================================================*/ void incMacroBlockBits(num) int num; { rc_bitsThisMB = num; rc_totalMBBits += num; rc_totalFrameBits += num; } /*===========================================================================* * * needQScaleChange(current Q scale, 4 luminance blocks) * * * RETURNS: new Qscale * * SIDE EFFECTS: * *===========================================================================*/ int needQScaleChange(oldQScale, blk0, blk1, blk2, blk3) int oldQScale; Block blk0; Block blk1; Block blk2; Block blk3; { /* One more MacroBlock seen */ rc_numBlocks++; /* this notes each block num in MB */ checkBufferFullness(oldQScale); checkSpatialActivity(blk0, blk1, blk2, blk3); mquant = rc_Q * N_act; Qscale = (mquant > 31 ? 31 : mquant); Qscale = (Qscale < 1 ? 1 : Qscale); rc_totalQuant += Qscale; if (oldQScale == Qscale) return -1; else return Qscale; } /*===========================================================================* * * determineMBCount() * * Determines number of Macro Blocks in frame from the frame sizes * passed. * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: sets the count passed * *===========================================================================*/ int determineMBCount () { int y,x; x = (Fsize_x +15)/16; y = (Fsize_y +15)/16; return (x * y); } /*===========================================================================* * * void checkBufferFullness () * * Calculates the fullness of the virtual buffer for each * frame type. Called before encoding each macro block. Along * with the normalisec spatial activity measure (N_act), it * determine the quantization factor for the next macroblock. * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: the "currentVirtBuf" variable * * NOTES: * *===========================================================================*/ void checkBufferFullness (oldQScale) int oldQScale; { int temp; temp = lastFrameVirtBuf + rc_totalFrameBits; temp -= (current_Tx * rc_numBlocks / MB_cnt); currentVirtBuf = temp; rc_Q = (currentVirtBuf * 31 / reactionParameter); return; } /*===========================================================================* * * void checkSpatialActivity() * * Calcualtes the spatial activity for the four luminance blocks of the * macroblock. Along with the normalised reference quantization parameter * (rc_Q) , it determines the quantization factor for the next macroblock. * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: the Adaptive quantization variables- act_j, N_act. * * NOTES: * *===========================================================================*/ void checkSpatialActivity(blk0, blk1, blk2, blk3) Block blk0; Block blk1; Block blk2; Block blk3; { int temp; int16 *blkArray[4]; int16 *curBlock; int16 *blk_ptr; int var[4]; int i, j; blkArray[0] = (int16 *) blk0; blkArray[1] = (int16 *) blk1; blkArray[2] = (int16 *) blk2; blkArray[3] = (int16 *) blk3; for (i =0; i < 4; i++) { /* Compute the activity in each block */ curBlock = blkArray[i]; blk_ptr = curBlock; P_mean = 0; /* Find the mean pixel value */ for (j=0; j < DCTSIZE_SQ; j ++) { P_mean += *(blk_ptr++); /* P_mean += curBlock[j]; if (curBlock[j] != *(blk_ptr++)) { printf("\n\tARRAY ERROR: block %d\n", j); } */ } P_mean /= DCTSIZE_SQ; /* Now find the variance */ curBlock = blkArray[i]; blk_ptr = curBlock; var[i] = 0; for (j=0; j < DCTSIZE_SQ; j++) { #ifdef notdef if (curBlock[j] != *(blk_ptr++)) { printf("\n\tARRAY ERROR: block %d\n", j); } temp = curBlock[j] - P_mean; #endif temp = *(blk_ptr++) - P_mean; var[i] += (temp * temp); } var[i] /= DCTSIZE_SQ; } /* Choose the minimum variance from the 4 blocks and use as the activity */ var_sblk = var[0]; for (i=1; i < 4; i++) { var_sblk = (var_sblk < var[i] ? var_sblk : var[i]); } act_j = 1 + var_sblk; total_act_j += act_j; temp = (2 * act_j + avg_act); N_act = ( (float) temp / (float) (act_j + 2*avg_act) ); return; } /*============================================================================* * * getRateMode () * * Returns the rate mode- interpreted as either Fixed or Variable * * RETURNS: integer * * SIDE EFFECTS: none * * *==========================================================================*/ int getRateMode() { return RateControlMode; } /*===========================================================================* * * setBitRate () * * Checks the string parsed from the parameter file. Verifies * number and sets global values. MPEG standard specifies that bit rate * be rounded up to nearest 400 bits/sec. * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: global variables * * NOTES: Should this be in the 400-bit units used in sequence header? * *===========================================================================*/ void setBitRate (charPtr) char * charPtr; { int rate, rnd; rate = atoi(charPtr); if (rate > 0) { RateControlMode = FIXED_RATE; } else { printf("Parameter File Error: invalid BIT_RATE: \"%s\", defaults to Variable ratemode\n", charPtr); RateControlMode = VARIABLE_RATE; bit_rate = -1; } rnd = (rate % 400); rate += (rnd ? 400 -rnd : 0); /* round UP to nearest 400 bps */ rate = (rate > MAX_BIT_RATE ? MAX_BIT_RATE : rate); bit_rate = rate; DBG_PRINT(("Bit rate is: %d\n", bit_rate)); } /*===========================================================================* * * getBitRate () * * Returns the bit rate read from the parameter file. This is the * real rate in bits per second, not in 400 bit units as is written to * the sequence header. * * RETURNS: int (-1 if Variable mode operation) * * SIDE EFFECTS: none * *===========================================================================*/ int getBitRate () { return bit_rate; } /*===========================================================================* * * setBufferSize () * * Checks the string parsed from the parameter file. Verifies * number and sets global values. * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: buffer_size global variable. * * NOTES: The global is in bits, NOT the 16kb units used in sequence header * *===========================================================================*/ void setBufferSize (charPtr) char * charPtr; { int size; size = atoi(charPtr); size = (size > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE ? MAX_BUFFER_SIZE : size); if (size > 0) { size = (16*1024) * ((size + (16*1024 - 1)) / (16*1024)); buffer_size = size; } else { buffer_size = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; printf("Parameter File Error: invalid BUFFER_SIZE: \"%s\", defaults to : %d\n", charPtr, buffer_size); } DBG_PRINT(("Buffer size is: %d\n", buffer_size)); } /*===========================================================================* * * getBufferSize () * * returns the buffer size read from the parameter file. Size is * in bits- not in units of 16k as written to the sequence header. * * RETURNS: int (or -1 if invalid) * * SIDE EFFECTS: none * *===========================================================================*/ int getBufferSize () { return buffer_size; } /*===========================================================================* * * updateVBVBuffer () * * Update the VBV buffer after each frame. This theoretical * buffer is being filled at constant rate, given by the bit rate. * It is emptied as each frame is grabbed by the decoder. Exception * is that the deocder will wait until the "delay" is over. * * RETURNS: nothing * * SIDE EFFECTS: VBV_buffer * * NOTES: * *===========================================================================*/ void updateVBVBuffer (frameBits) int frameBits; { if (VBV_delay) { VBV_delay -= frameDelayIncrement; if (VBV_delay < 0) { VBV_delay = 0; } } else { VBV_buffer -= frameBits; } VBV_buffer += bufferFillRate; if (VBV_buffer < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING - VBV buffer underflow (%d)\n", VBV_buffer); } if (VBV_buffer > buffer_size) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING - VBV buffer overflow (%d > %d)\n", VBV_buffer, buffer_size); } }