#ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$Id: browse.c,v 4.62 1996/05/29 00:05:04 mikes Exp $"; #endif /* * Program: Routines to support file browser in pico and Pine composer * * * Michael Seibel * Networks and Distributed Computing * Computing and Communications * University of Washington * Administration Builiding, AG-44 * Seattle, Washington, 98195, USA * Internet: mikes@cac.washington.edu * * Please address all bugs and comments to "pine-bugs@cac.washington.edu" * * * Pine and Pico are registered trademarks of the University of Washington. * No commercial use of these trademarks may be made without prior written * permission of the University of Washington. * * Pine, Pico, and Pilot software and its included text are Copyright * 1989-1996 by the University of Washington. * * The full text of our legal notices is contained in the file called * CPYRIGHT, included with this distribution. * * * NOTES: * * Misc. thoughts (mss, 5 Apr 92) * * This is supposed to be just a general purpose browser, equally * callable from either pico or the pine composer. Someday, it could * even be used to "wrap" the unix file business for really novice * users. The stubs are here for renaming, copying, creating directories, * deleting, undeleting (thought is delete just moves files to * ~/.pico.deleted directory or something and undelete offers the * files in there for undeletion: kind of like the mac trashcan). * * Nice side effects * * Since the full path name is always maintained and referencing ".." * stats the path stripped of its trailing name, the unpleasantness of * symbolic links is hidden. * * Fleshed out the file managements stuff (mss, 24 June 92) * * */ #include #include #include #include "osdep.h" #include "pico.h" #include "estruct.h" #include "edef.h" #include "efunc.h" #ifndef _WINDOWS #if defined(bsd) || defined(lnx) extern int errno; #endif /* * directory cell structure */ struct fcell { char *fname; /* file name */ unsigned mode; /* file's mode */ char size[16]; /* file's size in s */ struct fcell *next; struct fcell *prev; }; /* * master browser structure */ static struct bmaster { struct fcell *head; /* first cell in list */ struct fcell *top; /* cell in top left */ struct fcell *current; /* currently selected */ int longest; /* longest file name */ int fpl; /* file names per line */ int cpf; /* chars / file / line */ char dname[NLINE]; /* this dir's name */ char *names; /* malloc'd name array */ } *gmp; /* global master ptr */ /* * title for exported browser display */ static char *browser_title = NULL; #ifdef ANSI struct bmaster *getfcells(char *); int PaintCell(int, int, int, struct fcell *, int); int PaintBrowser(struct bmaster *, int, int *, int *); int BrowserKeys(void); int layoutcells(struct bmaster *); int percdircells(struct bmaster *); int PlaceCell(struct bmaster *, struct fcell *, int *, int *); int zotfcells(struct fcell *); int zotmaster(struct bmaster **); struct fcell *FindCell(struct bmaster *, char *); int sisin(char *, char *); int BrowserAnchor(char *); void ClearBrowserScreen(void); void BrowserRunChild(char *); int LikelyASCII(char *); #else struct bmaster *getfcells(); int PaintCell(); int PaintBrowser(); int BrowserKeys(); int percdircells(); int PlaceCell(); int zotfcells(); int zotmaster(); struct fcell *FindCell(); int sisin(); int BrowserAnchor(); void ClearBrowserScreen(); void BrowserRunChild(); int LikelyASCII(); #endif static KEYMENU menu_browse[] = { {"?", "Get Help", KS_SCREENHELP}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {"-", "Prev Pg", KS_PREVPAGE}, {"D", "Delete", KS_NONE}, {"C","Copy", KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {"W", "Where is", KS_NONE}, {"Spc", "Next Pg", KS_NEXTPAGE}, {"R", "Rename", KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE} }; #define QUIT_KEY 1 #define EXEC_KEY 2 #define GOTO_KEY 6 #define SELECT_KEY 7 #define PICO_KEY 11 /* * Default pager used by the stand-alone file browser. */ #define BROWSER_PAGER "pico" /* * function key mappings for callable browser */ static int bfmappings[2][12][2] = { { { F1, '?'}, /* stand alone */ { F2, NODATA }, /* browser function */ { F3, 'q'}, /* key mappings... */ { F4, 'v'}, { F5, 'l'}, { F6, 'w'}, { F7, '-'}, { F8, ' '}, { F9, 'd'}, { F10, 'r'}, { F11, 'c'}, { F12, 'e'} }, { { F1, '?'}, /* callable browser */ { F2, NODATA }, /* function key */ { F3, 'e'}, /* mappings... */ { F4, 's'}, { F5, NODATA }, { F6, 'w'}, { F7, '-'}, { F8, ' '}, { F9, 'd'}, { F10, 'r'}, { F11, 'c'}, { F12, NODATA } } }; /* * Browser help for pico (pine composer help handed to us by pine) */ static char *BrowseHelpText[] = { "Help for Browse Command", " ", " Pico's file browser is used to select a file from the", " file system for inclusion in the edited text.", " ", "~ Both directories and files are displayed. Press ~S", "~ or ~R~e~t~u~r~n to select a file or directory. When a file", " is selected during the \"Read File\" command, it is", " inserted into edited text. Answering \"yes\" to the", " verification question after a directory is selected causes", " the contents of that directory to be displayed for selection.", " ", " The file named \"..\" is special, and means the \"parent\"", " of the directory being displayed. Select this directory", " to move upward in the directory tree.", " ", "End of Browser Help.", " ", NULL }; static char *sa_BrowseHelpText[] = { "Help for File Browser", " ", " The File Browser is used to display and manipulate files.", " ", "~ Both directories and files are displayed. Press ~V", "~ or ~R~e~t~u~r~n to display the selected directory or view a", "~ text file's contents. Other commands are available to", "~ Edit, Copy, Rename, and Delete the selected (highlighted)", "~ file.", " ", " The file named \"..\" is special, and means the \"parent\"", " of the directory being displayed. Select this directory", " to move upward in the directory tree.", " ", "End of File Browser Help.", " ", NULL }; /* * pico_file_browse - Exported version of FileBrowse below. */ pico_file_browse(pdata, dir, fn, sz, flags) PICO *pdata; char *dir, *fn, *sz; int flags; { int rv; char title_buf[64]; Pmaster = pdata; gmode = pdata->pine_flags | MDEXTFB; km_popped = 0; /* only init screen bufs for display and winch handler */ if(!vtinit()) return(-1); if(Pmaster){ term.t_mrow = Pmaster->menu_rows; if(Pmaster->oper_dir) strncpy(opertree, Pmaster->oper_dir, NLINE); if(*opertree) fixpath(opertree, NLINE); } /* install any necessary winch signal handler */ ttresize(); sprintf(title_buf, "%s FILE", pdata->pine_anchor); set_browser_title(title_buf); rv = FileBrowse(dir, fn, sz, flags); set_browser_title(NULL); vttidy(); /* clean up tty handling */ zotdisplay(); /* and display structures */ Pmaster = NULL; /* and global config structure */ return(rv); } /* * FileBrowse - display contents of given directory dir * * intput: * dir points to initial dir to browse. * fn initial file name. * * returns: * dir points to currently selected directory (without * trailing file system delimiter) * fn points to currently selected file * sz points to size of file if ptr passed was non-NULL * flags * * 1 if a file's been selected * 0 if no files seleted * -1 if there where problems */ FileBrowse(dir, fn, sz, flags) char *dir, *fn, *sz; /* dir, name and optional size */ int flags; { int status, i, j, c, new_c; int row, col, crow, ccol; char *p, child[NLINE], tmp[NLINE]; struct bmaster *mp, *getfcells(); struct fcell *tp; #ifdef MOUSE MOUSEPRESS mousep; #endif child[0] = '\0'; if((gmode&MDTREE) && !in_oper_tree(dir)){ emlwrite("\007Can't read outside of %s in restricted mode", opertree); sleep(2); return(0); } if(gmode&MDGOTO){ /* fix up function key mapping table */ /* fix up key menu labels */ } /* build contents of cell structures */ if((gmp = getfcells(dir)) == NULL) return(-1); /* paint screen */ PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); while(1){ /* the big loop */ if(!(gmode&MDSHOCUR)){ crow = term.t_nrow-term.t_mrow; ccol = 0; } movecursor(crow, ccol); if(km_popped){ km_popped--; if(km_popped == 0) /* cause bottom three lines to repaint */ PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); } if(km_popped){ /* temporarily change to cause menu to paint */ term.t_mrow = 2; movecursor(term.t_nrow-2, 0); /* clear status line */ peeol(); BrowserKeys(); term.t_mrow = 0; } (*term.t_flush)(); #ifdef MOUSE mouse_in_content(K_MOUSE, -1, -1, 0, 0); register_mfunc(mouse_in_content,2,0,term.t_nrow-(term.t_mrow+1), term.t_ncol); #endif c = GetKey(); #ifdef MOUSE clear_mfunc(mouse_in_content); #endif if(Pmaster){ if(Pmaster->newmail && (c == NODATA || time_to_check())){ if((*Pmaster->newmail)(c == NODATA ? 0 : 2, 1) >= 0){ if(km_popped){ /* restore display */ km_popped = 0; PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); } clearcursor(); mlerase(); (*Pmaster->showmsg)(c); mpresf = 1; } clearcursor(); movecursor(crow, ccol); } } else{ if(timeout && (c == NODATA || time_to_check())) if(pico_new_mail()) emlwrite("You may possibly have new mail.", NULL); } if(km_popped) switch(c){ case NODATA: case (CTRL|'L'): km_popped++; break; default: /* clear bottom three lines */ movecursor(term.t_nrow-2, 0); peeol(); movecursor(term.t_nrow-1, 0); peeol(); movecursor(term.t_nrow, 0); peeol(); break; } if(c == NODATA) /* GetKey timed out */ continue; if(mpresf){ /* blast old messages */ if(mpresf++ > MESSDELAY){ /* every few keystrokes */ mlerase(); } } /* process commands */ switch(new_c = normalize_cmd(c,bfmappings[(gmode&MDBRONLY)?0:1],2)){ case K_PAD_RIGHT: /* move right */ case (CTRL|'@'): case (CTRL|'F'): /* forward */ case 'n' : case 'N' : if(gmp->current->next == NULL){ (*term.t_beep)(); break; } PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 0); gmp->current = gmp->current->next; if(PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col)){ PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); } else{ PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 1); crow = row; ccol = col; } break; case K_PAD_LEFT: /* move left */ case (CTRL|'B'): /* back */ case 'p' : case 'P' : if(gmp->current->prev == NULL){ (*term.t_beep)(); break; } PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 0); gmp->current = gmp->current->prev; if(PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col)){ PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); } else{ PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 1); crow = row; ccol = col; } break; case (CTRL|'A'): /* beginning of line */ tp = gmp->current; i = col; while(i > 0){ i -= gmp->cpf; if(tp->prev != NULL) tp = tp->prev; } PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 0); gmp->current = tp; if(PlaceCell(gmp, tp, &row, &col)){ PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); } else{ PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 1); crow = row; ccol = col; } break; case (CTRL|'E'): /* end of line */ tp = gmp->current; i = col + gmp->cpf; while(i+gmp->cpf <= gmp->cpf * gmp->fpl){ i += gmp->cpf; if(tp->next != NULL) tp = tp->next; } PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 0); gmp->current = tp; if(PlaceCell(gmp, tp, &row, &col)){ PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); } else{ PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 1); crow = row; ccol = col; } break; case (CTRL|'V'): /* page forward */ case ' ': case K_PAD_NEXTPAGE : case K_PAD_END : tp = gmp->top; i = term.t_nrow - term.t_mrow - 2; while(i-- && tp->next != NULL){ j = 0; while(++j <= gmp->fpl && tp->next != NULL) tp = tp->next; } if(tp == NULL) continue; PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 0); gmp->current = tp; if(PlaceCell(gmp, tp, &row, &col)){ PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); } else{ PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 1); crow = row; ccol = col; } break; case '-' : case (CTRL|'Y'): /* page backward */ case K_PAD_PREVPAGE : case K_PAD_HOME : tp = gmp->top; i = term.t_nrow - term.t_mrow - 4; while(i-- && tp != NULL){ j = gmp->fpl; while(j-- && tp != NULL) tp = tp->prev; } if(tp || (gmp->current != gmp->top)){ /* clear old hilite */ PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 0); } if(tp) /* new page ! */ gmp->current = tp; else if(gmp->current != gmp->top) /* goto top of page */ gmp->current = gmp->top; else /* do nothing */ continue; if(PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col)){ PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); } else{ PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 1); crow = row; ccol = col; } break; case K_PAD_DOWN : case (CTRL|'N'): /* next */ tp = gmp->current; i = gmp->fpl; while(i--){ if(tp->next == NULL){ (*term.t_beep)(); break; } else tp = tp->next; } if(i != -1) /* can't go down */ break; PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 0); gmp->current = tp; if(PlaceCell(gmp, tp, &row, &col)){ PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); } else{ PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 1); crow = row; ccol = col; } break; case K_PAD_UP : case (CTRL|'P'): /* previous */ tp = gmp->current; i = gmp->fpl; while(i-- && tp) tp = tp->prev; if(tp == NULL) break; PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 0); gmp->current = tp; if(PlaceCell(gmp, tp, &row, &col)){ PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); } else{ PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 1); crow = row; ccol = col; } break; #ifdef MOUSE case K_MOUSE: mouse_get_last (NULL, &mousep); if (mousep.doubleclick) { goto Selected; } else { row = mousep.row -= 2; /* Adjust for header*/ col = mousep.col; i = row * gmp->fpl + (col / gmp->cpf); /* Count from top */ tp = gmp->top; /* start at top. */ for (; i > 0 && tp != NULL; --i) /* Count cells. */ tp = tp->next; if (tp != NULL) { /* Valid cell? */ PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 0); gmp->current = tp; if(PlaceCell(gmp, tp, &row, &col)){ PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); } else{ PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 1); crow = row; ccol = col; } } } break; #endif case 'e': /* exit or edit */ case 'E': if(gmode&MDBRONLY){ /* run "pico" */ sprintf(child, "%s%c%s", gmp->dname, '/', gmp->current->fname); /* make sure selected isn't a directory or executable */ if(!LikelyASCII(child)){ emlwrite("Can't edit non-text file. Try Launch.", NULL); break; } sprintf(tmp, "pico%s%s%s %s", (gmode & MDFKEY) ? " -f" : "", (gmode & MDSHOCUR) ? " -g" : "", (gmode & MDMOUSE) ? " -m" : "", child); BrowserRunChild(tmp); /* spawn pico */ PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); /* redraw browser */ } else{ zotmaster(&gmp); return(0); } break; case 'q': /* user exits wrong */ case 'Q': if(gmode&MDBRONLY){ zotmaster(&gmp); return(0); } emlwrite("\007Unknown command '%c'", (void *)c); break; case 'l': /* run Command */ case 'L': if(!(gmode&MDBRONLY)){ emlwrite("\007Unknown command '%c'", (void *)c); break; } /* add subcommands to invoke pico and insert selected filename */ /* perhaps: add subcmd to scroll command history */ tmp[0] = '\0'; i = 0; sprintf(child, "%s%c%s", gmp->dname, '/', gmp->current->fname); while(!i){ static EXTRAKEYS opts[] = { {"^X", "Add Name", CTRL|'X', KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, 0, KS_NONE}, }; status = mlreply("Command to execute: ", tmp, NLINE, QNORML, opts); switch(status){ case HELPCH: emlwrite("\007No help yet!", NULL); /* remove break and sleep after help text is installed */ sleep(3); break; case (CTRL|'X'): strcat(tmp, child); break; case (CTRL|'L'): PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); break; case ABORT: emlwrite("Command cancelled", NULL); i++; break; case FALSE: case TRUE: i++; if(tmp[0] == '\0'){ emlwrite("No command specified", NULL); break; } BrowserRunChild(tmp); PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); break; default: break; } } BrowserKeys(); break; case 'd': /* delete */ case 'D': if(gmp->current->mode == FIODIR){ /* BUG: if dir is empty it should be deleted */ emlwrite("\007Can't delete a directory", NULL); break; } if(gmode&MDSCUR){ /* not allowed! */ emlwrite("Delete not allowed in restricted mode",NULL); break; } sprintf(child, "%s%c%s", gmp->dname, '/', gmp->current->fname); i = 0; while(i++ < 2){ /* verify twice!! */ if(i == 1){ if(fexist(child, "w", (long *)NULL) != FIOSUC) strcpy(tmp, "File is write protected! OVERRIDE"); else sprintf(tmp, "Delete file \"%.*s\"", NLINE - 20, child); } else strcpy(tmp, "File CANNOT be UNdeleted! Really delete"); if((status = mlyesno(tmp, FALSE)) != TRUE){ emlwrite((status == ABORT) ? "Delete Cancelled" : "File Not Deleted", NULL); break; } } if(status == TRUE){ if(unlink(child) < 0){ emlwrite("Delete Failed: %s", errstr(errno)); } else{ /* fix up pointers and redraw */ tp = gmp->current; if(tp->next){ gmp->current = tp->next; if(tp->next->prev = tp->prev) tp->prev->next = tp->next; } else if(tp->prev) { gmp->current = tp->prev; if(tp->prev->next = tp->next) tp->next->prev = tp->prev; } if(tp == gmp->head) gmp->head = tp->next; tp->fname = NULL; tp->next = tp->prev = NULL; if(tp != gmp->current) free((char *) tp); if((tp = FindCell(gmp, gmp->current->fname)) != NULL){ gmp->current = tp; PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); } PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); mlerase(); } } BrowserKeys(); break; case '?': /* HELP! */ case (CTRL|'G'): if(term.t_mrow == 0){ if(km_popped == 0){ km_popped = 2; break; } } if(Pmaster) (*Pmaster->helper)(Pmaster->browse_help, "Help for Browsing", 1); else if(gmode&MDBRONLY) pico_help(sa_BrowseHelpText, "Browser Help", 1); else pico_help(BrowseHelpText, "Help for Browsing", 1); /* fall thru to repaint everything */ case (CTRL|'L'): PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); break; case 'g': /* jump to a directory */ case 'G': if(!(gmode&MDGOTO)) goto Default; i = 0; child[0] = '\0'; while(!i){ status = mlreply("Directory to go to: ", child, NLINE, QNORML, NULL); switch(status){ case HELPCH: emlwrite("\007No help yet!", NULL); /* remove break and sleep after help text is installed */ sleep(3); break; case (CTRL|'L'): PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); break; case ABORT: emlwrite("Goto cancelled", NULL); i++; break; case FALSE: case TRUE: i++; if(*child == '\0') strcpy(child, gethomedir(NULL)); if(!compresspath(gmp->dname, child, NLINE)){ emlwrite("Invalid Directory: %s", child); break; } if((gmode&MDSCUR) && homeless(child)){ emlwrite("Restricted mode browsing limited to home directory",NULL); break; } if((gmode&MDTREE) && !in_oper_tree(child)){ emlwrite("Attempt to Goto directory denied", NULL); break; } if(isdir(child, (long *) NULL)){ if((mp = getfcells(child)) == NULL){ /* getfcells should explain what happened */ i++; break; } zotmaster(&gmp); gmp = mp; PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); } else emlwrite("\007Not a directory: \"%s\"", child); break; default: break; } } BrowserKeys(); break; case 'c': /* copy */ case 'C': if(gmp->current->mode == FIODIR){ emlwrite("\007Can't copy a directory", NULL); break; } if(gmode&MDSCUR){ /* not allowed! */ emlwrite("Copy not allowed in restricted mode",NULL); break; } i = 0; child[0] = '\0'; while(!i){ switch(status=mlreply("Name of new copy: ", child, NLINE, QFFILE, NULL)){ case HELPCH: emlwrite("\007No help yet!", NULL); /* remove break and sleep after help text is installed */ sleep(3); break; case (CTRL|'L'): PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); break; case ABORT: emlwrite("Make Copy Cancelled", NULL); i++; break; case FALSE: i++; mlerase(); break; case TRUE: i++; if(child[0] == '\0'){ emlwrite("No destination, file not copied", NULL); break; } if(!strcmp(gmp->current->fname, child)){ emlwrite("\007Can't copy file on to itself!", NULL); break; } strcpy(tmp, child); /* add full path! */ sprintf(child, "%s%c%s", gmp->dname, '/', tmp); if((status = fexist(child, "w", (long *)NULL)) == FIOSUC){ sprintf(tmp,"File \"%.*s\" exists! OVERWRITE", NLINE - 20, child); if((status = mlyesno(tmp, 0)) != TRUE){ emlwrite((status == ABORT) ? "Make copy cancelled" : "File Not Renamed", NULL); break; } } else if(status != FIOFNF){ fioperr(status, child); break; } sprintf(tmp, "%s%c%s", gmp->dname, '/', gmp->current->fname); if(copy(tmp, child) < 0){ /* copy() will report any error messages */ break; } else{ /* highlight new file */ emlwrite("File copied to %s", child); p = strrchr(child, '/'); if(p == NULL) p = strrchr(child, '\\'); else if(strrchr(p, '\\')) p = strrchr(p, '\\'); if(p == NULL){ emlwrite("Problems refiguring browser", NULL); break; } *p = '\0'; strcpy(tmp, (p == child) ? "/": child); /* * new file in same dir? if so, refigure files * and redraw... */ if(!strcmp(tmp, gmp->dname)){ strcpy(child, gmp->current->fname); if((mp = getfcells(gmp->dname)) == NULL) /* getfcells should explain what happened */ break; zotmaster(&gmp); gmp = mp; if((tp = FindCell(gmp, child)) != NULL){ gmp->current = tp; PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); } PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); } } break; default: break; } } BrowserKeys(); break; case 'r': /* rename */ case 'R': i = 0; child[0] = '\0'; if(!strcmp(gmp->current->fname, "..")){ emlwrite("\007Can't rename \"..\"", NULL); break; } if(gmode&MDSCUR){ /* not allowed! */ emlwrite("Rename not allowed in restricted mode",NULL); break; } while(!i){ switch(status=mlreply("Rename file to: ", child, NLINE, QFFILE, NULL)){ case HELPCH: emlwrite("\007No help yet!", NULL); /* remove break and sleep after help text is installed */ sleep(3); break; case (CTRL|'L'): PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); break; case ABORT: emlwrite("Rename cancelled", NULL); i++; break; case FALSE: case TRUE: i++; if(child[0] == '\0' || status == FALSE){ mlerase(); break; } strcpy(tmp, child); sprintf(child, "%s%c%s", gmp->dname, '/', tmp); status = fexist(child, "w", (long *)NULL); if(status == FIOSUC || status == FIOFNF){ if(status == FIOSUC){ sprintf(tmp,"File \"%.*s\" exists! OVERWRITE", NLINE - 20, child); if((status = mlyesno(tmp, FALSE)) != TRUE){ emlwrite((status == ABORT) ? "Rename cancelled" : "Not Renamed", NULL); break; } } sprintf(tmp, "%s%c%s", gmp->dname, '/', gmp->current->fname); if(rename(tmp, child) < 0){ emlwrite("Rename Failed: %s", errstr(errno)); } else{ p = strrchr(child, '/'); if(p == NULL) p = strrchr(child, '\\'); else if(strrchr(p, '\\')) p = strrchr(p, '\\'); if(p == NULL) { emlwrite("Problems refiguring browser", NULL); break; } *p = '\0'; strcpy(tmp, (p == child) ? "/": child); if((mp = getfcells(tmp)) == NULL) /* getfcells should explain what happened */ break; zotmaster(&gmp); gmp = mp; if((tp = FindCell(gmp, ++p)) != NULL){ gmp->current = tp; PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); } PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); mlerase(); } } else{ fioperr(status, child); } break; default: break; } } BrowserKeys(); break; case 'v': /* stand-alone */ case 'V': /* browser "view" */ case 's': /* user "select" */ case 'S': case (CTRL|'M'): Selected: if((toupper(new_c) == 'S' && (gmode&MDBRONLY)) || (toupper(new_c) == 'V' && !(gmode&MDBRONLY))) goto Default; if(gmp->current->mode == FIODIR){ *child = '\0'; strcpy(tmp, gmp->dname); p = gmp->current->fname; if(p[0] == '.' && p[1] == '.' && p[2] == '\0') { if(tmp[1] == ':' && tmp[2] == '\0') { emlwrite("\007Can't move up a directory", NULL); break; } strcat(tmp, "/.."); fixpath(tmp, NLINE); if((gmode&MDTREE) && !in_oper_tree(tmp)){ emlwrite("\007Can't visit parent in restricted mode", NULL); break; } } else { if(tmp[1] != '\0') /* were in root? */ strcat(tmp, "/"); strcat(tmp, gmp->current->fname); } if((mp = getfcells(tmp)) == NULL) /* getfcells should explain what happened */ break; zotmaster(&gmp); gmp = mp; tp = NULL; if(*child){ if((tp = FindCell(gmp, child)) != NULL){ gmp->current = tp; PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); } else emlwrite("\007Problem finding dir \"%s\"",child); } PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); if(!*child) emlwrite("Select/View \".. parent dir\" to return to previous directory.", NULL); break; } else if(gmode&MDBRONLY){ sprintf(child, "%s%c%s", gmp->dname, '/', gmp->current->fname); if(LikelyASCII(child)){ char *pg = (char *) getenv("PAGER"); sprintf(tmp, "%s %s", pg ? pg : BROWSER_PAGER, child); BrowserRunChild(tmp); PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); } break; } else{ /* just return */ strcpy(dir, gmp->dname); strcpy(fn, gmp->current->fname); if(sz != NULL) /* size uninteresting */ strcpy(sz, gmp->current->size); zotmaster (&gmp); return (1); } break; case 'w': /* Where is */ case 'W': case (CTRL|'W'): i = 0; while(!i){ switch(readpattern("File name to find")){ case HELPCH: emlwrite("\007No help yet!", NULL); /* remove break and sleep after help text is installed */ sleep(3); break; case (CTRL|'L'): PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); break; case (CTRL|'Y'): /* first first cell */ for(tp = gmp->top; tp->prev; tp = tp->prev) ; i++; /* fall thru to repaint */ case (CTRL|'V'): if(!i){ do{ tp = gmp->top; if((i = term.t_nrow - term.t_mrow - 2) <= 0) break; while(i-- && tp->next){ j = 0; while(++j <= gmp->fpl && tp->next) tp = tp->next; } if(i < 0) gmp->top = tp; } while(tp->next); emlwrite("Searched to end of directory", NULL); } else emlwrite("Searched to start of directory", NULL); if(tp){ PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 0); gmp->current = tp; if(PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col)){ PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); } else{ PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 1); crow = row; ccol = col; } } i++; /* make sure we jump out */ break; case ABORT: emlwrite("Whereis cancelled", NULL); i++; break; case FALSE: mlerase(); i++; break; case TRUE: if((tp = FindCell(gmp, pat)) != NULL){ PlaceCell(gmp, gmp->current, &row, &col); PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 0); gmp->current = tp; if(PlaceCell(gmp, tp, &row, &col)){ /* top changed */ PaintBrowser(gmp, 1, &crow, &ccol); } else{ PaintCell(row, col, gmp->cpf, gmp->current, 1); crow = row; ccol = col; } mlerase(); } else emlwrite("\"%s\" not found", pat); i++; break; default: break; } } BrowserKeys(); break; case (CTRL|'Z'): if(gmode&MDSSPD){ bktoshell(); PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, &crow, &ccol); break; } /* fall thru with error! */ default: /* what? */ Default: if(c < 0xff) emlwrite("\007Unknown command: '%c'", (void *) c); else if(c & CTRL) emlwrite("\007Unknown command: ^%c", (void *)(c&0xff)); else emlwrite("\007Unknown command", NULL); case NODATA: /* no op */ break; } } } /* * getfcells - make a master browser struct and fill it in * return NULL if there's a problem. */ struct bmaster * getfcells(dname) char *dname; { int i, /* various return codes */ nentries = 0; /* number of dir ents */ long l; char *np, /* names of files in dir */ *dcp, /* to add file to path */ **filtnames, /* array filtered names */ errbuf[NLINE]; struct fcell *ncp, /* new cell pointer */ *tcp; /* trailing cell ptr */ struct bmaster *mp; errbuf[0] = '\0'; if((mp=(struct bmaster *)malloc(sizeof(struct bmaster))) == NULL){ emlwrite("\007Can't malloc space for master filename cell", NULL); return(NULL); } if(dname[0] == '.' && dname[1] == '\0'){ /* remember this dir */ if(!getcwd(mp->dname, 256)) mp->dname[0] = '\0'; } else if(dname[0] == '.' && dname[1] == '.' && dname[2] == '\0'){ if(!getcwd(mp->dname, 256)) mp->dname[0] = '\0'; else{ np = strrchr(mp->dname, '/'); if(np == NULL) np = strrchr(mp->dname, '\\'); else if(strrchr(np, '\\')) np = strrchr(np, '\\'); if(np != NULL) if(np != mp->dname) *np = '\0'; } } else strcpy(mp->dname, dname); mp->head = mp->top = NULL; mp->cpf = mp->fpl = 0; mp->longest = 5; /* .. must be labeled! */ emlwrite("Building file list of %s...", mp->dname); if((mp->names = getfnames(mp->dname, NULL, &nentries, errbuf)) == NULL){ free((char *) mp); if(*errbuf) emlwrite(errbuf, NULL); return(NULL); } /* * this is the fun part. build an array of pointers to the fnames we're * interested in (i.e., do any filtering), then pass that off to be * sorted before building list of cells... * * right now default filtering on ".*" except "..", but this could * easily be made a user option later on... */ if((filtnames=(char **)malloc((nentries+1) * sizeof(char *))) == NULL){ emlwrite("\007Can't malloc space for name array", NULL); zotmaster(&mp); return(NULL); } i = 0; /* index of filt'd array */ np = mp->names; while(nentries--){ /* * Filter dot files? Always filter ".", never filter "..", * and sometimes fitler ".*"... */ if(*np == '.' && !(*(np+1) == '.' && *(np+2) == '\0') && (*(np+1) == '\0' || !(gmode & MDDOTSOK))){ np += strlen(np) + 1; continue; } filtnames[i++] = np; if((l = strlen(np)) > mp->longest) /* cast l ? */ mp->longest = l; /* remember longest */ np += l + 1; /* advance name pointer */ } nentries = i; /* new # of entries */ /* * sort files case independently */ qsort((QSType *)filtnames, (size_t)nentries, sizeof(char *), sstrcasecmp); /* * this is so we use absolute path names for stats. * remember: be careful using dname as directory name, and fix mp->dname * when we're done */ dcp = (char *)strchr(mp->dname, '\0'); if(dcp == mp->dname || (dcp[-1] != '/' && dcp[-1] != '/')){ dcp[0] = '/'; dcp[1] = '\0'; } else dcp--; i = 0; while(nentries--){ /* stat filtered files */ /* get a new cell */ if((ncp=(struct fcell *)malloc(sizeof(struct fcell))) == NULL){ emlwrite("\007Can't malloc cells for browser!", NULL); zotfcells(mp->head); /* clean up cells */ free((char *) filtnames); free((char *) mp); return(NULL); /* bummer. */ } ncp->next = ncp->prev = NULL; if(mp->head == NULL){ /* tie it onto the list */ mp->head = mp->top = mp->current = ncp; } else{ tcp->next = ncp; ncp->prev = tcp; } tcp = ncp; /* fill in the new cell */ ncp->fname = filtnames[i++]; strcpy(&dcp[1], ncp->fname); /* use abolute path! */ /* fill in file's mode */ switch(fexist(mp->dname, "t", &l)){ case FIODIR : ncp->mode = FIODIR; sprintf(ncp->size, "(%sdir)", (ncp->fname[0] == '.' && ncp->fname[1] == '.' && ncp->fname[2] == '\0') ? "parent " : ""); break; case FIOSYM : ncp->mode = FIOSYM; strcpy(ncp->size, "--"); break; default : ncp->mode = FIOSUC; /* regular file */ strcpy(ncp->size, prettysz(l)); break; } } dcp[(dcp == mp->dname) ? 1 : 0] = '\0'; /* remember to cap dname */ free((char *) filtnames); /* 'n blast filt'd array*/ percdircells(mp); layoutcells(mp); return(mp); } /* * PaintCell - print the given cell at the given location on the display * the format of a printed cell is: * * " " */ PaintCell(x, y, l, cell, inverted) struct fcell *cell; int x, y, l, inverted; { char *p; /* temp str pointer */ int i = 0, /* current display count */ j, sl, fl; /* lengths */ if(cell == NULL) return(-1); fl = strlen(cell->fname); sl = strlen(cell->size); movecursor(x, y); if(inverted) (*term.t_rev)(1); /* room for fname? */ p = (fl+2 > l) ? &cell->fname[fl-(l-2)] : cell->fname; while(*p != '\0'){ /* write file name */ pputc(*p++, 0); i++; } if(sl+3 <= l-i){ /* room for size? */ j = (l-i)-(sl+2); /* put space between */ i += j; while(j--) /* file name and size */ pputc(' ', 0); p = cell->size; while(*p != '\0'){ /* write file size */ pputc(*p++, 0); i++; } } if(inverted) (*term.t_rev)(0); while(i++ < l) /* pad ending */ pputc(' ', 0); return(1); } /* * PaintBrowse - with the current data, display the browser. if level == 0 * paint the whole thing, if level == 1 just paint the cells * themselves */ PaintBrowser(mp, level, row, col) struct bmaster *mp; int level; int *row, *col; { int i, cl; struct fcell *tp; if(!level){ ClearBrowserScreen(); BrowserAnchor(mp->dname); } i = 0; tp = mp->top; cl = COMPOSER_TOP_LINE; /* current display line */ while(tp){ PaintCell(cl, mp->cpf * i, mp->cpf, tp, tp == mp->current); if(tp == mp->current){ if(row) *row = cl; if(col) *col = mp->cpf * i; } if(++i >= mp->fpl){ i = 0; if(++cl > term.t_nrow-(term.t_mrow+1)) break; } tp = tp->next; } if(level){ while(cl <= term.t_nrow - (term.t_mrow+1)){ if(!i) movecursor(cl, 0); peeol(); movecursor(++cl, 0); } } else{ BrowserKeys(); } return(1); } /* * BrowserKeys - just paints the keyhelp at the bottom of the display */ BrowserKeys() { menu_browse[QUIT_KEY].name = (gmode&MDBRONLY) ? "Q" : "E"; menu_browse[QUIT_KEY].label = (gmode&MDBRONLY) ? "Quit" : "Exit Brwsr"; menu_browse[GOTO_KEY].name = (gmode&MDGOTO) ? "G" : NULL; menu_browse[GOTO_KEY].label = (gmode&MDGOTO) ? "Goto" : NULL; if(gmode & MDBRONLY){ menu_browse[EXEC_KEY].name = "L"; menu_browse[EXEC_KEY].label = "Launch"; menu_browse[SELECT_KEY].name = "V"; menu_browse[SELECT_KEY].label = "[View]"; menu_browse[PICO_KEY].name = "E"; menu_browse[PICO_KEY].label = "Edit"; } else{ menu_browse[SELECT_KEY].name = "S"; menu_browse[SELECT_KEY].label = "[Select]"; } wkeyhelp(menu_browse); } /* * layoutcells - figure out max length of cell and how many cells can * go on a line of the display */ layoutcells(mp) struct bmaster *mp; { mp->cpf = mp->longest + 12; /* max chars / file */ if(gmode & MDONECOL){ mp->fpl = 1; } else{ int i = 1; while(i*mp->cpf < term.t_ncol) /* no force... */ i++; /* like brute force! */ mp->fpl = i - 1; /* files per line */ } } /* * percdircells - bubble all the directory cells to the top of the * list. */ percdircells(mp) struct bmaster *mp; { struct fcell *dirlp, /* dir cell list pointer */ *lp, *nlp; /* cell list ptr and next */ dirlp = NULL; for(lp = mp->head; lp; lp = nlp){ nlp = lp->next; if(lp->mode == FIODIR){ if(lp->prev) /* clip from list */ lp->prev->next = lp->next; if(lp->next) lp->next->prev = lp->prev; if(lp->prev = dirlp){ /* tie it into dir portion */ if(lp->next = dirlp->next) lp->next->prev = lp; dirlp->next = lp; dirlp = lp; } else{ if((dirlp = lp) != mp->head) dirlp->next = mp->head; if(dirlp->next) dirlp->next->prev = dirlp; mp->head = mp->top = mp->current = dirlp; } } } } /* * PlaceCell - given a browser master, return row and col of the display that * it should go. * * return 1 if mp->top has changed, x,y relative to new page * return 0 if otherwise (same page) * return -1 on error */ PlaceCell(mp, cp, x, y) struct bmaster *mp; struct fcell *cp; int *x, *y; { int cl = COMPOSER_TOP_LINE; /* current line */ int ci = 0; /* current index on line */ int rv = 0; int secondtry = 0; struct fcell *tp; /* will cp fit on screen? */ tp = mp->top; while(1){ if(tp == cp){ /* bingo! */ *x = cl; *y = ci * mp->cpf; break; } if((tp = tp->next) == NULL){ /* above top? */ if(secondtry++){ emlwrite("\007Internal error: can't find fname cell", NULL); return(-1); } else{ tp = mp->top = mp->head; /* try from the top! */ cl = COMPOSER_TOP_LINE; ci = 0; rv = 1; continue; /* start over! */ } } if(++ci >= mp->fpl){ /* next line? */ ci = 0; if(++cl > term.t_nrow-(term.t_mrow+1)){ /* next page? */ ci = mp->fpl; /* tp is at bottom right */ while(ci--) /* find new top */ tp = tp->prev; mp->top = tp; ci = 0; cl = COMPOSER_TOP_LINE; /* keep checking */ rv = 1; } } } /* not on display! */ return(rv); } /* * zotfcells - clean up malloc'd cells of file names */ zotfcells(hp) struct fcell *hp; { struct fcell *tp; while(hp){ tp = hp; hp = hp->next; tp->next = NULL; free((char *) tp); } } /* * zotmaster - blast the browser master struct */ zotmaster(mp) struct bmaster **mp; { zotfcells((*mp)->head); /* free cells */ free((char *)(*mp)->names); /* free file names */ free((char *)*mp); /* free master */ *mp = NULL; /* make double sure */ } /* * FindCell - starting from the current cell find the first occurance of * the given string wrapping around if necessary */ struct fcell *FindCell(mp, string) struct bmaster *mp; char *string; { struct fcell *tp, *fp; if(*string == '\0') return(NULL); fp = NULL; tp = mp->current->next; while(tp && !fp){ if(sisin(tp->fname, string)) fp = tp; else tp = tp->next; } tp = mp->head; while(tp != mp->current && !fp){ if(sisin(tp->fname, string)) fp = tp; else tp = tp->next; } return(fp); } /* * sisin - case insensitive substring matching function */ sisin(s1, s2) char *s1, *s2; { register int j; while(*s1){ j = 0; while(toupper((unsigned char)s1[j]) == toupper((unsigned char)s2[j])) if(s2[++j] == '\0') /* bingo! */ return(1); s1++; } return(0); } /* * set_browser_title - */ set_browser_title(s) char *s; { browser_title = s; } /* * BrowserAnchor - draw the browser's anchor line. */ BrowserAnchor(dir) char *dir; { register char *p; register int i, j, l; char buf[NLINE]; movecursor(0, 0); (*term.t_rev)(1); i = 0; l = strlen(dir); j = (term.t_ncol-(l+16))/2; if(browser_title) sprintf(buf, " %s", browser_title); else if(Pmaster) sprintf(buf, " PINE %s", Pmaster->pine_version); else sprintf(buf," UW PICO(tm) %s", (gmode&MDBRONLY) ? "BROWSER" : version); p = buf; while(*p){ pputc(*p++, 0); i++; } if(l > term.t_ncol - i - 21){ /* fit dir name on line */ p = dir; while(*((char*) strcspn(p, "/\\")) != '\0' && (l-(p-dir)) > term.t_ncol-i-21) p++; if(!*p) /* no suitable length! */ p = &dir[l-(term.t_ncol-i-19)]; sprintf(buf, "%s Dir ...%s", (gmode&MDBRONLY) ? "" : " BROWSER ", p); } else sprintf(buf,"%s Dir: %s", (gmode&MDBRONLY) ? "" : " BROWSER ", dir); if(i < j) /* keep it centered */ j = j - i; /* as long as we can */ else j = ((term.t_ncol-i)-((int)strlen(p)+15))/2; while(j-- && i++) pputc(' ', 0); p = buf; while(i++ < term.t_ncol && *p) /* show directory */ pputc(*p++, 0); while(i++ < term.t_ncol) pputc(' ', 0); (*term.t_rev)(0); } /* * ResizeBrowser - handle a resize event */ ResizeBrowser() { if(gmp){ layoutcells(gmp); PaintBrowser(gmp, 0, NULL, NULL); return(1); } else return(0); } void ClearBrowserScreen() { int i; for(i = 0; i <= term.t_nrow; i++){ /* clear screen */ movecursor(i, 0); peeol(); } } void BrowserRunChild(child) char *child; { int status; char tmp[NLINE]; ClearBrowserScreen(); movecursor(0, 0); (*term.t_close)(); fflush(stdout); status = system(child); refresh(0, 1); /* redraw */ (*term.t_open)(); /* complain about non-zero exit status */ if((status >> 8) & 0xff){ movecursor(term.t_nrow - 1, 0); sprintf(tmp, "[ \"%.30s\" exit with error value: %d ]", child, (status >> 8) & 0xff); pputs(tmp, 1); movecursor(term.t_nrow, 0); pputs("[ Hit RETURN to continue ]", 1); fflush(stdout); while(GetKey() != (CTRL|'M')){ (*term.t_beep)(); fflush(stdout); } } } #endif /* _WINDOWS */ /* * LikelyASCII - make a rough guess as to the displayability of the * given file. */ int LikelyASCII(file) char *file; { #define LA_TEST_BUF 1024 #define LA_LINE_LIMIT 300 #if defined(DOS) || defined(OS2) #define MODE "rb" #else #define MODE "r" #endif int n, i, line, rv = FALSE; unsigned char buf[LA_TEST_BUF]; FILE *fp; if(fp = fopen(file, "rb")){ clearerr(fp); if((n = fread(buf, sizeof(char), LA_TEST_BUF * sizeof(char), fp)) > 0 || !ferror(fp)){ /* * If we don't hit any newlines in a reasonable number, * LA_LINE_LIMIT, of characters or the file contains NULLs, * bag out... */ rv = TRUE; for(i = line = 0; i < n; i++) if((line = (buf[i] == '\n') ? 0 : line + 1) >= LA_LINE_LIMIT || !buf[i]){ rv = FALSE; emlwrite("Can't display non-text file. Try \"Launch\".", NULL); break; } } else emlwrite("Can't read file: %s", file); fclose(fp); } else emlwrite("Can't open file: %s", file); return(rv); }