/* Context-format output routines for GNU DIFF. Copyright (C) 1988-1989, 1991-1995, 1998, 2001-2002, 2004, 2006, 2009-2013, 2015-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU DIFF. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "diff.h" #include "c-ctype.h" #include #include static char const *find_function (char const * const *, lin); static struct change *find_hunk (struct change *); static void mark_ignorable (struct change *); static void pr_context_hunk (struct change *); static void pr_unidiff_hunk (struct change *); /* Last place find_function started searching from. */ static lin find_function_last_search; /* The value find_function returned when it started searching there. */ static lin find_function_last_match; /* Print a label for a context diff, with a file name and date or a label. */ static void print_context_label (char const *mark, struct file_data *inf, char const *name, char const *label) { set_color_context (HEADER_CONTEXT); if (label) fprintf (outfile, "%s %s", mark, label); else { char buf[MAX (INT_STRLEN_BOUND (int) + 32, INT_STRLEN_BOUND (time_t) + 11)]; struct tm const *tm = localtime (&inf->stat.st_mtime); int nsec = get_stat_mtime_ns (&inf->stat); if (! (tm && nstrftime (buf, sizeof buf, time_format, tm, 0, nsec))) { verify (TYPE_IS_INTEGER (time_t)); if (LONG_MIN <= TYPE_MINIMUM (time_t) && TYPE_MAXIMUM (time_t) <= LONG_MAX) { long int sec = inf->stat.st_mtime; sprintf (buf, "%ld.%.9d", sec, nsec); } else if (TYPE_MAXIMUM (time_t) <= INTMAX_MAX) { intmax_t sec = inf->stat.st_mtime; sprintf (buf, "%"PRIdMAX".%.9d", sec, nsec); } else { uintmax_t sec = inf->stat.st_mtime; sprintf (buf, "%"PRIuMAX".%.9d", sec, nsec); } } fprintf (outfile, "%s %s\t%s", mark, name, buf); } set_color_context (RESET_CONTEXT); putc ('\n', outfile); } /* Print a header for a context diff, with the file names and dates. */ void print_context_header (struct file_data inf[], char const *const *names, bool unidiff) { if (unidiff) { print_context_label ("---", &inf[0], names[0], file_label[0]); print_context_label ("+++", &inf[1], names[1], file_label[1]); } else { print_context_label ("***", &inf[0], names[0], file_label[0]); print_context_label ("---", &inf[1], names[1], file_label[1]); } } /* Print an edit script in context format. */ void print_context_script (struct change *script, bool unidiff) { if (ignore_blank_lines || ignore_regexp.fastmap) mark_ignorable (script); else { struct change *e; for (e = script; e; e = e->link) e->ignore = false; } find_function_last_search = - files[0].prefix_lines; find_function_last_match = LIN_MAX; if (unidiff) print_script (script, find_hunk, pr_unidiff_hunk); else print_script (script, find_hunk, pr_context_hunk); } /* Print a pair of line numbers with a comma, translated for file FILE. If the second number is not greater, use the first in place of it. Args A and B are internal line numbers. We print the translated (real) line numbers. */ static void print_context_number_range (struct file_data const *file, lin a, lin b) { printint trans_a, trans_b; translate_range (file, a, b, &trans_a, &trans_b); /* We can have B <= A in the case of a range of no lines. In this case, we should print the line number before the range, which is B. POSIX 1003.1-2001 requires two line numbers separated by a comma even if the line numbers are the same. However, this does not match existing practice and is surely an error in the specification. */ if (trans_b <= trans_a) fprintf (outfile, "%"pI"d", trans_b); else fprintf (outfile, "%"pI"d,%"pI"d", trans_a, trans_b); } /* Print FUNCTION in a context header. */ static void print_context_function (FILE *out, char const *function) { int i, j; putc (' ', out); for (i = 0; c_isspace ((unsigned char) function[i]) && function[i] != '\n'; i++) continue; for (j = i; j < i + 40 && function[j] != '\n'; j++) continue; while (i < j && c_isspace ((unsigned char) function[j - 1])) j--; fwrite (function + i, sizeof (char), j - i, out); } /* Print a portion of an edit script in context format. HUNK is the beginning of the portion to be printed. The end is marked by a 'link' that has been nulled out. Prints out lines from both files, and precedes each line with the appropriate flag-character. */ static void pr_context_hunk (struct change *hunk) { lin first0, last0, first1, last1, i; char const *prefix; char const *function; FILE *out; /* Determine range of line numbers involved in each file. */ enum changes changes = analyze_hunk (hunk, &first0, &last0, &first1, &last1); if (! changes) return; /* Include a context's width before and after. */ i = - files[0].prefix_lines; first0 = MAX (first0 - context, i); first1 = MAX (first1 - context, i); if (last0 < files[0].valid_lines - context) last0 += context; else last0 = files[0].valid_lines - 1; if (last1 < files[1].valid_lines - context) last1 += context; else last1 = files[1].valid_lines - 1; /* If desired, find the preceding function definition line in file 0. */ function = NULL; if (function_regexp.fastmap) function = find_function (files[0].linbuf, first0); begin_output (); out = outfile; fputs ("***************", out); if (function) print_context_function (out, function); putc ('\n', out); set_color_context (LINE_NUMBER_CONTEXT); fputs ("*** ", out); print_context_number_range (&files[0], first0, last0); fputs (" ****", out); set_color_context (RESET_CONTEXT); putc ('\n', out); if (changes & OLD) { struct change *next = hunk; for (i = first0; i <= last0; i++) { set_color_context (DELETE_CONTEXT); /* Skip past changes that apply (in file 0) only to lines before line I. */ while (next && next->line0 + next->deleted <= i) next = next->link; /* Compute the marking for line I. */ prefix = " "; if (next && next->line0 <= i) { /* The change NEXT covers this line. If lines were inserted here in file 1, this is "changed". Otherwise it is "deleted". */ prefix = (next->inserted > 0 ? "!" : "-"); } print_1_line_nl (prefix, &files[0].linbuf[i], true); set_color_context (RESET_CONTEXT); if (files[0].linbuf[i + 1][-1] == '\n') putc ('\n', out); } } set_color_context (LINE_NUMBER_CONTEXT); fputs ("--- ", out); print_context_number_range (&files[1], first1, last1); fputs (" ----", out); set_color_context (RESET_CONTEXT); putc ('\n', out); if (changes & NEW) { struct change *next = hunk; for (i = first1; i <= last1; i++) { set_color_context (ADD_CONTEXT); /* Skip past changes that apply (in file 1) only to lines before line I. */ while (next && next->line1 + next->inserted <= i) next = next->link; /* Compute the marking for line I. */ prefix = " "; if (next && next->line1 <= i) { /* The change NEXT covers this line. If lines were deleted here in file 0, this is "changed". Otherwise it is "inserted". */ prefix = (next->deleted > 0 ? "!" : "+"); } print_1_line_nl (prefix, &files[1].linbuf[i], true); set_color_context (RESET_CONTEXT); if (files[1].linbuf[i + 1][-1] == '\n') putc ('\n', out); } } } /* Print a pair of line numbers with a comma, translated for file FILE. If the second number is smaller, use the first in place of it. If the numbers are equal, print just one number. Args A and B are internal line numbers. We print the translated (real) line numbers. */ static void print_unidiff_number_range (struct file_data const *file, lin a, lin b) { printint trans_a, trans_b; translate_range (file, a, b, &trans_a, &trans_b); /* We can have B < A in the case of a range of no lines. In this case, we print the line number before the range, which is B. It would be more logical to print A, but 'patch' expects B in order to detect diffs against empty files. */ if (trans_b <= trans_a) fprintf (outfile, trans_b < trans_a ? "%"pI"d,0" : "%"pI"d", trans_b); else fprintf (outfile, "%"pI"d,%"pI"d", trans_a, trans_b - trans_a + 1); } /* Print a portion of an edit script in unidiff format. HUNK is the beginning of the portion to be printed. The end is marked by a 'link' that has been nulled out. Prints out lines from both files, and precedes each line with the appropriate flag-character. */ static void pr_unidiff_hunk (struct change *hunk) { lin first0, last0, first1, last1; lin i, j, k; struct change *next; char const *function; FILE *out; /* Determine range of line numbers involved in each file. */ if (! analyze_hunk (hunk, &first0, &last0, &first1, &last1)) return; /* Include a context's width before and after. */ i = - files[0].prefix_lines; first0 = MAX (first0 - context, i); first1 = MAX (first1 - context, i); if (last0 < files[0].valid_lines - context) last0 += context; else last0 = files[0].valid_lines - 1; if (last1 < files[1].valid_lines - context) last1 += context; else last1 = files[1].valid_lines - 1; /* If desired, find the preceding function definition line in file 0. */ function = NULL; if (function_regexp.fastmap) function = find_function (files[0].linbuf, first0); begin_output (); out = outfile; set_color_context (LINE_NUMBER_CONTEXT); fputs ("@@ -", out); print_unidiff_number_range (&files[0], first0, last0); fputs (" +", out); print_unidiff_number_range (&files[1], first1, last1); fputs (" @@", out); set_color_context (RESET_CONTEXT); if (function) print_context_function (out, function); putc ('\n', out); next = hunk; i = first0; j = first1; while (i <= last0 || j <= last1) { /* If the line isn't a difference, output the context from file 0. */ if (!next || i < next->line0) { char const *const *line = &files[0].linbuf[i++]; if (! (suppress_blank_empty && **line == '\n')) putc (initial_tab ? '\t' : ' ', out); print_1_line (NULL, line); j++; } else { /* For each difference, first output the deleted part. */ k = next->deleted; while (k--) { char const * const *line = &files[0].linbuf[i++]; set_color_context (DELETE_CONTEXT); putc ('-', out); if (initial_tab && ! (suppress_blank_empty && **line == '\n')) putc ('\t', out); print_1_line_nl (NULL, line, true); set_color_context (RESET_CONTEXT); if (line[1][-1] == '\n') putc ('\n', out); } /* Then output the inserted part. */ k = next->inserted; while (k--) { char const * const *line = &files[1].linbuf[j++]; set_color_context (ADD_CONTEXT); putc ('+', out); if (initial_tab && ! (suppress_blank_empty && **line == '\n')) putc ('\t', out); print_1_line_nl (NULL, line, true); set_color_context (RESET_CONTEXT); if (line[1][-1] == '\n') putc ('\n', out); } /* We're done with this hunk, so on to the next! */ next = next->link; } } } /* Scan a (forward-ordered) edit script for the first place that more than 2*CONTEXT unchanged lines appear, and return a pointer to the 'struct change' for the last change before those lines. */ static struct change * _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE find_hunk (struct change *start) { struct change *prev; lin top0, top1; lin thresh; /* Threshold distance is CONTEXT if the second change is ignorable, 2 * CONTEXT + 1 otherwise. Integer overflow can't happen, due to CONTEXT_LIM. */ lin ignorable_threshold = context; lin non_ignorable_threshold = 2 * context + 1; do { /* Compute number of first line in each file beyond this changed. */ top0 = start->line0 + start->deleted; top1 = start->line1 + start->inserted; prev = start; start = start->link; thresh = (start && start->ignore ? ignorable_threshold : non_ignorable_threshold); /* It is not supposed to matter which file we check in the end-test. If it would matter, crash. */ if (start && start->line0 - top0 != start->line1 - top1) abort (); } while (start /* Keep going if less than THRESH lines elapse before the affected line. */ && start->line0 - top0 < thresh); return prev; } /* Set the 'ignore' flag properly in each change in SCRIPT. It should be 1 if all the lines inserted or deleted in that change are ignorable lines. */ static void mark_ignorable (struct change *script) { while (script) { struct change *next = script->link; lin first0, last0, first1, last1; /* Turn this change into a hunk: detach it from the others. */ script->link = NULL; /* Determine whether this change is ignorable. */ script->ignore = ! analyze_hunk (script, &first0, &last0, &first1, &last1); /* Reconnect the chain as before. */ script->link = next; /* Advance to the following change. */ script = next; } } /* Find the last function-header line in LINBUF prior to line number LINENUM. This is a line containing a match for the regexp in 'function_regexp'. Return the address of the text, or NULL if no function-header is found. */ static char const * find_function (char const * const *linbuf, lin linenum) { lin i = linenum; lin last = find_function_last_search; find_function_last_search = i; while (last <= --i) { /* See if this line is what we want. */ char const *line = linbuf[i]; size_t linelen = linbuf[i + 1] - line - 1; /* FIXME: re_search's size args should be size_t, not int. */ int len = MIN (linelen, INT_MAX); if (0 <= re_search (&function_regexp, line, len, 0, len, NULL)) { find_function_last_match = i; return line; } } /* If we search back to where we started searching the previous time, find the line we found last time. */ if (find_function_last_match != LIN_MAX) return linbuf[find_function_last_match]; return NULL; }