;;; ede/generic.el --- Base Support for generic build systems ;; Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; There are a lot of build systems out there, and EDE can't support ;; them all fully. The ede/generic.el system is the base for ;; supporting alternate build systems in a simple way, automatically. ;; ;; The structure is for the ede-generic baseclass, which is augmented ;; by simple sub-classes that can be created by users on an as needed ;; basis. The generic system will have targets for many language ;; types, and create the targets on an as needed basis. All ;; sub-project types will recycle the same generic target types. ;; ;; The generic target types will only be implemented for languages ;; where having EDE support actually matters, with a single MISC to ;; represent anything else. ;; ;; TOO MANY PROJECTS DETECTED: ;; ;; If enabling ede-generic support starts identifying too many ;; projects, drop a file called `.ede-ignore' into any directory where ;; you do not want a project to be. ;; ;; Customization: ;; ;; Since these projects are all so incredibly generic, a user will ;; need to configure some aspects of the project by hand. In order to ;; enable this without configuring the project objects directly (which ;; are auto-generated) a special ede-generic-config object is defined to ;; hold the basics. Generic projects will identify and use these ;; config files. ;; ;; Adding support for new projects: ;; ;; To add support to EDE Generic for new project types is very quick. ;; See the end of this file for examples such as CMake and SCons. ;; ;; Support consists of one class for your project, specifying the file ;; name used by the project system you want to support. It also ;; should implement th method `ede-generic-setup-configuration' to ;; prepopulate the configurable portion of the generic project with ;; build details. ;; ;; Lastly, call `ede-generic-new-autoloader' to setup your project so ;; EDE can use it. ;; ;; Adding support for new types of source code: ;; ;; Sources of different types are supported with a simple class which ;; subclasses `ede-generic-target'. The slots `shortname' and ;; `extension' should be given new initial values. ;; ;; Optionally, any target method used by EDE can then be overridden. ;; The ede-generic-target-c-cpp has some example methods setting up ;; the pre-processor map and system include path. ;; ;; NOTE: It is not necessary to modify ede-generic.el to add any of ;; the above described support features. (require 'eieio-opt) (require 'ede) (require 'ede/shell) (require 'semantic/db) ;;; Code: ;; ;; Start with the configuration system (defclass ede-generic-config (eieio-persistent) ((extension :initform ".ede") (file-header-line :initform ";; EDE Generic Project Configuration") (project :initform nil :documentation "The project this config is bound to.") ;; Generic customizations (build-command :initarg :build-command :initform "make -k" :type string :custom string :group (default build) :documentation "Command used for building this project.") (debug-command :initarg :debug-command :initform "gdb " :type string :custom string :group (default build) :documentation "Command used for debugging this project.") (run-command :initarg :run-command :initform nil :type (or null string) :custom string :group (default build) :documentation "Command used to run something related to this project.") ;; C target customizations (c-include-path :initarg :c-include-path :initform nil :type list :custom (repeat (string :tag "Path")) :group c :documentation "The include path used by C/C++ projects.") (c-preprocessor-table :initarg :c-preprocessor-table :initform nil :type list :custom (repeat (cons (string :tag "Macro") (string :tag "Value"))) :group c :documentation "Preprocessor Symbols for this project.") (c-preprocessor-files :initarg :c-preprocessor-files :initform nil :type list :custom (repeat (string :tag "Include File"))) ) "User Configuration object for a generic project.") (defun ede-generic-load (dir &optional rootproj) "Return a Generic Project object if there is a match. Return nil if there isn't one. Argument DIR is the directory it is created for. ROOTPROJ is nil, since there is only one project." ;; Doesn't already exist, so let's make one. (let* ((alobj ede-constructing) (this nil)) (when (not alobj) (error "Cannot load generic project without the autoload instance")) (setq this (funcall (oref alobj class-sym) (symbol-name (oref alobj class-sym)) :name (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name dir)) :version "1.0" :directory (file-name-as-directory dir) :file (expand-file-name (oref alobj :proj-file)) )) (ede-add-project-to-global-list this) )) ;;; Base Classes for the system (defclass ede-generic-target (ede-target) ((shortname :initform "" :type string :allocation :class :documentation "Something prepended to the target name.") (extension :initform "" :type string :allocation :class :documentation "Regular expression representing the extension used for this target. subclasses of this base target will override the default value.") ) "Baseclass for all targets belonging to the generic ede system." :abstract t) (defclass ede-generic-project (ede-project) ((buildfile :initform "" :type string :allocation :class :documentation "The file name that identifies a project of this type. The class allocated value is replace by different sub classes.") (config :initform nil :type (or null ede-generic-config) :documentation "The configuration object for this project.") ) "The baseclass for all generic EDE project types." :abstract t) (defmethod initialize-instance ((this ede-generic-project) &rest fields) "Make sure the targets slot is bound." (call-next-method) (unless (slot-boundp this 'targets) (oset this :targets nil)) ) (defmethod ede-generic-get-configuration ((proj ede-generic-project)) "Return the configuration for the project PROJ." (let ((config (oref proj config))) (when (not config) (let ((fname (expand-file-name "EDEConfig.el" (oref proj :directory)))) (if (file-exists-p fname) ;; Load in the configuration (setq config (eieio-persistent-read fname 'ede-generic-config)) ;; Create a new one. (setq config (ede-generic-config "Configuration" :file fname)) ;; Set initial values based on project. (ede-generic-setup-configuration proj config)) ;; Link things together. (oset proj config config) (oset config project proj))) config)) (defmethod ede-generic-setup-configuration ((proj ede-generic-project) config) "Default configuration setup method." nil) (defmethod ede-commit-project ((proj ede-generic-project)) "Commit any change to PROJ to its file." (let ((config (ede-generic-get-configuration proj))) (ede-commit config))) ;;; A list of different targets (defclass ede-generic-target-c-cpp (ede-generic-target) ((shortname :initform "C/C++") (extension :initform "\\([ch]\\(pp\\|xx\\|\\+\\+\\)?\\|cc\\|hh\\|CC?\\)")) "EDE Generic Project target for C and C++ code. All directories need at least one target.") (defclass ede-generic-target-el (ede-generic-target) ((shortname :initform "ELisp") (extension :initform "el")) "EDE Generic Project target for Emacs Lisp code. All directories need at least one target.") (defclass ede-generic-target-fortran (ede-generic-target) ((shortname :initform "Fortran") (extension :initform "[fF]9[05]\\|[fF]\\|for")) "EDE Generic Project target for Fortran code. All directories need at least one target.") (defclass ede-generic-target-texi (ede-generic-target) ((shortname :initform "Texinfo") (extension :initform "texi")) "EDE Generic Project target for texinfo code. All directories need at least one target.") ;; MISC must always be last since it will always match the file. (defclass ede-generic-target-misc (ede-generic-target) ((shortname :initform "Misc") (extension :initform "")) "EDE Generic Project target for Misc files. All directories need at least one target.") ;;; Automatic target acquisition. (defun ede-generic-find-matching-target (class dir targets) "Find a target that is a CLASS and is in DIR in the list of TARGETS." (let ((match nil)) (dolist (T targets) (when (and (object-of-class-p T class) (string= (oref T :path) dir)) (setq match T) )) match)) (defmethod ede-find-target ((proj ede-generic-project) buffer) "Find an EDE target in PROJ for BUFFER. If one doesn't exist, create a new one for this directory." (let* ((ext (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name buffer))) (classes (eieio-build-class-alist 'ede-generic-target t)) (cls nil) (targets (oref proj targets)) (dir default-directory) (ans nil) ) ;; Pick a matching class type. (when ext (dolist (C classes) (let* ((classsym (intern (car C))) (extreg (oref classsym extension))) (when (and (not (string= extreg "")) (string-match (concat "^" extreg "$") ext)) (setq cls classsym))))) (when (not cls) (setq cls 'ede-generic-target-misc)) ;; find a pre-existing matching target (setq ans (ede-generic-find-matching-target cls dir targets)) ;; Create a new instance if there wasn't one (when (not ans) (setq ans (make-instance cls :name (oref cls shortname) :path dir :source nil)) (object-add-to-list proj :targets ans) ) ans)) ;;; C/C++ support (defmethod ede-preprocessor-map ((this ede-generic-target-c-cpp)) "Get the pre-processor map for some generic C code." (let* ((proj (ede-target-parent this)) (root (ede-project-root proj)) (config (ede-generic-get-configuration proj)) filemap ) ;; Preprocessor files (dolist (G (oref config :c-preprocessor-files)) (let ((table (semanticdb-file-table-object (ede-expand-filename root G)))) (when table (when (semanticdb-needs-refresh-p table) (semanticdb-refresh-table table)) (setq filemap (append filemap (oref table lexical-table))) ))) ;; The core table (setq filemap (append filemap (oref config :c-preprocessor-table))) filemap )) (defmethod ede-system-include-path ((this ede-generic-target-c-cpp)) "Get the system include path used by project THIS." (let* ((proj (ede-target-parent this)) (config (ede-generic-get-configuration proj))) (oref config c-include-path))) ;;; Commands ;; (defmethod project-compile-project ((proj ede-generic-project) &optional command) "Compile the entire current project PROJ. Argument COMMAND is the command to use when compiling." (let* ((config (ede-generic-get-configuration proj)) (comp (oref config :build-command))) (compile comp))) (defmethod project-compile-target ((obj ede-generic-target) &optional command) "Compile the current target OBJ. Argument COMMAND is the command to use for compiling the target." (project-compile-project (ede-current-project) command)) (defmethod project-debug-target ((target ede-generic-target)) "Run the current project derived from TARGET in a debugger." (let* ((proj (ede-target-parent target)) (config (ede-generic-get-configuration proj)) (debug (oref config :debug-command)) (cmd (read-from-minibuffer "Debug Command: " debug)) (cmdsplit (split-string cmd " " t)) ;; @TODO - this depends on the user always typing in something good ;; like "gdb" or "dbx" which also exists as a useful Emacs command. ;; Is there a better way? (cmdsym (intern-soft (car cmdsplit)))) (call-interactively cmdsym t))) (defmethod project-run-target ((target ede-generic-target)) "Run the current project derived from TARGET." (let* ((proj (ede-target-parent target)) (config (ede-generic-get-configuration proj)) (run (concat "./" (oref config :run-command))) (cmd (read-from-minibuffer "Run (like this): " run))) (ede-shell-run-something target cmd))) ;;; Customization ;; (defmethod ede-customize ((proj ede-generic-project)) "Customize the EDE project PROJ." (let ((config (ede-generic-get-configuration proj))) (eieio-customize-object config))) (defmethod ede-customize ((target ede-generic-target)) "Customize the EDE TARGET." ;; Nothing unique for the targets, use the project. (ede-customize-project)) (defmethod eieio-done-customizing ((config ede-generic-config)) "Called when EIEIO is done customizing the configuration object. We need to go back through the old buffers, and update them with the new configuration." (ede-commit config) ;; Loop over all the open buffers, and re-apply. (ede-map-targets (oref config project) (lambda (target) (ede-map-target-buffers target (lambda (b) (with-current-buffer b (ede-apply-target-options))))))) (defmethod ede-commit ((config ede-generic-config)) "Commit all changes to the configuration to disk." (eieio-persistent-save config)) ;;; Creating Derived Projects: ;; ;; Derived projects need an autoloader so that EDE can find the ;; different projects on disk. (defun ede-generic-new-autoloader (internal-name external-name projectfile class) "Add a new EDE Autoload instance for identifying a generic project. INTERNAL-NAME is a long name that identifies this project type. EXTERNAL-NAME is a shorter human readable name to describe the project. PROJECTFILE is a file name that identifies a project of this type to EDE, such as a Makefile, or SConstruct file. CLASS is the EIEIO class that is used to track this project. It should subclass the class `ede-generic-project' project." (ede-add-project-autoload (ede-project-autoload internal-name :name external-name :file 'ede/generic :proj-file projectfile :load-type 'ede-generic-load :class-sym class :new-p nil :safe-p nil) ; @todo - could be ; safe if we do something ; about the loading of the ; generic config file. ;; Generics must go at the end, since more specific types ;; can create Makefiles also. 'generic)) ;;;###autoload (defun ede-enable-generic-projects () "Enable generic project loaders." (interactive) (ede-generic-new-autoloader "generic-makefile" "Make" "Makefile" 'ede-generic-makefile-project) (ede-generic-new-autoloader "generic-scons" "SCons" "SConstruct" 'ede-generic-scons-project) (ede-generic-new-autoloader "generic-cmake" "CMake" "CMakeLists" 'ede-generic-cmake-project) ) ;;; SPECIFIC TYPES OF GENERIC BUILDS ;; ;;; MAKEFILE (defclass ede-generic-makefile-project (ede-generic-project) ((buildfile :initform "Makefile") ) "Generic Project for makefiles.") (defmethod ede-generic-setup-configuration ((proj ede-generic-makefile-project) config) "Setup a configuration for Make." (oset config build-command "make -k") (oset config debug-command "gdb ") ) ;;; SCONS (defclass ede-generic-scons-project (ede-generic-project) ((buildfile :initform "SConstruct") ) "Generic Project for scons.") (defmethod ede-generic-setup-configuration ((proj ede-generic-scons-project) config) "Setup a configuration for SCONS." (oset config build-command "scons") (oset config debug-command "gdb ") ) ;;; CMAKE (defclass ede-generic-cmake-project (ede-generic-project) ((buildfile :initform "CMakeLists") ) "Generic Project for cmake.") (defmethod ede-generic-setup-configuration ((proj ede-generic-cmake-project) config) "Setup a configuration for CMake." (oset config build-command "cmake") (oset config debug-command "gdb ") ) (provide 'ede/generic) ;; Local variables: ;; generated-autoload-file: "loaddefs.el" ;; generated-autoload-load-name: "ede/generic" ;; End: ;;; ede/generic.el ends here