;;; semantic/bovine/c-by.el --- Generated parser support file -*- lexical-binding:t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 1999-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; This file was generated from admin/grammars/c.by. ;;; Code: (require 'semantic/lex) (eval-when-compile (require 'semantic/bovine)) ;;; Prologue ;; (declare-function semantic-c-reconstitute-token "semantic/bovine/c" (tokenpart declmods typedecl)) (declare-function semantic-c-reconstitute-template "semantic/bovine/c" (tag specifier)) (declare-function semantic-expand-c-tag "semantic/bovine/c" (tag)) (declare-function semantic-parse-region "semantic" (start end &optional nonterminal depth returnonerror)) ;;; Declarations ;; (eval-and-compile (defconst semantic-c-by--expected-conflicts nil "The number of expected shift/reduce conflicts in this grammar.")) (defconst semantic-c-by--keyword-table (semantic-lex-make-keyword-table '(("extern" . EXTERN) ("static" . STATIC) ("const" . CONST) ("volatile" . VOLATILE) ("register" . REGISTER) ("signed" . SIGNED) ("unsigned" . UNSIGNED) ("inline" . INLINE) ("virtual" . VIRTUAL) ("mutable" . MUTABLE) ("explicit" . EXPLICIT) ("struct" . STRUCT) ("union" . UNION) ("enum" . ENUM) ("typedef" . TYPEDEF) ("class" . CLASS) ("typename" . TYPENAME) ("namespace" . NAMESPACE) ("using" . USING) ("new" . NEW) ("delete" . DELETE) ("template" . TEMPLATE) ("throw" . THROW) ("reentrant" . REENTRANT) ("try" . TRY) ("catch" . CATCH) ("operator" . OPERATOR) ("public" . PUBLIC) ("private" . PRIVATE) ("protected" . PROTECTED) ("friend" . FRIEND) ("if" . IF) ("else" . ELSE) ("do" . DO) ("while" . WHILE) ("for" . FOR) ("switch" . SWITCH) ("case" . CASE) ("default" . DEFAULT) ("return" . RETURN) ("break" . BREAK) ("continue" . CONTINUE) ("sizeof" . SIZEOF) ("void" . VOID) ("char" . CHAR) ("wchar_t" . WCHAR) ("short" . SHORT) ("int" . INT) ("long" . LONG) ("float" . FLOAT) ("double" . DOUBLE) ("bool" . BOOL) ("_P" . UNDERP) ("__P" . UNDERUNDERP)) '(("__P" summary "Common macro to eliminate prototype compatibility on some compilers") ("_P" summary "Common macro to eliminate prototype compatibility on some compilers") ("bool" summary "Primitive boolean type") ("double" summary "Primitive floating-point type (double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754)") ("float" summary "Primitive floating-point type (single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754)") ("long" summary "Integral primitive type (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807)") ("int" summary "Integral Primitive Type: (-2147483648 to 2147483647)") ("short" summary "Integral Primitive Type: (-32768 to 32767)") ("wchar_t" summary "Wide Character Type") ("char" summary "Integral Character Type: (0 to 256)") ("void" summary "Built in type: void") ("sizeof" summary "Compile time macro: sizeof() // size in bytes") ("continue" summary "Non-local continue within a loop (for, do/while): continue;") ("break" summary "Non-local exit within a loop or switch (for, do/while, switch): break;") ("return" summary "return ;") ("default" summary "switch () { case : code; ... default: code; }") ("case" summary "switch () { case : code; ... default: code; }") ("switch" summary "switch () { case : code; ... default: code; }") ("for" summary "for(; ; ) { code }") ("while" summary "do { code } while (); or while () { code };") ("do" summary " do { code } while ();") ("else" summary "if () { code } [ else { code } ]") ("if" summary "if () { code } [ else { code } ]") ("friend" summary "friend class ") ("catch" summary "try { } catch { }") ("try" summary "try { } catch { }") ("reentrant" summary " () reentrant ...") ("throw" summary " () throw () ...") ("template" summary "template TYPE_OR_FUNCTION") ("delete" summary "delete ;") ("new" summary "new ();") ("using" summary "using ;") ("namespace" summary "Namespace Declaration: namespace { ... };") ("typename" summary "typename is used to handle a qualified name as a typename;") ("class" summary "Class Declaration: class [:parents] { ... };") ("typedef" summary "Arbitrary Type Declaration: typedef ;") ("enum" summary "Enumeration Type Declaration: enum [name] { ... };") ("union" summary "Union Type Declaration: union [name] { ... };") ("struct" summary "Structure Type Declaration: struct [name] { ... };") ("explicit" summary "Forbids implicit type conversion: explicit ") ("mutable" summary "Member Declaration Modifier: mutable ...") ("virtual" summary "Method Modifier: virtual (...) ...") ("inline" summary "Function Modifier: inline (...) {...};") ("unsigned" summary "Numeric Type Modifier: unsigned ...") ("signed" summary "Numeric Type Modifier: signed ...") ("register" summary "Declaration Modifier: register ...") ("volatile" summary "Declaration Modifier: volatile ...") ("const" summary "Declaration Modifier: const ...") ("static" summary "Declaration Modifier: static ...") ("extern" summary "Declaration Modifier: extern ..."))) "Table of language keywords.") (defconst semantic-c-by--token-table (semantic-lex-make-type-table '(("semantic-list" (BRACKETS . "\\[\\]") (PARENS . "()") (VOID_BLCK . "^(void)$") (BRACE_BLCK . "^{") (PAREN_BLCK . "^(") (BRACK_BLCK . "\\[.*\\]$")) ("close-paren" (RBRACE . "}") (RPAREN . ")")) ("open-paren" (LBRACE . "{") (LPAREN . "(")) ("symbol" (RESTRICT . "\\<\\(__\\)?restrict\\>")) ("number" (ZERO . "^0$")) ("string" (CPP . "\"C\\+\\+\"") (C . "\"C\"")) ("punctuation" (OR . "\\`[|]\\'") (HAT . "\\`\\^\\'") (MOD . "\\`[%]\\'") (TILDE . "\\`[~]\\'") (COMA . "\\`[,]\\'") (GREATER . "\\`[>]\\'") (LESS . "\\`[<]\\'") (EQUAL . "\\`[=]\\'") (QUESTION . "\\`[?]\\'") (BANG . "\\`[!]\\'") (MINUS . "\\`[-]\\'") (PLUS . "\\`[+]\\'") (DIVIDE . "\\`[/]\\'") (AMPERSAND . "\\`[&]\\'") (STAR . "\\`[*]\\'") (SEMICOLON . "\\`[;]\\'") (COLON . "\\`[:]\\'") (PERIOD . "\\`[.]\\'") (HASH . "\\`[#]\\'"))) 'nil) "Table of lexical tokens.") (defconst semantic-c-by--parse-table `( (bovine-toplevel (declaration) ) ;; end bovine-toplevel (bovine-inner-scope (codeblock) ) ;; end bovine-inner-scope (declaration (macro) (type) (define) (var-or-fun) (extern-c) (template) (using) ) ;; end declaration (codeblock (define) (codeblock-var-or-fun) (type) (using) ) ;; end codeblock (extern-c-contents (open-paren ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (declaration) (close-paren ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) ) ;; end extern-c-contents (extern-c (EXTERN string "\"C\"" semantic-list ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag "C" 'extern :members (semantic-parse-region (car (nth 2 vals)) (cdr (nth 2 vals)) 'extern-c-contents 1))) ) (EXTERN string "\"C\\+\\+\"" semantic-list ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag "C" 'extern :members (semantic-parse-region (car (nth 2 vals)) (cdr (nth 2 vals)) 'extern-c-contents 1))) ) (EXTERN string "\"C\"" ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (EXTERN string "\"C\\+\\+\"" ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) ) ;; end extern-c (macro (spp-macro-def ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-variable (nth 0 vals) nil nil :constant-flag t)) ) (spp-system-include ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-include (nth 0 vals) t)) ) (spp-include ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-include (nth 0 vals) nil)) ) ) ;; end macro (define (spp-macro-def ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-variable (nth 0 vals) nil nil :constant-flag t)) ) (spp-macro-undef ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) ) ;; end define (unionparts (semantic-list ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-parse-region (car (nth 0 vals)) (cdr (nth 0 vals)) 'classsubparts 1)) ) ) ;; end unionparts (opt-symbol (symbol) (;;EMPTY ) ) ;; end opt-symbol (classsubparts (open-paren "{" ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (close-paren "}" ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (class-protection opt-symbol punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag (car (nth 0 vals)) 'label)) ) (var-or-fun) (FRIEND func-decl ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag (car (nth 1 vals)) 'friend)) ) (FRIEND CLASS symbol ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag (nth 2 vals) 'friend)) ) (type) (define) (template) (;;EMPTY ) ) ;; end classsubparts (opt-class-parents (punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" class-parents opt-template-specifier ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 1 vals))) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda) ) ) ;; end opt-class-parents (one-class-parent (opt-class-protection opt-class-declmods namespace-symbol ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (car (nth 2 vals)) "class" nil nil :protection (car (nth 0 vals)))) ) (opt-class-declmods opt-class-protection namespace-symbol ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (car (nth 2 vals)) "class" nil nil :protection (car (nth 1 vals)))) ) ) ;; end one-class-parent (class-parents (one-class-parent punctuation "\\`[,]\\'" class-parents ,(semantic-lambda (cons (nth 0 vals) (nth 2 vals))) ) (one-class-parent ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals))) ) ) ;; end class-parents (opt-class-declmods (class-declmods opt-class-declmods ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (;;EMPTY ) ) ;; end opt-class-declmods (class-declmods (VIRTUAL) ) ;; end class-declmods (class-protection (PUBLIC) (PRIVATE) (PROTECTED) ) ;; end class-protection (opt-class-protection (class-protection ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda (list "unspecified")) ) ) ;; end opt-class-protection (namespaceparts (semantic-list ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-parse-region (car (nth 0 vals)) (cdr (nth 0 vals)) 'namespacesubparts 1)) ) ) ;; end namespaceparts (namespacesubparts (open-paren "{" ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (close-paren "}" ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (type) (var-or-fun) (define) (class-protection punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag (car (nth 0 vals)) 'label)) ) (template) (using) (spp-include ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag (nth 0 vals) 'include :inside-ns t)) ) (;;EMPTY ) ) ;; end namespacesubparts (enumparts (semantic-list ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-parse-region (car (nth 0 vals)) (cdr (nth 0 vals)) 'enumsubparts 1)) ) ) ;; end enumparts (enumsubparts (symbol opt-assign ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-variable (nth 0 vals) "int" (car (nth 1 vals)) :constant-flag t)) ) (open-paren "{" ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (close-paren "}" ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (punctuation "\\`[,]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) ) ;; end enumsubparts (opt-name (symbol) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda (list "")) ) ) ;; end opt-name (typesimple (struct-or-class opt-class opt-name opt-template-specifier opt-class-parents semantic-list ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (car (nth 2 vals)) (car (nth 0 vals)) (dlet ( (semantic-c-classname (cons (car (nth 2 vals)) (car (nth 0 vals))))) (semantic-parse-region (car (nth 5 vals)) (cdr (nth 5 vals)) 'classsubparts 1)) (nth 4 vals) :template-specifier (nth 3 vals) :parent (car (nth 1 vals)))) ) (struct-or-class opt-class opt-name opt-template-specifier opt-class-parents ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (car (nth 2 vals)) (car (nth 0 vals)) nil (nth 4 vals) :template-specifier (nth 3 vals) :prototype t :parent (car (nth 1 vals)))) ) (UNION opt-class opt-name unionparts ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (car (nth 2 vals)) (nth 0 vals) (nth 3 vals) nil :parent (car (nth 1 vals)))) ) (ENUM opt-class opt-name enumparts ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (car (nth 2 vals)) (nth 0 vals) (nth 3 vals) nil :parent (car (nth 1 vals)))) ) (TYPEDEF declmods typeformbase cv-declmods typedef-symbol-list ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (nth 4 vals) (nth 0 vals) nil (list (nth 2 vals)))) ) ) ;; end typesimple (typedef-symbol-list (typedefname punctuation "\\`[,]\\'" typedef-symbol-list ,(semantic-lambda (cons (nth 0 vals) (nth 2 vals))) ) (typedefname ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals))) ) ) ;; end typedef-symbol-list (typedefname (opt-stars symbol opt-bits opt-array ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals) (nth 1 vals))) ) ) ;; end typedefname (struct-or-class (STRUCT) (CLASS) ) ;; end struct-or-class (type (typesimple punctuation "\\`[;]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (NAMESPACE symbol namespaceparts ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (nth 1 vals) (nth 0 vals) (nth 2 vals) nil)) ) (NAMESPACE namespaceparts ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type "unnamed" (nth 0 vals) (nth 1 vals) nil)) ) (NAMESPACE symbol punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" typeformbase punctuation "\\`[;]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (nth 1 vals) (nth 0 vals) (list (semantic-tag-new-type (car (nth 3 vals)) (nth 0 vals) nil nil)) nil :kind 'alias)) ) ) ;; end type (using (USING usingname punctuation "\\`[;]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag (car (nth 1 vals)) 'using :type (nth 1 vals))) ) ) ;; end using (usingname (typeformbase ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (car (nth 0 vals)) "class" nil nil :prototype t)) ) (NAMESPACE typeformbase ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (car (nth 1 vals)) "namespace" nil nil :prototype t)) ) ) ;; end usingname (template (TEMPLATE template-specifier opt-friend template-definition ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-c-reconstitute-template (nth 3 vals) (nth 1 vals))) ) ) ;; end template (opt-friend (FRIEND) (;;EMPTY ) ) ;; end opt-friend (opt-template-specifier (template-specifier ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda) ) ) ;; end opt-template-specifier (template-specifier (punctuation "\\`[<]\\'" template-specifier-types punctuation "\\`[>]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (nth 1 vals)) ) ) ;; end template-specifier (template-specifier-types (template-var template-specifier-type-list ,(semantic-lambda (cons (nth 0 vals) (nth 1 vals))) ) (;;EMPTY ) ) ;; end template-specifier-types (template-specifier-type-list (punctuation "\\`[,]\\'" template-specifier-types ,(semantic-lambda (nth 1 vals)) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda) ) ) ;; end template-specifier-type-list (template-var (template-type opt-template-equal ,(semantic-lambda (cons (car (nth 0 vals)) (cdr (nth 0 vals)))) ) (string ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals))) ) (number ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals))) ) (opt-stars opt-ref namespace-symbol ,(semantic-lambda (nth 2 vals)) ) (semantic-list ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals))) ) (SIZEOF semantic-list ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 1 vals))) ) ) ;; end template-var (opt-template-equal (punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" symbol punctuation "\\`[<]\\'" template-specifier-types punctuation "\\`[>]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 1 vals))) ) (punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" symbol ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 1 vals))) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda) ) ) ;; end opt-template-equal (template-type (CLASS symbol ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (nth 1 vals) "class" nil nil)) ) (STRUCT symbol ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (nth 1 vals) "struct" nil nil)) ) (TYPENAME symbol ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (nth 1 vals) "class" nil nil)) ) (declmods typeformbase cv-declmods opt-stars opt-ref variablearg-opt-name ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (car (nth 1 vals)) nil nil nil :template-specifier (plist-get (nth 2 (nth 1 vals)) :template-specifier) :constant-flag (if (member "const" (append (nth 0 vals) (nth 2 vals))) t nil) :typemodifiers (delete "const" (append (nth 0 vals) (nth 2 vals))) :reference (car (nth 4 vals)) :pointer (car (nth 3 vals)) :typevar (car (nth 5 vals)))) ) ) ;; end template-type (template-definition (type ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (var-or-fun ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) ) ;; end template-definition (opt-stars (punctuation "\\`[*]\\'" opt-starmod opt-stars ,(semantic-lambda (list (1+ (car (nth 2 vals))))) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda (list 0)) ) ) ;; end opt-stars (opt-starmod (STARMOD opt-starmod ,(semantic-lambda (cons (car (nth 0 vals)) (nth 1 vals))) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda) ) ) ;; end opt-starmod (STARMOD (CONST) ) ;; end STARMOD (declmods (DECLMOD declmods ,(semantic-lambda (cons (car (nth 0 vals)) (nth 1 vals))) ) (DECLMOD ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda) ) ) ;; end declmods (DECLMOD (EXTERN) (STATIC) (CVDECLMOD) (INLINE) (REGISTER) (FRIEND) (TYPENAME) (METADECLMOD) (VIRTUAL) ) ;; end DECLMOD (metadeclmod (METADECLMOD ,(semantic-lambda) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda) ) ) ;; end metadeclmod (CVDECLMOD (CONST) (VOLATILE) ) ;; end CVDECLMOD (cv-declmods (CVDECLMOD cv-declmods ,(semantic-lambda (cons (car (nth 0 vals)) (nth 1 vals))) ) (CVDECLMOD ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda) ) ) ;; end cv-declmods (METADECLMOD (VIRTUAL) (MUTABLE) ) ;; end METADECLMOD (opt-ref (punctuation "\\`[&]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list 1)) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda (list 0)) ) ) ;; end opt-ref (typeformbase (typesimple ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (STRUCT symbol ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (nth 1 vals) (nth 0 vals) nil nil)) ) (UNION symbol ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (nth 1 vals) (nth 0 vals) nil nil)) ) (ENUM symbol ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (nth 1 vals) (nth 0 vals) nil nil)) ) (builtintype ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (symbol template-specifier ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (nth 0 vals) "class" nil nil :template-specifier (nth 1 vals))) ) (namespace-symbol-for-typeformbase opt-template-specifier ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-type (car (nth 0 vals)) "class" nil nil :template-specifier (nth 1 vals))) ) (symbol ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals))) ) ) ;; end typeformbase (signedmod (UNSIGNED) (SIGNED) ) ;; end signedmod (builtintype-types (VOID) (CHAR) (WCHAR) (SHORT INT ,(semantic-lambda (list (concat (nth 0 vals) " " (nth 1 vals)))) ) (SHORT) (INT) (LONG INT ,(semantic-lambda (list (concat (nth 0 vals) " " (nth 1 vals)))) ) (FLOAT) (DOUBLE) (BOOL) (LONG DOUBLE ,(semantic-lambda (list (concat (nth 0 vals) " " (nth 1 vals)))) ) (LONG LONG ,(semantic-lambda (list (concat (nth 0 vals) " " (nth 1 vals)))) ) (LONG) ) ;; end builtintype-types (builtintype (signedmod builtintype-types ,(semantic-lambda (list (concat (car (nth 0 vals)) " " (car (nth 1 vals))))) ) (builtintype-types ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (signedmod ,(semantic-lambda (list (concat (car (nth 0 vals)) " int"))) ) ) ;; end builtintype (codeblock-var-or-fun (declmods typeformbase declmods opt-ref var-or-func-decl ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-c-reconstitute-token (nth 4 vals) (nth 0 vals) (nth 1 vals))) ) ) ;; end codeblock-var-or-fun (var-or-fun (codeblock-var-or-fun ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (declmods var-or-func-decl ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-c-reconstitute-token (nth 1 vals) (nth 0 vals) nil)) ) ) ;; end var-or-fun (var-or-func-decl (func-decl ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (var-decl ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) ) ;; end var-or-func-decl (func-decl (opt-stars opt-class opt-destructor functionname opt-template-specifier opt-under-p arg-list opt-post-fcn-modifiers opt-throw opt-initializers fun-or-proto-end ,(semantic-lambda (nth 3 vals) (list 'function (nth 1 vals) (nth 2 vals) (nth 6 vals) (nth 8 vals) (nth 7 vals)) (nth 0 vals) (nth 10 vals) (list (nth 4 vals)) (nth 9 vals)) ) (opt-stars opt-class opt-destructor functionname opt-template-specifier opt-under-p opt-post-fcn-modifiers opt-throw opt-initializers fun-try-end ,(semantic-lambda (nth 3 vals) (list 'function (nth 1 vals) (nth 2 vals) nil (nth 7 vals) (nth 6 vals)) (nth 0 vals) (nth 9 vals) (list (nth 4 vals)) (nth 8 vals)) ) ) ;; end func-decl (var-decl (varnamelist punctuation "\\`[;]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals) 'variable)) ) ) ;; end var-decl (opt-under-p (UNDERP ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (UNDERUNDERP ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (;;EMPTY ) ) ;; end opt-under-p (opt-initializers (punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" namespace-symbol semantic-list opt-initializers) (punctuation "\\`[,]\\'" namespace-symbol semantic-list opt-initializers) (;;EMPTY ) ) ;; end opt-initializers (opt-post-fcn-modifiers (post-fcn-modifiers opt-post-fcn-modifiers ,(semantic-lambda (cons (car (nth 0 vals)) (nth 1 vals))) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) ) ;; end opt-post-fcn-modifiers (post-fcn-modifiers (REENTRANT) (CONST) ) ;; end post-fcn-modifiers (opt-throw (THROW semantic-list ,(lambda (vals start end) (ignore vals start end) (semantic-bovinate-from-nonterminal (car (nth 1 vals)) (cdr (nth 1 vals)) 'throw-exception-list)) ) (;;EMPTY ) ) ;; end opt-throw (throw-exception-list (namespace-symbol punctuation "\\`[,]\\'" throw-exception-list ,(semantic-lambda (cons (car (nth 0 vals)) (nth 2 vals))) ) (namespace-symbol close-paren ")" ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (symbol close-paren ")" ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals))) ) (open-paren "(" throw-exception-list ,(semantic-lambda (nth 1 vals)) ) (close-paren ")" ,(semantic-lambda) ) ) ;; end throw-exception-list (opt-bits (punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" number ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 1 vals))) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) ) ;; end opt-bits (opt-array (semantic-list "\\[.*\\]$" opt-array ,(semantic-lambda (list (cons 1 (car (nth 1 vals))))) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) ) ;; end opt-array (opt-assign (punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" expression ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 1 vals))) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) ) ;; end opt-assign (opt-restrict (symbol "\\<\\(__\\)?restrict\\>") (;;EMPTY ) ) ;; end opt-restrict (varname (opt-stars opt-restrict namespace-symbol opt-bits opt-array ,(semantic-lambda (nth 2 vals) (nth 0 vals) (nth 3 vals) (nth 4 vals)) ) ) ;; end varname (variablearg (declmods typeformbase cv-declmods opt-ref variablearg-opt-name opt-assign ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-variable (list (append (nth 4 vals) (nth 5 vals))) (nth 1 vals) nil :constant-flag (if (member "const" (append (nth 0 vals) (nth 2 vals))) t nil) :typemodifiers (delete "const" (append (nth 0 vals) (nth 2 vals))) :reference (car (nth 3 vals)))) ) ) ;; end variablearg (variablearg-opt-name (varname ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (semantic-list arg-list ,(semantic-lambda (list (car (semantic-bovinate-from-nonterminal (car (nth 0 vals)) (cdr (nth 0 vals)) 'function-pointer)) (nth 1 vals))) ) (opt-stars ,(semantic-lambda (list "") (nth 0 vals) (list nil nil nil)) ) ) ;; end variablearg-opt-name (varname-opt-initializer (semantic-list) (opt-assign) (;;EMPTY ) ) ;; end varname-opt-initializer (varnamelist (opt-ref varname varname-opt-initializer punctuation "\\`[,]\\'" varnamelist ,(semantic-lambda (cons (append (nth 1 vals) (nth 2 vals)) (nth 4 vals))) ) (opt-ref varname varname-opt-initializer ,(semantic-lambda (list (append (nth 1 vals) (nth 2 vals)))) ) ) ;; end varnamelist (namespace-symbol (symbol opt-template-specifier punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" namespace-symbol ,(semantic-lambda (list (concat (nth 0 vals) "::" (car (nth 4 vals))))) ) (symbol opt-template-specifier ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals))) ) ) ;; end namespace-symbol (namespace-symbol-for-typeformbase (symbol opt-template-specifier punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" namespace-symbol-for-typeformbase ,(semantic-lambda (list (concat (nth 0 vals) "::" (car (nth 4 vals))))) ) (symbol ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals))) ) ) ;; end namespace-symbol-for-typeformbase (namespace-opt-class (symbol punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" namespace-opt-class ,(semantic-lambda (list (concat (nth 0 vals) "::" (car (nth 3 vals))))) ) (symbol opt-template-specifier punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals))) ) ) ;; end namespace-opt-class (opt-class (namespace-opt-class ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) ) ;; end opt-class (opt-destructor (punctuation "\\`[~]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list t)) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) ) ;; end opt-destructor (arg-list (semantic-list "^(" knr-arguments ,(semantic-lambda (nth 1 vals)) ) (semantic-list "^(" ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-parse-region (car (nth 0 vals)) (cdr (nth 0 vals)) 'arg-sub-list 1)) ) (semantic-list "^(void)$" ,(semantic-lambda) ) ) ;; end arg-list (knr-varnamelist (varname punctuation "\\`[,]\\'" knr-varnamelist ,(semantic-lambda (cons (nth 0 vals) (nth 2 vals))) ) (varname ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals))) ) ) ;; end knr-varnamelist (knr-one-variable-decl (declmods typeformbase cv-declmods knr-varnamelist ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-variable (nreverse (nth 3 vals)) (nth 1 vals) nil :constant-flag (if (member "const" (append (nth 2 vals))) t nil) :typemodifiers (delete "const" (nth 2 vals)))) ) ) ;; end knr-one-variable-decl (knr-arguments (knr-one-variable-decl punctuation "\\`[;]\\'" knr-arguments ,(semantic-lambda (append (semantic-expand-c-tag (nth 0 vals)) (nth 2 vals))) ) (knr-one-variable-decl punctuation "\\`[;]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-expand-c-tag (nth 0 vals))) ) ) ;; end knr-arguments (arg-sub-list (variablearg ,(semantic-lambda (nth 0 vals)) ) (punctuation "\\`[.]\\'" punctuation "\\`[.]\\'" punctuation "\\`[.]\\'" close-paren ")" ,(semantic-lambda (semantic-tag-new-variable "..." "vararg" nil)) ) (punctuation "\\`[,]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (open-paren "(" ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (close-paren ")" ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) ) ;; end arg-sub-list (operatorsym (punctuation "\\`[<]\\'" punctuation "\\`[<]\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "<<=")) ) (punctuation "\\`[>]\\'" punctuation "\\`[>]\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list ">>=")) ) (punctuation "\\`[<]\\'" punctuation "\\`[<]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "<<")) ) (punctuation "\\`[>]\\'" punctuation "\\`[>]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list ">>")) ) (punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "==")) ) (punctuation "\\`[<]\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "<=")) ) (punctuation "\\`[>]\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list ">=")) ) (punctuation "\\`[!]\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "!=")) ) (punctuation "\\`[+]\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "+=")) ) (punctuation "\\`[-]\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "-=")) ) (punctuation "\\`[*]\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "*=")) ) (punctuation "\\`[/]\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "/=")) ) (punctuation "\\`[%]\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "%=")) ) (punctuation "\\`[&]\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "&=")) ) (punctuation "\\`[|]\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "|=")) ) (punctuation "\\`[-]\\'" punctuation "\\`[>]\\'" punctuation "\\`[*]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "->*")) ) (punctuation "\\`[-]\\'" punctuation "\\`[>]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "->")) ) (semantic-list "()" ,(semantic-lambda (list "()")) ) (semantic-list "\\[\\]" ,(semantic-lambda (list "[]")) ) (punctuation "\\`[<]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[>]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[*]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[+]\\'" punctuation "\\`[+]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "++")) ) (punctuation "\\`[+]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[-]\\'" punctuation "\\`[-]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "--")) ) (punctuation "\\`[-]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[&]\\'" punctuation "\\`[&]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "&&")) ) (punctuation "\\`[&]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[|]\\'" punctuation "\\`[|]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "||")) ) (punctuation "\\`[|]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[/]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[=]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[!]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[~]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[%]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[,]\\'") (punctuation "\\`\\^\\'" punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list "^=")) ) (punctuation "\\`\\^\\'") ) ;; end operatorsym (functionname (OPERATOR operatorsym ,(semantic-lambda (nth 1 vals)) ) (semantic-list ,(lambda (vals start end) (ignore vals start end) (semantic-bovinate-from-nonterminal (car (nth 0 vals)) (cdr (nth 0 vals)) 'function-pointer)) ) (symbol ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals))) ) ) ;; end functionname (function-pointer (open-paren "(" punctuation "\\`[*]\\'" opt-symbol close-paren ")" ,(semantic-lambda (list (concat "*" (car (nth 2 vals))))) ) (open-paren "(" symbol close-paren ")" ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 1 vals))) ) ) ;; end function-pointer (fun-or-proto-end (punctuation "\\`[;]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list t)) ) (semantic-list ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) (punctuation "\\`[=]\\'" number "^0$" punctuation "\\`[;]\\'" ,(semantic-lambda (list ':pure-virtual-flag)) ) (fun-try-end ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) ) ;; end fun-or-proto-end (fun-try-end (TRY opt-initializers semantic-list "^{" fun-try-several-catches ,(semantic-lambda (list nil)) ) ) ;; end fun-try-end (fun-try-several-catches (CATCH semantic-list "^(" semantic-list "^{" fun-try-several-catches ,(semantic-lambda) ) (CATCH semantic-list "^{" fun-try-several-catches ,(semantic-lambda) ) (;;EMPTY ,(semantic-lambda) ) ) ;; end fun-try-several-catches (type-cast (semantic-list ,(lambda (vals start end) (ignore vals start end) (semantic-bovinate-from-nonterminal (car (nth 0 vals)) (cdr (nth 0 vals)) 'type-cast-list)) ) ) ;; end type-cast (type-cast-list (open-paren typeformbase close-paren) ) ;; end type-cast-list (opt-brackets-after-symbol (brackets-after-symbol) (;;EMPTY ) ) ;; end opt-brackets-after-symbol (brackets-after-symbol (semantic-list "^(") (semantic-list "\\[.*\\]$") ) ;; end brackets-after-symbol (multi-stage-dereference (namespace-symbol opt-brackets-after-symbol punctuation "\\`[.]\\'" multi-stage-dereference) (namespace-symbol opt-brackets-after-symbol punctuation "\\`[-]\\'" punctuation "\\`[>]\\'" multi-stage-dereference) (namespace-symbol opt-brackets-after-symbol punctuation "\\`[.]\\'" namespace-symbol opt-brackets-after-symbol) (namespace-symbol opt-brackets-after-symbol punctuation "\\`[-]\\'" punctuation "\\`[>]\\'" namespace-symbol opt-brackets-after-symbol) (namespace-symbol brackets-after-symbol) ) ;; end multi-stage-dereference (string-seq (string string-seq ,(semantic-lambda (list (concat (nth 0 vals) (car (nth 1 vals))))) ) (string ,(semantic-lambda (list (nth 0 vals))) ) ) ;; end string-seq (expr-start (punctuation "\\`[-]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[+]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[*]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[&]\\'") ) ;; end expr-start (expr-binop (punctuation "\\`[-]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[+]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[*]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[/]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[&]\\'" punctuation "\\`[&]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[&]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[|]\\'" punctuation "\\`[|]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[|]\\'") (punctuation "\\`[%]\\'") ) ;; end expr-binop (expression (unaryexpression punctuation "\\`[?]\\'" unaryexpression punctuation "\\`[:]\\'" unaryexpression ,(semantic-lambda (list (identity start) (identity end))) ) (unaryexpression expr-binop unaryexpression ,(semantic-lambda (list (identity start) (identity end))) ) (unaryexpression ,(semantic-lambda (list (identity start) (identity end))) ) ) ;; end expression (unaryexpression (number) (multi-stage-dereference) (NEW multi-stage-dereference) (NEW builtintype-types semantic-list) (symbol) (string-seq) (type-cast expression) (semantic-list expression) (semantic-list) (expr-start expression) ) ;; end unaryexpression ) "Parser table.") (defun semantic-c-by--install-parser () "Setup the Semantic Parser." (setq semantic--parse-table semantic-c-by--parse-table semantic-debug-parser-source "c.by" semantic-debug-parser-class 'semantic-bovine-debug-parser semantic-debug-parser-debugger-source 'semantic/bovine/debug semantic-flex-keywords-obarray semantic-c-by--keyword-table semantic-equivalent-major-modes '(c-mode c++-mode) )) ;;; Analyzers ;; ;;; Epilogue ;; (provide 'semantic/bovine/c-by) ;; Local Variables: ;; version-control: never ;; no-update-autoloads: t ;; End: ;;; semantic/bovine/c-by.el ends here