;;; c.by -- LL grammar for C/C++ language specification ;; Copyright (C) 1999-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam ;; David Ponce ;; Klaus Berndl ;; ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;; TODO: From Nate Schley ;; > * Can't parse signature element: "const char* const rmc_ClrTxt" ;; > * Can't parse signature element: "char* const dellog_ClrTxt" ;; > * Can't parse signature element: "const char* dellog_SetTxt" ;; > * Can't parse signature element: "const RmcCmdSSPADetailedStatus& status" ;; > ;; > And FWIW I have seen the following argument cases not handled, even ;; > with no leading/trailing spaces in the split: ;; > ;; > * Can't parse signature element: "const bool currentAlarmStatus" ;; > * Can't parse signature element: "unsigned char mode" ;; > * Can't parse signature element: "TskTimingTask* tsktimingtask" ;; > * Can't parse signature element: "unsigned char htrStatus" ;; > * Can't parse signature element: "char trackPower[]" ;; > * Can't parse signature element: "const RmcCmdMCDetailedStatus& status" ;; > * Can't parse signature element: "RmcBucStatus* rftBucStatus" %package semantic-c-by %provide semantic/bovine/c-by %{ (declare-function semantic-c-reconstitute-token "semantic/bovine/c" (tokenpart declmods typedecl)) (declare-function semantic-c-reconstitute-template "semantic/bovine/c" (tag specifier)) (declare-function semantic-expand-c-tag "semantic/bovine/c" (tag)) (declare-function semantic-parse-region "semantic" (start end &optional nonterminal depth returnonerror)) } %languagemode c-mode c++-mode %start declaration %scopestart codeblock %token HASH "\\`[#]\\'" %token PERIOD "\\`[.]\\'" %token COLON "\\`[:]\\'" %token SEMICOLON "\\`[;]\\'" %token STAR "\\`[*]\\'" %token AMPERSAND "\\`[&]\\'" %token DIVIDE "\\`[/]\\'" %token PLUS "\\`[+]\\'" %token MINUS "\\`[-]\\'" %token BANG "\\`[!]\\'" %token QUESTION "\\`[?]\\'" %token EQUAL "\\`[=]\\'" %token LESS "\\`[<]\\'" %token GREATER "\\`[>]\\'" %token COMA "\\`[,]\\'" %token TILDE "\\`[~]\\'" %token MOD "\\`[%]\\'" %token HAT "\\`\\^\\'" %token OR "\\`[|]\\'" %token C "\"C\"" %token CPP "\"C\\+\\+\"" %token ZERO "^0$" %token RESTRICT "\\<\\(__\\)?restrict\\>" %token LPAREN "(" %token RPAREN ")" %token LBRACE "{" %token RBRACE "}" %token BRACK_BLCK "\\[.*\\]$" %token PAREN_BLCK "^(" %token BRACE_BLCK "^{" %token VOID_BLCK "^(void)$" %token PARENS "()" %token BRACKETS "\\[\\]" %token EXTERN "extern" %put EXTERN summary "Declaration Modifier: extern ..." %token STATIC "static" %put STATIC summary "Declaration Modifier: static ..." %token CONST "const" %put CONST summary "Declaration Modifier: const ..." %token VOLATILE "volatile" %put VOLATILE summary "Declaration Modifier: volatile ..." %token REGISTER "register" %put REGISTER summary "Declaration Modifier: register ..." %token SIGNED "signed" %put SIGNED summary "Numeric Type Modifier: signed ..." %token UNSIGNED "unsigned" %put UNSIGNED summary "Numeric Type Modifier: unsigned ..." %token INLINE "inline" %put INLINE summary "Function Modifier: inline (...) {...};" %token VIRTUAL "virtual" %put VIRTUAL summary "Method Modifier: virtual (...) ..." %token MUTABLE "mutable" %put MUTABLE summary "Member Declaration Modifier: mutable ..." %token EXPLICIT "explicit" %put EXPLICIT summary "Forbids implicit type conversion: explicit " %token STRUCT "struct" %put STRUCT summary "Structure Type Declaration: struct [name] { ... };" %token UNION "union" %put UNION summary "Union Type Declaration: union [name] { ... };" %token ENUM "enum" %put ENUM summary "Enumeration Type Declaration: enum [name] { ... };" %token TYPEDEF "typedef" %put TYPEDEF summary "Arbitrary Type Declaration: typedef ;" %token CLASS "class" %put CLASS summary "Class Declaration: class [:parents] { ... };" %token TYPENAME "typename" %put TYPENAME summary "typename is used to handle a qualified name as a typename;" %token NAMESPACE "namespace" %put NAMESPACE summary "Namespace Declaration: namespace { ... };" %token USING "using" %put USING summary "using ;" %token NEW "new" %put NEW summary "new ();" %token DELETE "delete" %put DELETE summary "delete ;" ;; Despite this, this parser can find templates by ignoring the TEMPLATE ;; keyword, and finding the class/method being templatized. %token TEMPLATE "template" %put TEMPLATE summary "template TYPE_OR_FUNCTION" %token THROW "throw" %put THROW summary " () throw () ..." %token REENTRANT "reentrant" %put REENTRANT summary " () reentrant ..." %token TRY "try" %token CATCH "catch" %put { TRY CATCH } summary "try { } catch { }" ;; Leave these alone for now. %token OPERATOR "operator" %token PUBLIC "public" %token PRIVATE "private" %token PROTECTED "protected" %token FRIEND "friend" %put FRIEND summary "friend class " ;; These aren't used for parsing, but is a useful place to describe the keywords. %token IF "if" %token ELSE "else" %put {IF ELSE} summary "if () { code } [ else { code } ]" %token DO "do" %token WHILE "while" %put DO summary " do { code } while ();" %put WHILE summary "do { code } while (); or while () { code };" %token FOR "for" %put FOR summary "for(; ; ) { code }" %token SWITCH "switch" %token CASE "case" %token DEFAULT "default" %put {SWITCH CASE DEFAULT} summary "switch () { case : code; ... default: code; }" %token RETURN "return" %put RETURN summary "return ;" %token BREAK "break" %put BREAK summary "Non-local exit within a loop or switch (for, do/while, switch): break;" %token CONTINUE "continue" %put CONTINUE summary "Non-local continue within a loop (for, do/while): continue;" %token SIZEOF "sizeof" %put SIZEOF summary "Compile time macro: sizeof() // size in bytes" ;; Types %token VOID "void" %put VOID summary "Built in type: void" %token CHAR "char" %put CHAR summary "Integral Character Type: (0 to 256)" %token WCHAR "wchar_t" %put WCHAR summary "Wide Character Type" %token SHORT "short" %put SHORT summary "Integral Primitive Type: (-32768 to 32767)" %token INT "int" %put INT summary "Integral Primitive Type: (-2147483648 to 2147483647)" %token LONG "long" %put LONG summary "Integral primitive type (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807)" %token FLOAT "float" %put FLOAT summary "Primitive floating-point type (single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754)" %token DOUBLE "double" %put DOUBLE summary "Primitive floating-point type (double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754)" %token BOOL "bool" %put BOOL summary "Primitive boolean type" %token UNDERP "_P" %token UNDERUNDERP "__P" %put UNDERP summary "Common macro to eliminate prototype compatibility on some compilers" %put UNDERUNDERP summary "Common macro to eliminate prototype compatibility on some compilers" %% declaration : macro | type ;; TODO: Klaus Berndl: Is the define here necessary or even wrong? ;; Is this part not already covered by macro?? | define | var-or-fun | extern-c | template | using ; codeblock : define | codeblock-var-or-fun | type ;; type is less likely to be used here. | using ; extern-c-contents : open-paren ( nil ) | declaration | close-paren ( nil ) ; extern-c : EXTERN C semantic-list ;; Extern C commands which contain a list need to have the ;; entries of the list extracted, and spliced into the main ;; list of entries. This must be done via the function ;; that expands singular nonterminals, such as int x,y; (TAG "C" 'extern :members (EXPANDFULL $3 extern-c-contents) ) | EXTERN CPP semantic-list (TAG "C" 'extern :members (EXPANDFULL $3 extern-c-contents) ) | EXTERN C ;; A plain extern "C" call should add something to the token, ;; but just strip it from the buffer here for now. ( nil ) | EXTERN CPP ( nil ) ; macro : spp-macro-def (VARIABLE-TAG $1 nil nil :constant-flag t ) | spp-system-include (INCLUDE-TAG $1 t) | spp-include (INCLUDE-TAG $1 nil) ; ;; This is used in struct parts. define : spp-macro-def (VARIABLE-TAG $1 nil nil :constant-flag t) | spp-macro-undef ( nil ) ; ;; In C++, structures can have the same things as classes. ;; So delete this some day in the figure. ;; ;;structparts : semantic-list ;; (EXPANDFULL $1 structsubparts) ;; ; ;; ;;structsubparts : LBRACE ;; ( nil ) ;; | RBRACE ;; ( nil ) ;; | var-or-fun ;; | define ;; ;; sometimes there are defines in structs. ;; ; unionparts : semantic-list (EXPANDFULL $1 classsubparts) ; opt-symbol : symbol | ;;EMPTY ; ;; @todo - support 'friend' construct. classsubparts : LBRACE ( nil ) | RBRACE ( nil ) | class-protection opt-symbol COLON ;; For QT, they may put a `slot' keyword between the protection ;; and the COLON. @todo - Have the QT stuff use macros. (TAG (car $1) 'label) | var-or-fun | FRIEND func-decl (TAG (car $2) 'friend) | FRIEND CLASS symbol (TAG $3 'friend) | type | define | template | ;;EMPTY ; opt-class-parents : COLON class-parents opt-template-specifier ( $2 ) | ;;EMPTY ( ) ; one-class-parent : opt-class-protection opt-class-declmods namespace-symbol (TYPE-TAG (car $3) "class" nil nil :protection (car $1)) | opt-class-declmods opt-class-protection namespace-symbol (TYPE-TAG (car $3) "class" nil nil :protection (car $2)) ; class-parents : one-class-parent COMA class-parents ( ,(cons ,$1 $3 ) ) | one-class-parent ( $1 ) ; opt-class-declmods : class-declmods opt-class-declmods ( nil ) | ;;EMPTY ; class-declmods : VIRTUAL ; class-protection : PUBLIC | PRIVATE | PROTECTED ; opt-class-protection : class-protection ( ,$1 ) | ;;EMPTY - Same as private ( "unspecified" ) ; namespaceparts : semantic-list (EXPANDFULL $1 namespacesubparts) ; namespacesubparts : LBRACE ( nil ) | RBRACE ( nil ) | type | var-or-fun | define | class-protection COLON (TAG (car $1) 'label) ;; In C++, this label in a classsubpart represents ;; PUBLIC or PRIVATE bits. Ignore them for now. | template | using ;; Includes inside namespaces | spp-include (TAG $1 'include :inside-ns t) | ;;EMPTY ; enumparts : semantic-list (EXPANDFULL $1 enumsubparts) ; enumsubparts : symbol opt-assign (VARIABLE-TAG $1 "int" (car $2) :constant-flag t ) | LBRACE ( nil ) | RBRACE ( nil ) | COMA ( nil ) ; opt-name : symbol | ;;EMPTY ( "" ) ; typesimple : struct-or-class opt-class opt-name opt-template-specifier opt-class-parents semantic-list (TYPE-TAG (car $3) (car $1) (dlet ((semantic-c-classname (cons (car ,$3) (car ,$1)))) (EXPANDFULL $6 classsubparts)) $5 :template-specifier $4 :parent (car ,$2)) | struct-or-class opt-class opt-name opt-template-specifier opt-class-parents (TYPE-TAG (car $3) (car $1) nil $5 :template-specifier $4 :prototype t :parent (car ,$2)) | UNION opt-class opt-name unionparts (TYPE-TAG (car $3) $1 $4 nil :parent (car ,$2)) | ENUM opt-class opt-name enumparts (TYPE-TAG (car $3) $1 $4 nil :parent (car ,$2)) ;; Klaus Berndl: a typedef can be a typeformbase with all this ;; declmods stuff. | TYPEDEF declmods typeformbase cv-declmods typedef-symbol-list ;;;; We put the type this typedef renames into PARENT ;;;; but will move it in the expand function. (TYPE-TAG $5 $1 nil (list $3) ) ; typedef-symbol-list : typedefname COMA typedef-symbol-list ( ,(cons $1 $3) ) | typedefname ( $1 ) ; ;; TODO: Klaus Berndl: symbol -> namespace-symbol?! Answer: Probably ;; symbol is correct here! typedefname : opt-stars symbol opt-bits opt-array ( $1 $2 ) ; struct-or-class : STRUCT | CLASS ; type : typesimple SEMICOLON ( ,$1 ) ;; named namespaces like "namespace XXX {" | NAMESPACE symbol namespaceparts (TYPE-TAG $2 $1 $3 nil ) ;; unnamed namespaces like "namespace {" | NAMESPACE namespaceparts (TYPE-TAG "unnamed" $1 $2 nil ) ;; David Engster: namespace alias like "namespace foo = bar;" | NAMESPACE symbol EQUAL typeformbase SEMICOLON (TYPE-TAG $2 $1 (list (TYPE-TAG (car $4) $1 nil nil)) nil :kind 'alias ) ; ;; Klaus Berndl: We must parse "using namespace XXX" too ;; Using is vaguely like an include statement in the named portions ;; of the code. We should probably specify a new token type for this. using : USING usingname SEMICOLON (TAG (car $2) 'using :type ,$2 ) ; ;; Jan Moringen: Differentiate between 'using' and 'using namespace' ;; Adapted to creating type tags by EML. usingname : typeformbase (TYPE-TAG (car $1) "class" nil nil :prototype t) | NAMESPACE typeformbase (TYPE-TAG (car $2) "namespace" nil nil :prototype t) ; template : TEMPLATE template-specifier opt-friend template-definition ( ,(semantic-c-reconstitute-template $4 ,$2) ) ; opt-friend : FRIEND | ;;EMPTY ; opt-template-specifier : template-specifier ( ,$1 ) | ;;EMPTY ( ) ; template-specifier : LESS template-specifier-types GREATER ( ,$2 ) ; template-specifier-types : template-var template-specifier-type-list ( ,(cons ,$1 ,$2 ) ) | ;;EMPTY ; template-specifier-type-list : COMA template-specifier-types ( ,$2 ) | ;;EMPTY ( ) ; ;; template-var ;; : template-type opt-stars opt-template-equal ;; ( ,(cons (concat (car $1) (make-string (car ,$2) ?*)) ;; (cdr $1))) ;; ;; Klaus Berndl: for template-types the template-var can also be ;; ;; literals or constants. Example: map ;; ;; map_size10_var; This parses also template which is ;; ;; nonsense but who cares.... ;; | string ;; ( $1 ) ;; | number ;; ( $1 ) ;; ; template-var : ;; Klaus Berndl: The following handles all template-vars of ;; template-definitions template-type opt-template-equal ( ,(cons (car $1) (cdr $1)) ) ;; Klaus Berndl: for template-types the template-var can also be ;; literals or constants. ;; Example: map map_size10_var; This parses also ;; template which is nonsense but who cares.... | string ( $1 ) | number ( $1 ) ;; Klaus Berndl: In template-types arguments can be any symbols with ;; optional address-operator (&) and optional dereferencing operator ;; (*). Example map sized_map_var. | opt-stars opt-ref namespace-symbol ( ,$3 ) ;; Some code can compile down into a number, but starts out as an ;; expression, such as "sizeof(a)", or (sizeof(a)/sizeof(b)) | semantic-list ( $1 ) | SIZEOF semantic-list ( $2 ) ; opt-template-equal : EQUAL symbol LESS template-specifier-types GREATER ( $2 ) | EQUAL symbol ( $2 ) | ;;EMPTY ( ) ; template-type : CLASS symbol (TYPE-TAG $2 "class" nil nil ) | STRUCT symbol (TYPE-TAG $2 "struct" nil nil ) ;; TODO: Klaus Berndl: For the moment it is ok, that we parse the C++ ;; keyword typename as a class.... | TYPENAME symbol (TYPE-TAG $2 "class" nil nil) ;; Klaus Berndl: template-types can be all flavors of variable-args ;; but here the argument is ignored, only the type stuff is needed. | declmods typeformbase cv-declmods opt-stars opt-ref variablearg-opt-name (TYPE-TAG (car $2) nil nil nil :template-specifier (plist-get (nth 2 $2) :template-specifier) :constant-flag (if (member "const" (append $1 $3)) t nil) :typemodifiers (delete "const" (append $1 $3)) :reference (car ,$5) :pointer (car $4) :typevar (car $6) ) ; template-definition : type ( ,$1 ) | var-or-fun ( ,$1 ) ; opt-stars : STAR opt-starmod opt-stars ( (1+ (car $3)) ) | ;;EMPTY ( 0 ) ; opt-starmod : STARMOD opt-starmod ( ,(cons (,car ,$1) $2) ) | ;;EMPTY () ; STARMOD : CONST ; declmods : DECLMOD declmods ( ,(cons ,(car ,$1) $2 ) ) | DECLMOD ( ,$1 ) | ;;EMPTY () ; DECLMOD : EXTERN | STATIC | CVDECLMOD ;; Klaus Berndl: IMHO signed and unsigned are not decl-modes but ;; these are only valid for some buildin-types like short, int ;; etc... whereas "real" declmods are valid for all types, buildin ;; and user-defined! SIGNED UNSIGNED | INLINE | REGISTER | FRIEND ;; Klaus Berndl: There can be a few cases where TYPENAME is not ;; allowed in C++-syntax but better than not recognizing the allowed ;; situations. | TYPENAME | METADECLMOD ;; This is a hack in case we are in a class. | VIRTUAL ; metadeclmod : METADECLMOD () | ;;EMPTY () ; CVDECLMOD : CONST | VOLATILE ; cv-declmods : CVDECLMOD cv-declmods ( ,(cons ,(car ,$1) $2 ) ) | CVDECLMOD ( ,$1 ) | ;;EMPTY () ; METADECLMOD : VIRTUAL | MUTABLE ; ;; C++: A type can be modified into a reference by "&" opt-ref : AMPERSAND ( 1 ) | ;;EMPTY ( 0 ) ; typeformbase : typesimple ( ,$1 ) | STRUCT symbol (TYPE-TAG $2 $1 nil nil ) | UNION symbol (TYPE-TAG $2 $1 nil nil ) | ENUM symbol (TYPE-TAG $2 $1 nil nil ) | builtintype ( ,$1 ) | symbol template-specifier (TYPE-TAG $1 "class" nil nil :template-specifier $2) ;;| namespace-symbol opt-stars opt-template-specifier ;;| namespace-symbol opt-template-specifier | namespace-symbol-for-typeformbase opt-template-specifier (TYPE-TAG (car $1) "class" nil nil :template-specifier $2) | symbol ( $1 ) ; signedmod : UNSIGNED | SIGNED ; ;; Klaus Berndl: builtintype-types was builtintype builtintype-types : VOID | CHAR ;; Klaus Berndl: Added WCHAR | WCHAR | SHORT INT ( (concat $1 " " $2) ) | SHORT | INT | LONG INT ( (concat $1 " " $2) ) | FLOAT | DOUBLE | BOOL | LONG DOUBLE ( (concat $1 " " $2) ) ;; TODO: Klaus Berndl: Is there a long long, i think so?! | LONG LONG ( (concat $1 " " $2) ) | LONG ; builtintype : signedmod builtintype-types ( (concat (car $1) " " (car $2)) ) | builtintype-types ( ,$1 ) ;; Klaus Berndl: unsigned is synonym for unsigned int and signed for ;; signed int. To make this confusing stuff clear we add here the ;; int. | signedmod ( (concat (car $1) " int") ) ; ;; Klaus Berndl: This parses also nonsense like "const volatile int ;; const volatile const const volatile a ..." but IMHO nobody writes ;; such code. Normally we should define a rule like typeformbase-mode ;; which exactly defines the different allowed cases and combinations ;; of declmods (minus the CVDECLMOD) typeformbase and cv-declmods so ;; we could recognize more invalid code but IMHO this is not worth the ;; effort... codeblock-var-or-fun : declmods typeformbase declmods opt-ref var-or-func-decl ( ,(semantic-c-reconstitute-token ,$5 $1 $2 ) ) ; var-or-fun : codeblock-var-or-fun ( ,$1 ) ;; it is possible for a function to not have a type, and ;; it is then assumed to be an int. How annoying. ;; In C++, this could be a constructor or a destructor. ;; Even more annoying. Only ever do this for regular ;; top-level items. Ignore this problem in code blocks ;; so that we don't have to deal with regular code ;; being erroneously converted into types. | declmods var-or-func-decl ( ,(semantic-c-reconstitute-token ,$2 $1 nil ) ) ; var-or-func-decl : func-decl ( ,$1 ) | var-decl ( ,$1 ) ; func-decl : opt-stars opt-class opt-destructor functionname opt-template-specifier opt-under-p arg-list opt-post-fcn-modifiers opt-throw opt-initializers fun-or-proto-end ( ,$4 'function ;; Extra stuff goes in here. ;; Continue with the stuff we found in ;; this definition $2 $3 $7 $9 $8 ,$1 ,$11 $5 ,$10) | opt-stars opt-class opt-destructor functionname opt-template-specifier opt-under-p ;; arg-list - - ini this case, a try implies a fcn. opt-post-fcn-modifiers opt-throw opt-initializers fun-try-end ( ,$4 'function ;; Extra stuff goes in here. ;; Continue with the stuff we found in ;; this definition $2 $3 nil $8 $7 ,$1 ,$10 $5 ,$9) ; var-decl : varnamelist SEMICOLON ( $1 'variable ) ; opt-under-p : UNDERP ( nil ) | UNDERUNDERP ( nil ) | ;;EMPTY ; ;; Klaus Berndl: symbol -> namespace-symbol opt-initializers : COLON namespace-symbol semantic-list opt-initializers | COMA namespace-symbol semantic-list opt-initializers | ;;EMPTY ; opt-post-fcn-modifiers : post-fcn-modifiers opt-post-fcn-modifiers ( ,(cons ,(car $1) $2) ) | ;;EMPTY ( nil ) ; post-fcn-modifiers : REENTRANT | CONST ; opt-throw : THROW semantic-list ( EXPAND $2 throw-exception-list ) | ;;EMPTY ; ;; Is this true? I don't actually know. throw-exception-list : namespace-symbol COMA throw-exception-list ( ,(cons (car $1) $3) ) | namespace-symbol RPAREN ( ,$1 ) | symbol RPAREN ( $1 ) | LPAREN throw-exception-list ( ,$2 ) | RPAREN ( ) ; opt-bits : COLON number ( $2 ) | ;;EMPTY ( nil ) ; opt-array : BRACK_BLCK opt-array ;; Eventually we want to replace the 1 below with a size ;; (if available) ( (cons 1 (car ,$2) ) ) | ;;EMPTY ( nil ) ; opt-assign : EQUAL expression ( $2 ) | ;;EMPTY ( nil ) ; opt-restrict : RESTRICT | ;;EMPTY ; ;; Klaus Berndl: symbol -> namespace-symbol?! I think so. Can be that ;; then also some invalid C++-syntax is parsed but this is better than ;; not parsing valid syntax. varname : opt-stars opt-restrict namespace-symbol opt-bits opt-array ( ,$3 ,$1 ,$4 ,$5 ) ; ;; I should store more in this def, but leave it simple for now. ;; Klaus Berndl: const and volatile can be written after the type! variablearg : declmods typeformbase cv-declmods opt-ref variablearg-opt-name opt-assign ( VARIABLE-TAG (list (append $5 ,$6)) $2 nil :constant-flag (if (member "const" (append $1 $3)) t nil) :typemodifiers (delete "const" (append $1 $3)) :reference (car ,$4) ) ; variablearg-opt-name : varname ( ,$1 ) | semantic-list arg-list ( (car ( EXPAND $1 function-pointer )) $2) ;; Klaus Berndl: This allows variableargs without an arg-name being ;; parsed correctly even if there several pointers (*) | opt-stars ( "" ,$1 nil nil nil ) ; varname-opt-initializer : semantic-list | opt-assign | ;; EMPTY ; varnamelist : opt-ref varname varname-opt-initializer COMA varnamelist ( ,(cons (append $2 $3) $5) ) | opt-ref varname varname-opt-initializer ( (append $2 $3) ) ; ;; Klaus Berndl: Is necessary to parse stuff like ;; class list_of_facts : public list, public entity ;; and ;; list >::const_iterator l; ;; Parses also invalid(?) and senseless(?) c++-syntax like ;; symbol::symbol1::test_iterator ;; but better parsing too much than to less namespace-symbol : symbol opt-template-specifier COLON COLON namespace-symbol ( (concat $1 "::" (car $5)) ) | symbol opt-template-specifier ( $1 ) ; ;; Don't pull an optional template specifier at the end of the ;; namespace symbol so that it can be picked up by the type. namespace-symbol-for-typeformbase : symbol opt-template-specifier COLON COLON namespace-symbol-for-typeformbase ( (concat $1 "::" (car $5)) ) | symbol ( $1 ) ; ;; namespace-symbol ;; : symbol COLON COLON namespace-symbol ;; ( (concat $1 "::" (car $4)) ) ;; | symbol ;; ( $1 ) ;; ; namespace-opt-class : symbol COLON COLON namespace-opt-class ( (concat $1 "::" (car $4)) ) ;; Klaus Berndl: We must recognize template-specifiers here so we can ;; parse correctly the method-implementations of template-classes ;; outside the template-class-declaration Example: ;; TemplateClass1::method_1(...) | symbol opt-template-specifier COLON COLON ( $1 ) ; ;; Klaus Berndl: The opt-class of a func-decl must be able to ;; recognize opt-classes with namespaces, e.g. ;; Test1::Test2::classname:: opt-class : namespace-opt-class ( ,$1 ) | ;;EMPTY ( nil ) ; opt-destructor : TILDE ( t ) | ;;EMPTY ( nil ) ; arg-list : PAREN_BLCK knr-arguments ( ,$2 ) | PAREN_BLCK (EXPANDFULL $1 arg-sub-list) | VOID_BLCK ( ) ; knr-varnamelist : varname COMA knr-varnamelist ( ,(cons $1 $3) ) | varname ( $1 ) ; knr-one-variable-decl : declmods typeformbase cv-declmods knr-varnamelist ( VARIABLE-TAG (nreverse $4) $2 nil :constant-flag (if (member "const" (append $3)) t nil) :typemodifiers (delete "const" $3) ) ; knr-arguments : knr-one-variable-decl SEMICOLON knr-arguments ( ,(append (semantic-expand-c-tag ,$1) ,$3) ) | knr-one-variable-decl SEMICOLON ( ,(semantic-expand-c-tag ,$1) ) ; arg-sub-list : variablearg ( ,$1 ) | PERIOD PERIOD PERIOD RPAREN (VARIABLE-TAG "..." "vararg" nil) | COMA ( nil ) | LPAREN ( nil ) | RPAREN ( nil ) ; operatorsym : LESS LESS EQUAL ( "<<=" ) | GREATER GREATER EQUAL ( ">>=" ) | LESS LESS ( "<<" ) | GREATER GREATER ( ">>" ) | EQUAL EQUAL ( "==" ) | LESS EQUAL ( "<=" ) | GREATER EQUAL ( ">=" ) | BANG EQUAL ( "!=" ) | PLUS EQUAL ( "+=" ) | MINUS EQUAL ( "-=" ) | STAR EQUAL ( "*=" ) | DIVIDE EQUAL ( "/=" ) | MOD EQUAL ( "%=" ) | AMPERSAND EQUAL ( "&=" ) | OR EQUAL ( "|=" ) | MINUS GREATER STAR ( "->*" ) | MINUS GREATER ( "->" ) | PARENS ( "()" ) | BRACKETS ( "[]" ) | LESS | GREATER | STAR | PLUS PLUS ( "++" ) | PLUS | MINUS MINUS ( "--" ) | MINUS | AMPERSAND AMPERSAND ( "&&" ) | AMPERSAND | OR OR ( "||" ) | OR | DIVIDE | EQUAL | BANG | TILDE | MOD | COMA ;; HAT EQUAL seems to have a really unpleasant result and ;; breaks everything after it. Leave it at the end, though it ;; doesn't seem to work. | HAT EQUAL ( "^=" ) | HAT ; functionname : OPERATOR operatorsym ( ,$2 ) | semantic-list ( EXPAND $1 function-pointer ) | symbol ( $1 ) ; function-pointer : LPAREN STAR opt-symbol RPAREN ( (concat "*" ,(car $3)) ) | LPAREN symbol RPAREN ( $2 ) ; fun-or-proto-end : SEMICOLON ( t ) | semantic-list ( nil ) ;; Here is an annoying feature of C++ pure virtual methods | EQUAL ZERO SEMICOLON ( :pure-virtual-flag ) | fun-try-end ( nil ) ; fun-try-end : TRY opt-initializers BRACE_BLCK fun-try-several-catches ( nil ) ; fun-try-several-catches : CATCH PAREN_BLCK BRACE_BLCK fun-try-several-catches ( ) | CATCH BRACE_BLCK fun-try-several-catches ( ) | ;; EMPTY ( ) ; type-cast : semantic-list ( EXPAND $1 type-cast-list ) ; type-cast-list : open-paren typeformbase close-paren ; opt-brackets-after-symbol : brackets-after-symbol | ;; EMPTY ; brackets-after-symbol : PAREN_BLCK | BRACK_BLCK ; multi-stage-dereference : namespace-symbol opt-brackets-after-symbol PERIOD multi-stage-dereference ;; method call | namespace-symbol opt-brackets-after-symbol MINUS GREATER multi-stage-dereference ;;method call | namespace-symbol opt-brackets-after-symbol PERIOD namespace-symbol opt-brackets-after-symbol | namespace-symbol opt-brackets-after-symbol MINUS GREATER namespace-symbol opt-brackets-after-symbol | namespace-symbol brackets-after-symbol ; string-seq : string string-seq ( (concat $1 (car $2)) ) | string ( $1 ) ; expr-start : MINUS | PLUS | STAR | AMPERSAND ; expr-binop : MINUS | PLUS | STAR | DIVIDE | AMPERSAND AMPERSAND | AMPERSAND | OR OR | OR | MOD ;; There are more. ; ;; Use expression for parsing only. Don't actually return anything ;; for now. Hopefully we can fix this later. expression : unaryexpression QUESTION unaryexpression COLON unaryexpression ( (identity start) (identity end) ) | unaryexpression expr-binop unaryexpression ( (identity start) (identity end) ) | unaryexpression ( (identity start) (identity end) ) ; unaryexpression : number | multi-stage-dereference | NEW multi-stage-dereference | NEW builtintype-types semantic-list | symbol ;; Klaus Berndl: C/C++ allows sequences of strings which are ;; concatenated by the precompiler to one string | string-seq | type-cast expression ;; A cast to some other type ;; Casting the results of one expression to something else. | semantic-list expression | semantic-list | expr-start expression ; ;;; c.by ends here