;;; map-ynp.el --- general-purpose boolean question-asker -*- lexical-binding:t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 1991-1995, 2000-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Roland McGrath ;; Maintainer: emacs-devel@gnu.org ;; Keywords: lisp, extensions ;; Package: emacs ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; map-y-or-n-p is a general-purpose question-asking function. ;; It asks a series of y/n questions (a la y-or-n-p), and decides to ;; apply an action to each element of a list based on the answer. ;; The nice thing is that you also get some other possible answers ;; to use, reminiscent of query-replace: ! to answer y to all remaining ;; questions; ESC or q to answer n to all remaining questions; . to answer ;; y once and then n for the remainder; and you can get help with C-h. ;;; Code: (declare-function x-popup-dialog "menu.c" (position contents &optional header)) (defun map-y-or-n-p (prompter actor list &optional help action-alist no-cursor-in-echo-area) "Ask a boolean question per PROMPTER for each object in LIST, then call ACTOR. LIST is a list of objects, or a function of no arguments to return the next object; when it returns nil, the list of objects is considered exhausted. If PROMPTER is a string, it should be a format string to be used to format the question as \(format PROMPTER OBJECT). If PROMPTER is not a string, it should be a function of one argument, an object from LIST, which returns a string to be used as the question for that object. If the function's return value is not a string, it may be nil to ignore the object, or non-nil to act on the object with ACTOR without asking the user. ACTOR is a function of one argument, an object from LIST, which gets called with each object for which the user answers `yes' to the question presented by PROMPTER. The user's answers to the questions may be one of the following: - y, Y, or SPC to act on that object; - n, N, or DEL to skip that object; - ! to act on all following objects; - ESC or q to exit (skip all following objects); - . (period) to act on the current object and then exit; or - \\[help-command] to get help. HELP provides information for displaying help when the user types \\[help-command]. If HELP is given, it should be a list of the form (OBJECT OBJECTS ACTION), where OBJECT is a string giving the singular noun describing an element of LIST; OBJECTS is the plural noun describing several elements of LIST, and ACTION is a transitive verb describing action by ACTOR on one or more elements of LIST. If HELP is omitted or nil, it defaults to \(\"object\" \"objects\" \"act on\"). If ACTION-ALIST is given, it is an alist specifying additional keys that will be accepted as an answer to the questions. Each element of the alist has the form (KEY FUNCTION HELP), where KEY is a character; FUNCTION is a function of one argument (an object from LIST); and HELP is a string. When the user presses KEY, FUNCTION is called; if it returns non-nil, the object is considered to have been \"acted upon\", and `map-y-or-n-p' proceeds to the next object from LIST. If FUNCTION returns nil, the prompt is re-issued for the same object: this comes in handy if FUNCTION produces some display that will allow the user to make an intelligent decision whether the object in question should be acted upon. If the user types \\[help-command], the string given by HELP is used to describe the effect of KEY. Optional argument NO-CURSOR-IN-ECHO-AREA, if non-nil, means not to set `cursor-in-echo-area' while prompting with the questions. This function uses `query-replace-map' to define the standard responses, but only some of the responses which `query-replace' understands are meaningful here, as described above. The function's value is the number of actions taken." (let* ((actions 0) (msg (current-message)) user-keys mouse-event map prompt char elt def ;; Non-nil means we should use mouse menus to ask. use-menus delayed-switch-frame ;; Rebind other-window-scroll-buffer so that subfunctions can set ;; it temporarily, without risking affecting the caller. (other-window-scroll-buffer other-window-scroll-buffer) (next (if (functionp list) (lambda () (setq elt (funcall list))) (lambda () (when list (setq elt (pop list)) t)))) (try-again (lambda () (let ((x next)) (setq next (lambda () (setq next x) elt)))))) (if (and (listp last-nonmenu-event) use-dialog-box) ;; Make a list describing a dialog box. (let ((objects (if help (capitalize (nth 1 help)))) (action (if help (capitalize (nth 2 help))))) (setq map `(("Yes" . act) ("No" . skip) ,@(mapcar (lambda (elt) (cons (with-syntax-table text-mode-syntax-table (capitalize (nth 2 elt))) (vector (nth 1 elt)))) action-alist) (,(if help (concat action " This But No More") "Do This But No More") . act-and-exit) (,(if help (concat action " All " objects) "Do All") . automatic) ("No For All" . exit)) use-menus t mouse-event last-nonmenu-event)) (setq user-keys (if action-alist (concat (mapconcat (lambda (elt) (key-description (vector (car elt)))) action-alist ", ") " ") "") ;; Make a map that defines each user key as a vector containing ;; its definition. map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map query-replace-map) (dolist (elt action-alist) (define-key map (vector (car elt)) (vector (nth 1 elt)))) map))) (unwind-protect (progn (if (stringp prompter) (setq prompter (let ((prompter prompter)) (lambda (object) (format prompter object))))) (while (funcall next) (setq prompt (funcall prompter elt)) (cond ((stringp prompt) ;; Prompt the user about this object. (setq quit-flag nil) (if use-menus (setq def (or (x-popup-dialog (or mouse-event use-menus) (cons prompt map)) 'quit)) ;; Prompt in the echo area. (let ((cursor-in-echo-area (not no-cursor-in-echo-area))) (message (apply 'propertize "%s(y, n, !, ., q, %sor %s) " minibuffer-prompt-properties) prompt user-keys (key-description (vector help-char))) (if minibuffer-auto-raise (raise-frame (window-frame (minibuffer-window)))) (while (progn (setq char (read-event)) ;; If we get -1, from end of keyboard ;; macro, try again. (equal char -1))) ;; Show the answer to the question. (message "%s(y, n, !, ., q, %sor %s) %s" prompt user-keys (key-description (vector help-char)) (single-key-description char))) (setq def (lookup-key map (vector char)))) (cond ((eq def 'exit) (setq next (lambda () nil))) ((eq def 'act) ;; Act on the object. (funcall actor elt) (setq actions (1+ actions))) ((eq def 'skip) ;; Skip the object. ) ((eq def 'act-and-exit) ;; Act on the object and then exit. (funcall actor elt) (setq actions (1+ actions) next (lambda () nil))) ((eq def 'quit) (setq quit-flag t) (funcall try-again)) ((eq def 'automatic) ;; Act on this and all following objects. (if (funcall prompter elt) (progn (funcall actor elt) (setq actions (1+ actions)))) (while (funcall next) (if (funcall prompter elt) (progn (funcall actor elt) (setq actions (1+ actions)))))) ((eq def 'help) (with-help-window (help-buffer) (princ (let ((object (or (nth 0 help) "object")) (objects (or (nth 1 help) "objects")) (action (or (nth 2 help) "act on"))) (concat (format-message "\ Type SPC or `y' to %s the current %s; DEL or `n' to skip the current %s; RET or `q' to skip the current and all remaining %s; C-g to quit (cancel the whole command); ! to %s all remaining %s;\n" action object object objects action objects) (mapconcat (lambda (elt) (format "%s to %s;\n" (single-key-description (nth 0 elt)) (nth 2 elt))) action-alist "") (format "or . (period) to %s the current %s and exit." action object))))) (funcall try-again)) ((and (symbolp def) (commandp def)) (call-interactively def) ;; Regurgitated; try again. (funcall try-again)) ((vectorp def) ;; A user-defined key. (if (funcall (aref def 0) elt) ;Call its function. ;; The function has eaten this object. (setq actions (1+ actions)) ;; Regurgitated; try again. (funcall try-again))) ((and (consp char) (eq (car char) 'switch-frame)) ;; switch-frame event. Put it off until we're done. (setq delayed-switch-frame char) (funcall try-again)) (t ;; Random char. (message "Type %s for help." (key-description (vector help-char))) (beep) (sit-for 1) (funcall try-again)))) (prompt (funcall actor elt) (setq actions (1+ actions)))))) (if delayed-switch-frame (setq unread-command-events (cons delayed-switch-frame unread-command-events)))) ;; Clear the last prompt from the minibuffer, and restore the ;; previous echo-area message, if any. (let ((message-log-max nil)) (if msg (message "%s" msg) (message ""))) ;; Return the number of actions that were taken. actions)) ;; read-answer is a general-purpose question-asker that supports ;; either long or short answers. ;; For backward compatibility check if short y/n answers are preferred. (defcustom read-answer-short 'auto "If non-nil, `read-answer' accepts single-character answers. If t, accept short (single key-press) answers to the question. If nil, require long answers. If `auto', accept short answers if `use-short-answers' is non-nil, or the function cell of `yes-or-no-p' is set to `y-or-n-p'." :type '(choice (const :tag "Accept short answers" t) (const :tag "Require long answer" nil) (const :tag "Guess preference" auto)) :version "26.2" :group 'minibuffer) (defconst read-answer-map--memoize (make-hash-table :weakness 'key :test 'equal)) (defun read-answer (question answers) "Read an answer either as a complete word or its character abbreviation. Ask user a question and accept an answer from the list of possible answers. QUESTION should end in a space; this function adds a list of answers to it. ANSWERS is an alist with elements in the following format: (LONG-ANSWER SHORT-ANSWER HELP-MESSAGE) where LONG-ANSWER is a complete answer, SHORT-ANSWER is an abbreviated one-character answer, HELP-MESSAGE is a string describing the meaning of the answer. SHORT-ANSWER is not necessarily a single character answer. It can be also a function key like F1, a character event such as C-M-h, or a control character like C-h. Example: \\='((\"yes\" ?y \"perform the action\") (\"no\" ?n \"skip to the next\") (\"all\" ?! \"accept all remaining without more questions\") (\"help\" ?h \"show help\") (\"quit\" ?q \"exit\")) When `read-answer-short' is non-nil, accept short answers. Return a long answer even in case of accepting short ones. When `use-dialog-box' is t, pop up a dialog window to get user input." (let* ((short (if (eq read-answer-short 'auto) (or use-short-answers (eq (symbol-function 'yes-or-no-p) 'y-or-n-p)) read-answer-short)) (answers-with-help (if (assoc "help" answers) answers (append answers '(("help" ?? "show this help message"))))) (answers-without-help (assoc-delete-all "help" (copy-alist answers-with-help))) (prompt (format "%s(%s) " question (mapconcat (lambda (a) (if short (if (characterp (nth 1 a)) (format "%c" (nth 1 a)) (key-description (nth 1 a))) (nth 0 a))) answers-with-help ", "))) (message (format "Please answer %s." (mapconcat (lambda (a) (format "`%s'" (if short (if (characterp (nth 1 a)) (string (nth 1 a)) (key-description (nth 1 a))) (nth 0 a)))) answers-with-help " or "))) (short-answer-map (when short (or (gethash answers read-answer-map--memoize) (puthash answers (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map minibuffer-local-map) (dolist (a answers-with-help) (define-key map (if (characterp (nth 1 a)) (vector (nth 1 a)) (nth 1 a)) (lambda () (interactive) (delete-minibuffer-contents) (insert (nth 0 a)) (exit-minibuffer)))) (define-key map [remap self-insert-command] (lambda () (interactive) (delete-minibuffer-contents) (beep) (message message) (sit-for 2))) map) read-answer-map--memoize)))) answer) (while (not (assoc (setq answer (downcase (cond ((and (display-popup-menus-p) last-input-event ; not during startup (listp last-nonmenu-event) use-dialog-box) (x-popup-dialog t (cons question (mapcar (lambda (a) (cons (capitalize (nth 0 a)) (nth 0 a))) answers-with-help)))) (short (read-from-minibuffer prompt nil short-answer-map nil 'read-char-history)) (t (read-from-minibuffer prompt nil nil nil 'yes-or-no-p-history))))) answers-without-help)) (if (string= answer "help") (with-help-window "*Help*" (with-current-buffer "*Help*" (insert "Type:\n" (mapconcat (lambda (a) (format "`%s'%s to %s" (if short (if (characterp (nth 1 a)) (string (nth 1 a)) (key-description (nth 1 a))) (nth 0 a)) (if short (format " (%s)" (nth 0 a)) "") (nth 2 a))) answers-with-help ",\n") ".\n"))) (beep) (message message) (sit-for 2))) answer)) ;;; map-ynp.el ends here