;;; eieio-test-persist.el --- Tests for eieio-persistent class -*- lexical-binding:t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2011-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; The eieio-persistent base-class provides a vital service, that ;; could be used to accidentally load in malicious code. As such, ;; something as simple as calling eval on the generated code can't be ;; used. These tests exercises various flavors of data that might be ;; in a persistent object, and tries to save/load them. ;;; Code: (require 'eieio) (require 'eieio-base) (require 'ert) (defun eieio--attribute-to-initarg (class attribute) "In CLASS, convert the ATTRIBUTE into the corresponding init argument tag. This is usually a symbol that starts with `:'." (let ((tuple (rassoc attribute (eieio--class-initarg-tuples class)))) (if tuple (car tuple) nil))) (defun hash-equal (hash1 hash2) "Compare two hash tables to see whether they are equal." (and (= (hash-table-count hash1) (hash-table-count hash2)) (catch 'flag (maphash (lambda (x y) (or (equal (gethash x hash2) y) (throw 'flag nil))) hash1) (throw 'flag t)))) (defun persist-test-save-and-compare (original) "Compare the object ORIGINAL against the one read fromdisk." (eieio-persistent-save original) (let* ((file (oref original file)) (class (eieio-object-class original)) (fromdisk (eieio-persistent-read file class)) (cv (cl--find-class class)) (slots (eieio--class-slots cv))) (unless (object-of-class-p fromdisk class) (error "Persistent class %S != original class %S" (eieio-object-class fromdisk) class)) (dotimes (i (length slots)) (let* ((slot (aref slots i)) (oneslot (cl--slot-descriptor-name slot)) (origvalue (eieio-oref original oneslot)) (fromdiskvalue (eieio-oref fromdisk oneslot)) (initarg-p (eieio--attribute-to-initarg (cl--find-class class) oneslot))) (if initarg-p (unless (cond ((and (hash-table-p origvalue) (hash-table-p fromdiskvalue)) (hash-equal origvalue fromdiskvalue)) (t (equal origvalue fromdiskvalue))) (error "Slot %S Original Val %S != Persistent Val %S" oneslot origvalue fromdiskvalue)) ;; Else !initarg-p (let ((origval (cl--slot-descriptor-initform slot)) (diskval fromdiskvalue)) (unless (cond ((and (hash-table-p origval) (hash-table-p diskval)) (hash-equal origval diskval)) (t (equal origval diskval))) (error "Slot %S Persistent Val %S != Default Value %S" oneslot diskval origvalue)))))))) ;;; Simple Case ;; ;; Simplest case is a mix of slots with and without initargs. (defclass persist-simple (eieio-persistent) ((slot1 :initarg :slot1 :type symbol :initform moose) (slot2 :initarg :slot2 :initform "foo") (slot3 :initform 2)) "A Persistent object with two initializable slots, and one not.") (ert-deftest eieio-test-persist-simple-1 () (let ((persist-simple-1 (persist-simple :slot1 'goose :slot2 "testing" :file (concat default-directory "test-ps1.pt")))) (should persist-simple-1) ;; When the slot w/out an initarg has not been changed (persist-test-save-and-compare persist-simple-1) ;; When the slot w/out an initarg HAS been changed (oset persist-simple-1 slot3 3) (persist-test-save-and-compare persist-simple-1) (delete-file (oref persist-simple-1 file)))) ;;; Slot Writers ;; ;; Replica of the test in eieio-tests.el - (defclass persist-:printer (eieio-persistent) ((slot1 :initarg :slot1 :initform 'moose :printer PO-slot1-printer) (slot2 :initarg :slot2 :initform "foo")) "A Persistent object with two initializable slots.") (defun PO-slot1-printer (slotvalue) "Print the slot value SLOTVALUE to stdout. Assume SLOTVALUE is a symbol of some sort." (princ "'") (princ (symbol-name slotvalue)) (princ " ;; RAN PRINTER") nil) (ert-deftest eieio-test-persist-printer () (let ((persist-:printer-1 (persist-:printer :slot1 'goose :slot2 "testing" :file (concat default-directory "test-ps2.pt")))) (should persist-:printer-1) (persist-test-save-and-compare persist-:printer-1) (let* ((find-file-hook nil) (tbuff (find-file-noselect "test-ps2.pt")) ) (condition-case nil (unwind-protect (with-current-buffer tbuff (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "RAN PRINTER")) (kill-buffer tbuff)) (error "persist-:printer-1's Slot1 printer function didn't work."))) (delete-file (oref persist-:printer-1 file)))) ;;; Slot with Object ;; ;; A slot that contains another object that isn't persistent (defclass persist-not-persistent () ((slot1 :initarg :slot1 :initform 1) (slot2 :initform 2)) "Class for testing persistent saving of an object that isn't persistent. This class is instead used as a slot value in a persistent class.") (defclass persistent-with-objs-slot (eieio-persistent) ((pnp :initarg :pnp :type (or null persist-not-persistent) :initform nil)) "Class for testing the saving of slots with objects in them.") (ert-deftest eieio-test-non-persistent-as-slot () (let ((persist-wos (persistent-with-objs-slot :pnp (persist-not-persistent :slot1 3) :file (concat default-directory "test-ps3.pt")))) (persist-test-save-and-compare persist-wos) (delete-file (oref persist-wos file)))) ;;; Slot with Object child of :type ;; ;; A slot that contains another object that isn't persistent (defclass persist-not-persistent-subclass (persist-not-persistent) ((slot3 :initarg :slot1 :initform 1) (slot4 :initform 2)) "Class for testing persistent saving of an object subclass that isn't persistent. This class is instead used as a slot value in a persistent class.") (defclass persistent-with-objs-slot-subs (eieio-persistent) ((pnp :initarg :pnp :type (or null persist-not-persistent) :initform nil)) "Class for testing the saving of slots with objects in them.") (ert-deftest eieio-test-non-persistent-as-slot-child () (let ((persist-woss (persistent-with-objs-slot-subs :pnp (persist-not-persistent-subclass :slot1 3) :file (concat default-directory "test-ps4.pt")))) (persist-test-save-and-compare persist-woss) (delete-file (oref persist-woss file)))) ;; A slot that can contain one of two different classes, to exercise ;; the `or' slot type. (defclass persistent-random-class () ()) (defclass persistent-multiclass-slot (eieio-persistent) ((slot1 :initarg :slot1 :type (or persistent-random-class null persist-not-persistent)) (slot2 :initarg :slot2 :type (or persist-not-persistent persistent-random-class null)) (slot3 :initarg :slot3 :type persistent-random-class))) (ert-deftest eieio-test-multiple-class-slot () (let ((persist (persistent-multiclass-slot :slot1 (persistent-random-class) :slot2 (persist-not-persistent) :slot3 (persistent-random-class) :file (concat default-directory "test-ps5.pt")))) (unwind-protect (persist-test-save-and-compare persist) (ignore-errors (delete-file (oref persist file)))))) ;;; Slot with a list of Objects ;; ;; A slot that contains another object that isn't persistent (defclass persistent-with-objs-list-slot (eieio-persistent) ((pnp :initarg :pnp :type (list-of persist-not-persistent) :initform nil)) "Class for testing the saving of slots with objects in them.") (ert-deftest eieio-test-slot-with-list-of-objects () (let ((persist-wols (persistent-with-objs-list-slot :pnp (list (persist-not-persistent :slot1 3) (persist-not-persistent :slot1 4) (persist-not-persistent :slot1 5)) :file (concat default-directory "test-ps5.pt")))) (persist-test-save-and-compare persist-wols) (delete-file (oref persist-wols file)))) ;;; Tests targeted at popular libraries in the wild. ;; Objects inside hash tables and vectors (pcache), see bug#29220. (defclass person () ((name :type string :initarg :name))) (defclass classy (eieio-persistent) ((teacher :type person :initarg :teacher) (students :initarg :students :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (janitors :type list :initarg :janitors) (random-vector :type vector :initarg :random-vector))) (defun eieio-test-persist-hash-and-vector () (let* ((jane (make-instance 'person :name "Jane")) (bob (make-instance 'person :name "Bob")) (hans (make-instance 'person :name "Hans")) (dierdre (make-instance 'person :name "Dierdre")) (class (make-instance 'classy :teacher jane :janitors (list [tuesday nil] [friday nil]) :random-vector [nil] :file (concat default-directory "classy-" emacs-version ".eieio")))) (puthash "Bob" bob (slot-value class 'students)) (aset (slot-value class 'random-vector) 0 (make-instance 'persistent-random-class)) (unwind-protect (persist-test-save-and-compare class) (delete-file (oref class file))) (aset (car (slot-value class 'janitors)) 1 hans) (aset (nth 1 (slot-value class 'janitors)) 1 dierdre) (unwind-protect (persist-test-save-and-compare class) (delete-file (oref class file))))) (ert-deftest eieio-persist-hash-and-vector-backward-compatibility () (let ((eieio-backward-compatibility t)) ; The default. (eieio-test-persist-hash-and-vector))) (ert-deftest eieio-persist-hash-and-vector-no-backward-compatibility () :expected-result :failed ;; Bug#29220. (let ((eieio-backward-compatibility nil)) (eieio-test-persist-hash-and-vector))) ;; Extra quotation of lists inside other objects (Gnus registry), also ;; bug#29220. (defclass eieio-container (eieio-persistent) ((alist :initarg :alist :type list) (vec :initarg :vec :type vector) (htab :initarg :htab :type hash-table))) (defun eieio-test-persist-interior-lists () (let* ((thing (make-instance 'eieio-container :vec [nil] :htab (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :file (concat default-directory "container-" emacs-version ".eieio"))) (john (make-instance 'person :name "John")) (alexie (make-instance 'person :name "Alexie")) (alst '(("first" (one two three)) ("second" (four five six))))) (setf (slot-value thing 'alist) alst) (puthash "alst" alst (slot-value thing 'htab)) (aset (slot-value thing 'vec) 0 alst) (unwind-protect (persist-test-save-and-compare thing) (delete-file (slot-value thing 'file))) (setf (nth 2 (cadar alst)) john (nth 2 (cadadr alst)) alexie) (unwind-protect (persist-test-save-and-compare thing) (delete-file (slot-value thing 'file))))) (ert-deftest eieio-test-persist-interior-lists-backward-compatibility () (let ((eieio-backward-compatibility t)) ; The default. (eieio-test-persist-interior-lists))) (ert-deftest eieio-test-persist-interior-lists-no-backward-compatibility () :expected-result :failed ;; Bug#29220. (let ((eieio-backward-compatibility nil)) (eieio-test-persist-interior-lists))) ;;; eieio-test-persist.el ends here