;;; thingatpt-tests.el --- tests for thing-at-point. -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see .
;;; Code:
(require 'ert)
(require 'thingatpt)
(defvar thing-at-point-test-data
'(("https://1.gnu.org" 1 url "https://1.gnu.org")
("https://2.gnu.org" 6 url "https://2.gnu.org")
("https://3.gnu.org" 19 url "https://3.gnu.org")
("https://4.gnu.org" 1 url "https://4.gnu.org")
("A geo URI (geo:3.14159,-2.71828)." 12 url "geo:3.14159,-2.71828")
("Visit https://5.gnu.org now." 5 url nil)
("Visit https://6.gnu.org now." 7 url "https://6.gnu.org")
("Visit https://7.gnu.org now." 22 url "https://7.gnu.org")
("Visit https://8.gnu.org now." 22 url "https://8.gnu.org")
("Visit https://9.gnu.org now." 25 url nil)
;; Invalid URIs
("<<<<" 2 url nil)
("<>" 1 url nil)
("" 1 url nil)
("http://" 1 url nil)
;; Invalid schema
("foo://www.gnu.org" 1 url nil)
("foohttp://www.gnu.org" 1 url nil)
;; Non alphanumeric characters can be found in URIs
("ftp://example.net/~foo!;#bar=baz&goo=bob" 3 url "ftp://example.net/~foo!;#bar=baz&goo=bob")
("bzr+ssh://user@example.net:5/a%20d,5" 34 url "bzr+ssh://user@example.net:5/a%20d,5")
;; markup
("Url: ..." 8 url "foo://1.example.com")
("Url: ..." 30 url "foo://2.example.com")
("Url: ..." 20 url "foo://www.gnu.org/a bc")
;; Hack used by thing-at-point: drop punctuation at end of URI.
("Go to https://www.gnu.org, for details" 7 url "https://www.gnu.org")
("Go to https://www.gnu.org." 24 url "https://www.gnu.org")
;; Standard URI delimiters
("Go to \"https://10.gnu.org\"." 8 url "https://10.gnu.org")
("Go to \"https://11.gnu.org/\"." 26 url "https://11.gnu.org/")
("Go to now." 8 url "https://12.gnu.org")
("Go to now." 24 url "https://13.gnu.org")
;; Parenthesis handling (non-standard)
("http://example.com/a(b)c" 21 url "http://example.com/a(b)c")
("http://example.com/a(b)" 21 url "http://example.com/a(b)")
("(http://example.com/abc)" 2 url "http://example.com/abc")
("This (http://example.com/a(b))" 7 url "http://example.com/a(b)")
("This (http://example.com/a(b))" 30 url "http://example.com/a(b)")
("This (http://example.com/a(b))" 5 url nil)
("http://example.com/ab)c" 4 url "http://example.com/ab)c")
;; URL markup, lacking schema
("" 1 url "mailto:foo@example.com")
("" 1 url "ftp://ftp.example.net/abc/")
;; UUID, only hex is allowed
("01234567-89ab-cdef-ABCD-EF0123456789" 1 uuid "01234567-89ab-cdef-ABCD-EF0123456789")
("01234567-89ab-cdef-ABCD-EF012345678G" 1 uuid nil))
"List of `thing-at-point' tests.
Each list element should have the form
where STRING is a string of buffer contents, POS is the value of
point, THING is a symbol argument for `thing-at-point', and
RESULT should be the result of calling `thing-at-point' from that
position to retrieve THING.")
(ert-deftest thing-at-point-tests ()
"Test the file-local variables implementation."
(dolist (test thing-at-point-test-data)
(insert (nth 0 test))
(goto-char (nth 1 test))
(should (equal (thing-at-point (nth 2 test)) (nth 3 test))))))
;; See bug#24627 and bug#31772.
(ert-deftest thing-at-point-bounds-of-list-at-point ()
(cl-macrolet ((with-test-buffer (str &rest body)
(insert ,str)
(search-backward "|")
(delete-char 1)
(let ((tests1
'(("|(a \"b\" c)" (a "b" c))
(";|(a \"b\" c)" (a "b" c) nil)
("|(a \"b\" c\n)" (a "b" c))
("\"|(a b c)\"" (a b c) nil)
("|(a ;(b c d)\ne)" (a e))
("(foo\n|(a ;(b c d)\ne) bar)" (foo (a e) bar))
("(foo\n|a ;(b c d)\ne bar)" (foo a e bar))
("(foo\n|(a \"(b c d)\"\ne) bar)" (foo (a "(b c d)" e) bar))
("(b\n|(a ;(foo c d)\ne) bar)" (b (a e) bar))
("(princ \"|(a b c)\")" (a b c) (princ "(a b c)"))
("(defun foo ()\n \"Test function.\"\n ;;|(a b)\n nil)"
(defun foo nil "Test function." nil)
(defun foo nil "Test function." nil))))
'(("|list-at-point" . "list-at-point")
("list-|at-point" . "list-at-point")
("list-at-point|" . nil)
("|(a b c)" . "(a b c)")
("(a b c)|" . nil))))
(dolist (test tests1)
(with-test-buffer (car test)
(should (equal (list-at-point) (cl-second test)))
(when (cddr test)
(should (equal (list-at-point t) (cl-third test))))))
(dolist (test tests2)
(with-test-buffer (car test)
(should (equal (thing-at-point 'list) (cdr test))))))))
(ert-deftest thing-at-point-url-in-comment ()
(insert "/* (http://foo/bar)\n(http://foo/bar(baz)) */\n")
(goto-char 6)
(should (equal (thing-at-point 'url) "http://foo/bar"))
(goto-char 23)
(should (equal (thing-at-point 'url) "http://foo/bar(baz)"))))
(ert-deftest thing-at-point-looking-at ()
(insert "1abcd 2abcd 3abcd")
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((m2 (progn (search-forward "2abcd")
(goto-char (point-min))
(search-forward "2ab")
(should (thing-at-point-looking-at "2abcd"))
(should (equal (match-data) m2)))))
(ert-deftest test-symbol-thing-1 ()
(insert "foo bar zot")
(goto-char 4)
(should (eq (symbol-at-point) 'foo))
(forward-char 1)
(should (eq (symbol-at-point) 'bar))
(forward-char 1)
(should (eq (symbol-at-point) 'bar))
(forward-char 1)
(should (eq (symbol-at-point) 'bar))
(forward-char 1)
(should (eq (symbol-at-point) 'bar))
(forward-char 1)
(should (eq (symbol-at-point) 'zot))))
(ert-deftest test-symbol-thing-2 ()
(insert " bar ")
(goto-char (point-max))
(should (eq (symbol-at-point) nil))
(forward-char -1)
(should (eq (symbol-at-point) 'bar))))
(ert-deftest test-symbol-thing-2 ()
(insert " bar ")
(goto-char (point-max))
(should (eq (symbol-at-point) nil))
(forward-char -1)
(should (eq (symbol-at-point) 'bar))))
(ert-deftest test-symbol-thing-3 ()
(insert "bar")
(goto-char 2)
(should (eq (symbol-at-point) 'bar))))
(ert-deftest test-symbol-thing-3 ()
(insert "`[[`(")
(goto-char 2)
(should (eq (symbol-at-point) nil))))
(defun test--number (number pos)
(insert (format "%s\n" number))
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-char pos)
(ert-deftest test-numbers-none ()
(should (equal (test--number "foo" 0) nil)))
(ert-deftest test-numbers-decimal ()
(should (equal (test--number "42" 0) 42))
(should (equal (test--number "42" 1) 42))
(should (equal (test--number "42" 2) 42)))
(ert-deftest test-numbers-hex-lisp ()
(should (equal (test--number "#x42" 0) 66))
(should (equal (test--number "#x42" 1) 66))
(should (equal (test--number "#x42" 2) 66))
(should (equal (test--number "#xf00" 0) 3840))
(should (equal (test--number "#xf00" 1) 3840))
(should (equal (test--number "#xf00" 2) 3840))
(should (equal (test--number "#xf00" 3) 3840)))
(ert-deftest test-numbers-hex-c ()
(should (equal (test--number "0x42" 0) 66))
(should (equal (test--number "0x42" 1) 66))
(should (equal (test--number "0x42" 2) 66))
(should (equal (test--number "0xf00" 0) 3840))
(should (equal (test--number "0xf00" 1) 3840))
(should (equal (test--number "0xf00" 2) 3840))
(should (equal (test--number "0xf00" 3) 3840)))
;;; thingatpt-tests.el ends here