;;; editfns-tests.el --- tests for editfns.c -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see .
;;; Code:
(require 'ert)
(ert-deftest format-properties ()
;; Bug #23730
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (propertize "%d" 'face '(:background "red")) 1)
#("1" 0 1 (face (:background "red")))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (propertize "%2d" 'face '(:background "red")) 1)
#(" 1" 0 2 (face (:background "red")))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (propertize "%02d" 'face '(:background "red")) 1)
#("01" 0 2 (face (:background "red")))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (concat (propertize "%2d" 'x 'X)
(propertize "a" 'a 'A)
(propertize "b" 'b 'B))
#(" 1ab" 0 2 (x X) 2 3 (a A) 3 4 (b B))))
;; Bug #5306
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format "%.10s"
(concat "1234567890aaaa"
(propertize "12345678901234567890" 'xxx 25)))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format "%.10s"
(concat "123456789"
(propertize "12345678901234567890" 'xxx 25)))
#("1234567891" 9 10 (xxx 25))))
;; Bug #23859
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format "%4s" (propertize "hi" 'face 'bold))
#(" hi" 2 4 (face bold))))
;; Bug #23897
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format "%s" (concat (propertize "01234" 'face 'bold) "56789"))
#("0123456789" 0 5 (face bold))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format "%s" (concat (propertize "01" 'face 'bold)
(propertize "23" 'face 'underline)
#("012345" 0 2 (face bold) 2 4 (face underline))))
;; The last property range is extended to include padding on the
;; right, but the first range is not extended to the left to include
;; padding on the left!
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format "%12s" (concat (propertize "01234" 'face 'bold) "56789"))
#(" 0123456789" 2 7 (face bold))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format "%-12s" (concat (propertize "01234" 'face 'bold) "56789"))
#("0123456789 " 0 5 (face bold))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format "%10s" (concat (propertize "01" 'face 'bold)
(propertize "23" 'face 'underline)
#(" 012345" 4 6 (face bold) 6 8 (face underline))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format "%-10s" (concat (propertize "01" 'face 'bold)
(propertize "23" 'face 'underline)
#("012345 " 0 2 (face bold) 2 4 (face underline))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format "%-10s" (concat (propertize "01" 'face 'bold)
(propertize "23" 'face 'underline)
(propertize "45" 'face 'italic)))
#("012345 "
0 2 (face bold) 2 4 (face underline) 4 10 (face italic))))
;; Bug #38191
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (propertize "‘foo’ %s bar" 'face 'bold) "xxx")
#("‘foo’ xxx bar" 0 13 (face bold))))
;; Bug #32404
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (concat (propertize "%s" 'face 'bold)
(propertize "%s" 'face 'error))
"foo" "bar")
#("foobar" 0 3 (face bold) 3 6 (face error))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (concat "%s" (propertize "%s" 'face 'error)) "foo" "bar")
#("foobar" 3 6 (face error))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (concat "%s " (propertize "%s" 'face 'error)) "foo" "bar")
#("foo bar" 4 7 (face error))))
;; Bug #46317
(let ((s (propertize "X" 'prop "val")))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (concat "%3s/" s) 12)
#(" 12/X" 4 5 (prop "val"))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (concat "%3S/" s) 12)
#(" 12/X" 4 5 (prop "val"))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (concat "%3d/" s) 12)
#(" 12/X" 4 5 (prop "val"))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (concat "%-3s/" s) 12)
#("12 /X" 4 5 (prop "val"))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (concat "%-3S/" s) 12)
#("12 /X" 4 5 (prop "val"))))
(should (ert-equal-including-properties
(format (concat "%-3d/" s) 12)
#("12 /X" 4 5 (prop "val"))))))
(ert-deftest propertize/error-even-number-of-args ()
"Number of args for `propertize' must be odd."
(should-error (propertize "foo" 'bar) :type 'wrong-number-of-arguments))
;; Tests for bug#5131.
(defun transpose-test-reverse-word (start end)
"Reverse characters in a word by transposing pairs of characters."
(let ((begm (make-marker))
(endm (make-marker)))
(set-marker begm start)
(set-marker endm end)
(while (> endm begm)
(progn (transpose-regions begm (1+ begm) endm (1+ endm) t)
(set-marker begm (1+ begm))
(set-marker endm (1- endm))))))
(defun transpose-test-get-byte-positions (len)
"Validate character position to byte position translation."
(let ((bytes '()))
(dotimes (pos len)
(push (position-bytes (1+ pos)) bytes))
(nreverse bytes)))
(ert-deftest transpose-ascii-regions-test ()
(insert "abcd")
(transpose-test-reverse-word 1 4)
(should (string= (buffer-string) "dcba"))
(should (equal (transpose-test-get-byte-positions 5) '(1 2 3 4 5)))))
(ert-deftest transpose-nonascii-regions-test-1 ()
(insert "÷bcd")
(transpose-test-reverse-word 1 4)
(should (string= (buffer-string) "dcb÷"))
(should (equal (transpose-test-get-byte-positions 5) '(1 2 3 4 6)))))
(ert-deftest transpose-nonascii-regions-test-2 ()
(insert "÷ab\"äé")
(transpose-test-reverse-word 1 6)
(should (string= (buffer-string) "éä\"ba÷"))
(should (equal (transpose-test-get-byte-positions 7) '(1 3 5 6 7 8 10)))))
(ert-deftest format-c-float ()
(should-error (format "%c" 0.5)))
;;; Test for Bug#29609.
(ert-deftest format-sharp-0-x ()
(should (string-equal (format "%#08x" #x10) "0x000010"))
(should (string-equal (format "%#05X" #x10) "0X010"))
(should (string-equal (format "%#04x" 0) "0000")))
;;; Tests for Bug#30408.
(ert-deftest format-%d-large-float ()
(should (string-equal (format "%d" 18446744073709551616.0)
(should (string-equal (format "%d" -18446744073709551616.0)
(ert-deftest format-%x-large-float ()
(should (string-equal (format "%x" 18446744073709551616.0)
(ert-deftest read-large-integer ()
(should (eq (type-of (read (format "%d0" most-negative-fixnum))) 'integer))
(should (eq (type-of (read (format "%+d" (* -8.0 most-negative-fixnum))))
(should (eq (type-of (read (substring (format "%d" most-negative-fixnum) 1)))
(should (eq (type-of (read (format "#x%x" most-negative-fixnum)))
(should (eq (type-of (read (format "#o%o" most-negative-fixnum)))
(should (eq (type-of (read (format "#32rG%x" most-positive-fixnum)))
(dolist (fmt '("%d" "%s" "#o%o" "#x%x"))
(dolist (val (list most-negative-fixnum (1+ most-negative-fixnum)
-1 0 1
(1- most-positive-fixnum) most-positive-fixnum))
(should (eq val (read (format fmt val)))))
(dolist (val (list (1+ most-positive-fixnum)
(* 2 (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
(* 4 (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
(* 8 (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
(should (= val (read (format fmt val)))))))
(ert-deftest format-%o-negative-float ()
(should (string-equal (format "%o" -1e-37) "0")))
;; Bug#31938
(ert-deftest format-%d-float ()
(should (string-equal (format "%d" -1.1) "-1"))
(should (string-equal (format "%d" -0.9) "0"))
(should (string-equal (format "%d" -0.0) "0"))
(should (string-equal (format "%d" 0.0) "0"))
(should (string-equal (format "%d" 0.9) "0"))
(should (string-equal (format "%d" 1.1) "1")))
(ert-deftest format-with-field ()
(should (equal (format "First argument %2$s, then %3$s, then %1$s" 1 2 3)
"First argument 2, then 3, then 1"))
(should (equal (format "a %2$s %3$d %1$d %2$S %3$d %4$d b" 11 "22" 33 44)
"a 22 33 11 \"22\" 33 44 b"))
(should (equal (format "a %08$s %0000000000000000009$s b" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
"a 8 9 b"))
(should (equal (should-error (format "a %999999$s b" 11))
'(error "Not enough arguments for format string")))
(should (equal (should-error (format "a %2147483647$s b"))
'(error "Not enough arguments for format string")))
(should (equal (should-error (format "a %9223372036854775807$s b"))
'(error "Not enough arguments for format string")))
(should (equal (should-error (format "a %9223372036854775808$s b"))
'(error "Not enough arguments for format string")))
(should (equal (should-error (format "a %18446744073709551615$s b"))
'(error "Not enough arguments for format string")))
(should (equal (should-error (format "a %18446744073709551616$s b"))
'(error "Not enough arguments for format string")))
(should (equal (should-error
(format (format "a %%%d$d b" most-positive-fixnum)))
'(error "Not enough arguments for format string")))
(should (equal (should-error
(format (format "a %%%d$d b" (+ 1.0 most-positive-fixnum))))
'(error "Not enough arguments for format string")))
(should (equal (should-error (format "a %$s b" 11))
'(error "Invalid format operation %$")))
(should (equal (should-error (format "a %-1$s b" 11))
'(error "Invalid format operation %$")))
(should (equal (format "%1$c %1$s" ?±) "± 177")))
(ert-deftest replace-buffer-contents-1 ()
(insert #("source" 2 4 (prop 7)))
(let ((source (current-buffer)))
(insert "before dest after")
(let ((marker (set-marker (make-marker) 14)))
(narrow-to-region 8 12)
(replace-buffer-contents source))
(should (equal (marker-buffer marker) (current-buffer)))
(should (equal (marker-position marker) 16)))
(should (equal-including-properties
#("before source after" 9 11 (prop 7))))
(should (equal (point) 9))))
(should (equal-including-properties
#("source" 2 4 (prop 7))))))
(ert-deftest replace-buffer-contents-2 ()
(insert "foo bar baz qux")
(let ((source (current-buffer)))
(insert "foo BAR baz qux")
(replace-buffer-contents source)
(should (equal-including-properties
"foo bar baz qux"))))))
(ert-deftest replace-buffer-contents-bug31837 ()
(switch-to-buffer "a")
(insert-char (char-from-name "SMILE"))
(insert "1234")
(switch-to-buffer "b")
(insert-char (char-from-name "SMILE"))
(insert "5678")
(replace-buffer-contents "a")
(should (equal (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))
(concat (string (char-from-name "SMILE")) "1234"))))
(ert-deftest delete-region-undo-markers-1 ()
"Make sure we don't end up with freed markers reachable from Lisp."
;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=30931#40
(insert "1234567890")
(setq buffer-undo-list nil)
(narrow-to-region 2 5)
;; `save-restriction' in a narrowed buffer creates two markers
;; representing the current restriction.
;; Any markers *within* the deleted region are put onto the undo
;; list.
(delete-region 1 6))
;; (princ (format "%S" buffer-undo-list) #'external-debugging-output)
;; `buffer-undo-list' is now
;; (("12345" . 1) (# . -1) (# . 1))
;; If temp-marker1 or temp-marker2 are freed prematurely, calling
;; `type-of' on them will cause Emacs to abort. Calling
;; `garbage-collect' will also abort if it finds any reachable
;; freed objects.
(should (eq (type-of (car (nth 1 buffer-undo-list))) 'marker))
(should (eq (type-of (car (nth 2 buffer-undo-list))) 'marker))
(ert-deftest delete-region-undo-markers-2 ()
"Make sure we don't end up with freed markers reachable from Lisp."
;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=30931#55
(insert "1234567890")
(setq buffer-undo-list nil)
;; signal_before_change creates markers delimiting a change
;; region.
(let ((before-change-functions
(list (lambda (beg end)
(delete-region (1- beg) (1+ end))))))
(delete-region 2 5))
;; (princ (format "%S" buffer-undo-list) #'external-debugging-output)
;; `buffer-undo-list' is now
;; (("678" . 1) ("12345" . 1) (# . -1)
;; (# . -1) (# . -4))
;; If temp-marker1 or temp-marker2 are freed prematurely, calling
;; `type-of' on them will cause Emacs to abort. Calling
;; `garbage-collect' will also abort if it finds any reachable
;; freed objects.
(should (eq (type-of (car (nth 3 buffer-undo-list))) 'marker))
(should (eq (type-of (car (nth 4 buffer-undo-list))) 'marker))
(ert-deftest format-bignum ()
(v1 (read (concat "#x" s1)))
(s2 "99999999999999999999999999999999")
(v2 (read s2))
(v3 #x-3ffffffffffffffe000000000000000))
(should (> v1 most-positive-fixnum))
(should (equal (format "%X" v1) s1))
(should (> v2 most-positive-fixnum))
(should (equal (format "%d" v2) s2))
(should (equal (format "%d" v3) "-5316911983139663489309385231907684352"))
(should (equal (format "%+d" v3) "-5316911983139663489309385231907684352"))
(should (equal (format "%+d" (- v3))
(should (equal (format "% d" (- v3))
" 5316911983139663489309385231907684352"))
(should (equal (format "%o" v3)
(should (equal (format "%#50.40x" v3)
" -0x000000003ffffffffffffffe000000000000000"))
(should (equal (format "%-#50.40x" v3)
"-0x000000003ffffffffffffffe000000000000000 "))))
(ert-deftest test-group-name ()
(let ((group-name (group-name (group-gid))))
;; If the GID has no associated entry in /etc/group there's no
;; name for it and `group-name' should return nil!
(should (or (null group-name) (stringp group-name))))
(should-error (group-name 'foo))
((memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
(should-not (group-name 123456789)))
((executable-find "getent")
(let (stat name)
(dolist (gid (list 0 1212345 (group-gid)))
(setq stat (ignore-errors
(call-process "getent" nil '(t nil) nil "group"
(number-to-string gid))))
(setq name (group-name gid))
(goto-char (point-min))
(cond ((eq stat 0)
(if (looking-at "\\([[:alnum:]_-]+\\):")
(should (string= (match-string 1) name))))
((eq stat 2)
(should-not name)))))))))
(ert-deftest test-translate-region-internal ()
(let ((max-char #16r3FFFFF)
(tt (make-char-table 'translation-table)))
(aset tt max-char ?*)
(insert max-char)
(translate-region-internal (point-min) (point-max) tt)
(should (string-equal (buffer-string) "*")))))
;;; editfns-tests.el ends here