;;; eval-tests.el --- unit tests for src/eval.c -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Philipp Stephani ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; Unit tests for src/eval.c. ;;; Code: (require 'ert) (eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib)) (require 'subr-x) (ert-deftest eval-tests--bug24673 () "Check that Bug#24673 has been fixed." ;; This should not crash. (should-error (funcall '(closure)) :type 'invalid-function)) (defvar byte-compile-debug) (ert-deftest eval-tests--bugs-24912-and-24913 () "Check that Emacs doesn't accept weird argument lists. Bug#24912 and Bug#24913." (dolist (lb '(t false)) (ert-info ((prin1-to-string lb) :prefix "lexical-binding: ") (let ((lexical-binding lb)) (dolist (args '((&rest &optional) (&rest a &optional) (&rest &optional a) (&optional &optional) (&optional &optional a) (&optional a &optional b) (&rest &rest) (&rest &rest a) (&rest a &rest b) (&rest) (&optional &rest) )) (ert-info ((prin1-to-string args) :prefix "args: ") (should-error (eval `(funcall (lambda ,args)) lb) :type 'invalid-function) (should-error (byte-compile-check-lambda-list args)) (let ((byte-compile-debug t)) (should-error (eval `(byte-compile (lambda ,args)) lb))))))))) (ert-deftest eval-tests-accept-empty-optional () "Check that Emacs accepts empty &optional arglists. Bug#24912." (dolist (lb '(t false)) (ert-info ((prin1-to-string lb) :prefix "lexical-binding: ") (let ((lexical-binding lb)) (dolist (args '((&optional) (&optional &rest a))) (ert-info ((prin1-to-string args) :prefix "args: ") (let ((fun `(lambda ,args 'ok))) (ert-info ("eval") (should (eq (funcall (eval fun lb)) 'ok))) (ert-info ("byte comp check") (byte-compile-check-lambda-list args)) (ert-info ("bytecomp") (let ((byte-compile-debug t)) (should (eq (funcall (byte-compile fun)) 'ok))))))))))) (dolist (form '(let let*)) (dolist (arg '(1 "a" [a])) (eval `(ert-deftest ,(intern (format "eval-tests--%s--%s" form (type-of arg))) () ,(format "Check that the first argument of `%s' cannot be a %s" form (type-of arg)) (should-error (,form ,arg) :type 'wrong-type-argument)) t))) (ert-deftest eval-tests--if-dot-string () "Check that Emacs rejects (if . \"string\")." (should-error (eval '(if . "abc")) :type 'wrong-type-argument) (let ((if-tail (list '(setcdr if-tail "abc") t))) (should-error (eval (cons 'if if-tail)))) (let ((if-tail (list '(progn (setcdr if-tail "abc") nil) t))) (should-error (eval (cons 'if if-tail))))) (ert-deftest eval-tests--let-with-circular-defs () "Check that Emacs reports an error for (let VARS ...) when VARS is circular." (let ((vars (list 'v))) (setcdr vars vars) (dolist (let-sym '(let let*)) (should-error (eval (list let-sym vars)))))) (ert-deftest eval-tests--mutating-cond () "Check that Emacs doesn't crash on a cond clause that mutates during eval." (let ((clauses (list '((progn (setcdr clauses "ouch") nil))))) (should-error (eval (cons 'cond clauses))))) (defun eval-tests--exceed-specbind-limit () (defvar eval-tests--var1) (defvar eval-tests--var2) ;; Bind two variables, to make extra sure we hit the ;; `max-specpdl-size' limit before the `max-lisp-eval-depth' limit. (let ((eval-tests--var1 1) (eval-tests--var2 2)) ;; Recurse until we hit the limit. (eval-tests--exceed-specbind-limit))) (ert-deftest eval-exceed-specbind-with-signal-hook () "Test for Bug#30481. Check that Emacs doesn't crash when exceeding specbind limit with `signal-hook-function' bound. NOTE: Without the fix for Bug#30481, this test can appear to pass, but cause a crash/abort/malloc assert failure on the next test." (let ((max-specpdl-size (/ max-lisp-eval-depth 2)) (signal-hook-function #'ignore)) (should-error (eval-tests--exceed-specbind-limit)))) (ert-deftest defvar/bug31072 () "Check that Bug#31072 is fixed." (should-error (eval '(defvar 1) t) :type 'wrong-type-argument)) (ert-deftest defvaralias-overwrite-warning () "Test for Bug#5950." (defvar eval-tests--foo) (setq eval-tests--foo 2) (defvar eval-tests--foo-alias) (setq eval-tests--foo-alias 1) (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'display-warning) (lambda (type &rest _) (throw 'got-warning type)))) ;; Warn if we lose a value through aliasing. (should (equal '(defvaralias losing-value eval-tests--foo-alias) (catch 'got-warning (defvaralias 'eval-tests--foo-alias 'eval-tests--foo)))) ;; Don't warn if we don't. (makunbound 'eval-tests--foo-alias) (should (eq 'no-warning (catch 'got-warning (defvaralias 'eval-tests--foo-alias 'eval-tests--foo) 'no-warning))))) (ert-deftest eval-tests-byte-code-being-evaluated-is-protected-from-gc () "Regression test for Bug#33014. Check that byte-compiled objects being executed by exec-byte-code are found on the stack and therefore not garbage collected." (should (string= (eval-tests-33014-func) "before after: ok foo: (e) bar: (a b c d e) baz: a bop: c"))) (defvar eval-tests-33014-var "ok") (defun eval-tests-33014-func () "A function which has a non-trivial constants vector when byte-compiled." (let ((result "before ")) (eval-tests-33014-redefine) (garbage-collect) (setq result (concat result (format "after: %s" eval-tests-33014-var))) (let ((vals '(0 1 2 3)) (things '(a b c d e))) (dolist (val vals) (setq result (concat result " " (cond ((= val 0) (format "foo: %s" (last things))) ((= val 1) (format "bar: %s" things)) ((= val 2) (format "baz: %s" (car things))) (t (format "bop: %s" (nth 2 things)))))))) result)) (defun eval-tests-33014-redefine () "Remove the Lisp reference to the byte-compiled object." (setf (symbol-function #'eval-tests-33014-func) nil)) (defun eval-tests-19790-backquote-comma-dot-substitution () "Regression test for Bug#19790. Don't handle destructive splicing in backquote expressions (like in Common Lisp). Instead, make sure substitution in backquote expressions works for identifiers starting with period." (should (equal (let ((.x 'identity)) (eval `(,.x 'ok))) 'ok))) (ert-deftest eval-tests/backtrace-in-batch-mode () (let ((emacs (expand-file-name invocation-name invocation-directory))) (skip-unless (file-executable-p emacs)) (with-temp-buffer (let ((status (call-process emacs nil t nil "--quick" "--batch" (concat "--eval=" (prin1-to-string '(progn (defun foo () (error "Boo")) (foo))))))) (should (natnump status)) (should-not (eql status 0))) (goto-char (point-min)) (ert-info ((concat "Process output:\n" (buffer-string))) (search-forward " foo()") (search-forward " normal-top-level()"))))) (ert-deftest eval-tests/backtrace-in-batch-mode/inhibit () (let ((emacs (expand-file-name invocation-name invocation-directory))) (skip-unless (file-executable-p emacs)) (with-temp-buffer (let ((status (call-process emacs nil t nil "--quick" "--batch" (concat "--eval=" (prin1-to-string '(progn (defun foo () (error "Boo")) (let ((backtrace-on-error-noninteractive nil)) (foo)))))))) (should (natnump status)) (should-not (eql status 0))) (should (equal (string-trim (buffer-string)) "Boo"))))) (ert-deftest eval-tests/backtrace-in-batch-mode/demoted-errors () (let ((emacs (expand-file-name invocation-name invocation-directory))) (skip-unless (file-executable-p emacs)) (with-temp-buffer (should (eql 0 (call-process emacs nil t nil "--quick" "--batch" (concat "--eval=" (prin1-to-string '(with-demoted-errors "Error: %S" (error "Boo"))))))) (goto-char (point-min)) (should (equal (string-trim (buffer-string)) "Error: (error \"Boo\")"))))) ;;; eval-tests.el ends here