;;; floatfns-tests.el --- tests for floating point operations -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright 2017-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Code: (require 'ert) (ert-deftest divide-extreme-sign () (should (= (ceiling most-negative-fixnum -1.0) (- most-negative-fixnum))) (should (= (floor most-negative-fixnum -1.0) (- most-negative-fixnum))) (should (= (round most-negative-fixnum -1.0) (- most-negative-fixnum))) (should (= (truncate most-negative-fixnum -1.0) (- most-negative-fixnum)))) (ert-deftest logb-extreme-fixnum () (should (= (logb most-negative-fixnum) (1+ (logb most-positive-fixnum))))) (ert-deftest fround-fixnum () (should-error (ffloor 0) :type 'wrong-type-argument) (should-error (fceiling 0) :type 'wrong-type-argument) (should-error (ftruncate 0) :type 'wrong-type-argument) (should-error (fround 0) :type 'wrong-type-argument)) (ert-deftest bignum-to-float () ;; 122 because we want to go as big as possible to provoke a rounding error, ;; but not too big: 2**122 < 10**37 < 2**123, and the C standard says ;; 10**37 <= DBL_MAX so 2**122 cannot overflow as a double. (let ((a (1- (ash 1 122)))) (should (or (eql a (1- (floor (float a)))) (eql a (floor (float a)))))) (should (eql (float (+ most-positive-fixnum 1)) (+ (float most-positive-fixnum) 1)))) (ert-deftest bignum-abs () (should (= most-positive-fixnum (- (abs most-negative-fixnum) 1)))) (ert-deftest bignum-expt () (dolist (n (list most-positive-fixnum (1+ most-positive-fixnum) most-negative-fixnum (1- most-negative-fixnum) (* 5 most-negative-fixnum) (* 5 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)) -2 -1 0 1 2)) (should (or (<= n 0) (= (expt 0 n) 0))) (should (= (expt 1 n) 1)) (should (or (< n 0) (= (expt -1 n) (if (zerop (logand n 1)) 1 -1)))) (should (= (expt n 0) 1)) (should (= (expt n 1) n)) (should (= (expt n 2) (* n n))) (should (= (expt n 3) (* n n n))))) (ert-deftest bignum-logb () (should (= (+ (logb most-positive-fixnum) 1) (logb (+ most-positive-fixnum 1))))) (ert-deftest bignum-mod () (should (= 0 (mod (1+ most-positive-fixnum) 2.0)))) (ert-deftest bignum-round () (let ((ns (list (* most-positive-fixnum most-negative-fixnum) (1- most-negative-fixnum) most-negative-fixnum (1+ most-negative-fixnum) -2 1 1 2 (1- most-positive-fixnum) most-positive-fixnum (1+ most-positive-fixnum) (* most-positive-fixnum most-positive-fixnum)))) (dolist (n ns) (should (= n (ceiling n))) (should (= n (floor n))) (should (= n (round n))) (should (= n (truncate n))) (let ((-n (- n)) (f (float n)) (-f (- (float n)))) (should (= 1 (round n f) (round -n -f) (round f n) (round -f -n))) (should (= -1 (round -n f) (round n -f) (round f -n) (round -f n)))) (dolist (d ns) (let ((q (/ n d)) (r (% n d)) (same-sign (eq (< n 0) (< d 0)))) (should (= (ceiling n d) (+ q (if (and same-sign (not (zerop r))) 1 0)))) (should (= (floor n d) (- q (if (and (not same-sign) (not (zerop r))) 1 0)))) (should (= (truncate n d) q)) (let ((cdelta (abs (- n (* d (ceiling n d))))) (fdelta (abs (- n (* d (floor n d))))) (rdelta (abs (- n (* d (round n d)))))) (should (<= rdelta cdelta)) (should (<= rdelta fdelta)) (should (if (zerop r) (= 0 cdelta fdelta rdelta) (or (/= cdelta fdelta) (zerop (% (round n d) 2))))))))))) (ert-deftest special-round () (dolist (f '(ceiling floor round truncate)) (let ((ns '(-1e+INF 1e+INF -1 -0.0 0.0 0 1 -1e+NaN 1e+NaN))) (dolist (n ns) (if (not (<= (abs n) 1)) (should-error (funcall f n)) (should (= n (funcall f n))) (dolist (d '(-1e+INF 1e+INF)) (should (eq 0 (funcall f n d))))) (dolist (d ns) (when (or (zerop d) (= (abs n) 1e+INF) (not (= n n)) (not (= d d))) (should-error (funcall f n d)))))))) (ert-deftest big-round () (should (= (floor 54043195528445955 3) (floor 54043195528445955 3.0))) (should (= (floor 1.7976931348623157e+308 5e-324) (ash (1- (ash 1 53)) 2045)))) (provide 'floatfns-tests) ;;; floatfns-tests.el ends here