;;; iso8601.el --- parse ISO 8601 date/time strings -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Keywords: dates
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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;;; Commentary:
;; ISO8601 times basically look like 1985-04-01T15:23:49... Or so
;; you'd think. This is what everybody means when they say "ISO8601",
;; but it's in reality a quite large collection of syntaxes, including
;; week numbers, ordinal dates, durations and intervals. This package
;; has functions for parsing them all.
;; The interface functions are `iso8601-parse', `iso8601-parse-date',
;; `iso8601-parse-time', `iso8601-parse-zone',
;; `iso8601-parse-duration' and `iso8601-parse-interval'. They all
;; return decoded time objects, except the last one, which returns a
;; list of three of them.
;; (iso8601-parse-interval "P1Y2M10DT2H30M/2008W32T153000-01")
;; '((0 0 13 24 5 2007 nil nil -3600)
;; (0 30 15 3 8 2008 nil nil -3600)
;; (0 30 2 10 2 1 nil nil nil))
;; The standard can be found at:
;; https://www.loc.gov/standards/datetime/iso-tc154-wg5_n0038_iso_wd_8601-1_2016-02-16.pdf
;; The Wikipedia page on the standard is also informative:
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601
;; RFC3339 defines the subset that everybody thinks of as "ISO8601".
;;; Code:
(require 'time-date)
(require 'cl-lib)
(defun iso8601--concat-regexps (regexps)
(mapconcat (lambda (regexp)
(concat "\\(?:"
(string-replace "(" "(?:" regexp)
regexps "\\|"))
(defconst iso8601--year-match
(defconst iso8601--full-date-match
(defconst iso8601--without-day-match
(defconst iso8601--outdated-date-match
(defconst iso8601--outdated-reduced-precision-date-match
(defconst iso8601--week-date-match
(defconst iso8601--ordinal-date-match
(defconst iso8601--date-match
(list iso8601--year-match
(defconst iso8601--time-match
(defconst iso8601--zone-match
(defconst iso8601--full-time-match
(concat "\\(" (string-replace "(" "(?:" iso8601--time-match) "\\)"
"\\(" iso8601--zone-match "\\)?"))
(defconst iso8601--combined-match
(concat "\\(" iso8601--date-match "\\)"
(string-replace "(" "(?:" iso8601--time-match)
"\\(" iso8601--zone-match "\\)?\\)?"))
(defconst iso8601--duration-full-match
(defconst iso8601--duration-week-match
(defconst iso8601--duration-combined-match
(concat "P" iso8601--combined-match))
(defconst iso8601--duration-match
(list iso8601--duration-full-match
;; "Z" dnd "z" are standard time; nil and [-+][0-9][0-9]... are local time
;; with unknown DST.
(defun iso8601--zone-dst (zone)
(if (= (length zone) 1) nil -1))
(defun iso8601-parse (string &optional form)
"Parse an ISO 8601 date/time string and return a `decode-time' structure.
The ISO 8601 date/time strings look like \"2008-03-02T13:47:30\",
but shorter, incomplete strings like \"2008-03-02\" are valid, as
well as variants like \"2008W32\" (week number) and
\"2008-234\" (ordinal day number).
See `decode-time' for the meaning of FORM."
(if (not (iso8601-valid-p string))
(signal 'wrong-type-argument string)
(let* ((date-string (match-string 1 string))
(time-string (match-string 2 string))
(zone-string (match-string 3 string))
(date (iso8601-parse-date date-string)))
;; The time portion is optional.
(when time-string
(let ((time (iso8601-parse-time time-string form)))
(setf (decoded-time-hour date) (decoded-time-hour time))
(setf (decoded-time-minute date) (decoded-time-minute time))
(setf (decoded-time-second date) (decoded-time-second time))))
;; The time zone is optional.
(when zone-string
(setf (decoded-time-zone date)
;; The time zone in decoded times are in seconds.
(* (iso8601-parse-zone zone-string) 60))
(setf (decoded-time-dst date) (iso8601--zone-dst zone-string)))
(defun iso8601-parse-date (string)
"Parse STRING (in ISO 8601 format) and return a `decode-time' value."
;; Just a year: [+-]YYYY.
((iso8601--match iso8601--year-match string)
:year (string-to-number string)))
;; Calendar dates: YYYY-MM-DD and variants.
((iso8601--match iso8601--full-date-match string)
:year (string-to-number (match-string 1 string))
:month (match-string 2 string)
:day (match-string 3 string)))
;; Calendar date without day: YYYY-MM.
((iso8601--match iso8601--without-day-match string)
:year (string-to-number string)
:month (match-string 2 string)))
;; Outdated date without year: --MM-DD
((iso8601--match iso8601--outdated-date-match string)
:month (match-string 1 string)
:day (match-string 2 string)))
;; Week dates: YYYY-Www-D
((iso8601--match iso8601--week-date-match string)
(let* ((year (string-to-number string))
(week (string-to-number (match-string 2 string)))
(day-of-week (and (match-string 3 string)
(string-to-number (match-string 3 string))))
(jan-start (decoded-time-weekday
(iso8601--decoded-time :year year
:month 1
:day 4)))))
(correction (+ (if (zerop jan-start) 7 jan-start)
(ordinal (+ (* week 7) (or day-of-week 0) (- correction))))
;; Monday 29 December 2008 is written "2009-W01-1".
((< ordinal 1)
(setq year (1- year)
ordinal (+ ordinal (if (date-leap-year-p year)
366 365))))
;; Sunday 3 January 2010 is written "2009-W53-7".
((> ordinal (if (date-leap-year-p year)
366 365))
(setq ordinal (- ordinal (if (date-leap-year-p year)
366 365))
year (1+ year))))
(let ((month-day (date-ordinal-to-time year ordinal)))
(iso8601--decoded-time :year year
:month (decoded-time-month month-day)
:day (decoded-time-day month-day)))))
;; Ordinal dates: YYYY-DDD
((iso8601--match iso8601--ordinal-date-match string)
(let* ((year (string-to-number (match-string 1 string)))
(ordinal (string-to-number (match-string 2 string)))
(month-day (date-ordinal-to-time year ordinal)))
(iso8601--decoded-time :year year
:month (decoded-time-month month-day)
:day (decoded-time-day month-day))))
;; Obsolete format with implied year: --MM
((iso8601--match "--\\([0-9][0-9]\\)" string)
(iso8601--decoded-time :month (string-to-number (match-string 1 string))))
;; Obsolete format with implied year and month: ---DD
((iso8601--match "---\\([0-9][0-9]\\)" string)
(iso8601--decoded-time :day (string-to-number (match-string 1 string))))
(signal 'wrong-type-argument string))))
(defun iso8601-parse-time (string &optional form)
"Parse STRING, which should be an ISO 8601 time string.
The return value will be a `decode-time' structure with just the
hour/minute/seconds/zone fields filled in.
See `decode-time' for the meaning of FORM."
(if (not (iso8601--match iso8601--full-time-match string))
(signal 'wrong-type-argument string)
(let ((time (match-string 1 string))
(zone (match-string 2 string)))
(if (not (iso8601--match iso8601--time-match time))
(signal 'wrong-type-argument string)
(let ((hour (string-to-number (match-string 1 time)))
(minute (and (match-string 2 time)
(string-to-number (match-string 2 time))))
(second (and (match-string 3 time)
(string-to-number (match-string 3 time))))
(frac-string (match-string 4 time))
fraction fraction-precision)
(when frac-string
;; Remove trailing zeroes.
(setq frac-string (replace-regexp-in-string "0+\\'" "" frac-string))
(when (length> frac-string 0)
(setq fraction (string-to-number frac-string)
fraction-precision (length frac-string))))
(when (and fraction
(eq form t))
;; Sub-second time.
(setq second (cons (+ (* second (expt 10 fraction-precision))
(expt 10 fraction-precision))))
;; Fractional minute.
(setq second (iso8601--decimalize fraction 60)))
;; Fractional hour.
(setq minute (iso8601--decimalize fraction 60)))))
(iso8601--decoded-time :hour hour
:minute (or minute 0)
:second (or second 0)
:dst (iso8601--zone-dst zone)
:zone (and zone
(* 60 (iso8601-parse-zone
(defun iso8601--decimalize (fraction base)
(round (* base (/ (float fraction)
(expt 10 (1+ (truncate (log fraction 10))))))))
(defun iso8601-parse-zone (string)
"Parse STRING, which should be an ISO 8601 time zone.
Return the number of minutes."
(if (not (iso8601--match iso8601--zone-match string))
(signal 'wrong-type-argument string)
(if (match-string 2 string)
;; HH:MM-ish.
(let ((hour (string-to-number (match-string 3 string)))
(minute (and (match-string 4 string)
(string-to-number (match-string 4 string)))))
(* (if (equal (match-string 2 string) "-")
(+ (* hour 60)
(or minute 0))))
;; "Z".
(defun iso8601-valid-p (string)
"Say whether STRING is a valid ISO 8601 representation."
(iso8601--match iso8601--combined-match string))
(defun iso8601-parse-duration (string)
"Parse ISO 8601 durations on the form P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S."
((and (iso8601--match iso8601--duration-full-match string)
;; Just a "P" isn't valid; there has to be at least one
;; element, like P1M.
(> (length (match-string 0 string)) 2))
(iso8601--decoded-time :year (or (match-string 1 string) 0)
:month (or (match-string 2 string) 0)
:day (or (match-string 3 string) 0)
:hour (or (match-string 5 string) 0)
:minute (or (match-string 6 string) 0)
:second (or (match-string 7 string) 0)))
;; PnW: Weeks.
((iso8601--match iso8601--duration-week-match string)
(let ((weeks (string-to-number (match-string 1 string))))
;; Does this make sense? Hm...
(iso8601--decoded-time :day (* weeks 7))))
;; PT