/** Helper functions for working with $(I C strings). This module is intended to provide fast, safe and garbage free way to work with $(I C strings). Copyright: Denis Shelomovskij 2013-2014 License: $(HTTP boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). Authors: Denis Shelomovskij Macros: COREREF = $(HTTP dlang.org/phobos/core_$1.html#$2, $(D core.$1.$2)) */ module std.internal.cstring; /// @safe unittest { version (Posix) { import core.stdc.stdlib : free; import core.sys.posix.stdlib : setenv; import std.exception : enforce; void setEnvironment(in char[] name, in char[] value) { enforce(setenv(name.tempCString(), value.tempCString(), 1) != -1); } } version (Windows) { import core.sys.windows.windows : SetEnvironmentVariableW; import std.exception : enforce; void setEnvironment(in char[] name, in char[] value) { enforce(SetEnvironmentVariableW(name.tempCStringW(), value.tempCStringW())); } } } import std.range; import std.traits; version (unittest) @property inout(C)[] asArray(C)(inout C* cstr) pure nothrow @nogc @trusted if (isSomeChar!C) in { assert(cstr); } body { size_t length = 0; while (cstr[length]) ++length; return cstr[0 .. length]; } /** Creates temporary 0-terminated $(I C string) with copy of passed text. Params: To = character type of returned C string str = string or input range to be converted Returns: The value returned is implicitly convertible to $(D const To*) and has two properties: $(D ptr) to access $(I C string) as $(D const To*) and $(D buffPtr) to access it as $(D To*). The value returned can be indexed by [] to access it as an array. The temporary $(I C string) is valid unless returned object is destroyed. Thus if returned object is assigned to a variable the temporary is valid unless the variable goes out of scope. If returned object isn't assigned to a variable it will be destroyed at the end of creating primary expression. Implementation_note: For small strings tempCString will use stack allocated buffer, for large strings (approximately 250 characters and more) it will allocate temporary one using C's $(D malloc). Note: This function is intended to be used in function call expression (like $(D strlen(str.tempCString()))). Incorrect usage of this function may lead to memory corruption. See $(RED WARNING) in $(B Examples) section. */ auto tempCString(To = char, From)(From str) if (isSomeChar!To && (isInputRange!From || isSomeString!From) && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!From)) { alias CF = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!From); enum To* useStack = () @trusted { return cast(To*) size_t.max; }(); static struct Res { @trusted: nothrow @nogc: @disable this(); @disable this(this); alias ptr this; @property inout(To)* buffPtr() inout pure { return _ptr == useStack ? _buff.ptr : _ptr; } @property const(To)* ptr() const pure { return buffPtr; } const(To)[] opIndex() const pure { return buffPtr[0 .. _length]; } ~this() { if (_ptr != useStack) { import core.stdc.stdlib : free; free(_ptr); } } private: To* _ptr; size_t _length; // length of the string // the 'small string optimization' version (unittest) { // smaller size to trigger reallocations. Padding is to account for // unittest/non-unittest cross-compilation (to avoid corruption) To[16 / To.sizeof] _buff; To[(256 - 16) / To.sizeof] _unittest_pad; } else { To[256 / To.sizeof] _buff; // production size } static Res trustedVoidInit() { Res res = void; return res; } } Res res = Res.trustedVoidInit(); // expensive to fill _buff[] // Note: res._ptr can't point to res._buff as structs are movable. To[] p; bool p_is_onstack = true; size_t i; static To[] trustedRealloc(To[] buf, size_t i, To[] res, size_t strLength, bool res_is_onstack) @trusted @nogc nothrow { pragma(inline, false); // because it's rarely called import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError; import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, realloc; import core.stdc.string : memcpy; if (res_is_onstack) { size_t newlen = res.length * 3 / 2; if (newlen <= strLength) newlen = strLength + 1; // +1 for terminating 0 auto ptr = cast(To*) malloc(newlen * To.sizeof); if (!ptr) onOutOfMemoryError(); memcpy(ptr, res.ptr, i * To.sizeof); return ptr[0 .. newlen]; } else { if (buf.length >= size_t.max / (2 * To.sizeof)) onOutOfMemoryError(); const newlen = buf.length * 3 / 2; auto ptr = cast(To*) realloc(buf.ptr, newlen * To.sizeof); if (!ptr) onOutOfMemoryError(); return ptr[0 .. newlen]; } } size_t strLength; static if (hasLength!From) { strLength = str.length; } import std.utf : byUTF; static if (isSomeString!From) { auto r = cast(const(CF)[])str; // because inout(CF) causes problems with byUTF if (r is null) // Bugzilla 14980 { res._ptr = null; return res; } } else alias r = str; To[] q = res._buff; foreach (const c; byUTF!(Unqual!To)(r)) { if (i + 1 == q.length) { p = trustedRealloc(p, i, res._buff, strLength, p_is_onstack); p_is_onstack = false; q = p; } q[i++] = c; } q[i] = 0; res._length = i; res._ptr = p_is_onstack ? useStack : &p[0]; return res; } /// nothrow @nogc @system unittest { import core.stdc.string; string str = "abc"; // Intended usage assert(strlen(str.tempCString()) == 3); // Correct usage auto tmp = str.tempCString(); assert(strlen(tmp) == 3); // or `tmp.ptr`, or `tmp.buffPtr` // $(RED WARNING): $(RED Incorrect usage) auto pInvalid1 = str.tempCString().ptr; const char* pInvalid2 = str.tempCString(); // Both pointers refer to invalid memory here as // returned values aren't assigned to a variable and // both primary expressions are ended. } @safe nothrow @nogc unittest { assert("abc".tempCString().asArray == "abc"); assert("abc"d.tempCString().ptr.asArray == "abc"); assert("abc".tempCString!wchar().buffPtr.asArray == "abc"w); import std.utf : byChar, byWchar; char[300] abc = 'a'; assert(tempCString(abc[].byChar).buffPtr.asArray == abc); assert(tempCString(abc[].byWchar).buffPtr.asArray == abc); assert(tempCString(abc[].byChar)[] == abc); } // Bugzilla 14980 nothrow @nogc @safe unittest { const(char[]) str = null; auto res = tempCString(str); const char* ptr = res; assert(ptr is null); } version (Windows) alias tempCStringW = tempCString!(wchar, const(char)[]);