------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . A R I T H _ 3 2 -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2020-2022, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Preconditions, postconditions, ghost code, loop invariants and assertions -- in this unit are meant for analysis only, not for run-time checking, as it -- would be too costly otherwise. This is enforced by setting the assertion -- policy to Ignore. pragma Assertion_Policy (Pre => Ignore, Post => Ignore, Ghost => Ignore, Loop_Invariant => Ignore, Assert => Ignore); with Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers_Ghost; use Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers_Ghost; with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; package body System.Arith_32 with SPARK_Mode is pragma Suppress (Overflow_Check); pragma Suppress (Range_Check); subtype Uns32 is Interfaces.Unsigned_32; subtype Uns64 is Interfaces.Unsigned_64; use Interfaces; function To_Int is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Uns32, Int32); package Unsigned_Conversion is new Unsigned_Conversions (Int => Uns32); function Big (Arg : Uns32) return Big_Integer is (Unsigned_Conversion.To_Big_Integer (Arg)) with Ghost; package Unsigned_Conversion_64 is new Unsigned_Conversions (Int => Uns64); function Big (Arg : Uns64) return Big_Integer is (Unsigned_Conversion_64.To_Big_Integer (Arg)) with Ghost; pragma Warnings (Off, "non-preelaborable call not allowed in preelaborated unit", Reason => "Ghost code is not compiled"); Big_0 : constant Big_Integer := Big (Uns32'(0)) with Ghost; Big_2xx32 : constant Big_Integer := Big (Uns32'(2 ** 32 - 1)) + 1 with Ghost; Big_2xx64 : constant Big_Integer := Big (Uns64'(2 ** 64 - 1)) + 1 with Ghost; pragma Warnings (On, "non-preelaborable call not allowed in preelaborated unit"); ----------------------- -- Local Subprograms -- ----------------------- function "abs" (X : Int32) return Uns32 is (if X = Int32'First then Uns32'(2**31) else Uns32 (Int32'(abs X))); -- Convert absolute value of X to unsigned. Note that we can't just use -- the expression of the Else since it overflows for X = Int32'First. function Lo (A : Uns64) return Uns32 is (Uns32 (A and (2 ** 32 - 1))); -- Low order half of 64-bit value function Hi (A : Uns64) return Uns32 is (Uns32 (Shift_Right (A, 32))); -- High order half of 64-bit value function To_Neg_Int (A : Uns32) return Int32 with Annotate => (GNATprove, Terminating), Pre => In_Int32_Range (-Big (A)), Post => Big (To_Neg_Int'Result) = -Big (A); -- Convert to negative integer equivalent. If the input is in the range -- 0 .. 2**31, then the corresponding nonpositive signed integer (obtained -- by negating the given value) is returned, otherwise constraint error is -- raised. function To_Pos_Int (A : Uns32) return Int32 with Annotate => (GNATprove, Terminating), Pre => In_Int32_Range (Big (A)), Post => Big (To_Pos_Int'Result) = Big (A); -- Convert to positive integer equivalent. If the input is in the range -- 0 .. 2**31 - 1, then the corresponding nonnegative signed integer is -- returned, otherwise constraint error is raised. procedure Raise_Error; pragma No_Return (Raise_Error); -- Raise constraint error with appropriate message ------------------ -- Local Lemmas -- ------------------ procedure Lemma_Abs_Commutation (X : Int32) with Ghost, Post => abs (Big (X)) = Big (Uns32'(abs X)); procedure Lemma_Abs_Div_Commutation (X, Y : Big_Integer) with Ghost, Pre => Y /= 0, Post => abs (X / Y) = abs X / abs Y; procedure Lemma_Abs_Mult_Commutation (X, Y : Big_Integer) with Ghost, Post => abs (X * Y) = abs X * abs Y; procedure Lemma_Abs_Rem_Commutation (X, Y : Big_Integer) with Ghost, Pre => Y /= 0, Post => abs (X rem Y) = (abs X) rem (abs Y); procedure Lemma_Div_Commutation (X, Y : Uns64) with Ghost, Pre => Y /= 0, Post => Big (X) / Big (Y) = Big (X / Y); procedure Lemma_Div_Ge (X, Y, Z : Big_Integer) with Ghost, Pre => Z > 0 and then X >= Y * Z, Post => X / Z >= Y; procedure Lemma_Ge_Commutation (A, B : Uns32) with Ghost, Pre => A >= B, Post => Big (A) >= Big (B); procedure Lemma_Hi_Lo (Xu : Uns64; Xhi, Xlo : Uns32) with Ghost, Pre => Xhi = Hi (Xu) and Xlo = Lo (Xu), Post => Big (Xu) = Big_2xx32 * Big (Xhi) + Big (Xlo); procedure Lemma_Mult_Commutation (X, Y, Z : Uns64) with Ghost, Pre => Big (X) * Big (Y) < Big_2xx64 and then Z = X * Y, Post => Big (X) * Big (Y) = Big (Z); procedure Lemma_Mult_Non_Negative (X, Y : Big_Integer) with Ghost, Pre => (X >= Big_0 and then Y >= Big_0) or else (X <= Big_0 and then Y <= Big_0), Post => X * Y >= Big_0; procedure Lemma_Mult_Non_Positive (X, Y : Big_Integer) with Ghost, Pre => (X <= Big_0 and then Y >= Big_0) or else (X >= Big_0 and then Y <= Big_0), Post => X * Y <= Big_0; procedure Lemma_Neg_Div (X, Y : Big_Integer) with Ghost, Pre => Y /= 0, Post => X / Y = (-X) / (-Y); procedure Lemma_Neg_Rem (X, Y : Big_Integer) with Ghost, Pre => Y /= 0, Post => X rem Y = X rem (-Y); procedure Lemma_Not_In_Range_Big2xx32 with Post => not In_Int32_Range (Big_2xx32) and then not In_Int32_Range (-Big_2xx32); procedure Lemma_Rem_Commutation (X, Y : Uns64) with Ghost, Pre => Y /= 0, Post => Big (X) rem Big (Y) = Big (X rem Y); ----------------------------- -- Local lemma null bodies -- ----------------------------- procedure Lemma_Abs_Commutation (X : Int32) is null; procedure Lemma_Abs_Mult_Commutation (X, Y : Big_Integer) is null; procedure Lemma_Div_Commutation (X, Y : Uns64) is null; procedure Lemma_Div_Ge (X, Y, Z : Big_Integer) is null; procedure Lemma_Ge_Commutation (A, B : Uns32) is null; procedure Lemma_Mult_Commutation (X, Y, Z : Uns64) is null; procedure Lemma_Mult_Non_Negative (X, Y : Big_Integer) is null; procedure Lemma_Mult_Non_Positive (X, Y : Big_Integer) is null; procedure Lemma_Neg_Rem (X, Y : Big_Integer) is null; procedure Lemma_Not_In_Range_Big2xx32 is null; procedure Lemma_Rem_Commutation (X, Y : Uns64) is null; ------------------------------- -- Lemma_Abs_Div_Commutation -- ------------------------------- procedure Lemma_Abs_Div_Commutation (X, Y : Big_Integer) is begin if Y < 0 then if X < 0 then pragma Assert (abs (X / Y) = abs (X / (-Y))); else Lemma_Neg_Div (X, Y); pragma Assert (abs (X / Y) = abs ((-X) / (-Y))); end if; end if; end Lemma_Abs_Div_Commutation; ------------------------------- -- Lemma_Abs_Rem_Commutation -- ------------------------------- procedure Lemma_Abs_Rem_Commutation (X, Y : Big_Integer) is begin if Y < 0 then Lemma_Neg_Rem (X, Y); if X < 0 then pragma Assert (X rem Y = -((-X) rem (-Y))); pragma Assert (abs (X rem Y) = (abs X) rem (abs Y)); else pragma Assert (abs (X rem Y) = (abs X) rem (abs Y)); end if; end if; end Lemma_Abs_Rem_Commutation; ----------------- -- Lemma_Hi_Lo -- ----------------- procedure Lemma_Hi_Lo (Xu : Uns64; Xhi, Xlo : Uns32) is begin pragma Assert (Uns64 (Xhi) = Xu / Uns64'(2 ** 32)); pragma Assert (Uns64 (Xlo) = Xu mod 2 ** 32); end Lemma_Hi_Lo; ------------------- -- Lemma_Neg_Div -- ------------------- procedure Lemma_Neg_Div (X, Y : Big_Integer) is begin pragma Assert ((-X) / (-Y) = -(X / (-Y))); pragma Assert (X / (-Y) = -(X / Y)); end Lemma_Neg_Div; ----------------- -- Raise_Error -- ----------------- procedure Raise_Error is begin raise Constraint_Error with "32-bit arithmetic overflow"; pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Intentional, "exception might be raised", "Procedure Raise_Error is called to signal input errors"); end Raise_Error; ------------------- -- Scaled_Divide -- ------------------- procedure Scaled_Divide32 (X, Y, Z : Int32; Q, R : out Int32; Round : Boolean) is Xu : constant Uns32 := abs X; Yu : constant Uns32 := abs Y; Zu : constant Uns32 := abs Z; D : Uns64; -- The dividend Qu : Uns32; Ru : Uns32; -- Unsigned quotient and remainder -- Local ghost variables Mult : constant Big_Integer := abs (Big (X) * Big (Y)) with Ghost; Quot : Big_Integer with Ghost; Big_R : Big_Integer with Ghost; Big_Q : Big_Integer with Ghost; -- Local lemmas procedure Prove_Negative_Dividend with Ghost, Pre => Z /= 0 and then ((X >= 0 and Y < 0) or (X < 0 and Y >= 0)) and then Big_Q = (if Round then Round_Quotient (Big (X) * Big (Y), Big (Z), Big (X) * Big (Y) / Big (Z), Big (X) * Big (Y) rem Big (Z)) else Big (X) * Big (Y) / Big (Z)), Post => (if Z > 0 then Big_Q <= Big_0 else Big_Q >= Big_0); -- Proves the sign of rounded quotient when dividend is non-positive procedure Prove_Overflow with Ghost, Pre => Z /= 0 and then Mult >= Big_2xx32 * Big (Uns32'(abs Z)), Post => not In_Int32_Range (Big (X) * Big (Y) / Big (Z)) and then not In_Int32_Range (Round_Quotient (Big (X) * Big (Y), Big (Z), Big (X) * Big (Y) / Big (Z), Big (X) * Big (Y) rem Big (Z))); -- Proves overflow case procedure Prove_Positive_Dividend with Ghost, Pre => Z /= 0 and then ((X >= 0 and Y >= 0) or (X < 0 and Y < 0)) and then Big_Q = (if Round then Round_Quotient (Big (X) * Big (Y), Big (Z), Big (X) * Big (Y) / Big (Z), Big (X) * Big (Y) rem Big (Z)) else Big (X) * Big (Y) / Big (Z)), Post => (if Z > 0 then Big_Q >= Big_0 else Big_Q <= Big_0); -- Proves the sign of rounded quotient when dividend is non-negative procedure Prove_Rounding_Case with Ghost, Pre => Z /= 0 and then Quot = Big (X) * Big (Y) / Big (Z) and then Big_R = Big (X) * Big (Y) rem Big (Z) and then Big_Q = Round_Quotient (Big (X) * Big (Y), Big (Z), Quot, Big_R) and then Big (Ru) = abs Big_R and then Big (Zu) = Big (Uns32'(abs Z)), Post => abs Big_Q = (if Ru > (Zu - Uns32'(1)) / Uns32'(2) then abs Quot + 1 else abs Quot); -- Proves correctness of the rounding of the unsigned quotient procedure Prove_Sign_R with Ghost, Pre => Z /= 0 and then Big_R = Big (X) * Big (Y) rem Big (Z), Post => In_Int32_Range (Big_R); procedure Prove_Signs with Ghost, Pre => Z /= 0 and then Quot = Big (X) * Big (Y) / Big (Z) and then Big_R = Big (X) * Big (Y) rem Big (Z) and then Big_Q = (if Round then Round_Quotient (Big (X) * Big (Y), Big (Z), Quot, Big_R) else Quot) and then Big (Ru) = abs Big_R and then Big (Qu) = abs Big_Q and then In_Int32_Range (Big_Q) and then In_Int32_Range (Big_R) and then R = (if (X >= 0) = (Y >= 0) then To_Pos_Int (Ru) else To_Neg_Int (Ru)) and then Q = (if ((X >= 0) = (Y >= 0)) = (Z >= 0) then To_Pos_Int (Qu) else To_Neg_Int (Qu)), -- need to ensure To_Pos_Int precondition Post => Big (R) = Big_R and then Big (Q) = Big_Q; -- Proves final signs match the intended result after the unsigned -- division is done. ----------------------------- -- Prove_Negative_Dividend -- ----------------------------- procedure Prove_Negative_Dividend is begin Lemma_Mult_Non_Positive (Big (X), Big (Y)); end Prove_Negative_Dividend; -------------------- -- Prove_Overflow -- -------------------- procedure Prove_Overflow is begin Lemma_Div_Ge (Mult, Big_2xx32, Big (Uns32'(abs Z))); Lemma_Abs_Commutation (Z); Lemma_Abs_Div_Commutation (Big (X) * Big (Y), Big (Z)); end Prove_Overflow; ----------------------------- -- Prove_Positive_Dividend -- ----------------------------- procedure Prove_Positive_Dividend is begin Lemma_Mult_Non_Negative (Big (X), Big (Y)); end Prove_Positive_Dividend; ------------------------- -- Prove_Rounding_Case -- ------------------------- procedure Prove_Rounding_Case is begin if Same_Sign (Big (X) * Big (Y), Big (Z)) then null; end if; end Prove_Rounding_Case; ------------------ -- Prove_Sign_R -- ------------------ procedure Prove_Sign_R is begin pragma Assert (In_Int32_Range (Big (Z))); end Prove_Sign_R; ----------------- -- Prove_Signs -- ----------------- procedure Prove_Signs is null; -- Start of processing for Scaled_Divide32 begin -- First do the 64-bit multiplication D := Uns64 (Xu) * Uns64 (Yu); pragma Assert (Mult = Big (D)); Lemma_Hi_Lo (D, Hi (D), Lo (D)); pragma Assert (Mult = Big_2xx32 * Big (Hi (D)) + Big (Lo (D))); -- If divisor is zero, raise error if Z = 0 then Raise_Error; end if; Quot := Big (X) * Big (Y) / Big (Z); Big_R := Big (X) * Big (Y) rem Big (Z); if Round then Big_Q := Round_Quotient (Big (X) * Big (Y), Big (Z), Quot, Big_R); else Big_Q := Quot; end if; -- If dividend is too large, raise error if Hi (D) >= Zu then Lemma_Ge_Commutation (Hi (D), Zu); pragma Assert (Mult >= Big_2xx32 * Big (Zu)); Prove_Overflow; Raise_Error; end if; -- Then do the 64-bit division Qu := Uns32 (D / Uns64 (Zu)); Ru := Uns32 (D rem Uns64 (Zu)); Lemma_Abs_Div_Commutation (Big (X) * Big (Y), Big (Z)); Lemma_Abs_Rem_Commutation (Big (X) * Big (Y), Big (Z)); Lemma_Abs_Mult_Commutation (Big (X), Big (Y)); Lemma_Abs_Commutation (X); Lemma_Abs_Commutation (Y); Lemma_Abs_Commutation (Z); Lemma_Mult_Commutation (Uns64 (Xu), Uns64 (Yu), D); Lemma_Div_Commutation (D, Uns64 (Zu)); Lemma_Rem_Commutation (D, Uns64 (Zu)); pragma Assert (Big (Ru) = abs Big_R); pragma Assert (Big (Qu) = abs Quot); pragma Assert (Big (Zu) = Big (Uns32'(abs Z))); -- Deal with rounding case if Round then Prove_Rounding_Case; if Ru > (Zu - Uns32'(1)) / Uns32'(2) then pragma Assert (abs Big_Q = Big (Qu) + 1); -- Protect against wrapping around when rounding, by signaling -- an overflow when the quotient is too large. if Qu = Uns32'Last then pragma Assert (abs Big_Q = Big_2xx32); Lemma_Not_In_Range_Big2xx32; Raise_Error; end if; Qu := Qu + Uns32'(1); end if; end if; pragma Assert (Big (Qu) = abs Big_Q); pragma Assert (Big (Ru) = abs Big_R); -- Set final signs (RM 4.5.5(27-30)) -- Case of dividend (X * Y) sign positive if (X >= 0 and then Y >= 0) or else (X < 0 and then Y < 0) then Prove_Positive_Dividend; R := To_Pos_Int (Ru); Q := (if Z > 0 then To_Pos_Int (Qu) else To_Neg_Int (Qu)); -- Case of dividend (X * Y) sign negative else Prove_Negative_Dividend; R := To_Neg_Int (Ru); Q := (if Z > 0 then To_Neg_Int (Qu) else To_Pos_Int (Qu)); end if; Prove_Sign_R; Prove_Signs; end Scaled_Divide32; ---------------- -- To_Neg_Int -- ---------------- function To_Neg_Int (A : Uns32) return Int32 is R : constant Int32 := (if A = 2**31 then Int32'First else -To_Int (A)); -- Note that we can't just use the expression of the Else, because it -- overflows for A = 2**31. begin if R <= 0 then return R; else Raise_Error; end if; end To_Neg_Int; ---------------- -- To_Pos_Int -- ---------------- function To_Pos_Int (A : Uns32) return Int32 is R : constant Int32 := To_Int (A); begin if R >= 0 then return R; else Raise_Error; end if; end To_Pos_Int; end System.Arith_32;