;; Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
;; Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
;; for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
;; .
;;- See file "rtl.def" for documentation on define_insn, match_*, et. al.
(include "predicates.md")
(include "constraints.md")
;; {{{ Constants and enums
; Named registers
(VCC_REG 106)
(VCC_LO_REG 106)
(VCC_HI_REG 107)
(VCCZ_REG 108)
(TBA_REG 109)
(TBA_LO_REG 109)
(TBA_HI_REG 110)
(TMA_REG 111)
(TMA_LO_REG 111)
(TMA_HI_REG 112)
(TTMP0_REG 113)
(TTMP11_REG 124)
(M0_REG 125)
(EXEC_REG 126)
(SCC_REG 129)
(FP_REGNUM 418)])
(define_c_enum "unspecv" [
(define_c_enum "unspec" [
;; }}}
;; {{{ Attributes
; Instruction type (encoding) as described in the ISA specification.
; The following table summarizes possible operands of individual instruction
; types and corresponding constraints.
; sop2 - scalar, two inputs, one output
; ssrc0/ssrc1: sgpr 0-102; flat_scratch,xnack,vcc,tba,tma,ttmp0-11,exec
; vccz,execz,scc,inline immedate,fp inline immediate
; sdst: sgpr 0-102; flat_scratch,xnack,vcc,tba,tma,ttmp0-11,exec
; Constraints "=SD, SD", "SSA,SSB","SSB,SSA"
; sopk - scalar, inline constant input, one output
; simm16: 16bit inline constant
; sdst: same as sop2/ssrc0
; Constraints "=SD", "J"
; sop1 - scalar, one input, one output
; ssrc0: same as sop2/ssrc0. FIXME: manual omit VCCZ
; sdst: same as sop2/sdst
; Constraints "=SD", "SSA"
; sopc - scalar, two inputs, one comparsion
; ssrc0: same as sop2/ssc0.
; Constraints "SSI,SSA","SSA,SSI"
; sopp - scalar, one constant input, one special
; simm16
; smem - scalar memory
; sbase: aligned pair of sgprs. Specify {size[15:0], base[47:0]} in
; dwords
; sdata: sgpr0-102, flat_scratch, xnack, vcc, tba, tma
; offset: sgpr or 20bit unsigned byte offset
; vop2 - vector, two inputs, one output
; vsrc0: sgpr0-102,flat_scratch,xnack,vcc,tba,ttmp0-11,m0,exec,
; inline constant -16 to -64, fp inline immediate, vccz, execz,
; scc, lds, literal constant, vgpr0-255
; vsrc1: vgpr0-255
; vdst: vgpr0-255
; Limitations: At most one SGPR, at most one constant
; if constant is used, SGPR must be M0
; Only SRC0 can be LDS_DIRECT
; constraints: "=v", "vBSv", "v"
; vop1 - vector, one input, one output
; vsrc0: same as vop2/src0
; vdst: vgpr0-255
; constraints: "=v", "vBSv"
; vopc - vector, two inputs, one comparsion output;
; vsrc0: same as vop2/src0
; vsrc1: vgpr0-255
; vdst:
; constraints: "vASv", "v"
; vop3a - vector, three inputs, one output
; vdst: vgpr0-255, for v_cmp sgpr or vcc
; abs,clamp
; vsrc0: sgpr0-102,vcc,tba,ttmp0-11,m0,exec,
; inline constant -16 to -64, fp inline immediate, vccz, execz,
; scc, lds_direct
; FIXME: really missing 1/pi? really 104 SGPRs
; vop3b - vector, three inputs, one vector output, one scalar output
; vsrc0,vsrc1,vsrc2: same as vop3a vsrc0
; vdst: vgpr0-255
; sdst: sgpr0-103/vcc/tba/tma/ttmp0-11
; vop_sdwa - second dword for vop1/vop2/vopc for specifying sub-dword address
; src0: vgpr0-255
; dst_sel: BYTE_0-3, WORD_0-1, DWORD
; clamp: true/false
; src0_sel: BYTE_0-3, WORD_0-1, DWORD
; flags: src0_sext, src0_neg, src0_abs, src1_sel, src1_sext, src1_neg,
; src1_abs
; vop_dpp - second dword for vop1/vop2/vopc for specifying data-parallel ops
; src0: vgpr0-255
; dpp_ctrl: quad_perm, row_sl0-15, row_sr0-15, row_rr0-15, wf_sl1,
; wf_rl1, wf_sr1, wf_rr1, row_mirror, row_half_mirror,
; bcast15, bcast31
; flags: src0_neg, src0_abs, src1_neg, src1_abs
; bank_mask: 4-bit mask
; row_mask: 4-bit mask
; ds - Local and global data share instructions.
; offset0: 8-bit constant
; offset1: 8-bit constant
; flag: gds
; addr: vgpr0-255
; data0: vgpr0-255
; data1: vgpr0-255
; vdst: vgpr0-255
; mubuf - Untyped memory buffer operation. First word with LDS, second word
; non-LDS.
; offset: 12-bit constant
; vaddr: vgpr0-255
; vdata: vgpr0-255
; srsrc: sgpr0-102
; soffset: sgpr0-102
; flags: offen, idxen, glc, lds, slc, tfe
; mtbuf - Typed memory buffer operation. Two words
; offset: 12-bit constant
; dfmt: 4-bit constant
; nfmt: 3-bit constant
; vaddr: vgpr0-255
; vdata: vgpr0-255
; srsrc: sgpr0-102
; soffset: sgpr0-102
; flags: offen, idxen, glc, lds, slc, tfe
; flat - flat or global memory operations
; flags: glc, slc
; addr: vgpr0-255
; data: vgpr0-255
; vdst: vgpr0-255
; mult - expands to multiple instructions (pseudo encoding)
; vmult - as mult, when a vector instruction is used.
(define_attr "type"
(const_string "unknown"))
; Set if instruction is executed in scalar or vector unit
(define_attr "unit" "unknown,scalar,vector"
(cond [(eq_attr "type" "sop1,sop2,sopk,sopc,sopp,smem,mult")
(const_string "scalar")
(eq_attr "type" "vop2,vop1,vopc,vop3a,vop3b,ds,
(const_string "vector")]
(const_string "unknown")))
; All vector instructions run as 64 threads as predicated by the EXEC
; register. Scalar operations in vector register require a single lane
; enabled, vector moves require a full set of lanes enabled, and most vector
; operations handle the lane masking themselves.
; The md_reorg pass is responsible for ensuring that EXEC is set appropriately
; according to the following settings:
; auto - md_reorg will inspect def/use to determine what to do.
; none - exec is not needed.
; single - disable all but lane zero.
; full - enable all lanes.
(define_attr "exec" "auto,none,single,full"
(const_string "auto"))
; Infer the (worst-case) length from the instruction type by default. Many
; types can have an optional immediate word following, which we include here.
; "Multiple" types are counted as two 64-bit instructions. This is just a
; default fallback: it can be overridden per-alternative in insn patterns for
; greater accuracy.
(define_attr "length" ""
(cond [(eq_attr "type" "sop1") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "sop2") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "sopk") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "sopc") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "sopp") (const_int 4)
(eq_attr "type" "smem") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "ds") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "vop1") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "vop2") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "vopc") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "vop3a") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "vop3b") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "vop_sdwa") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "vop_dpp") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "flat") (const_int 8)
(eq_attr "type" "mult") (const_int 16)
(eq_attr "type" "vmult") (const_int 16)]
(const_int 4)))
; Disable alternatives that only apply to specific ISA variants.
(define_attr "gcn_version" "gcn3,gcn5" (const_string "gcn3"))
(define_attr "enabled" ""
(cond [(eq_attr "gcn_version" "gcn3") (const_int 1)
(and (eq_attr "gcn_version" "gcn5")
(ne (symbol_ref "TARGET_GCN5_PLUS") (const_int 0)))
(const_int 1)]
(const_int 0)))
; We need to be able to identify v_readlane and v_writelane with
; SGPR lane selection in order to handle "Manually Inserted Wait States".
(define_attr "laneselect" "yes,no" (const_string "no"))
; Identify instructions that require a "Manually Inserted Wait State" if
; their inputs are overwritten by subsequent instructions.
(define_attr "delayeduse" "yes,no" (const_string "no"))
;; }}}
;; {{{ Iterators useful across the wole machine description
(define_mode_iterator SIDI [SI DI])
(define_mode_iterator SFDF [SF DF])
(define_mode_iterator SISF [SI SF])
(define_mode_iterator QIHI [QI HI])
(define_mode_iterator DIDF [DI DF])
(define_mode_iterator FP [HF SF DF])
(define_mode_iterator FP_1REG [HF SF])
;; }}}
;; {{{ Attributes.
; Translate RTX code into GCN instruction mnemonics with and without
; suffixes such as _b32, etc.
(define_code_attr mnemonic
[(minus "sub%i")
(plus "add%i")
(ashift "lshl%b")
(lshiftrt "lshr%b")
(ashiftrt "ashr%i")
(and "and%B")
(ior "or%B")
(xor "xor%B")
(mult "mul%i")
(smin "min%i")
(smax "max%i")
(umin "min%u")
(umax "max%u")
(not "not%B")
(popcount "bcnt_u32%b")])
(define_code_attr bare_mnemonic
[(plus "add")
(minus "sub")
(and "and")
(ior "or")
(xor "xor")])
(define_code_attr s_mnemonic
[(not "not%b")
(popcount "bcnt1_i32%b")
(clz "flbit_i32%b")
(ctz "ff1_i32%b")
(clrsb "flbit_i32%i")])
(define_code_attr revmnemonic
[(minus "subrev%i")
(ashift "lshlrev%b")
(lshiftrt "lshrrev%b")
(ashiftrt "ashrrev%i")])
; Translate RTX code into corresponding expander name.
(define_code_attr expander
[(and "and")
(ior "ior")
(xor "xor")
(plus "add")
(minus "sub")
(ashift "ashl")
(lshiftrt "lshr")
(ashiftrt "ashr")
(mult "mul")
(smin "smin")
(smax "smax")
(umin "umin")
(umax "umax")
(not "one_cmpl")
(popcount "popcount")
(clz "clz")
(ctz "ctz")
(sign_extend "extend")
(zero_extend "zero_extend")])
;; }}}
;; {{{ Miscellaneous instructions
(define_insn "nop"
[(const_int 0)]
[(set_attr "type" "sopp")])
; FIXME: What should the value of the immediate be? Zero is disallowed, so
; pick 1 for now.
(define_insn "trap"
[(trap_if (const_int 1) (const_int 0))]
[(set_attr "type" "sopp")])
;; }}}
;; {{{ Moves
;; All scalar modes we support moves in.
(define_mode_iterator MOV_MODE [BI QI HI SI DI TI SF DF])
; This is the entry point for creating all kinds of scalar moves,
; including reloads and symbols.
(define_expand "mov"
[(set (match_operand:MOV_MODE 0 "nonimmediate_operand")
(match_operand:MOV_MODE 1 "general_operand"))]
if (SUBREG_P (operands[1])
&& GET_MODE (operands[1]) == SImode
&& GET_MODE (SUBREG_REG (operands[1])) == BImode)
/* (reg:BI VCC) has nregs==2 to ensure it gets clobbered as a whole,
but (subreg:SI (reg:BI VCC)) doesn't, which causes the LRA liveness
checks to assert. Transform this:
(set (reg:SI) (subreg:SI (reg:BI)))
to this:
(set (subreg:BI (reg:SI)) (reg:BI)) */
operands[0] = gen_rtx_SUBREG (BImode, operands[0], 0);
operands[1] = SUBREG_REG (operands[1]);
if (SUBREG_P (operands[0])
&& GET_MODE (operands[0]) == SImode
&& GET_MODE (SUBREG_REG (operands[0])) == BImode)
/* Likewise, transform this:
(set (subreg:SI (reg:BI)) (reg:SI))
to this:
(set (reg:BI) (subreg:BI (reg:SI))) */
operands[0] = SUBREG_REG (operands[0]);
operands[1] = gen_rtx_SUBREG (BImode, operands[1], 0);
if (MEM_P (operands[0]))
operands[1] = force_reg (mode, operands[1]);
if (!lra_in_progress && !reload_completed
&& !gcn_valid_move_p (mode, operands[0], operands[1]))
/* Something is probably trying to generate a move
which can only work indirectly.
E.g. Move from LDS memory to SGPR hardreg
or MEM:QI to SGPR. */
rtx tmpreg = gen_reg_rtx (mode);
emit_insn (gen_mov (tmpreg, operands[1]));
emit_insn (gen_mov (operands[0], tmpreg));
if (mode == DImode
&& (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == SYMBOL_REF
|| GET_CODE (operands[1]) == LABEL_REF))
if (lra_in_progress)
emit_insn (gen_movdi_symbol_save_scc (operands[0], operands[1]));
emit_insn (gen_movdi_symbol (operands[0], operands[1]));
; Split invalid moves into two valid moves
[(set (match_operand:MOV_MODE 0 "nonimmediate_operand")
(match_operand:MOV_MODE 1 "general_operand"))]
"!reload_completed && !lra_in_progress
&& !gcn_valid_move_p (mode, operands[0], operands[1])"
[(set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 1))
(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 2))]
operands[2] = gen_reg_rtx(mode);
; We need BImode move so we can reload flags registers.
(define_insn "*movbi"
[(set (match_operand:BI 0 "nonimmediate_operand"
"=Sg, v,Sg,cs,cV,cV,Sm,RS, v,RF, v,RM")
(match_operand:BI 1 "gcn_load_operand"
"SSA,vSvA, v,SS, v,SS,RS,Sm,RF, v,RM, v"))]
/* SCC as an operand is currently not accepted by the LLVM assembler, so
we emit bytes directly as a workaround. */
switch (which_alternative) {
case 0:
if (REG_P (operands[1]) && REGNO (operands[1]) == SCC_REG)
return "; s_mov_b32\t%0,%1 is not supported by the assembler.\;"
return "s_mov_b32\t%0, %1";
case 1:
if (REG_P (operands[1]) && REGNO (operands[1]) == SCC_REG)
return "; v_mov_b32\t%0, %1\;"
return "v_mov_b32\t%0, %1";
case 2:
return "v_readlane_b32\t%0, %1, 0";
case 3:
return "s_cmpk_lg_u32\t%1, 0";
case 4:
return "v_cmp_ne_u32\tvcc, 0, %1";
case 5:
if (REGNO (operands[1]) == SCC_REG)
return "; s_mov_b32\t%0, %1 is not supported by the assembler.\;"
"s_mov_b32\tvcc_hi, 0";
return "s_mov_b32\tvcc_lo, %1\;"
"s_mov_b32\tvcc_hi, 0";
case 6:
return "s_load_dword\t%0, %A1\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)";
case 7:
return "s_store_dword\t%1, %A0";
case 8:
return "flat_load_dword\t%0, %A1%O1%g1\;s_waitcnt\t0";
case 9:
return "flat_store_dword\t%A0, %1%O0%g0";
case 10:
return "global_load_dword\t%0, %A1%O1%g1\;s_waitcnt\tvmcnt(0)";
case 11:
return "global_store_dword\t%A0, %1%O0%g0";
gcc_unreachable ();
[(set_attr "type" "sop1,vop1,vop3a,sopk,vopc,mult,smem,smem,flat,flat,
(set_attr "exec" "*,*,none,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*")
(set_attr "length" "4,4,4,4,4,8,12,12,12,12,12,12")])
; 32bit move pattern
(define_insn "*mov_insn"
[(set (match_operand:SISF 0 "nonimmediate_operand"
"=SD,SD,SD,SD,RB,Sm,RS,v,Sg, v, v,RF,v,RLRG, v,SD, v,RM")
(match_operand:SISF 1 "gcn_load_operand"
"SSA, J, B,RB,Sm,RS,Sm,v, v,Sv,RF, v,B, v,RLRG, Y,RM, v"))]
s_mov_b32\t%0, %1
s_movk_i32\t%0, %1
s_mov_b32\t%0, %1
s_buffer_load%s0\t%0, s[0:3], %1\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
s_buffer_store%s1\t%1, s[0:3], %0
s_load_dword\t%0, %A1\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
s_store_dword\t%1, %A0
v_mov_b32\t%0, %1
v_readlane_b32\t%0, %1, 0
v_writelane_b32\t%0, %1, 0
flat_load_dword\t%0, %A1%O1%g1\;s_waitcnt\t0
flat_store_dword\t%A0, %1%O0%g0
v_mov_b32\t%0, %1
ds_write_b32\t%A0, %1%O0\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
ds_read_b32\t%0, %A1%O1\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
s_mov_b32\t%0, %1
global_load_dword\t%0, %A1%O1%g1\;s_waitcnt\tvmcnt(0)
global_store_dword\t%A0, %1%O0%g0"
[(set_attr "type" "sop1,sopk,sop1,smem,smem,smem,smem,vop1,vop3a,vop3a,flat,
(set_attr "exec" "*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,none,none,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*")
(set_attr "length" "4,4,8,12,12,12,12,4,8,8,12,12,8,12,12,8,12,12")])
; 8/16bit move pattern
; TODO: implement combined load and zero_extend, but *only* for -msram-ecc=on
(define_insn "*mov_insn"
[(set (match_operand:QIHI 0 "nonimmediate_operand"
"=SD,SD,SD,v,Sg, v, v,RF,v,RLRG, v, v,RM")
(match_operand:QIHI 1 "gcn_load_operand"
"SSA, J, B,v, v,Sv,RF, v,B, v,RLRG,RM, v"))]
"gcn_valid_move_p (mode, operands[0], operands[1])"
s_mov_b32\t%0, %1
s_movk_i32\t%0, %1
s_mov_b32\t%0, %1
v_mov_b32\t%0, %1
v_readlane_b32\t%0, %1, 0
v_writelane_b32\t%0, %1, 0
flat_load%o1\t%0, %A1%O1%g1\;s_waitcnt\t0
flat_store%s0\t%A0, %1%O0%g0
v_mov_b32\t%0, %1
ds_write%b0\t%A0, %1%O0\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
ds_read%u1\t%0, %A1%O1\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
global_load%o1\t%0, %A1%O1%g1\;s_waitcnt\tvmcnt(0)
global_store%s0\t%A0, %1%O0%g0"
[(set_attr "type"
(set_attr "exec" "*,*,*,*,none,none,*,*,*,*,*,*,*")
(set_attr "length" "4,4,8,4,4,4,12,12,8,12,12,12,12")])
; 64bit move pattern
(define_insn_and_split "*mov_insn"
[(set (match_operand:DIDF 0 "nonimmediate_operand"
"=SD,SD,SD,RS,Sm,v, v,Sg, v, v,RF,RLRG, v, v,RM")
(match_operand:DIDF 1 "general_operand"
"SSA, C,DB,Sm,RS,v,DB, v,Sv,RF, v, v,RLRG,RM, v"))]
"GET_CODE(operands[1]) != SYMBOL_REF"
s_mov_b64\t%0, %1
s_mov_b64\t%0, %1
s_store_dwordx2\t%1, %A0
s_load_dwordx2\t%0, %A1\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
flat_load_dwordx2\t%0, %A1%O1%g1\;s_waitcnt\t0
flat_store_dwordx2\t%A0, %1%O0%g0
ds_write_b64\t%A0, %1%O0\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
ds_read_b64\t%0, %A1%O1\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
global_load_dwordx2\t%0, %A1%O1%g1\;s_waitcnt\tvmcnt(0)
global_store_dwordx2\t%A0, %1%O0%g0"
&& ((!MEM_P (operands[0]) && !MEM_P (operands[1])
&& !gcn_sgpr_move_p (operands[0], operands[1]))
|| (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT
&& !gcn_constant64_p (operands[1])))"
[(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1))
(set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 3))]
rtx inlo = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[1]);
rtx inhi = gen_highpart_mode (SImode, mode, operands[1]);
rtx outlo = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]);
rtx outhi = gen_highpart_mode (SImode, mode, operands[0]);
/* Ensure that overlapping registers aren't corrupted. */
if (reg_overlap_mentioned_p (outlo, inhi))
operands[0] = outhi;
operands[1] = inhi;
operands[2] = outlo;
operands[3] = inlo;
operands[0] = outlo;
operands[1] = inlo;
operands[2] = outhi;
operands[3] = inhi;
[(set_attr "type" "sop1,sop1,mult,smem,smem,vmult,vmult,vmult,vmult,flat,
(set_attr "length" "4,8,*,12,12,*,*,*,*,12,12,12,12,12,12")])
; 128-bit move.
(define_insn_and_split "*movti_insn"
[(set (match_operand:TI 0 "nonimmediate_operand"
"=SD,RS,Sm,RF, v,v, v,SD,RM, v,RL, v")
(match_operand:TI 1 "general_operand"
"SSB,Sm,RS, v,RF,v,Sv, v, v,RM, v,RL"))]
s_store_dwordx4\t%1, %A0
s_load_dwordx4\t%0, %A1\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
flat_store_dwordx4\t%A0, %1%O0%g0
flat_load_dwordx4\t%0, %A1%O1%g1\;s_waitcnt\t0
global_store_dwordx4\t%A0, %1%O0%g0
global_load_dwordx4\t%0, %A1%O1%g1\;s_waitcnt\tvmcnt(0)
ds_write_b128\t%A0, %1%O0\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
ds_read_b128\t%0, %A1%O1\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)"
&& REG_P (operands[0])
&& (REG_P (operands[1]) || GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT)"
[(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1))
(set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 3))
(set (match_dup 4) (match_dup 5))
(set (match_dup 6) (match_dup 7))]
gcc_assert (rtx_equal_p (operands[0], operands[1])
|| !reg_overlap_mentioned_p (operands[0], operands[1]));
operands[6] = gcn_operand_part (TImode, operands[0], 3);
operands[7] = gcn_operand_part (TImode, operands[1], 3);
operands[4] = gcn_operand_part (TImode, operands[0], 2);
operands[5] = gcn_operand_part (TImode, operands[1], 2);
operands[2] = gcn_operand_part (TImode, operands[0], 1);
operands[3] = gcn_operand_part (TImode, operands[1], 1);
operands[0] = gcn_operand_part (TImode, operands[0], 0);
operands[1] = gcn_operand_part (TImode, operands[1], 0);
[(set_attr "type" "mult,smem,smem,flat,flat,vmult,vmult,vmult,flat,flat,\
(set_attr "delayeduse" "*,*,yes,*,*,*,*,*,yes,*,*,*")
(set_attr "length" "*,12,12,12,12,*,*,*,12,12,12,12")])
;; }}}
;; {{{ Prologue/Epilogue
(define_insn "prologue_use"
[(unspec_volatile [(match_operand 0)] UNSPECV_PROLOGUE_USE)]
[(set_attr "length" "0")])
(define_expand "prologue"
[(const_int 0)]
gcn_expand_prologue ();
(define_expand "epilogue"
[(const_int 0)]
gcn_expand_epilogue ();
;; }}}
;; {{{ Control flow
; This pattern must satisfy simplejump_p, which means it cannot be a parallel
; that clobbers SCC. Thus, we must preserve SCC if we're generating a long
; branch sequence.
(define_insn "jump"
[(set (pc)
(label_ref (match_operand 0)))]
if (get_attr_length (insn) == 4)
return "s_branch\t%0";
/* !!! This sequence clobbers EXEC_SAVE_REG and CC_SAVE_REG. */
return "; s_mov_b32\ts22, scc is not supported by the assembler.\;"
"s_add_u32\ts20, s20, %0@rel32@lo+4\;"
"s_addc_u32\ts21, s21, %0@rel32@hi+4\;"
"s_cmpk_lg_u32\ts22, 0\;"
[(set_attr "type" "sopp")
(set (attr "length")
(if_then_else (and (ge (minus (match_dup 0) (pc))
(const_int -131072))
(lt (minus (match_dup 0) (pc))
(const_int 131072)))
(const_int 4)
(const_int 32)))])
(define_insn "indirect_jump"
[(set (pc)
(match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "Sg"))]
[(set_attr "type" "sop1")
(set_attr "length" "4")])
(define_insn "cjump"
[(set (pc)
(match_operator:BI 1 "gcn_conditional_operator"
[(match_operand:BI 2 "gcn_conditional_register_operand" "ca,cV")
(const_int 0)])
(label_ref (match_operand 0))
if (get_attr_length (insn) == 4)
return "s_cbranch%C1\t%0";
/* !!! This sequence clobbers EXEC_SAVE_REG and CC_SAVE_REG but
restores SCC. */
if (REGNO (operands[2]) == SCC_REG)
if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == EQ)
return "s_cbranch%c1\t.Lskip%=\;"
"s_add_u32\ts20, s20, %0@rel32@lo+4\;"
"s_addc_u32\ts21, s21, %0@rel32@hi+4\;"
"s_cmp_lg_u32\t0, 0\;"
return "s_cbranch%c1\t.Lskip%=\;"
"s_add_u32\ts20, s20, %0@rel32@lo+4\;"
"s_addc_u32\ts21, s21, %0@rel32@hi+4\;"
"s_cmp_eq_u32\t0, 0\;"
return "s_cbranch%c1\t.Lskip%=\;"
"; s_mov_b32\ts22, scc is not supported by the assembler.\;"
"s_add_u32\ts20, s20, %0@rel32@lo+4\;"
"s_addc_u32\ts21, s21, %0@rel32@hi+4\;"
"s_cmpk_lg_u32\ts22, 0\;"
[(set_attr "type" "sopp")
(set (attr "length")
(if_then_else (and (ge (minus (match_dup 0) (pc))
(const_int -131072))
(lt (minus (match_dup 0) (pc))
(const_int 131072)))
(const_int 4)
(const_int 36)))])
; Returning from a normal function is different to returning from a
; kernel function.
(define_insn "gcn_return"
if (cfun && cfun->machine && cfun->machine->normal_function)
return "s_setpc_b64\ts[18:19]";
return "s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)\;s_dcache_wb\;s_endpgm";
[(set_attr "type" "sop1")
(set_attr "length" "12")])
(define_expand "call"
[(parallel [(call (match_operand 0 "")
(match_operand 1 ""))
(clobber (reg:DI LR_REGNUM))
(clobber (match_scratch:DI 2))])]
(define_insn "gcn_simple_call"
[(call (mem (match_operand 0 "immediate_operand" "Y,B"))
(match_operand 1 "const_int_operand"))
(clobber (reg:DI LR_REGNUM))
(clobber (match_scratch:DI 2 "=&Sg,X"))]
s_getpc_b64\t%2\;s_add_u32\t%L2, %L2, %0@rel32@lo+4\;s_addc_u32\t%H2, %H2, %0@rel32@hi+4\;s_swappc_b64\ts[18:19], %2
s_swappc_b64\ts[18:19], %0"
[(set_attr "type" "mult,sop1")
(set_attr "length" "24,4")])
(define_insn "movdi_symbol"
[(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=Sg")
(match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "Y"))
(clobber (reg:BI SCC_REG))]
"GET_CODE (operands[1]) == SYMBOL_REF || GET_CODE (operands[1]) == LABEL_REF"
if (SYMBOL_REF_P (operands[1])
&& SYMBOL_REF_WEAK (operands[1]))
return "s_getpc_b64\t%0\;"
"s_add_u32\t%L0, %L0, %1@gotpcrel32@lo+4\;"
"s_addc_u32\t%H0, %H0, %1@gotpcrel32@hi+4\;"
"s_load_dwordx2\t%0, %0\;"
return "s_getpc_b64\t%0\;"
"s_add_u32\t%L0, %L0, %1@rel32@lo+4\;"
"s_addc_u32\t%H0, %H0, %1@rel32@hi+4";
[(set_attr "type" "mult")
(set_attr "length" "32")])
(define_insn "movdi_symbol_save_scc"
[(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=Sg")
(match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "Y"))
(clobber (reg:BI CC_SAVE_REG))]
"(GET_CODE (operands[1]) == SYMBOL_REF || GET_CODE (operands[1]) == LABEL_REF)
&& (lra_in_progress || reload_completed)"
/* !!! These sequences clobber CC_SAVE_REG. */
if (SYMBOL_REF_P (operands[1])
&& SYMBOL_REF_WEAK (operands[1]))
return "; s_mov_b32\ts22, scc is not supported by the assembler.\;"
"s_add_u32\t%L0, %L0, %1@gotpcrel32@lo+4\;"
"s_addc_u32\t%H0, %H0, %1@gotpcrel32@hi+4\;"
"s_load_dwordx2\t%0, %0\;"
"s_cmpk_lg_u32\ts22, 0\;"
return "; s_mov_b32\ts22, scc is not supported by the assembler.\;"
"s_add_u32\t%L0, %L0, %1@rel32@lo+4\;"
"s_addc_u32\t%H0, %H0, %1@rel32@hi+4\;"
"s_cmpk_lg_u32\ts22, 0";
[(set_attr "type" "mult")
(set_attr "length" "40")])
(define_insn "gcn_indirect_call"
[(call (mem (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "Sg"))
(match_operand 1 "" ""))
(clobber (reg:DI LR_REGNUM))
(clobber (match_scratch:DI 2 "=X"))]
"s_swappc_b64\ts[18:19], %0"
[(set_attr "type" "sop1")
(set_attr "length" "4")])
(define_expand "call_value"
[(parallel [(set (match_operand 0 "")
(call (match_operand 1 "")
(match_operand 2 "")))
(clobber (reg:DI LR_REGNUM))
(clobber (match_scratch:DI 3))])]
(define_insn "gcn_call_value"
[(set (match_operand 0 "register_operand" "=Sg,Sg")
(call (mem (match_operand 1 "immediate_operand" "Y,B"))
(match_operand 2 "const_int_operand")))
(clobber (reg:DI LR_REGNUM))
(clobber (match_scratch:DI 3 "=&Sg,X"))]
s_getpc_b64\t%3\;s_add_u32\t%L3, %L3, %1@rel32@lo+4\;s_addc_u32\t%H3, %H3, %1@rel32@hi+4\;s_swappc_b64\ts[18:19], %3
s_swappc_b64\ts[18:19], %1"
[(set_attr "type" "sop1")
(set_attr "length" "24")])
(define_insn "gcn_call_value_indirect"
[(set (match_operand 0 "register_operand" "=Sg")
(call (mem (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "Sg"))
(match_operand 2 "" "")))
(clobber (reg:DI LR_REGNUM))
(clobber (match_scratch:DI 3 "=X"))]
"s_swappc_b64\ts[18:19], %1"
[(set_attr "type" "sop1")
(set_attr "length" "4")])
; GCN does not have an instruction to clear only part of the instruction
; cache, so the operands are ignored.
(define_insn "clear_icache"
[(match_operand 0 "") (match_operand 1 "")]
[(set_attr "type" "sopp")
(set_attr "length" "4")])
;; }}}
;; {{{ Conditionals
; 32-bit compare, scalar unit only
(define_insn "cstoresi4"
[(set (match_operand:BI 0 "gcn_conditional_register_operand"
"=cs, cs, cs, cs")
(match_operator:BI 1 "gcn_compare_operator"
[(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" "SSA,SSA,SSB, SS")
(match_operand:SI 3 "gcn_alu_operand" "SSA,SSL, SS,SSB")]))]
s_cmp%D1\t%2, %3
s_cmpk%D1\t%2, %3
s_cmp%D1\t%2, %3
s_cmp%D1\t%2, %3"
[(set_attr "type" "sopc,sopk,sopk,sopk")
(set_attr "length" "4,4,8,8")])
(define_expand "cbranchsi4"
[(match_operator 0 "gcn_compare_operator"
[(match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand")
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand")])
(match_operand 3)]
rtx cc = gen_reg_rtx (BImode);
emit_insn (gen_cstoresi4 (cc, operands[0], operands[1], operands[2]));
emit_jump_insn (gen_cjump (operands[3],
gen_rtx_NE (BImode, cc, const0_rtx), cc));
; 64-bit compare; either unit, but scalar allows limited operators
(define_expand "cstoredi4"
[(set (match_operand:BI 0 "gcn_conditional_register_operand")
(match_operator:BI 1 "gcn_compare_operator"
[(match_operand:DI 2 "gcn_alu_operand")
(match_operand:DI 3 "gcn_alu_operand")]))]
(define_insn "cstoredi4_vec_and_scalar"
[(set (match_operand:BI 0 "gcn_conditional_register_operand" "= cs, cV")
(match_operator:BI 1 "gcn_compare_64bit_operator"
[(match_operand:DI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" "%SSA,vSvC")
(match_operand:DI 3 "gcn_alu_operand" " SSC, v")]))]
s_cmp%D1\t%2, %3
v_cmp%E1\tvcc, %2, %3"
[(set_attr "type" "sopc,vopc")
(set_attr "length" "8")])
(define_insn "cstoredi4_vector"
[(set (match_operand:BI 0 "gcn_conditional_register_operand" "= cV")
(match_operator:BI 1 "gcn_compare_operator"
[(match_operand:DI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" "vSvB")
(match_operand:DI 3 "gcn_alu_operand" " v")]))]
"v_cmp%E1\tvcc, %2, %3"
[(set_attr "type" "vopc")
(set_attr "length" "8")])
(define_expand "cbranchdi4"
[(match_operator 0 "gcn_compare_operator"
[(match_operand:DI 1 "gcn_alu_operand")
(match_operand:DI 2 "gcn_alu_operand")])
(match_operand 3)]
rtx cc = gen_reg_rtx (BImode);
emit_insn (gen_cstoredi4 (cc, operands[0], operands[1], operands[2]));
emit_jump_insn (gen_cjump (operands[3],
gen_rtx_NE (BImode, cc, const0_rtx), cc));
; FP compare; vector unit only
(define_insn "cstore4"
[(set (match_operand:BI 0 "gcn_conditional_register_operand" "=cV")
(match_operator:BI 1 "gcn_fp_compare_operator"
[(match_operand:SFDF 2 "gcn_alu_operand" "vB")
(match_operand:SFDF 3 "gcn_alu_operand" "v")]))]
"v_cmp%E1\tvcc, %2, %3"
[(set_attr "type" "vopc")
(set_attr "length" "8")])
(define_expand "cbranch4"
[(match_operator 0 "gcn_fp_compare_operator"
[(match_operand:SFDF 1 "gcn_alu_operand")
(match_operand:SFDF 2 "gcn_alu_operand")])
(match_operand 3)]
rtx cc = gen_reg_rtx (BImode);
emit_insn (gen_cstore4 (cc, operands[0], operands[1], operands[2]));
emit_jump_insn (gen_cjump (operands[3],
gen_rtx_NE (BImode, cc, const0_rtx), cc));
;; }}}
;; {{{ ALU special cases: Plus
(define_insn "addsi3"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "= Sg, Sg, Sg, v")
(plus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "%SgA, 0,SgA, v")
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" " SgA,SgJ, B,vBSv")))
(clobber (match_scratch:BI 3 "= cs, cs, cs, X"))
(clobber (match_scratch:DI 4 "= X, X, X, cV"))]
s_add_i32\t%0, %1, %2
s_addk_i32\t%0, %2
s_add_i32\t%0, %1, %2
v_add%^_u32\t%0, vcc, %2, %1"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2,sopk,sop2,vop2")
(set_attr "length" "4,4,8,8")])
(define_expand "addsi3_scc"
[(parallel [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand")
(plus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand")
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand")))
(clobber (reg:BI SCC_REG))
(clobber (scratch:DI))])]
; Having this as an insn_and_split allows us to keep together DImode adds
; through some RTL optimisation passes, and means the CC reg we set isn't
; dependent on the constraint alternative (which doesn't seem to work well).
; If v_addc_u32 is used to add with carry, a 32-bit literal constant cannot be
; used as an operand due to the read of VCC, so we restrict constants to the
; inlinable range for that alternative.
(define_insn_and_split "adddi3"
[(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg, v")
(plus:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" " Sg, v")
(match_operand:DI 2 "nonmemory_operand" "SgB,vA")))
(clobber (match_scratch:BI 3 "=cs, X"))
(clobber (match_scratch:DI 4 "= X,cV"))]
"&& reload_completed"
[(const_int 0)]
rtx cc = gen_rtx_REG (BImode, gcn_vgpr_register_operand (operands[1],
emit_insn (gen_addsi3_scalar_carry
(gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[0], 0),
gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[1], 0),
gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[2], 0),
rtx val = gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[2], 1);
if (val != const0_rtx)
emit_insn (gen_addcsi3_scalar
(gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[0], 1),
gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[1], 1),
gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[2], 1),
cc, cc));
emit_insn (gen_addcsi3_scalar_zero
(gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[0], 1),
gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[1], 1),
[(set_attr "type" "mult,vmult")
(set_attr "length" "8")])
(define_expand "adddi3_scc"
[(parallel [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand")
(plus:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand")
(match_operand:DI 2 "nonmemory_operand")))
(clobber (reg:BI SCC_REG))
(clobber (scratch:DI))])]
;; Add with carry.
(define_insn "addsi3_scalar_carry"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "= Sg, v")
(plus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "%SgA, v")
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" " SgB,vB")))
(set (match_operand:BI 3 "register_operand" "= cs,cV")
(ltu:BI (plus:SI (match_dup 1)
(match_dup 2))
(match_dup 1)))]
s_add_u32\t%0, %1, %2
v_add%^_u32\t%0, vcc, %2, %1"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2,vop2")
(set_attr "length" "8,8")])
(define_insn "addsi3_scalar_carry_cst"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg, v")
(plus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA, v")
(match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" " n, n")))
(set (match_operand:BI 4 "register_operand" "=cs,cV")
(geu:BI (plus:SI (match_dup 1)
(match_dup 2))
(match_operand:SI 3 "const_int_operand" " n, n")))]
"INTVAL (operands[2]) == -INTVAL (operands[3])"
s_add_u32\t%0, %1, %2
v_add%^_u32\t%0, vcc, %2, %1"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2,vop2")
(set_attr "length" "4")])
(define_insn "addcsi3_scalar"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "= Sg, v")
(plus:SI (plus:SI (zero_extend:SI
(match_operand:BI 3 "register_operand" "= cs,cV"))
(match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "%SgA, v"))
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" " SgB,vA")))
(set (match_operand:BI 4 "register_operand" "= 3, 3")
(ior:BI (ltu:BI (plus:SI
(zero_extend:SI (match_dup 3))
(match_dup 1))
(match_dup 2))
(match_dup 2))
(ltu:BI (plus:SI (zero_extend:SI (match_dup 3)) (match_dup 1))
(match_dup 1))))]
s_addc_u32\t%0, %1, %2
v_addc%^_u32\t%0, vcc, %2, %1, vcc"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2,vop2")
(set_attr "length" "8,4")])
(define_insn "addcsi3_scalar_zero"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg, v")
(plus:SI (zero_extend:SI
(match_operand:BI 2 "register_operand" "=cs,cV"))
(match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA, v")))
(set (match_dup 2)
(ltu:BI (plus:SI (zero_extend:SI (match_dup 2))
(match_dup 1))
(match_dup 1)))]
s_addc_u32\t%0, %1, 0
v_addc%^_u32\t%0, vcc, 0, %1, vcc"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2,vop2")
(set_attr "length" "4")])
; "addptr" is the same as "add" except that it must not write to VCC or SCC
; as a side-effect. Unfortunately GCN does not have a suitable instruction
; for this, so we use CC_SAVE_REG as a temp.
; Note that it is not safe to save/clobber/restore as separate insns because
; doing so will break data-flow analysis, so this must use multiple
; instructions in one insn.
; The "v0" should be just "v", but somehow the "0" helps LRA not loop forever
; on testcase pr54713-2.c with -O0. It's only an optimization hint anyway.
; The SGPR alternative is preferred as it is typically used with mov_sgprbase.
(define_insn "addptrdi3"
[(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "= v, Sg")
(unspec:DI [
(plus:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "^v0,Sg0")
(match_operand:DI 2 "nonmemory_operand" "vDA,SgDB"))]
if (which_alternative == 0)
rtx new_operands[4] = { operands[0], operands[1], operands[2],
gen_rtx_REG (DImode, CC_SAVE_REG) };
output_asm_insn ("v_add%^_u32\t%L0, %3, %L2, %L1", new_operands);
output_asm_insn ("v_addc%^_u32\t%H0, %3, %H2, %H1, %3", new_operands);
rtx new_operands[4] = { operands[0], operands[1], operands[2],
gen_rtx_REG (BImode, CC_SAVE_REG) };
output_asm_insn ("s_mov_b32\t%3, scc", new_operands);
output_asm_insn ("s_add_u32\t%L0, %L1, %L2", new_operands);
output_asm_insn ("s_addc_u32\t%H0, %H1, %H2", new_operands);
output_asm_insn ("s_cmpk_lg_u32\t%3, 0", new_operands);
return "";
[(set_attr "type" "vmult,mult")
(set_attr "length" "16,24")])
;; }}}
;; {{{ ALU special cases: Minus
(define_insn "subsi3"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg, Sg, v, v")
(minus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA,SgA, v,vBSv")
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA, B, vBSv, v")))
(clobber (match_scratch:BI 3 "=cs, cs, X, X"))
(clobber (match_scratch:DI 4 "= X, X, cV, cV"))]
s_sub_i32\t%0, %1, %2
s_sub_i32\t%0, %1, %2
v_subrev%^_u32\t%0, vcc, %2, %1
v_sub%^_u32\t%0, vcc, %1, %2"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2,sop2,vop2,vop2")
(set_attr "length" "4,8,8,8")])
(define_insn_and_split "subdi3"
[(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg, Sg")
(match_operand:DI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA,SgB")
(match_operand:DI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgB,SgA")))
(clobber (reg:BI SCC_REG))]
[(const_int 0)]
emit_insn (gen_subsi3_scalar_carry
(gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[0], 0),
gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[1], 0),
gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[2], 0)));
rtx val = gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[2], 1);
if (val != const0_rtx)
emit_insn (gen_subcsi3_scalar
(gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[0], 1),
gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[1], 1),
gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[2], 1)));
emit_insn (gen_subcsi3_scalar_zero
(gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[0], 1),
gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[1], 1)));
[(set_attr "length" "8")])
(define_insn "subsi3_scalar_carry"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg, Sg")
(minus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA,SgB")
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgB,SgA")))
(set (reg:BI SCC_REG)
(gtu:BI (minus:SI (match_dup 1)
(match_dup 2))
(match_dup 1)))]
"s_sub_u32\t%0, %1, %2"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2")
(set_attr "length" "8")])
(define_insn "subsi3_scalar_carry_cst"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg")
(minus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA")
(match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" " n")))
(set (reg:BI SCC_REG)
(leu:BI (minus:SI (match_dup 1)
(match_dup 2))
(match_operand:SI 3 "const_int_operand" " n")))]
"INTVAL (operands[2]) == -INTVAL (operands[3])"
"s_sub_u32\t%0, %1, %2"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2")
(set_attr "length" "4")])
(define_insn "subcsi3_scalar"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg, Sg")
(minus:SI (minus:SI (zero_extend:SI (reg:BI SCC_REG))
(match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA,SgB"))
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgB,SgA")))
(set (reg:BI SCC_REG)
(ior:BI (gtu:BI (minus:SI (minus:SI (zero_extend:SI (reg:BI SCC_REG))
(match_dup 1))
(match_dup 2))
(match_dup 1))
(gtu:BI (minus:SI (zero_extend:SI (reg:BI SCC_REG))
(match_dup 1))
(match_dup 1))))]
"s_subb_u32\t%0, %1, %2"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2")
(set_attr "length" "8")])
(define_insn "subcsi3_scalar_zero"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg")
(minus:SI (zero_extend:SI (reg:BI SCC_REG))
(match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA")))
(set (reg:BI SCC_REG)
(gtu:BI (minus:SI (zero_extend:SI (reg:BI SCC_REG)) (match_dup 1))
(match_dup 1)))]
"s_subb_u32\t%0, %1, 0"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2")
(set_attr "length" "4")])
;; }}}
;; {{{ ALU: mult
; Vector multiply has vop3a encoding, but no corresponding vop2a, so no long
; immediate.
; The "s_mulk_i32" variant sets SCC to indicate overflow (which we don't care
; about here, but we need to indicate the clobbering).
(define_insn "mulsi3"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "= Sg,Sg, Sg, v")
(mult:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "%SgA, 0,SgA, v")
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" " SgA, J, B,vASv")))
(clobber (match_scratch:BI 3 "=X,cs, X, X"))]
s_mul_i32\t%0, %1, %2
s_mulk_i32\t%0, %2
s_mul_i32\t%0, %1, %2
v_mul_lo_i32\t%0, %1, %2"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2,sopk,sop2,vop3a")
(set_attr "length" "4,4,8,4")])
(define_code_iterator any_extend [sign_extend zero_extend])
(define_code_attr sgnsuffix [(sign_extend "%i") (zero_extend "%u")])
(define_code_attr su [(sign_extend "s") (zero_extend "u")])
(define_code_attr u [(sign_extend "") (zero_extend "u")])
(define_code_attr iu [(sign_extend "i") (zero_extend "u")])
(define_code_attr e [(sign_extend "e") (zero_extend "")])
(define_expand "mulsi3_highpart"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "")
(match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" ""))
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" "")))
(const_int 32))))]
if (can_create_pseudo_p ()
&& !gcn_inline_immediate_operand (operands[2], SImode))
operands[2] = force_reg (SImode, operands[2]);
if (REG_P (operands[2]))
emit_insn (gen_mulsi3_highpart_reg (operands[0], operands[1],
emit_insn (gen_mulsi3_highpart_imm (operands[0], operands[1],
(define_insn "mulsi3_highpart_reg"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg, v")
(match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "%Sg, v"))
(match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "Sg,vSv")))
(const_int 32))))]
s_mul_hi0\t%0, %1, %2
v_mul_hi0\t%0, %2, %1"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2,vop3a")
(set_attr "length" "4,8")
(set_attr "gcn_version" "gcn5,*")])
(define_insn "mulsi3_highpart_imm"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg,Sg,v")
(match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "Sg,Sg,v"))
(match_operand:DI 2 "gcn_32bit_immediate_operand" "A, B,A"))
(const_int 32))))]
"TARGET_GCN5 || gcn_inline_immediate_operand (operands[2], SImode)"
s_mul_hi0\t%0, %1, %2
s_mul_hi0\t%0, %1, %2
v_mul_hi0\t%0, %2, %1"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2,sop2,vop3a")
(set_attr "length" "4,8,8")
(set_attr "gcn_version" "gcn5,gcn5,*")])
(define_expand "mulsidi3"
[(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "")
(mult:DI (any_extend:DI
(match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" ""))
(match_operand:SI 2 "nonmemory_operand" ""))))]
if (can_create_pseudo_p ()
&& !gcn_inline_immediate_operand (operands[2], SImode))
operands[2] = force_reg (SImode, operands[2]);
if (REG_P (operands[2]))
emit_insn (gen_mulsidi3_reg (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2]));
emit_insn (gen_mulsidi3_imm (operands[0], operands[1], operands[2]));
(define_insn_and_split "mulsidi3_reg"
[(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=&Sg, &v")
(mult:DI (any_extend:DI
(match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "%Sg, v"))
(match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "Sg,vSv"))))]
[(const_int 0)]
rtx dstlo = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]);
rtx dsthi = gen_highpart_mode (SImode, DImode, operands[0]);
emit_insn (gen_mulsi3 (dstlo, operands[1], operands[2]));
emit_insn (gen_mulsi3_highpart (dsthi, operands[1], operands[2]));
[(set_attr "gcn_version" "gcn5,*")])
(define_insn_and_split "mulsidi3_imm"
[(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=&Sg,&Sg,&v")
(mult:DI (any_extend:DI
(match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "Sg, Sg, v"))
(match_operand:DI 2 "gcn_32bit_immediate_operand"
"A, B, A")))]
"TARGET_GCN5 || gcn_inline_immediate_operand (operands[2], SImode)"
"&& reload_completed"
[(const_int 0)]
rtx dstlo = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]);
rtx dsthi = gen_highpart_mode (SImode, DImode, operands[0]);
emit_insn (gen_mulsi3 (dstlo, operands[1], operands[2]));
emit_insn (gen_mulsi3_highpart (dsthi, operands[1], operands[2]));
[(set_attr "gcn_version" "gcn5,gcn5,*")])
(define_insn_and_split "muldi3"
[(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=&Sg,&Sg, &v,&v")
(mult:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "%Sg, Sg, v, v")
(match_operand:DI 2 "nonmemory_operand" "Sg, i,vSv, A")))
(clobber (match_scratch:SI 3 "=&Sg,&Sg,&v,&v"))
(clobber (match_scratch:BI 4 "=cs, cs, X, X"))
(clobber (match_scratch:DI 5 "=X, X,cV,cV"))]
[(const_int 0)]
rtx tmp = operands[3];
rtx dsthi = gen_highpart_mode (SImode, DImode, operands[0]);
rtx op1lo = gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[1], 0);
rtx op1hi = gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[1], 1);
rtx op2lo = gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[2], 0);
rtx op2hi = gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[2], 1);
emit_insn (gen_umulsidi3 (operands[0], op1lo, op2lo));
emit_insn (gen_mulsi3 (tmp, op1lo, op2hi));
rtx add = gen_rtx_SET (dsthi, gen_rtx_PLUS (SImode, dsthi, tmp));
rtx clob1 = gen_rtx_CLOBBER (VOIDmode, operands[4]);
rtx clob2 = gen_rtx_CLOBBER (VOIDmode, operands[5]);
add = gen_rtx_PARALLEL (VOIDmode, gen_rtvec (3, add, clob1, clob2));
emit_insn (add);
emit_insn (gen_mulsi3 (tmp, op1hi, op2lo));
add = gen_rtx_SET (dsthi, gen_rtx_PLUS (SImode, dsthi, tmp));
clob1 = gen_rtx_CLOBBER (VOIDmode, operands[4]);
clob2 = gen_rtx_CLOBBER (VOIDmode, operands[5]);
add = gen_rtx_PARALLEL (VOIDmode, gen_rtvec (3, add, clob1, clob2));
emit_insn (add);
[(set_attr "gcn_version" "gcn5,gcn5,*,*")])
(define_insn "mulhisi3"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=v")
(any_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 1 "register_operand" "%v"))
(any_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 2 "register_operand" " v"))))]
"v_mul_32_24_sdwa\t%0, %1, %2 src0_sel:WORD_0 src1_sel:WORD_0"
[(set_attr "type" "vop_sdwa")
(set_attr "length" "8")])
(define_insn "mulqihi3_scalar"
[(set (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "=v")
(any_extend:HI (match_operand:QI 1 "register_operand" "%v"))
(any_extend:HI (match_operand:QI 2 "register_operand" " v"))))]
"v_mul_32_24_sdwa\t%0, %1, %2 src0_sel:BYTE_0 src1_sel:BYTE_0"
[(set_attr "type" "vop_sdwa")
(set_attr "length" "8")])
;; }}}
;; {{{ ALU: generic 32-bit unop
(define_code_iterator bitunop [not popcount])
(define_code_attr popcount_extra_op [(not "") (popcount ", 0")])
(define_insn "si2"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg, v")
(match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgB,vSvB")))
(clobber (match_scratch:BI 2 "=cs, X"))]
s_0\t%0, %1
v_0\t%0, %1"
[(set_attr "type" "sop1,vop1")
(set_attr "length" "8")])
(define_code_iterator countzeros [clz ctz])
(define_insn "si2"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg,Sg")
(match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA, B")))]
"s_1\t%0, %1"
[(set_attr "type" "sop1")
(set_attr "length" "4,8")])
; The truncate ensures that a constant passed to operand 1 is treated as DImode
(define_insn "di2"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg,Sg")
(match_operand:DI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA, B"))))]
"s_1\t%0, %1"
[(set_attr "type" "sop1")
(set_attr "length" "4,8")])
(define_insn "gcn_flbit_int"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg,Sg")
(unspec:SI [(match_operand:SIDI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA, B")]
if (mode == SImode)
return "s_flbit_i32\t%0, %1";
return "s_flbit_i32_i64\t%0, %1";
[(set_attr "type" "sop1")
(set_attr "length" "4,8")])
(define_expand "clrsb2"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "")
(clrsb:SI (match_operand:SIDI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "")))]
rtx tmp = gen_reg_rtx (SImode);
/* FLBIT_I* counts sign or zero bits at the most-significant end of the
input register (and returns -1 for 0/-1 inputs). We want the number of
*redundant* bits (i.e. that value minus one), and an answer of 31/63 for
0/-1 inputs. We can do that in three instructions... */
emit_insn (gen_gcn_flbit_int (tmp, operands[1]));
emit_insn (gen_uminsi3 (tmp, tmp,
gen_int_mode (GET_MODE_BITSIZE (mode),
/* If we put this last, it can potentially be folded into a subsequent
arithmetic operation. */
emit_insn (gen_subsi3 (operands[0], tmp, const1_rtx));
;; }}}
;; {{{ ALU: generic 32-bit binop
; No plus and mult - they have variant with 16bit immediate
; and thus are defined later.
(define_code_iterator binop [and ior xor smin smax umin umax
ashift lshiftrt ashiftrt])
(define_code_iterator vec_and_scalar_com [and ior xor smin smax umin umax])
(define_code_iterator vec_and_scalar_nocom [ashift lshiftrt ashiftrt])
(define_insn "si3"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "gcn_valu_dst_operand" "= Sg, v,RD")
(match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_valu_src0_operand" "%SgA,vSvB, 0")
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" " SgB, v, v")))
(clobber (match_scratch:BI 3 "= cs, X, X"))]
s_0\t%0, %1, %2
v_0\t%0, %1, %2
ds_0\t%A0, %2%O0"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2,vop2,ds")
(set_attr "length" "8")])
(define_insn "si3"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg, Sg, v")
(match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgB,SgA, v")
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA,SgB,vSvB")))
(clobber (match_scratch:BI 3 "=cs, cs, X"))]
s_0\t%0, %1, %2
s_0\t%0, %1, %2
v_0\t%0, %2, %1"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2,sop2,vop2")
(set_attr "length" "8")])
(define_expand "si3_scc"
[(parallel [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "gcn_valu_dst_operand")
(match_operand:SI 1 "gcn_valu_src0_operand")
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand")))
(clobber (reg:BI SCC_REG))])]
;; }}}
;; {{{ ALU: generic 64-bit
(define_code_iterator vec_and_scalar64_com [and ior xor])
(define_insn_and_split "di3"
[(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "= Sg, v")
(match_operand:DI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "%SgA,vSvDB")
(match_operand:DI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" " SgC, v")))
(clobber (match_scratch:BI 3 "= cs, X"))]
s_0\t%0, %1, %2
"reload_completed && gcn_vgpr_register_operand (operands[0], DImode)"
[(parallel [(set (match_dup 4)
(vec_and_scalar64_com:SI (match_dup 5) (match_dup 6)))
(clobber (match_dup 3))])
(parallel [(set (match_dup 7)
(vec_and_scalar64_com:SI (match_dup 8) (match_dup 9)))
(clobber (match_dup 3))])]
operands[4] = gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[0], 0);
operands[5] = gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[1], 0);
operands[6] = gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[2], 0);
operands[7] = gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[0], 1);
operands[8] = gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[1], 1);
operands[9] = gcn_operand_part (DImode, operands[2], 1);
[(set_attr "type" "sop2,vop2")
(set_attr "length" "8")])
(define_insn "di3"
[(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=Sg, Sg, v")
(match_operand:DI 1 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgC,SgA, v")
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand" "SgA,SgC,vSvC")))
(clobber (match_scratch:BI 3 "=cs, cs, X"))]
s_0\t%0, %1, %2
s_0\t%0, %1, %2
v_0\t%0, %2, %1"
[(set_attr "type" "sop2,sop2,vop2")
(set_attr "length" "8")])
;; }}}
;; {{{ ALU: generic 128-bit binop
; TImode shifts can't be synthesized by the middle-end
(define_expand "ti3"
[(set (match_operand:TI 0 "register_operand")
(match_operand:TI 1 "gcn_alu_operand")
(match_operand:SI 2 "gcn_alu_operand")))]
rtx dest = operands[0];
rtx src = operands[1];
rtx shift = operands[2];
enum {ashr, lshr, ashl} shiftop = ;
rtx (*inverse_shift_fn) (rtx, rtx, rtx)
= (shiftop == ashl ? gen_lshrdi3 : gen_ashldi3);
rtx (*logical_shift_fn) (rtx, rtx, rtx)
= (shiftop == ashl ? gen_ashldi3 : gen_lshrdi3);
/* We shift "from" one subreg "to" the other, according to shiftop. */
int from = (shiftop == ashl ? 0 : 8);
int to = (shiftop == ashl ? 8 : 0);
rtx destfrom = simplify_gen_subreg (DImode, dest, TImode, from);
rtx destto = simplify_gen_subreg (DImode, dest, TImode, to);
rtx srcfrom = simplify_gen_subreg (DImode, src, TImode, from);
rtx srcto = simplify_gen_subreg (DImode, src, TImode, to);
int shiftval = (CONST_INT_P (shift) ? INTVAL (shift) : -1);
enum {RUNTIME, ZERO, SMALL, LARGE} shiftcomparison
= (!CONST_INT_P (shift) ? RUNTIME
: shiftval == 0 ? ZERO
: shiftval < 64 ? SMALL
rtx large_label, zero_label, exit_label;
if (shiftcomparison == RUNTIME)
zero_label = gen_label_rtx ();
large_label = gen_label_rtx ();
exit_label = gen_label_rtx ();
rtx cond = gen_rtx_EQ (VOIDmode, shift, const0_rtx);
emit_insn (gen_cbranchsi4 (cond, shift, const0_rtx, zero_label));
rtx sixtyfour = GEN_INT (64);
cond = gen_rtx_GE (VOIDmode, shift, sixtyfour);
emit_insn (gen_cbranchsi4 (cond, shift, sixtyfour, large_label));
if (shiftcomparison == SMALL || shiftcomparison == RUNTIME)
/* Shift both parts by the same amount, then patch in the bits that
cross the boundary.
This does *not* work for zero-length shifts. */
rtx tmpto1 = gen_reg_rtx (DImode);
rtx tmpto2 = gen_reg_rtx (DImode);
emit_insn (gen_di3 (destfrom, srcfrom, shift));
emit_insn (logical_shift_fn (tmpto1, srcto, shift));
rtx lessershiftval = gen_reg_rtx (SImode);
emit_insn (gen_subsi3 (lessershiftval, GEN_INT (64), shift));
emit_insn (inverse_shift_fn (tmpto2, srcfrom, lessershiftval));
emit_insn (gen_iordi3 (destto, tmpto1, tmpto2));
if (shiftcomparison == RUNTIME)
emit_jump_insn (gen_jump (exit_label));
emit_barrier ();
emit_label (zero_label);
if (shiftcomparison == ZERO || shiftcomparison == RUNTIME)
emit_move_insn (dest, src);
if (shiftcomparison == RUNTIME)
emit_jump_insn (gen_jump (exit_label));
emit_barrier ();
emit_label (large_label);
if (shiftcomparison == LARGE || shiftcomparison == RUNTIME)
/* Do the shift within one part, and set the other part appropriately.
Shifts of 128+ bits are an error. */
rtx lessershiftval = gen_reg_rtx (SImode);
emit_insn (gen_subsi3 (lessershiftval, shift, GEN_INT (64)));
emit_insn (gen_di3 (destto, srcfrom, lessershiftval));
if (shiftop == ashr)
emit_insn (gen_ashrdi3 (destfrom, srcfrom, GEN_INT (63)));
emit_move_insn (destfrom, const0_rtx);
if (shiftcomparison == RUNTIME)
emit_label (exit_label);
;; }}}
;; {{{ Atomics
; Each compute unit has it's own L1 cache. The L2 cache is shared between
; all the compute units. Any load or store instruction can skip L1 and
; access L2 directly using the "glc" flag. Atomic instructions also skip
; L1. The L1 cache can be flushed and invalidated using instructions.
; Therefore, in order for "acquire" and "release" atomic modes to work
; correctly across compute units we must flush before each "release"
; and invalidate the cache after each "acquire". It might seem like
; invalidation could be safely done before an "acquire", but since each
; compute unit can run up to 40 threads simultaneously, all reading values
; into the L1 cache, this is not actually safe.
; Additionally, scalar flat instructions access L2 via a different cache
; (the "constant cache"), so they have separate constrol instructions. We
; do not attempt to invalidate both caches at once; instead, atomics
; operating on scalar flat pointers will flush the constant cache, and
; atomics operating on flat or global pointers will flush L1. It is up to
; the programmer to get this right.
(define_code_iterator atomicops [plus minus and ior xor])
(define_mode_attr X [(SI "") (DI "_X2")])
;; TODO compare_and_swap test_and_set inc dec
;; Hardware also supports min and max, but GCC does not.
(define_expand "memory_barrier"
[(set (match_dup 0)
(unspec:BLK [(match_dup 0)] UNSPEC_MEMORY_BARRIER))]
operands[0] = gen_rtx_MEM (BLKmode, gen_rtx_SCRATCH (Pmode));
MEM_VOLATILE_P (operands[0]) = 1;
(define_insn "*memory_barrier"
[(set (match_operand:BLK 0)
(unspec:BLK [(match_dup 0)] UNSPEC_MEMORY_BARRIER))]
[(set_attr "type" "mubuf")
(set_attr "length" "4")])
; FIXME: These patterns have been disabled as they do not seem to work
; reliably - they can cause hangs or incorrect results.
; TODO: flush caches according to memory model
(define_insn "atomic_fetch_"
[(set (match_operand:SIDI 0 "register_operand" "=Sm, v, v")
(match_operand:SIDI 1 "memory_operand" "+RS,RF,RM"))
(set (match_dup 1)
(match_dup 1)
(match_operand:SIDI 2 "register_operand" " Sm, v, v"))]
(use (match_operand 3 "const_int_operand"))]
"0 /* Disabled. */"
s_atomic_\t%0, %1, %2 glc\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
flat_atomic_\t%0, %1, %2 glc\;s_waitcnt\t0
global_atomic_\t%0, %A1, %2%O1 glc\;s_waitcnt\tvmcnt(0)"
[(set_attr "type" "smem,flat,flat")
(set_attr "length" "12")
(set_attr "gcn_version" "gcn5,*,gcn5")])
; FIXME: These patterns are disabled because the instructions don't
; seem to work as advertised. Specifically, OMP "team distribute"
; reductions apparently "lose" some of the writes, similar to what
; you might expect from a concurrent non-atomic read-modify-write.
; TODO: flush caches according to memory model
(define_insn "atomic_"
[(set (match_operand:SIDI 0 "memory_operand" "+RS,RF,RM")
(match_dup 0)
(match_operand:SIDI 1 "register_operand" " Sm, v, v"))]
(use (match_operand 2 "const_int_operand"))]
"0 /* Disabled. */"
s_atomic_\t%0, %1\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
flat_atomic_\t%0, %1\;s_waitcnt\t0
global_atomic_\t%A0, %1%O0\;s_waitcnt\tvmcnt(0)"
[(set_attr "type" "smem,flat,flat")
(set_attr "length" "12")
(set_attr "gcn_version" "gcn5,*,gcn5")])
(define_mode_attr x2 [(SI "DI") (DI "TI")])
(define_mode_attr size [(SI "4") (DI "8")])
(define_mode_attr bitsize [(SI "32") (DI "64")])
(define_expand "sync_compare_and_swap"
[(match_operand:SIDI 0 "register_operand")
(match_operand:SIDI 1 "memory_operand")
(match_operand:SIDI 2 "register_operand")
(match_operand:SIDI 3 "register_operand")]
if (MEM_ADDR_SPACE (operands[1]) == ADDR_SPACE_LDS)
emit_insn (gen_sync_compare_and_swap_lds_insn (operands[0],
/* Operands 2 and 3 must be placed in consecutive registers, and passed
as a combined value. */
rtx src_cmp = gen_reg_rtx (mode);
emit_move_insn (gen_rtx_SUBREG (mode, src_cmp, 0), operands[3]);
emit_move_insn (gen_rtx_SUBREG (mode, src_cmp, ), operands[2]);
emit_insn (gen_sync_compare_and_swap_insn (operands[0],
(define_insn "sync_compare_and_swap_insn"
[(set (match_operand:SIDI 0 "register_operand" "=Sm, v, v")
(match_operand:SIDI 1 "memory_operand" "+RS,RF,RM"))
(set (match_dup 1)
[(match_operand: 2 "register_operand" " Sm, v, v")]
s_atomic_cmpswap\t%0, %1, %2 glc\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)
flat_atomic_cmpswap\t%0, %1, %2 glc\;s_waitcnt\t0
global_atomic_cmpswap\t%0, %A1, %2%O1 glc\;s_waitcnt\tvmcnt(0)"
[(set_attr "type" "smem,flat,flat")
(set_attr "length" "12")
(set_attr "gcn_version" "gcn5,*,gcn5")
(set_attr "delayeduse" "*,yes,yes")])
(define_insn "sync_compare_and_swap_lds_insn"
[(set (match_operand:SIDI 0 "register_operand" "= v")
[(match_operand:SIDI 1 "memory_operand" "+RL")]
(set (match_dup 1)
[(match_operand:SIDI 2 "register_operand" " v")
(match_operand:SIDI 3 "register_operand" " v")]
"ds_cmpst_rtn_b %0, %1, %2, %3\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)"
[(set_attr "type" "ds")
(set_attr "length" "12")])
(define_insn "atomic_load"
[(set (match_operand:SIDI 0 "register_operand" "=Sm, v, v")
[(match_operand:SIDI 1 "memory_operand" " RS,RF,RM")]
(use (match_operand:SIDI 2 "immediate_operand" " i, i, i"))]
switch (INTVAL (operands[2]))
switch (which_alternative)
case 0:
return "s_load%o0\t%0, %A1 glc\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)";
case 1:
return "flat_load%o0\t%0, %A1%O1 glc\;s_waitcnt\t0";
case 2:
return "global_load%o0\t%0, %A1%O1 glc\;s_waitcnt\tvmcnt(0)";
switch (which_alternative)
case 0:
return "s_load%o0\t%0, %A1 glc\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)\;"
case 1:
return "flat_load%o0\t%0, %A1%O1 glc\;s_waitcnt\t0\;"
case 2:
return "global_load%o0\t%0, %A1%O1 glc\;s_waitcnt\tvmcnt(0)\;"
switch (which_alternative)
case 0:
return "s_dcache_wb_vol\;s_load%o0\t%0, %A1 glc\;"
case 1:
return "buffer_wbinvl1_vol\;flat_load%o0\t%0, %A1%O1 glc\;"
case 2:
return "buffer_wbinvl1_vol\;global_load%o0\t%0, %A1%O1 glc\;"
gcc_unreachable ();
[(set_attr "type" "smem,flat,flat")
(set_attr "length" "20")
(set_attr "gcn_version" "gcn5,*,gcn5")])
(define_insn "atomic_store"
[(set (match_operand:SIDI 0 "memory_operand" "=RS,RF,RM")
[(match_operand:SIDI 1 "register_operand" " Sm, v, v")]
(use (match_operand:SIDI 2 "immediate_operand" " i, i, i"))]
switch (INTVAL (operands[2]))
switch (which_alternative)
case 0:
return "s_store%o1\t%1, %A0 glc\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)";
case 1:
return "flat_store%o1\t%A0, %1%O0 glc\;s_waitcnt\t0";
case 2:
return "global_store%o1\t%A0, %1%O0 glc\;s_waitcnt\tvmcnt(0)";
switch (which_alternative)
case 0:
return "s_dcache_wb_vol\;s_store%o1\t%1, %A0 glc";
case 1:
return "buffer_wbinvl1_vol\;flat_store%o1\t%A0, %1%O0 glc";
case 2:
return "buffer_wbinvl1_vol\;global_store%o1\t%A0, %1%O0 glc";
switch (which_alternative)
case 0:
return "s_dcache_wb_vol\;s_store%o1\t%1, %A0 glc\;"
case 1:
return "buffer_wbinvl1_vol\;flat_store%o1\t%A0, %1%O0 glc\;"
case 2:
return "buffer_wbinvl1_vol\;global_store%o1\t%A0, %1%O0 glc\;"
gcc_unreachable ();
[(set_attr "type" "smem,flat,flat")
(set_attr "length" "20")
(set_attr "gcn_version" "gcn5,*,gcn5")])
(define_insn "atomic_exchange"
[(set (match_operand:SIDI 0 "register_operand" "=Sm, v, v")
(match_operand:SIDI 1 "memory_operand" "+RS,RF,RM"))
(set (match_dup 1)
[(match_operand:SIDI 2 "register_operand" " Sm, v, v")]
(use (match_operand 3 "immediate_operand"))]
switch (INTVAL (operands[3]))
switch (which_alternative)
case 0:
return "s_atomic_swap\t%0, %1, %2 glc\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)";
case 1:
return "flat_atomic_swap\t%0, %1, %2 glc\;s_waitcnt\t0";
case 2:
return "global_atomic_swap\t%0, %A1, %2%O1 glc\;"
switch (which_alternative)
case 0:
return "s_atomic_swap\t%0, %1, %2 glc\;s_waitcnt\tlgkmcnt(0)\;"
case 1:
return "flat_atomic_swap\t%0, %1, %2 glc\;s_waitcnt\t0\;"
case 2:
return "global_atomic_swap\t%0, %A1, %2%O1 glc\;"
switch (which_alternative)
case 0:
return "s_dcache_wb_vol\;s_atomic_swap\t%0, %1, %2 glc\;"
case 1:
return "buffer_wbinvl1_vol\;flat_atomic_swap\t%0, %1, %2 glc\;"
case 2:
return "buffer_wbinvl1_vol\;"
"global_atomic_swap\t%0, %A1, %2%O1 glc\;"
switch (which_alternative)
case 0:
return "s_dcache_wb_vol\;s_atomic_swap\t%0, %1, %2 glc\;"
case 1:
return "buffer_wbinvl1_vol\;flat_atomic_swap\t%0, %1, %2 glc\;"
case 2:
return "buffer_wbinvl1_vol\;"
"global_atomic_swap\t%0, %A1, %2%O1 glc\;"
gcc_unreachable ();
[(set_attr "type" "smem,flat,flat")
(set_attr "length" "20")
(set_attr "gcn_version" "gcn5,*,gcn5")])
;; }}}
;; {{{ OpenACC / OpenMP
(define_expand "oacc_dim_size"
[(match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand")
(match_operand:SI 1 "const_int_operand")]
rtx tmp = gcn_oacc_dim_size (INTVAL (operands[1]));
emit_move_insn (operands[0], gen_lowpart (SImode, tmp));
(define_expand "oacc_dim_pos"
[(match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand")
(match_operand:SI 1 "const_int_operand")]
emit_move_insn (operands[0], gcn_oacc_dim_pos (INTVAL (operands[1])));
(define_expand "gcn_wavefront_barrier"
[(set (match_dup 0)
(unspec_volatile:BLK [(match_dup 0)] UNSPECV_BARRIER))]
operands[0] = gen_rtx_MEM (BLKmode, gen_rtx_SCRATCH (Pmode));
MEM_VOLATILE_P (operands[0]) = 1;
(define_insn "*gcn_wavefront_barrier"
[(set (match_operand:BLK 0 "")
(unspec_volatile:BLK [(match_dup 0)] UNSPECV_BARRIER))]
[(set_attr "type" "sopp")])
(define_expand "oacc_fork"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "")
(match_operand:SI 1 ""))
(use (match_operand:SI 2 ""))]
/* We need to have oacc_fork/oacc_join named patterns as a pair,
but the fork isn't actually used. */
gcc_unreachable ();
(define_expand "oacc_join"
[(set (match_operand:SI 0 "")
(match_operand:SI 1 ""))
(use (match_operand:SI 2 ""))]
emit_insn (gen_gcn_wavefront_barrier ());
;; }}}
(include "gcn-valu.md")