(* CLexBuf.def provides a lexical buffer for clex. Copyright (C) 2003-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) DEFINITION MODULE CLexBuf ; (* Title : CLexBuf Author : Gaius Mulley System : GNU Modula-2 Date : Thu Jan 23 12:32:36 2003 Revision : $Version$ Description: provides a lexical buffer for clex. *) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADDRESS ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String ; FROM NameKey IMPORT Name ; EXPORT QUALIFIED toktype, IsMacroDefined, NoArgs, DefineMacro, UnDefineMacro, OpenSource, CloseSource, ReInitialize, GetToken, InsertToken, InsertTokenAndRewind, GetLineNo, GetTokenNo, TokenToLineNo, FindFileNameFromToken, GetFileName, ResetForNewPass, currenttoken, currentstring, currentinteger, EnableMacroSubstitutions, AddTok, AddTokCharStar, AddTokInteger, SetFile, PushFile, PopFile, FlushTokens ; TYPE toktype = (eoftok, startok, arrowtok, structtok, lsbratok, rsbratok, lcbratok, rcbratok, lparatok, rparatok, semicolontok, longtok, inttok, chartok, enumtok, typedeftok, floattok, doubletok, unsignedtok, consttok, periodperiodperiodtok, integertok, hexintegertok, octintegertok, identtok, realtok, conststringtok, constchartok, codetok, starthashtok, endhashtok, definetok, undeftok, iftok, elsetok, endiftok, ifdeftok, ifndeftok, includetok, nottok, commatok, periodtok, gretok, lesstok, ortok, andtok, bartok, ambersandtok, shiftlefttok, shiftrighttok, divtok, modtok, sizeoftok, definedtok, hattok, equaltok, notequaltok, greequaltok, lessequaltok, plustok, minustok, tildetok, externtok, statictok, autotok, registertok, voidtok, shorttok, signedtok, uniontok, colontok, becomestok, volatiletok, typetok) ; VAR currenttoken : toktype ; currentstring : ADDRESS ; currentinteger: INTEGER ; (* EnableMacroSubstitutions - *) PROCEDURE EnableMacroSubstitutions (b: BOOLEAN) ; (* IsMacroDefined - returns TRUE if macro, n, was defined. *) PROCEDURE IsMacroDefined (n: Name) : BOOLEAN ; (* NoArgs - returns the number of arguments for macro, n. -1 if the macro does not exist *) PROCEDURE NoArgs (n: Name) : INTEGER ; (* DefineMacro - defines macro, n, as defined to start at token, t. *) PROCEDURE DefineMacro (n: Name; t: CARDINAL) ; (* UnDefineMacro - *) PROCEDURE UnDefineMacro (n: Name) ; (* OpenSource - Attempts to open the source file, s. The success of the operation is returned. *) PROCEDURE OpenSource (s: String) : BOOLEAN ; (* CloseSource - closes the current open file. *) PROCEDURE CloseSource ; (* ReInitialize - re-initialize the all the data structures. *) PROCEDURE ReInitialize ; (* ResetForNewPass - reset the buffer pointers to the beginning ready for a new pass *) PROCEDURE ResetForNewPass ; (* GetToken - gets the next token into currenttoken. *) PROCEDURE GetToken ; (* InsertToken - inserts a symbol, token, infront of the current token ready for the next pass. *) PROCEDURE InsertToken (token: toktype) ; (* InsertTokenAndRewind - inserts a symbol, token, infront of the current token and then moves the token stream back onto the inserted token. *) PROCEDURE InsertTokenAndRewind (token: toktype) ; (* GetLineNo - returns the current line number where the symbol occurs in the source file. *) PROCEDURE GetLineNo () : CARDINAL ; (* GetTokenNo - returns the number of tokens read from the source file by the lexical analaysis. *) PROCEDURE GetTokenNo () : CARDINAL ; (* TokenToLineNo - returns the line number of the current file for the TokenNo. The depth refers to the include depth. A depth of 0 is the current file, depth of 1 is the file which included the current file. Zero is returned if the depth exceeds the file nesting level. *) PROCEDURE TokenToLineNo (TokenNo: CARDINAL; depth: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; (* FindFileNameFromToken - returns the complete FileName for the appropriate source file yields the token number, TokenNo. The, Depth, indicates the include level: 0..n Level 0 is the current. NIL is returned if n+1 is requested. *) PROCEDURE FindFileNameFromToken (TokenNo: CARDINAL; depth: CARDINAL) : String ; (* GetFileName - assigns, a, to the current file name. *) PROCEDURE GetFileName () : String ; (* *********************************************************************** * * These functions allow c.lex to deliver tokens into the buffer * ************************************************************************* *) (* AddTok - adds a token to the buffer. *) PROCEDURE AddTok (t: toktype) ; (* AddTokCharStar - adds a token to the buffer and an additional string, s. A copy of string, s, is made. *) PROCEDURE AddTokCharStar (t: toktype; s: ADDRESS) ; (* AddTokInteger - adds a token and an integer to the buffer. *) PROCEDURE AddTokInteger (t: toktype; i: INTEGER) ; (* SetFile - sets the current filename to, filename. *) PROCEDURE SetFile (filename: ADDRESS) ; (* PushFile - indicates that, filename, has just been included. *) PROCEDURE PushFile (filename: ADDRESS) ; (* PopFile - indicates that we are returning to, filename, having finished an include. *) PROCEDURE PopFile (filename: ADDRESS) ; (* FlushTokens - removes the last token. *) PROCEDURE FlushTokens ; END CLexBuf.