(* M2Base.mod provides a mechanism to check fundamental types. Copyright (C) 2001-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE M2Base ; (* Title : M2Base Author : Gaius Mulley System : UNIX (gm2) Date : Mon Jul 10 20:16:54 2000 Description: gcc version of M2Base. This module initializes the front end symbol table with the base types. We collect the size of the base types and range of values from the gcc backend. *) FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT InitString, String, Mark, InitStringCharStar, ConCat ; FROM M2LexBuf IMPORT BuiltinTokenNo, GetTokenNo ; FROM NameKey IMPORT NulName, MakeKey, WriteKey, KeyToCharStar ; FROM M2Debug IMPORT Assert ; FROM SYSTEM IMPORT WORD ; FROM M2Error IMPORT InternalError, FlushErrors ; FROM M2Pass IMPORT IsPassCodeGeneration ; FROM FormatStrings IMPORT Sprintf2 ; FROM StrLib IMPORT StrLen ; FROM M2MetaError IMPORT MetaError0, MetaError1, MetaError2, MetaErrors3, MetaErrorT1, MetaErrorT2, MetaErrorStringT2, MetaErrorStringT1 ; FROM SymbolTable IMPORT ModeOfAddr, MakeModule, MakeType, PutType, MakeEnumeration, PutFieldEnumeration, MakeProcType, MakeProcedure, PutFunction, MakeRecord, PutFieldRecord, MakeConstVar, PutConst, MakeTemporary, MakeVar, PutVar, MakeSubrange, PutSubrange, IsSubrange, PutModuleBuiltin, IsEnumeration, IsSet, IsPointer, IsType, IsUnknown, IsHiddenType, IsProcType, GetType, GetLowestType, GetDeclaredMod, SkipType, SetCurrentModule, StartScope, EndScope, PseudoScope, ForeachFieldEnumerationDo, RequestSym, GetSymName, NulSym, PutImported, GetExported, PopSize, PopValue, PushValue, FromModuleGetSym, GetSym, IsExportQualified, IsExportUnQualified, IsParameter, IsParameterVar, IsUnbounded, IsConst, IsUnboundedParam, IsParameterUnbounded, GetSubrange, IsArray, IsProcedure, IsConstString, IsVarient, IsRecordField, IsFieldVarient, GetArraySubscript, IsRecord, NoOfParam, GetNthParam, IsVarParam, GetNth, GetDimension, MakeError ; FROM M2ALU IMPORT PushIntegerTree, PushRealTree, PushCard, Equ, Gre, Less ; FROM M2Batch IMPORT MakeDefinitionSource ; FROM M2Bitset IMPORT Bitset, GetBitsetMinMax, MakeBitset ; FROM M2Size IMPORT Size, MakeSize ; FROM M2System IMPORT Address, Byte, Word, System, Loc, InitSystem, IntegerN, CardinalN, WordN, SetN, RealN, ComplexN, IsCardinalN, IsIntegerN, IsRealN, IsComplexN, IsGenericSystemType, IsSameSizePervasiveType, IsSystemType ; FROM M2Options IMPORT NilChecking, WholeDivChecking, WholeValueChecking, IndexChecking, RangeChecking, ReturnChecking, CaseElseChecking, Exceptions, WholeValueChecking, DebugBuiltins, Iso, Pim, Pim2, Pim3 ; FROM m2type IMPORT GetIntegerType, GetM2IntegerType, GetM2CharType, GetMaxFrom, GetMinFrom, GetRealType, GetM2LongIntType, GetLongRealType, GetProcType, GetM2ShortRealType, GetM2RealType, GetM2LongRealType, GetM2LongCardType, GetM2ShortIntType, GetM2ShortCardType, GetM2CardinalType, GetPointerType, GetWordType, GetByteType, GetISOWordType, GetISOByteType, GetISOLocType, GetM2ComplexType, GetM2LongComplexType, GetM2ShortComplexType, GetM2Complex32, GetM2Complex64, GetM2Complex96, GetM2Complex128, GetM2RType, GetM2ZType, GetM2CType, InitBaseTypes ; FROM m2expr IMPORT GetSizeOf ; FROM m2linemap IMPORT location_t, BuiltinsLocation ; FROM m2decl IMPORT BuildIntegerConstant ; TYPE Compatability = (expression, assignment, parameter, comparison) ; MetaType = (const, word, byte, address, chr, normint, shortint, longint, normcard, shortcard, longcard, pointer, enum, real, shortreal, longreal, set, opaque, loc, rtype, ztype, int8, int16, int32, int64, card8, card16, card32, card64, word16, word32, word64, real32, real64, real96, real128, set8, set16, set32, complex, shortcomplex, longcomplex, complex32, complex64, complex96, complex128, ctype, rec, array, procedure, unknown) ; Compatible = (uninitialized, no, warnfirst, warnsecond, first, second) ; TYPE CompatibilityArray = ARRAY MetaType, MetaType OF Compatible ; VAR Comp, Expr, Ass : CompatibilityArray ; Ord, OrdS, OrdL, Float, FloatS, SFloat, FloatL, LFloat, Trunc, TruncS, TruncL, Int, IntS, IntL, m2rts, MinReal, MaxReal, MinShortReal, MaxShortReal, MinLongReal, MaxLongReal, MinLongInt, MaxLongInt, MinLongCard, MaxLongCard, MinShortInt, MaxShortInt, MinShortCard, MaxShortCard, MinChar, MaxChar, MinCardinal, MaxCardinal, MinInteger, MaxInteger, MaxEnum, MinEnum : CARDINAL ; (* InitBuiltins - *) PROCEDURE InitBuiltins ; VAR builtins: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF DebugBuiltins THEN (* We will need to parse this module as functions alloca/memcpy will be used. *) builtins := MakeDefinitionSource (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey ('Builtins')) ; IF builtins = NulSym THEN MetaError0 ('unable to find core module Builtins') END END END InitBuiltins ; (* InitBase - initializes the base types and procedures used in the Modula-2 compiler. *) PROCEDURE InitBase (location: location_t; VAR sym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN sym := MakeModule (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey ('_BaseTypes')) ; PutModuleBuiltin (sym, TRUE) ; SetCurrentModule (sym) ; StartScope (sym) ; InitBaseSimpleTypes (location) ; (* Initialize the SYSTEM module before we ADDRESS. *) InitSystem ; MakeBitset ; (* We do this after SYSTEM has been created as BITSET is dependant upon WORD. *) InitBaseConstants ; InitBaseFunctions ; InitBaseProcedures ; (* Note: that we do end the Scope since we keep the symbol to the head of the base scope. This head of base scope is searched when all other scopes fail to deliver a symbol. *) EndScope ; InitBuiltins ; InitCompatibilityMatrices END InitBase ; (* IsNeededAtRunTime - returns TRUE if procedure, sym, is a runtime procedure. A runtime procedure is not a pseudo procedure (like NEW/DISPOSE) and it is implemented in M2RTS or SYSTEM and also exported. *) PROCEDURE IsNeededAtRunTime (tok: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( ((FromModuleGetSym(tok, GetSymName(sym), System)=sym) OR (FromModuleGetSym(tok, GetSymName(sym), m2rts)=sym)) AND (IsExportQualified(sym) OR IsExportUnQualified(sym)) ) END IsNeededAtRunTime ; (* InitBaseConstants - initialises the base constant NIL. *) PROCEDURE InitBaseConstants ; BEGIN Nil := MakeConstVar (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey ('NIL')) ; PutConst (Nil, Address) END InitBaseConstants ; (* InitBaseSimpleTypes - initialises the base simple types, CARDINAL, INTEGER, CHAR, BOOLEAN. *) PROCEDURE InitBaseSimpleTypes (location: location_t) ; BEGIN InitBaseTypes (location) ; ZType := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('Modula-2 base Z')) ; PutType(ZType, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2ZType())) ; PopSize(ZType) ; RType := MakeType(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('Modula-2 base R')) ; PutType(RType, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2RType())) ; PopSize(RType) ; CType := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('Modula-2 base C')) ; PutType(CType, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2CType())) ; PopSize(CType) ; Integer := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('INTEGER')) ; PutType(Integer, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2IntegerType())) ; PopSize(Integer) ; Cardinal := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('CARDINAL')) ; PutType(Cardinal, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2CardinalType())) ; PopSize(Cardinal) ; LongInt := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('LONGINT')) ; PutType(LongInt, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2LongIntType())) ; PopSize(LongInt) ; LongCard := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('LONGCARD')) ; PutType(LongCard, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2LongCardType())) ; PopSize(LongCard) ; ShortInt := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('SHORTINT')) ; PutType(ShortInt, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2ShortIntType())) ; PopSize(ShortInt) ; ShortCard := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('SHORTCARD')) ; PutType(ShortCard, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2ShortCardType())) ; PopSize(ShortCard) ; Real := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('REAL')) ; PutType(Real, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2RealType())) ; PopSize(Real) ; ShortReal := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('SHORTREAL')) ; PutType(ShortReal, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2ShortRealType())) ; PopSize(ShortReal) ; LongReal := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('LONGREAL')) ; PutType(LongReal, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2LongRealType())) ; PopSize(LongReal) ; Complex := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('COMPLEX')) ; PutType(Complex, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2ComplexType())) ; PopSize(Complex) ; LongComplex := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('LONGCOMPLEX')) ; PutType(LongComplex, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2LongComplexType())) ; PopSize(LongComplex) ; ShortComplex := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('SHORTCOMPLEX')) ; PutType(ShortComplex, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2ShortComplexType())) ; PopSize(ShortComplex) ; Char := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('CHAR')) ; PutType(Char, NulSym) ; (* Base Type *) PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetM2CharType())) ; PopSize(Char) ; (* Boolean = (FALSE, TRUE) ; *) Boolean := MakeEnumeration (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('BOOLEAN')) ; PutFieldEnumeration (BuiltinTokenNo, Boolean, MakeKey('FALSE')) ; PutFieldEnumeration (BuiltinTokenNo, Boolean, MakeKey('TRUE')) ; True := RequestSym (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('TRUE')) ; False := RequestSym (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('FALSE')) ; Proc := MakeProcType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('PROC')) ; PushIntegerTree(GetSizeOf(location, GetProcType())) ; PopSize(Proc) ; (* MinChar *) MinChar := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMinFrom(location, GetM2CharType())) ; PopValue(MinChar) ; PutVar(MinChar, Char) ; (* MaxChar *) MaxChar := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMaxFrom(location, GetM2CharType())) ; PopValue(MaxChar) ; PutVar(MaxChar, Char) ; (* MinInteger *) MinInteger := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMinFrom(location, GetM2IntegerType())) ; PopValue(MinInteger) ; PutVar(MinInteger, Integer) ; (* MaxInteger *) MaxInteger := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMaxFrom(location, GetM2IntegerType())) ; PopValue(MaxInteger) ; PutVar(MaxInteger, Integer) ; (* MinCardinal *) MinCardinal := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMinFrom(BuiltinsLocation(), GetM2CardinalType())) ; PopValue(MinCardinal) ; PutVar(MinCardinal, Cardinal) ; (* MaxCardinal *) MaxCardinal := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMaxFrom(location, GetM2CardinalType())) ; PopValue(MaxCardinal) ; PutVar(MaxCardinal, Cardinal) ; (* MinLongInt *) MinLongInt := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMinFrom(location, GetM2LongIntType())) ; PopValue(MinLongInt) ; PutVar(MinLongInt, LongInt) ; (* MaxLongInt *) MaxLongInt := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMaxFrom(location, GetM2LongIntType())) ; PopValue(MaxLongInt) ; PutVar(MaxLongInt, LongInt) ; (* MinLongCard *) MinLongCard := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMinFrom(location, GetM2LongCardType())) ; PopValue(MinLongCard) ; PutVar(MinLongCard, LongCard) ; (* MinLongCard *) MaxLongCard := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMaxFrom(BuiltinsLocation(), GetM2LongCardType())) ; PopValue(MaxLongCard) ; PutVar(MaxLongCard, LongCard) ; (* MinReal *) MinReal := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushRealTree(GetMinFrom(location, GetM2RealType())) ; PopValue(MinReal) ; PutVar(MinReal, Real) ; (* MaxReal *) MaxReal := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushRealTree(GetMaxFrom(location, GetM2RealType())) ; PopValue(MaxReal) ; PutVar(MaxReal, Real) ; (* MinShortReal *) MinShortReal := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushRealTree(GetMinFrom(location, GetM2ShortRealType())) ; PopValue(MinShortReal) ; PutVar(MinShortReal, ShortReal) ; (* MaxShortReal *) MaxShortReal := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushRealTree(GetMaxFrom(location, GetM2ShortRealType())) ; PopValue(MaxShortReal) ; PutVar(MaxShortReal, ShortReal) ; (* MinLongReal *) MinLongReal := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushRealTree(GetMinFrom(location, GetM2LongRealType())) ; PopValue(MinLongReal) ; PutVar(MinLongReal, LongReal) ; (* MaxLongReal *) MaxLongReal := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushRealTree(GetMaxFrom(location, GetM2LongRealType())) ; PopValue(MaxLongReal) ; PutVar(MaxLongReal, LongReal) ; (* MaxShortInt *) MaxShortInt := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMaxFrom(location, GetM2ShortIntType())) ; PopValue(MaxShortInt) ; PutVar(MaxShortInt, ShortInt) ; (* MinShortInt *) MinShortInt := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMinFrom(location, GetM2ShortIntType())) ; PopValue(MinShortInt) ; PutVar(MinShortInt, ShortInt) ; (* MaxShortCard *) MaxShortCard := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMaxFrom(location, GetM2ShortCardType())) ; PopValue(MaxShortCard) ; PutVar(MaxShortCard, ShortCard) ; (* MinShortCard *) MinShortCard := MakeTemporary(BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; PushIntegerTree(GetMinFrom(location, GetM2ShortCardType())) ; PopValue(MinShortCard) ; PutVar(MinShortCard, ShortCard) END InitBaseSimpleTypes ; (* FindMinMaxEnum - finds the minimum and maximum enumeration fields. *) PROCEDURE FindMinMaxEnum (field: WORD) ; BEGIN IF MaxEnum=NulSym THEN MaxEnum := field ELSE PushValue(field) ; PushValue(MaxEnum) ; IF Gre(GetTokenNo()) THEN MaxEnum := field END END ; IF MinEnum=NulSym THEN MinEnum := field ELSE PushValue(field) ; PushValue(MinEnum) ; IF Less(GetTokenNo()) THEN MinEnum := field END END END FindMinMaxEnum ; (* GetBaseTypeMinMax - returns the minimum and maximum values for a given base type. This procedure should only be called if the type is NOT a subrange. *) PROCEDURE GetBaseTypeMinMax (type: CARDINAL; VAR min, max: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF type=Integer THEN min := MinInteger ; max := MaxInteger ELSIF type=Cardinal THEN min := MinCardinal ; max := MaxCardinal ELSIF type=Char THEN min := MinChar ; max := MaxChar ELSIF type=Bitset THEN GetBitsetMinMax(min, max) ELSIF (type=LongInt) THEN min := MinLongInt ; max := MaxLongInt ELSIF (type=LongCard) THEN min := MinLongCard ; max := MaxLongCard ELSIF (type=ShortInt) THEN min := MinShortInt ; max := MaxShortInt ELSIF (type=ShortCard) THEN min := MinShortCard ; max := MaxShortCard ELSIF (type=Real) THEN min := MinReal ; max := MaxReal ELSIF (type=ShortReal) THEN min := MinShortReal ; max := MaxShortReal ELSIF (type=LongReal) THEN min := MinLongReal ; max := MaxLongReal ELSIF IsEnumeration(type) THEN MinEnum := NulSym ; MaxEnum := NulSym ; ForeachFieldEnumerationDo(type, FindMinMaxEnum) ; min := MinEnum ; max := MaxEnum ELSE MetaError1 ('unable to find MIN or MAX for the base type {%1as}', type) END END GetBaseTypeMinMax ; (* ImportFrom - imports symbol, name, from module and returns the symbol. *) PROCEDURE ImportFrom (tok: CARDINAL; module: CARDINAL; name: ARRAY OF CHAR) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PutImported(GetExported(tok, module, MakeKey(name))) ; RETURN( GetSym(MakeKey(name)) ) END ImportFrom ; (* InitBaseProcedures - initialises the base procedures, INC, DEC, INCL, EXCL, NEW and DISPOSE. *) PROCEDURE InitBaseProcedures ; VAR rtexceptions: CARDINAL ; BEGIN (* The pseudo procedures NEW and DISPOSE are in fact "macro" substituted for ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE. However they both have symbols in the base module so that the procedure mechanism treats all procedure calls the same. "Macro" substitution occurs in M2Quads. *) New := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('NEW')) ; Dispose := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('DISPOSE')) ; Inc := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('INC')) ; Dec := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('DEC')) ; Incl := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('INCL')) ; Excl := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('EXCL')) ; IF NOT Pim2 THEN MakeSize (* SIZE is declared as a standard function in *) (* ISO Modula-2 and PIM-[34] Modula-2 but not *) (* PIM-2 Modula-2 *) END ; (* The procedure HALT is a real procedure which is defined in M2RTS. However to remain compatible with other Modula-2 implementations HALT can be used without the need to import it from M2RTS. ie it is within the BaseType module scope. *) m2rts := MakeDefinitionSource(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('M2RTS')) ; PutImported(GetExported(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, MakeKey('HALT'))) ; ExceptionAssign := NulSym ; ExceptionReturn := NulSym ; ExceptionInc := NulSym ; ExceptionDec := NulSym ; ExceptionIncl := NulSym ; ExceptionExcl := NulSym ; ExceptionShift := NulSym ; ExceptionRotate := NulSym ; ExceptionStaticArray := NulSym ; ExceptionDynamicArray := NulSym ; ExceptionForLoopBegin := NulSym ; ExceptionForLoopTo := NulSym ; ExceptionForLoopEnd := NulSym ; ExceptionPointerNil := NulSym ; ExceptionNoReturn := NulSym ; ExceptionCase := NulSym ; ExceptionNonPosDiv := NulSym ; ExceptionNonPosMod := NulSym ; ExceptionZeroDiv := NulSym ; ExceptionZeroRem := NulSym ; ExceptionWholeValue := NulSym ; ExceptionRealValue := NulSym ; ExceptionParameterBounds := NulSym ; ExceptionNo := NulSym ; IF NilChecking THEN ExceptionPointerNil := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'PointerNilException') END ; IF RangeChecking THEN ExceptionAssign := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'AssignmentException') ; ExceptionReturn := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'ReturnException') ; ExceptionInc := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'IncException') ; ExceptionDec := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'DecException') ; ExceptionIncl := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'InclException') ; ExceptionExcl := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'ExclException') ; ExceptionShift := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'ShiftException') ; ExceptionRotate := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'RotateException') ; ExceptionForLoopBegin := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'ForLoopBeginException') ; ExceptionForLoopTo := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'ForLoopToException') ; ExceptionForLoopEnd := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'ForLoopEndException') ; ExceptionParameterBounds := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'ParameterException') ; END ; IF IndexChecking THEN ExceptionStaticArray := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'StaticArraySubscriptException') ; ExceptionDynamicArray := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'DynamicArraySubscriptException') END ; IF WholeDivChecking THEN ExceptionNonPosDiv := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'WholeNonPosDivException') ; ExceptionNonPosMod := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'WholeNonPosModException') ; ExceptionZeroDiv := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'WholeZeroDivException') ; ExceptionZeroRem := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'WholeZeroRemException') END ; IF ReturnChecking THEN ExceptionNoReturn := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'NoReturnException') END ; IF CaseElseChecking THEN ExceptionCase := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'CaseException') END ; IF WholeValueChecking THEN ExceptionWholeValue := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'WholeValueException') ; ExceptionRealValue := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'RealValueException') END ; IF Exceptions THEN ExceptionNo := ImportFrom(BuiltinTokenNo, m2rts, 'NoException') ; (* ensure that this module is included *) rtexceptions := MakeDefinitionSource(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('RTExceptions')) ; IF rtexceptions = NulSym THEN MetaError0 ('unable to find required runtime module RTExceptions') END END END InitBaseProcedures ; (* IsOrd - returns TRUE if, sym, is ORD or its typed counterparts ORDL, ORDS. *) PROCEDURE IsOrd (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN (sym=Ord) OR (sym=OrdS) OR (sym=OrdL) END IsOrd ; (* BuildOrdFunctions - creates ORD, ORDS, ORDL. *) PROCEDURE BuildOrdFunctions ; BEGIN Ord := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('ORD')) ; PutFunction(Ord, Cardinal) ; OrdS := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('ORDS')) ; PutFunction(OrdS, ShortCard) ; OrdL := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('ORDL')) ; PutFunction(OrdL, LongCard) END BuildOrdFunctions ; (* IsTrunc - returns TRUE if, sym, is TRUNC or its typed counterparts TRUNCL, TRUNCS. *) PROCEDURE IsTrunc (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN (sym=Trunc) OR (sym=TruncS) OR (sym=TruncL) END IsTrunc ; (* BuildTruncFunctions - creates TRUNC, TRUNCS, TRUNCL. *) PROCEDURE BuildTruncFunctions ; BEGIN IF Pim2 OR Pim3 OR Iso THEN Trunc := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('TRUNC')) ; PutFunction(Trunc, Cardinal) ; TruncS := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('STRUNC')) ; PutFunction(TruncS, ShortCard) ; TruncL := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('LTRUNC')) ; PutFunction(TruncL, LongCard) ELSE Trunc := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('TRUNC')) ; PutFunction(Trunc, Integer) ; TruncS := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('STRUNC')) ; PutFunction(TruncS, ShortInt) ; TruncL := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('LTRUNC')) ; PutFunction(TruncL, LongInt) END END BuildTruncFunctions ; (* IsFloat - returns TRUE if, sym, is FLOAT or its typed counterparts FLOATL, FLOATS. *) PROCEDURE IsFloat (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (sym=Float) OR (sym=FloatS) OR (sym=FloatL) OR (sym=SFloat) OR (sym=LFloat) ) END IsFloat ; (* BuildFloatFunctions - creates TRUNC, TRUNCS, TRUNCL. *) PROCEDURE BuildFloatFunctions ; BEGIN Float := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('FLOAT')) ; PutFunction(Float, Real) ; SFloat := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('SFLOAT')) ; PutFunction(SFloat, ShortReal) ; LFloat := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('LFLOAT')) ; PutFunction(LFloat, LongReal) ; FloatS := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('FLOATS')) ; PutFunction(FloatS, ShortReal) ; FloatL := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('FLOATL')) ; PutFunction(FloatL, LongReal) END BuildFloatFunctions ; (* IsInt - returns TRUE if, sym, is INT or its typed counterparts INTL, INTS. *) PROCEDURE IsInt (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN (sym=Int) OR (sym=IntS) OR (sym=IntL) END IsInt ; (* BuildIntFunctions - creates INT, INTS, INTL. *) PROCEDURE BuildIntFunctions ; BEGIN Int := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('INT')) ; PutFunction(Int, Integer) ; IntS := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('INTS')) ; PutFunction(IntS, ShortInt) ; IntL := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('INTL')) ; PutFunction(IntL, LongInt) END BuildIntFunctions ; (* InitBaseFunctions - initialises the base function, HIGH. *) PROCEDURE InitBaseFunctions ; BEGIN (* Now declare the dynamic array components, HIGH *) High := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('HIGH')) ; (* Pseudo Base function HIGH *) PutFunction(High, Cardinal) ; (* _TemplateProcedure is a procedure which has a local variable _ActivationPointer whose offset is used for all nested procedures. (The activation pointer being in the same relative position for all procedures). *) TemplateProcedure := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('_TemplateProcedure')) ; StartScope(TemplateProcedure) ; ActivationPointer := MakeVar(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('_ActivationPointer')) ; PutVar(ActivationPointer, Address) ; EndScope ; (* and the base functions *) Convert := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('CONVERT')) ; (* Internal function CONVERT *) IF Iso THEN LengthS := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('LENGTH')) ; (* Pseudo Base function LENGTH *) PutFunction(LengthS, ZType) ELSE LengthS := NulSym END ; Abs := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('ABS')) ; (* Pseudo Base function ABS *) PutFunction(Abs, ZType) ; Cap := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('CAP')) ; (* Pseudo Base function CAP *) PutFunction(Cap, Char) ; Odd := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('ODD')) ; (* Pseudo Base function ODD *) PutFunction(Odd, Boolean) ; Chr := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('CHR')) ; (* Pseudo Base function CHR *) PutFunction(Chr, Char) ; (* the following three procedure functions have a return type depending upon *) (* the parameters. *) Val := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('VAL')) ; (* Pseudo Base function VAL *) Min := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('MIN')) ; (* Pseudo Base function MIN *) Max := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('MAX')) ; (* Pseudo Base function MIN *) Re := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('RE')) ; (* Pseudo Base function RE *) PutFunction(Re, RType) ; Im := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('IM')) ; (* Pseudo Base function IM *) PutFunction(Im, RType) ; Cmplx := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('CMPLX')) ; (* Pseudo Base function CMPLX *) PutFunction(Cmplx, CType) ; BuildFloatFunctions ; BuildTruncFunctions ; BuildOrdFunctions ; BuildIntFunctions END InitBaseFunctions ; (* IsISOPseudoBaseFunction - *) PROCEDURE IsISOPseudoBaseFunction (Sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( Iso AND (Sym#NulSym) AND ((Sym=LengthS) OR (Sym=Size) OR (Sym=Cmplx) OR (Sym=Re) OR (Sym=Im) OR IsInt(Sym)) ) END IsISOPseudoBaseFunction ; (* IsPIMPseudoBaseFunction - *) PROCEDURE IsPIMPseudoBaseFunction (Sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (NOT Iso) AND (NOT Pim2) AND (Sym#NulSym) AND (Sym=Size) ) END IsPIMPseudoBaseFunction ; (* IsPseudoBaseFunction - returns true if Sym is a Base pseudo function. *) PROCEDURE IsPseudoBaseFunction (Sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (Sym=High) OR (Sym=Val) OR (Sym=Convert) OR IsOrd(Sym) OR (Sym=Chr) OR IsFloat(Sym) OR IsTrunc(Sym) OR (Sym=Min) OR (Sym=Max) OR (Sym=Abs) OR (Sym=Odd) OR (Sym=Cap) OR IsISOPseudoBaseFunction(Sym) OR IsPIMPseudoBaseFunction(Sym) ) END IsPseudoBaseFunction ; (* IsPseudoBaseProcedure - returns true if Sym is a Base pseudo procedure. *) PROCEDURE IsPseudoBaseProcedure (Sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (Sym=New) OR (Sym=Dispose) OR (Sym=Inc) OR (Sym=Dec) OR (Sym=Incl) OR (Sym=Excl) ) END IsPseudoBaseProcedure ; (* IsBaseType - returns TRUE if Sym is a Base type. *) PROCEDURE IsBaseType (Sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (Sym=Cardinal) OR (Sym=Integer) OR (Sym=Boolean) OR (Sym=Char) OR (Sym=Proc) OR (Sym=LongInt) OR (Sym=LongCard) OR (Sym=ShortInt) OR (Sym=ShortCard) OR (Sym=Real) OR (Sym=LongReal) OR (Sym=ShortReal) OR (Sym=Complex) OR (Sym=LongComplex) OR (Sym=ShortComplex) OR (Sym=Bitset) ) END IsBaseType ; (* IsOrdinalType - returns TRUE if, sym, is an ordinal type. An ordinal type is defined as: a base type which contains whole numbers or a subrange type or an enumeration type. *) PROCEDURE IsOrdinalType (Sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (Sym=Cardinal) OR (Sym=Integer) OR (Sym=Char) OR (Sym=Boolean) OR (Sym=LongInt) OR (Sym=LongCard) OR (Sym=ShortInt) OR (Sym=ShortCard) OR (Sym=ZType) OR IsSubrange(Sym) OR IsEnumeration(Sym) OR IsIntegerN(Sym) OR IsCardinalN(Sym) ) END IsOrdinalType ; (* IsComplexType - returns TRUE if, sym, is COMPLEX, LONGCOMPLEX or SHORTCOMPLEX. *) PROCEDURE IsComplexType (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (sym=Complex) OR (sym=LongComplex) OR (sym=ShortComplex) OR (sym=CType) OR IsComplexN (sym) ) END IsComplexType ; (* ComplexToScalar - returns the scalar (or base type) of the complex type, sym. *) PROCEDURE ComplexToScalar (sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF sym=NulSym THEN (* a const complex may have a NulSym type *) RETURN( RType ) ELSIF sym=Complex THEN RETURN( Real ) ELSIF sym=LongComplex THEN RETURN( LongReal ) ELSIF sym=ShortComplex THEN RETURN( ShortReal ) ELSIF sym=CType THEN RETURN( RType ) ELSIF sym=ComplexN(32) THEN RETURN( RealN(32) ) ELSIF sym=ComplexN(64) THEN RETURN( RealN(64) ) ELSIF sym=ComplexN(96) THEN RETURN( RealN(96) ) ELSIF sym=ComplexN(128) THEN RETURN( RealN(128) ) ELSE MetaError1('{%1ad} must be a COMPLEX type', sym) ; RETURN RType END END ComplexToScalar ; (* ScalarToComplex - given a real type, t, return the equivalent complex type. *) PROCEDURE ScalarToComplex (sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF sym=Real THEN RETURN( Complex ) ELSIF sym=LongReal THEN RETURN( LongComplex ) ELSIF sym=ShortReal THEN RETURN( ShortComplex ) ELSIF sym=RType THEN RETURN( CType ) ELSIF sym=RealN(32) THEN RETURN( ComplexN(32) ) ELSIF sym=RealN(64) THEN RETURN( ComplexN(64) ) ELSIF sym=RealN(96) THEN RETURN( ComplexN(96) ) ELSIF sym=RealN(128) THEN RETURN( ComplexN(128) ) ELSE MetaError1('{%1ad} must be a REAL type', sym) ; RETURN( Complex ) END END ScalarToComplex ; (* GetCmplxReturnType - this code implements the table given in the ISO standard Page 293 with an addition for SHORTCOMPLEX. *) PROCEDURE GetCmplxReturnType (t1, t2: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR mt1, mt2: MetaType ; BEGIN t1 := SkipType(t1) ; t2 := SkipType(t2) ; IF (IsRealType(t1) OR IsRealN(t1)) AND (IsRealType(t2) OR IsRealN(t2)) THEN mt1 := FindMetaType(t1) ; mt2 := FindMetaType(t2) ; IF mt1=mt2 THEN RETURN( ScalarToComplex(t1) ) ELSE IF mt1=rtype THEN RETURN( ScalarToComplex(t2) ) ELSIF mt2=rtype THEN RETURN( ScalarToComplex(t1) ) ELSE RETURN( NulSym ) END END ELSE RETURN( NulSym ) END END GetCmplxReturnType ; (* EmitTypeIncompatibleWarning - emit a type incompatibility warning. *) PROCEDURE EmitTypeIncompatibleWarning (tok: CARDINAL; kind: Compatability; t1, t2: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN CASE kind OF expression: MetaErrorT2 (tok, '{%1W:} type incompatibility found {%1as:{%2as:between types {%1as} {%2as}}} in an expression, hint one of the expressions should be converted', t1, t2) | assignment: MetaErrorT2 (tok, '{%1W:} type incompatibility found {%1as:{%2as:between types {%1as} {%2as}}} during an assignment, hint maybe the expression should be converted', t1, t2) | parameter : MetaErrorT2 (tok, '{%1W:} type incompatibility found when passing a parameter {%1as:{%2as:between formal parameter and actual parameter types {%1as} {%2as}}}, hint the actual parameter {%2a} should be converted', t1, t2) | comparison: MetaErrorT2 (tok, '{%1W:} type incompatibility found {%1as:{%2as:between types {%1as} {%2as}}} in a relational expression, hint one of the expressions should be converted', t1, t2) ELSE END END EmitTypeIncompatibleWarning ; (* EmitTypeIncompatibleError - emit a type incompatibility error. *) PROCEDURE EmitTypeIncompatibleError (tok: CARDINAL; kind: Compatability; t1, t2: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN CASE kind OF expression: MetaErrorT2 (tok, 'type incompatibility found {%1as:{%2as:between types {%1as} and {%2as}}} in an expression, hint one of the expressions should be converted', t1, t2) | assignment: MetaErrorT2 (tok, 'type incompatibility found {%1as:{%2as:between types {%1as} and {%2as}}} during an assignment, hint maybe the expression should be converted', t1, t2) | parameter : MetaErrorT2 (tok, 'type incompatibility found when passing a parameter {%1as:{%2as:between formal parameter and actual parameter types {%1as} and {%2as}}}, hint the actual parameter should be converted', t1, t2) | comparison: MetaErrorT2 (tok, 'type incompatibility found {%1as:{%2as:between types {%1as} and {%2as}}} in a relational expression, hint one of the expressions should be converted', t1, t2) ELSE END END EmitTypeIncompatibleError ; (* CheckCompatible - returns if t1 and t2 are kind compatible *) PROCEDURE CheckCompatible (tok: CARDINAL; t1, t2: CARDINAL; kind: Compatability) ; VAR s: String ; r: Compatible ; BEGIN r := IsCompatible (t1, t2, kind) ; IF (r#first) AND (r#second) THEN IF (r=warnfirst) OR (r=warnsecond) THEN s := InitString('{%1W}') ELSE s := InitString('') END ; IF IsUnknown(t1) AND IsUnknown(t2) THEN s := ConCat(s, InitString('two different unknown types {%1a:{%2a:{%1a} and {%2a}}} must either be declared or imported)')) ; MetaErrorStringT2 (tok, s, t1, t2) ELSIF IsUnknown(t1) THEN s := ConCat(s, InitString('this type {%1a} is currently unknown, it must be declared or imported')) ; MetaErrorStringT1 (tok, s, t1) ELSIF IsUnknown(t2) THEN s := ConCat (s, InitString('this type {%1a} is currently unknown, it must be declared or imported')) ; MetaErrorStringT1 (tok, s, t2) ELSE IF (r=warnfirst) OR (r=warnsecond) THEN EmitTypeIncompatibleWarning (tok, kind, t1, t2) ELSE EmitTypeIncompatibleError (tok, kind, t1, t2) END END END END CheckCompatible ; (* CheckExpressionCompatible - returns if t1 and t2 are compatible types for +, -, *, DIV, >, <, =, etc. If t1 and t2 are not compatible then an error message is displayed. *) PROCEDURE CheckExpressionCompatible (tok: CARDINAL; left, right: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN CheckCompatible (tok, left, right, expression) END CheckExpressionCompatible ; (* CheckParameterCompatible - checks to see if types, t1, and, t2, are compatible for parameter passing. *) PROCEDURE CheckParameterCompatible (tok: CARDINAL; t1, t2: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN CheckCompatible (tok, t1, t2, parameter) END CheckParameterCompatible ; (* CheckAssignmentCompatible - returns if t1 and t2 are compatible types for :=, =, #. If t1 and t2 are not compatible then an error message is displayed. *) PROCEDURE CheckAssignmentCompatible (tok: CARDINAL; left, right: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF left # right THEN CheckCompatible (tok, left, right, assignment) END END CheckAssignmentCompatible ; (* FindMetaType - returns the MetaType associated with, sym. *) PROCEDURE FindMetaType (sym: CARDINAL) : MetaType ; BEGIN IF sym=NulSym THEN RETURN( const ) ELSIF sym=Word THEN RETURN( word ) ELSIF sym=Byte THEN RETURN( byte ) ELSIF sym=Loc THEN RETURN( loc ) ELSIF sym=Address THEN RETURN( address ) ELSIF sym=Char THEN RETURN( chr ) ELSIF sym=Integer THEN RETURN( normint ) ELSIF sym=ShortInt THEN RETURN( shortint ) ELSIF sym=LongInt THEN RETURN( longint ) ELSIF sym=Cardinal THEN RETURN( normcard ) ELSIF sym=ShortCard THEN RETURN( shortcard ) ELSIF sym=LongCard THEN RETURN( longcard ) ELSIF sym=ZType THEN RETURN( ztype ) ELSIF sym=RType THEN RETURN( rtype ) ELSIF sym=Real THEN RETURN( real ) ELSIF sym=ShortReal THEN RETURN( shortreal ) ELSIF sym=LongReal THEN RETURN( longreal ) ELSIF sym=IntegerN(8) THEN RETURN( int8 ) ELSIF sym=IntegerN(16) THEN RETURN( int16 ) ELSIF sym=IntegerN(32) THEN RETURN( int32 ) ELSIF sym=IntegerN(64) THEN RETURN( int64 ) ELSIF sym=CardinalN(8) THEN RETURN( card8 ) ELSIF sym=CardinalN(16) THEN RETURN( card16 ) ELSIF sym=CardinalN(32) THEN RETURN( card32 ) ELSIF sym=CardinalN(64) THEN RETURN( card64 ) ELSIF sym=WordN(16) THEN RETURN( word16 ) ELSIF sym=WordN(32) THEN RETURN( word32 ) ELSIF sym=WordN(64) THEN RETURN( word64 ) ELSIF sym=SetN(8) THEN RETURN( set8 ) ELSIF sym=SetN(16) THEN RETURN( set16 ) ELSIF sym=SetN(32) THEN RETURN( set32 ) ELSIF sym=RealN(32) THEN RETURN( real32 ) ELSIF sym=RealN(64) THEN RETURN( real64 ) ELSIF sym=RealN(96) THEN RETURN( real96 ) ELSIF sym=RealN(128) THEN RETURN( real128 ) ELSIF sym=Complex THEN RETURN( complex ) ELSIF sym=ShortComplex THEN RETURN( shortcomplex ) ELSIF sym=LongComplex THEN RETURN( longcomplex ) ELSIF sym=ComplexN(32) THEN RETURN( complex32 ) ELSIF sym=ComplexN(64) THEN RETURN( complex64 ) ELSIF sym=ComplexN(96) THEN RETURN( complex96 ) ELSIF sym=ComplexN(128) THEN RETURN( complex128 ) ELSIF sym=CType THEN RETURN( ctype ) ELSIF IsSet(sym) THEN RETURN( set ) ELSIF IsHiddenType(sym) THEN RETURN( opaque ) ELSIF IsPointer(sym) THEN RETURN( pointer ) ELSIF IsEnumeration(sym) THEN RETURN( enum ) ELSIF IsRecord(sym) THEN RETURN( rec ) ELSIF IsArray(sym) THEN RETURN( array ) ELSIF IsType(sym) THEN RETURN( FindMetaType(GetType(sym)) ) ELSIF IsProcedure(sym) OR IsProcType(sym) THEN RETURN( procedure ) ELSE RETURN( unknown ) END END FindMetaType ; (* IsBaseCompatible - returns an enumeration field determining whether a simple base type comparison is legal. *) PROCEDURE IsBaseCompatible (t1, t2: CARDINAL; kind: Compatability) : Compatible ; VAR mt1, mt2: MetaType ; BEGIN IF (t1=t2) AND ((kind=assignment) OR (kind=parameter)) THEN RETURN( first ) ELSE mt1 := FindMetaType (t1) ; mt2 := FindMetaType (t2) ; IF (mt1=unknown) OR (mt2=unknown) THEN RETURN( no ) END ; CASE kind OF expression: RETURN( Expr [mt1, mt2] ) | assignment: RETURN( Ass [mt1, mt2] ) | parameter : RETURN( Ass [mt1, mt2] ) | comparison: RETURN( Comp [mt1, mt2] ) ELSE InternalError ('unexpected compatibility') END END END IsBaseCompatible ; (* IsRealType - returns TRUE if, t, is a real type. *) PROCEDURE IsRealType (t: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (t=Real) OR (t=LongReal) OR (t=ShortReal) OR (t=RType) ) END IsRealType ; (* CannotCheckTypeInPass3 - returns TRUE if we are unable to check the type of, e, in pass 3. *) PROCEDURE CannotCheckTypeInPass3 (e: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR t : CARDINAL ; mt: MetaType ; BEGIN t := SkipType(GetType(e)) ; mt := FindMetaType(t) ; CASE mt OF pointer, enum, set, set8, set16, set32, opaque : RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END CannotCheckTypeInPass3 ; (* IsCompatible - returns true if the types, t1, and, t2, are compatible. *) PROCEDURE IsCompatible (t1, t2: CARDINAL; kind: Compatability) : Compatible ; BEGIN t1 := SkipType (t1) ; t2 := SkipType (t2) ; IF t1 = t2 THEN (* same types are always compatible. *) RETURN first ELSIF IsPassCodeGeneration () THEN RETURN AfterResolved (t1, t2, kind) ELSE RETURN BeforeResolved (t1, t2, kind) END END IsCompatible ; (* IsPointerSame - returns TRUE if pointers, a, and, b, are the same. *) PROCEDURE IsPointerSame (a, b: CARDINAL; error: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsSameType(SkipType(GetType(a)), SkipType(GetType(b)), error) ) END IsPointerSame ; (* IsSubrangeSame - checks to see whether the subranges are the same. *) PROCEDURE IsSubrangeSame (a, b: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR al, ah, bl, bh: CARDINAL ; BEGIN a := SkipType(a) ; b := SkipType(b) ; IF a#b THEN GetSubrange(a, ah, al) ; GetSubrange(b, bh, bl) ; PushValue(al) ; PushValue(bl) ; IF NOT Equ(GetDeclaredMod(a)) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END ; PushValue(ah) ; PushValue(bh) ; IF NOT Equ(GetDeclaredMod(a)) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END END ; RETURN( TRUE ) END IsSubrangeSame ; (* IsVarientSame - returns TRUE if varient types, a, and, b, are identical. *) PROCEDURE IsVarientSame (a, b: CARDINAL; error: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; VAR i, j : CARDINAL ; fa, fb, ga, gb: CARDINAL ; BEGIN i := 1 ; ga := NulSym ; gb := NulSym ; REPEAT fa := GetNth(a, i) ; fb := GetNth(b, i) ; IF (fa#NulSym) AND (fb#NulSym) THEN Assert(IsFieldVarient(fa)) ; Assert(IsFieldVarient(fb)) ; j := 1 ; REPEAT ga := GetNth(fa, j) ; gb := GetNth(fb, j) ; IF (ga#NulSym) AND (gb#NulSym) THEN IF NOT IsSameType(GetType(ga), GetType(gb), error) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END ; INC(j) END UNTIL (ga=NulSym) OR (gb=NulSym) ; IF ga#gb THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END END ; INC(i) UNTIL (fa=NulSym) OR (fb=NulSym) ; RETURN( ga=gb ) END IsVarientSame ; (* IsRecordSame - *) PROCEDURE IsRecordSame (a, b: CARDINAL; error: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; VAR ta, tb, fa, fb: CARDINAL ; i : CARDINAL ; BEGIN i := 1 ; REPEAT fa := GetNth(a, i) ; fb := GetNth(b, i) ; IF (fa#NulSym) AND (fb#NulSym) THEN ta := GetType(fa) ; tb := GetType(fb) ; IF IsRecordField(fa) AND IsRecordField(fb) THEN IF NOT IsSameType(ta, tb, error) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END ELSIF IsVarient(fa) AND IsVarient(fb) THEN IF NOT IsVarientSame(ta, tb, error) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END ELSIF IsFieldVarient(fa) OR IsFieldVarient(fb) THEN InternalError ('should not see a field varient') ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END ; INC(i) UNTIL (fa=NulSym) OR (fb=NulSym) ; RETURN( fa=fb ) END IsRecordSame ; (* IsArraySame - *) PROCEDURE IsArraySame (t1, t2: CARDINAL; error: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; VAR s1, s2: CARDINAL ; BEGIN s1 := GetArraySubscript(t1) ; s2 := GetArraySubscript(t2) ; RETURN( IsSameType(GetType(s1), GetType(s2), error) AND IsSameType(GetType(t1), GetType(t2), error) ) END IsArraySame ; (* IsEnumerationSame - *) PROCEDURE IsEnumerationSame (t1, t2: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( t1=t2 ) END IsEnumerationSame ; (* IsSetSame - *) PROCEDURE IsSetSame (t1, t2: CARDINAL; error: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsSameType(GetType(t1), GetType(t2), error) ) END IsSetSame ; (* IsSameType - returns TRUE if *) PROCEDURE IsSameType (t1, t2: CARDINAL; error: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN t1 := SkipType(t1) ; t2 := SkipType(t2) ; IF t1=t2 THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSIF IsArray(t1) AND IsArray(t2) THEN RETURN( IsArraySame(t1, t2, error) ) ELSIF IsSubrange(t1) AND IsSubrange(t2) THEN RETURN( IsSubrangeSame(t1, t2) ) ELSIF IsProcType(t1) AND IsProcType(t2) THEN RETURN( IsProcTypeSame(t1, t2, error) ) ELSIF IsEnumeration(t1) AND IsEnumeration(t2) THEN RETURN( IsEnumerationSame(t1, t2 (* , error *) ) ) ELSIF IsRecord(t1) AND IsRecord(t2) THEN RETURN( IsRecordSame(t1, t2, error) ) ELSIF IsSet(t1) AND IsSet(t2) THEN RETURN( IsSetSame(t1, t2, error) ) ELSIF IsPointer(t1) AND IsPointer(t2) THEN RETURN( IsPointerSame(t1, t2, error) ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END IsSameType ; (* IsProcTypeSame - *) PROCEDURE IsProcTypeSame (p1, p2: CARDINAL; error: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; VAR pa, pb: CARDINAL ; n, i : CARDINAL ; BEGIN n := NoOfParam(p1) ; IF n#NoOfParam(p2) THEN IF error THEN MetaError2('parameter is incompatible as {%1Dd} was declared with {%2n} parameters', p1, NoOfParam(p1)) ; MetaError2('whereas {%1Dd} was declared with {%2n} parameters', p2, NoOfParam(p2)) END ; RETURN( FALSE ) END ; i := 1 ; WHILE i<=n DO pa := GetNthParam(p1, i) ; pb := GetNthParam(p2, i) ; IF IsVarParam(p1, i)#IsVarParam(p2, i) THEN IF error THEN MetaErrors3('the {%1n} parameter is incompatible between {%2Dad} and {%3ad} as only one was declared as VAR', 'the {%1n} parameter is incompatible between {%2ad} and {%3Dad} as only one was declared as VAR', i, p1, p2) END ; RETURN( FALSE ) END ; IF NOT IsSameType(GetType(pa), GetType(pb), error) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END ; INC(i) END ; RETURN( IsSameType(GetType(p1), GetType(p2), error) ) END IsProcTypeSame ; (* doProcTypeCheck - *) PROCEDURE doProcTypeCheck (p1, p2: CARDINAL; error: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF (IsProcType(p1) OR IsProcedure(p1)) AND (IsProcType(p2) OR IsProcedure(p2)) THEN IF p1=p2 THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE RETURN( IsProcTypeSame(p1, p2, error) ) END ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END doProcTypeCheck ; (* AfterResolved - a thorough test for type compatibility. *) PROCEDURE AfterResolved (t1, t2: CARDINAL; kind: Compatability) : Compatible ; VAR mt1, mt2: MetaType ; BEGIN IF (t1=NulSym) OR (t2=NulSym) THEN RETURN( first ) ELSIF ((kind=parameter) OR (kind=assignment)) AND (t1=t2) THEN RETURN( first ) ELSIF IsSubrange(t1) THEN RETURN( IsCompatible(GetType(t1), t2, kind) ) ELSIF IsSubrange(t2) THEN RETURN( IsCompatible(t1, GetType(t2), kind) ) ELSE mt1 := FindMetaType(t1) ; mt2 := FindMetaType(t2) ; IF mt1=mt2 THEN CASE mt1 OF set, set8, set16, set32 : IF IsSetSame(t1, t2, FALSE) THEN RETURN( first ) ELSE RETURN( no ) END | enum : IF IsEnumerationSame(t1, t2 (* , FALSE *) ) THEN RETURN( first ) ELSE RETURN( no ) END | pointer : IF IsPointerSame(t1, t2, FALSE) THEN RETURN( first ) ELSE RETURN( no ) END | opaque : RETURN( no ) | procedure: IF doProcTypeCheck(t1, t2, FALSE) THEN RETURN( first ) ELSE RETURN( no ) END ELSE (* fall through *) END END ; RETURN( IsBaseCompatible(t1, t2, kind) ) END END AfterResolved ; (* BeforeResolved - attempts to test for type compatibility before all types are completely resolved. In particular set types and constructor types are not fully known before the end of pass 3. However we can test base types. *) PROCEDURE BeforeResolved (t1, t2: CARDINAL; kind: Compatability) : Compatible ; BEGIN IF (t1=NulSym) OR (t2=NulSym) THEN RETURN( first ) ELSIF IsSubrange(t1) THEN RETURN( IsCompatible(GetType(t1), t2, kind) ) ELSIF IsSubrange(t2) THEN RETURN( IsCompatible(t1, GetType(t2), kind) ) ELSIF IsSet(t1) OR IsSet(t2) THEN (* cannot test set compatibility at this point so we do this again after pass 3 *) RETURN( first ) ELSIF (IsProcType(t1) AND IsProcedure(t2)) OR (IsProcedure(t1) AND IsProcType(t2)) THEN (* we will perform checking during code generation *) RETURN( first ) ELSIF IsHiddenType (t1) AND IsHiddenType (t2) THEN IF t1 = t2 THEN MetaError0 ('assert about to fail as t1 = t2') END ; Assert (t1 # t2) ; (* different opaque types are not assignment or expression compatible. *) RETURN no ELSE (* see M2Quads for the fixme comment at assignment. PIM2 says that CARDINAL and INTEGER are compatible with subranges of CARDINAL and INTEGER, however we do not know the type to our subranges yet as (GetType(SubrangeType)=NulSym). So we add type checking in the range checking module which is done post pass 3, when all is resolved. *) RETURN IsBaseCompatible (t1, t2, kind) END END BeforeResolved ; (* AssignmentRequiresWarning - returns TRUE if t1 and t2 can be used during an assignment, but should generate a warning. For example in PIM we can assign ADDRESS and WORD providing they are both the same size. No warning is necessary if the types are the same. *) PROCEDURE AssignmentRequiresWarning (t1, t2: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN ((t1 # t2) AND ((IsCompatible(t1, t2, assignment)=warnfirst) OR (IsCompatible(t1, t2, assignment)=warnsecond))) END AssignmentRequiresWarning ; (* IsAssignmentCompatible - returns TRUE if t1 and t2 are assignment compatible. *) PROCEDURE IsAssignmentCompatible (t1, t2: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (t1=t2) OR (IsCompatible(t1, t2, assignment)=first) OR (IsCompatible(t1, t2, assignment)=second) ) END IsAssignmentCompatible ; (* IsExpressionCompatible - returns TRUE if t1 and t2 are expression compatible. *) PROCEDURE IsExpressionCompatible (t1, t2: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (IsCompatible(t1, t2, expression)=first) OR (IsCompatible(t1, t2, expression)=second) ) END IsExpressionCompatible ; (* IsParameterCompatible - returns TRUE if t1 and t2 are expression compatible. *) PROCEDURE IsParameterCompatible (t1, t2: CARDINAL (* ; tokenNo: CARDINAL *) ) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (IsCompatible(t1, t2, parameter)=first) OR (IsCompatible(t1, t2, parameter)=second) ) END IsParameterCompatible ; (* IsComparisonCompatible - returns TRUE if t1 and t2 are comparison compatible. *) PROCEDURE IsComparisonCompatible (t1, t2: CARDINAL (* ; tokenNo: CARDINAL *) ) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (IsCompatible(t1, t2, comparison)=first) OR (IsCompatible(t1, t2, comparison)=second) ) END IsComparisonCompatible ; (* MixMetaTypes - *) PROCEDURE MixMetaTypes (t1, t2: CARDINAL; NearTok: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR mt1, mt2: MetaType ; BEGIN mt1 := FindMetaType(t1) ; mt2 := FindMetaType(t2) ; CASE Expr[mt1, mt2] OF no : MetaErrorT2 (NearTok, 'type incompatibility between {%1asd} and {%2asd}', t1, t2) ; FlushErrors (* unrecoverable at present *) | warnfirst, first : RETURN( t1 ) | warnsecond, second : RETURN( t2 ) ELSE InternalError ('not expecting this metatype value') END ; RETURN MakeError (NearTok, NulName) END MixMetaTypes ; (* IsUserType - return TRUE if type was created by the user as a synonym. *) PROCEDURE IsUserType (type: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN IsType (type) AND (NOT IsBaseType (type)) AND (NOT IsSystemType (type)) END IsUserType ; (* MixTypes - given types, t1 and t2, returns a type symbol that provides expression type compatibility. NearTok is used to identify the source position if a type incompatability occurs. *) PROCEDURE MixTypes (t1, t2: CARDINAL; NearTok: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF t1=t2 THEN RETURN( t1 ) ELSIF (t1=Address) AND (t2=Cardinal) THEN RETURN( Address ) ELSIF (t1=Cardinal) AND (t2=Address) THEN RETURN( Address ) ELSIF (t1=Address) AND (t2=Integer) THEN RETURN( Address ) ELSIF (t1=Integer) AND (t2=Address) THEN RETURN( Address ) ELSIF t1=NulSym THEN RETURN( t2 ) ELSIF t2=NulSym THEN RETURN( t1 ) ELSIF (t1=Bitset) AND IsSet(t2) THEN RETURN( t1 ) ELSIF IsSet(t1) AND (t2=Bitset) THEN RETURN( t2 ) ELSIF IsEnumeration(t1) THEN RETURN( MixTypes(Integer, t2, NearTok) ) ELSIF IsEnumeration(t2) THEN RETURN( MixTypes(t1, Integer, NearTok) ) ELSIF IsSubrange(t1) THEN RETURN( MixTypes(GetType(t1), t2, NearTok) ) ELSIF IsSubrange(t2) THEN RETURN( MixTypes(t1, GetType(t2), NearTok) ) ELSIF IsRealType(t1) AND IsRealType(t2) THEN IF t1=RType THEN RETURN( t2 ) ELSIF t2=RType THEN RETURN( t1 ) ELSE RETURN( RType ) END ELSIF IsComplexType(t1) AND IsComplexType(t2) THEN IF t1=CType THEN RETURN( t2 ) ELSIF t2=CType THEN RETURN( t1 ) ELSE RETURN( CType ) END ELSIF IsUserType (t1) THEN RETURN( MixTypes(GetType(t1), t2, NearTok) ) ELSIF IsUserType (t2) THEN RETURN( MixTypes(t1, GetType(t2), NearTok) ) ELSIF (t1=GetLowestType(t1)) AND (t2=GetLowestType(t2)) THEN RETURN( MixMetaTypes(t1, t2, NearTok) ) ELSE t1 := GetLowestType(t1) ; t2 := GetLowestType(t2) ; RETURN( MixTypes(t1, t2, NearTok) ) END END MixTypes ; (* NegateType - if the type is unsigned then returns the signed equivalent. *) PROCEDURE NegateType (type: CARDINAL (* ; sympos: CARDINAL *) ) : CARDINAL ; VAR lowType: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF type#NulSym THEN lowType := GetLowestType (type) ; IF lowType=LongCard THEN RETURN LongInt ELSIF lowType=Cardinal THEN RETURN Integer (* ELSE MetaErrorT1 (sympos, 'the type {%1ad} does not have a negated equivalent and an unary minus cannot be used on an operand of this type', type) *) END END ; RETURN type END NegateType ; (* IsMathType - returns TRUE if the type is a mathematical type. A mathematical type has a range larger than INTEGER. (Typically SHORTREAL/REAL/LONGREAL/LONGINT/LONGCARD) *) PROCEDURE IsMathType (type: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (type=LongCard) OR (type=LongInt) OR (type=Real) OR (type=LongReal) OR (type=ShortReal) OR (type=RType) OR (type=ZType) ) END IsMathType ; (* IsVarParamCompatible - returns TRUE if types, actual, and, formal are compatible even if formal is a VAR parameter. *) PROCEDURE IsVarParamCompatible (actual, formal: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN actual := SkipType(actual) ; formal := SkipType(formal) ; IF IsParameter(formal) AND IsParameterUnbounded(formal) THEN formal := SkipType(GetType(GetType(formal))) ; (* move over unbounded *) IF IsGenericSystemType(formal) THEN RETURN( TRUE ) END ; RETURN( (formal=actual) OR (IsArray(actual) AND (formal=SkipType(GetType(actual)))) ) ELSE RETURN( (actual=formal) OR (IsPointer(actual) AND (formal=Address)) OR (IsPointer(formal) AND (actual=Address)) OR (IsGenericSystemType(actual) AND IsSizeSame(FindMetaType(actual), FindMetaType(formal))) OR (IsGenericSystemType(formal) AND IsSizeSame(FindMetaType(actual), FindMetaType(formal))) OR IsSameSizePervasiveType(formal, actual) ) END END IsVarParamCompatible ; (* IsArrayUnboundedCompatible - returns TRUE if unbounded or array types, t1, and, t2, are compatible. *) PROCEDURE IsArrayUnboundedCompatible (t1, t2: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF (t1=NulSym) OR (t2=NulSym) THEN RETURN( FALSE) ELSIF (IsUnbounded(t1) OR IsArray(t1)) AND (IsUnbounded(t2) OR IsArray(t2)) THEN RETURN( SkipType(GetType(t1))=SkipType(GetType(t2)) ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END IsArrayUnboundedCompatible ; (* IsValidUnboundedParameter - *) PROCEDURE IsValidUnboundedParameter (formal, actual: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR ft, at : CARDINAL ; n, m, o: CARDINAL ; BEGIN Assert(IsParameterUnbounded(formal)) ; ft := SkipType(GetType(GetType(formal))) ; (* ARRAY OF ft *) IF IsGenericSystemType(ft) OR IsArrayUnboundedCompatible(GetType(formal), GetType(actual)) THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE IF IsParameter(actual) AND IsParameterUnbounded(actual) THEN n := GetDimension(actual) ; m := GetDimension(formal) ; IF n#m THEN RETURN( IsGenericSystemType(ft) AND (n