(* M2Options.def initializes the user options. Copyright (C) 2001-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) DEFINITION MODULE M2Options ; (* Author : Gaius Mulley Title : M2Options Date : 27/5/87 [$Date: 2013/08/14 20:39:40 $] SYSTEM : UNIX (GNU Modula-2) Description: Initializes the user options in the Modula-2 compiler. Version : $Revision: 1.31 $ *) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADDRESS ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String ; FROM m2linemap IMPORT location_t ; VAR PPonly, (* -E/M/MM present? - preprocessing only *) cflag, (* -c flag present? *) Iso, (* -fiso use ISO SYSTEM.def *) Pim, (* -fpim use PIM [234] SYSTEM.def *) Pim2, (* -fpim2 use strict rules. *) Pim3, (* -fpim3 use strict rules. *) Pim4, (* -fpim4 use strict rules. *) PositiveModFloorDiv, (* Force PIM4 behaviour for DIV and MOD *) CompilerDebugging, (* -fd internal debugging messages *) GenerateDebugging, (* -g option to generate info for gdb/dbx *) GenerateLineDebug, (* -gline to generate line debugging. *) Verbose, (* -verbose produce verbose error messages. *) Pedantic, (* -pedantic be pedantic on error checking. *) PedanticParamNames, (* -Wpedantic-param-names *) PedanticCast, (* -Wpedantic-cast warns if sizes differ. *) Statistics, (* -fstatistics information about code *) StyleChecking, (* -Wstudents checks for common student errs*) UnboundedByReference, (* -funbounded-by-reference *) VerboseUnbounded, (* -Wverbose-unbounded *) OptimizeUncalledProcedures, (* -Ouncalled removes uncalled procedures *) OptimizeBasicBlock, (* -Obb create basic blocks and optimize. *) OptimizeCommonSubExpressions, (* -Ocse optimize common subexpressions *) WholeProgram, (* -fwhole-program optimization. *) NilChecking, (* -fnil makes compiler test for pointer *) (* NIL. *) WholeDivChecking, (* -fwholediv produces code to raise an *) (* exception if a whole number divide by *) (* zero occurs. *) WholeValueChecking, (* -fwholevalue produces code to raise an *) (* exception if a whole value variable is *) (* about to exceed the type limits. *) FloatValueChecking, (* -ffloatvalue produces code to raise an *) (* exception if a floating point variable *) (* is about to exceed the type limits. *) IndexChecking, (* -findex array bounds checking. *) RangeChecking, (* -frange assignment, set values, *) (* constructor values in range. *) ReturnChecking, (* -freturn checks that functions always *) (* exit with a RETURN statement. *) CaseElseChecking, (* -fcase checks program does not need an *) (* else statement within an case statement *) (* when the user omits one *) VariantValueChecking, (* Should we check all values are present *) (* in a variant record? True for ISO and *) (* false for PIM. *) CaseEnumChecking, (* Should the compiler check for missing *) (* enumeration labels in a case statement? *) Quiet, (* -fquiet option specified. *) LineDirectives, (* Should compiler understand preprocessor *) (* # linenumber "filename" markers? *) StrictTypeChecking, (* -fm2-strict-type experimental checker. *) CPreProcessor, (* Must we run the cpp on the source? *) Xcode, (* Should errors follow Xcode format? *) ExtendedOpaque, (* Do we allow non pointer opaque types? *) DumpSystemExports, (* Print all inbuilt system items? *) GenerateSwig, (* Should we generate a swig interface file?*) Exceptions, (* Should we generate exception code? *) UnusedVariableChecking, (* Should we warn about unused variables? *) UnusedParameterChecking, (* Should we warn about unused parameters? *) UninitVariableChecking, (* Should we warn about accessing *) (* uninitialized variables in the first bb? *) UninitVariableConditionalChecking, (* Should we warn about accessing *) (* uninitialized variables in subsequent *) (* basic blocks? *) LowerCaseKeywords, (* Should keywords in errors be in lower? *) DebugBuiltins, (* Should we always call a real function? *) AutoInit, (* -fauto-init assigns pointers to NIL. *) SaveTemps, (* -save-temps save all temporary files. *) ScaffoldDynamic, (* Should we generate a dynamic scaffold? *) ScaffoldStatic, (* Should we generate a static scaffold? *) ScaffoldMain, (* Should we generate a main function? *) GenModuleList, (* Should the compiler generate a list of *) (* all modules used? *) SharedFlag, (* -fshared indicating this module needs *) (* the shared library version of the *) (* scaffold. *) ForcedLocation, GenerateStatementNote, Optimizing, Coding, Profiling : BOOLEAN ; (* SetM - set the MFlag. *) PROCEDURE SetM (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* GetM - set the MFlag. *) PROCEDURE GetM () : BOOLEAN ; (* SetMM - set the MMFlag. *) PROCEDURE SetMM (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* GetMM - set the MMFlag. *) PROCEDURE GetMM () : BOOLEAN ; (* SetMF - assigns MFarg to the filename from arg. *) PROCEDURE SetMF (arg: ADDRESS) ; (* GetMF - returns MFarg or NIL if never set. *) PROCEDURE GetMF () : ADDRESS ; (* SetM2Prefix - assign arg to M2Prefix. *) PROCEDURE SetM2Prefix (arg: ADDRESS) ; (* GetM2Prefix - return M2Prefix as a C string. *) PROCEDURE GetM2Prefix () : ADDRESS ; (* SetM2PathName - assign arg to M2PathName. *) PROCEDURE SetM2PathName (arg: ADDRESS) ; (* GetM2PathName - return M2PathName as a C string. *) PROCEDURE GetM2PathName () : ADDRESS ; (* SetPPOnly - set the PPonly to value (on E, M, MM). *) PROCEDURE SetPPOnly (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* GetPPOnly - get the PPonly (Preprocess only). *) PROCEDURE GetPPOnly () : BOOLEAN ; (* Setc - set the cflag (compile only flag -c) to value. *) PROCEDURE Setc (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* Getc - get the cflag (compile only flag -c). *) PROCEDURE Getc () : BOOLEAN ; (* SetB - assigns Barg to arg. *) PROCEDURE SetB (arg: ADDRESS) ; (* GetB - returns argument to the -B option as a string or NIL if it were never set. *) PROCEDURE GetB () : ADDRESS ; (* SetMD - set the MDFlag to value. *) PROCEDURE SetMD (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* GetMD - return the MDFlag. *) PROCEDURE GetMD () : BOOLEAN ; (* SetMMD - set the MMDFlag to value. *) PROCEDURE SetMMD (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* GetMMD - return the MMDFlag. *) PROCEDURE GetMMD () : BOOLEAN ; (* SetMQ - adds a quoted target arg to the DepTarget sentence. *) PROCEDURE SetMQ (arg: ADDRESS) ; (* GetMQ - returns a C string containing all the -MQ arg values. *) PROCEDURE GetMQ () : ADDRESS ; (* SetMT - adds a target arg to the DepTarget sentence. *) PROCEDURE SetMT (arg: ADDRESS) ; (* GetMT - returns a C string containing all the -MT arg values. *) PROCEDURE GetMT () : ADDRESS ; (* GetDepTarget - returns the DepTarget as a C string. *) PROCEDURE GetDepTarget () : ADDRESS ; (* SetMP - set the MPflag to value. *) PROCEDURE SetMP (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* GetMP - get the MPflag. *) PROCEDURE GetMP () : BOOLEAN ; (* SetObj - assigns given object file to arg. *) PROCEDURE SetObj (arg: ADDRESS) ; (* GetObj - returns the filename set for Object or NIL if it was never set. *) PROCEDURE GetObj () : ADDRESS ; (* SetCpp - enables the source to be preprocessed and enables the recognition of C preprocessor line directives. *) PROCEDURE SetCpp (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; (* GetCpp - returns TRUE if the C preprocessor was used. *) PROCEDURE GetCpp () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetLineDirectives - returns TRUE if line directives are allowed. *) PROCEDURE GetLineDirectives () : BOOLEAN ; (* SetScaffoldDynamic - set the -fscaffold-dynamic flag. *) PROCEDURE SetScaffoldDynamic (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetScaffoldStatic - set the -fscaffold-static flag. *) PROCEDURE SetScaffoldStatic (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* GetScaffoldDynamic - get the -fscaffold-dynamic flag. *) PROCEDURE GetScaffoldDynamic () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetScaffoldStatic - get the -fscaffold-static flag. *) PROCEDURE GetScaffoldStatic () : BOOLEAN ; (* SetScaffoldMain - set the -fscaffold-main flag. *) PROCEDURE SetScaffoldMain (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetRuntimeModuleOverride - set the override sequence used for module initialization and finialization. *) PROCEDURE SetRuntimeModuleOverride (override: ADDRESS) ; (* GetRuntimeModuleOverride - return a string containing any user override or the default module initialization override sequence. *) PROCEDURE GetRuntimeModuleOverride () : ADDRESS ; (* SetUselist - set the uselist flag to value and remember the filename. *) PROCEDURE SetUselist (value: BOOLEAN; filename: ADDRESS) ; (* GetUselist - return the uselist flag. *) PROCEDURE GetUselist () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetUselistFilename - return the uselist filename as a String. *) PROCEDURE GetUselistFilename () : String ; (* SetWholeProgram - sets the WholeProgram flag (-fwhole-program). *) PROCEDURE SetWholeProgram (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetAutoInit - set the auto initialization flag to value. If the value is true then all pointers are automatically initialized to NIL. TRUE is returned. *) PROCEDURE SetAutoInit (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; (* SetReturnCheck - set return statement checking in procedure functions to value. TRUE is returned. *) PROCEDURE SetReturnCheck (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; (* SetNilCheck - set access through NIL violation runtime checking to value. *) PROCEDURE SetNilCheck (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; (* SetCaseCheck - set else case checking to, value. *) PROCEDURE SetCaseCheck (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; (* SetCheckAll - set all runtime checking to, value. *) PROCEDURE SetCheckAll (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; (* SetVerboseUnbounded - sets the VerboseUnbounded flag to, value. *) PROCEDURE SetVerboseUnbounded (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; (* SetQuiet - sets the quiet flag to, value. *) PROCEDURE SetQuiet (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; (* SetCC1Quiet - sets the cc1quiet flag to, value. *) PROCEDURE SetCC1Quiet (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetM2g - set the -fm2-g flag. *) PROCEDURE SetM2g (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; (* GetM2g - returns TRUE if the -fm2-g flags was used. *) PROCEDURE GetM2g () : BOOLEAN ; (* SetLowerCaseKeywords - set the lower case keyword flag and return the result. *) PROCEDURE SetLowerCaseKeywords (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; (* SetMakeall - PROCEDURE SetMakeall (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; *) (* SetMakeall0 - PROCEDURE SetMakeall0 (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; *) (* SetIncludePath - PROCEDURE SetIncludePath (arg: ADDRESS) : BOOLEAN ; *) (* SetUnboundedByReference - *) PROCEDURE SetUnboundedByReference (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; (* SetSearchPath - *) PROCEDURE SetSearchPath (arg: ADDRESS) ; (* SetISO - *) PROCEDURE SetISO (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetPIM - *) PROCEDURE SetPIM (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetPIM2 - *) PROCEDURE SetPIM2 (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetPIM3 - *) PROCEDURE SetPIM3 (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetPIM4 - *) PROCEDURE SetPIM4 (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetPositiveModFloor - *) PROCEDURE SetPositiveModFloor (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetWholeDiv - sets the whole division flag. *) PROCEDURE SetWholeDiv (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetIndex - sets the runtime array index checking flag. *) PROCEDURE SetIndex (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetRange - sets the runtime range checking flag. *) PROCEDURE SetRange (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetExceptions - *) PROCEDURE SetExceptions (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetStyle - *) PROCEDURE SetStyle (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetPedantic - *) PROCEDURE SetPedantic (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetPedanticParamNames - *) PROCEDURE SetPedanticParamNames (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetPedanticCast - *) PROCEDURE SetPedanticCast (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetExtendedOpaque - *) PROCEDURE SetExtendedOpaque (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetXCode - *) PROCEDURE SetXCode (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetCompilerDebugging - turn on internal compiler debugging. *) PROCEDURE SetCompilerDebugging (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetQuadDebugging - display the quadruples (internal debugging). *) PROCEDURE SetQuadDebugging (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetM2DebugTraceFilter - set internal debug flags. The flags should be specified as a comma separated list. The full list allowed is quad,line,token,tree. *) PROCEDURE SetM2DebugTraceFilter (value: BOOLEAN; filter: ADDRESS) ; (* SetDebugFunctionLineNumbers - set DebugFunctionLineNumbers. *) PROCEDURE SetDebugFunctionLineNumbers (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetGenerateStatementNote - turn on generation of nops if necessary to generate pedalogical single stepping. *) PROCEDURE SetGenerateStatementNote (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetSources - *) PROCEDURE SetSources (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetDumpSystemExports - *) PROCEDURE SetDumpSystemExports (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetSwig - *) PROCEDURE SetSwig (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetOptimizing - *) PROCEDURE SetOptimizing (value: CARDINAL) ; (* OverrideLocation - possibly override the location value, depending upon whether the -flocation= option was used. *) PROCEDURE OverrideLocation (location: location_t) : location_t ; (* SetForcedLocation - sets the location for the lifetime of this compile to, location. This is primarily an internal debugging switch. *) PROCEDURE SetForcedLocation (location: location_t) ; (* SetUnusedVariableChecking - assigns the UnusedVariableChecking to value. *) PROCEDURE SetUnusedVariableChecking (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetUnusedParameterChecking - assigns the UnusedParameterChecking to value. *) PROCEDURE SetUnusedParameterChecking (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetStrictTypeChecking - assigns the StrictTypeChecking flag to value. *) PROCEDURE SetStrictTypeChecking (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* setdefextension - set the source file definition module extension to arg. This should include the . and by default it is set to .def. *) PROCEDURE setdefextension (arg: ADDRESS) ; (* setmodextension - set the source file module extension to arg. This should include the . and by default it is set to .mod. *) PROCEDURE setmodextension (arg: ADDRESS) ; (* SetStatistics - turn on/off generate of compile time statistics. *) PROCEDURE SetStatistics (on: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetVerbose - set the Verbose flag to, value. It returns TRUE. *) PROCEDURE SetVerbose (value: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; (* CppArg - sets the option and arg in the cpp command line. *) PROCEDURE CppArg (opt, arg: ADDRESS; joined: BOOLEAN) ; (* CppCommandLine - returns the Cpp command line and all arguments. *) PROCEDURE CppCommandLine () : String ; (* CppRemember - remember a string, s, as a cpp related argument. The string, s, is not garbage collected. *) PROCEDURE CppRemember (s: String) ; (* GetISO - return TRUE if -fiso was present on the command line. *) PROCEDURE GetISO () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetPIM - return TRUE if -fpim was present on the command line. *) PROCEDURE GetPIM () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetPIM2 - return TRUE if -fpim2 was present on the command line. *) PROCEDURE GetPIM2 () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetPIM3 - return TRUE if -fpim3 was present on the command line. *) PROCEDURE GetPIM3 () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetPIM4 - return TRUE if -fpim4 was present on the command line. *) PROCEDURE GetPIM4 () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetPositiveModFloor - return TRUE if -fpositive-mod-floor was present on the command line. *) PROCEDURE GetPositiveModFloor () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetFloatValueCheck - return TRUE if -ffloatvalue was present on the command line. *) PROCEDURE GetFloatValueCheck () : BOOLEAN ; (* SetFloatValueCheck - set depending upon the -ffloatvalue. *) PROCEDURE SetFloatValueCheck (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* GetWholeValueCheck - return TRUE if -fwholevalue was present on the command line. *) PROCEDURE GetWholeValueCheck () : BOOLEAN ; (* SetWholeValueCheck - set depending upon the -fwholevalue. *) PROCEDURE SetWholeValueCheck (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetWall - set all warnings to, value. *) PROCEDURE SetWall (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetSaveTemps - turn on/off -save-temps. *) PROCEDURE SetSaveTemps (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetSaveTempsDir - turn on/off -save-temps specifying the directory. *) PROCEDURE SetSaveTempsDir (arg: ADDRESS) ; (* GetSaveTempsDir - return SaveTempsDir or NIL if -save-temps was not used. *) PROCEDURE GetSaveTempsDir () : String ; (* SetDumpDir - Specify dump dir. *) PROCEDURE SetDumpDir (arg: ADDRESS) ; (* GetDumpDir - return DumpDir or NIL. *) PROCEDURE GetDumpDir () : String ; (* SetGenModuleList - set the GenModuleList flag to value and pass set GenModuleListFilename to filename. *) PROCEDURE SetGenModuleList (value: BOOLEAN; filename: ADDRESS) ; (* GetGenModuleFilename - returns the filename set by SetGenModuleList. *) PROCEDURE GetGenModuleFilename () : String ; (* SetShared - sets the SharedFlag to value. *) PROCEDURE SetShared (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetUninitVariableChecking - sets the UninitVariableChecking flag to value or UninitVariableConditionalChecking to value. Arg can be "known", "known,cond", "cond,known" or "all". *) PROCEDURE SetUninitVariableChecking (value: BOOLEAN; arg: ADDRESS) : INTEGER ; (* SetCaseEnumChecking - sets the CaseEnumChecking to value. *) PROCEDURE SetCaseEnumChecking (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetDebugBuiltins - sets the DebugBuiltins to value. *) PROCEDURE SetDebugBuiltins (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetIBMLongDouble - enable/disable LONGREAL to map onto the IBM long double 128 bit data type. (Only available on the ppc). *) PROCEDURE SetIBMLongDouble (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* GetIBMLongDouble - return the value of IBMLongDouble. *) PROCEDURE GetIBMLongDouble () : BOOLEAN ; (* SetIEEELongDouble - enable/disable LONGREAL to map onto the IEEE long double 128 bit data type. (Only available on the ppc). *) PROCEDURE SetIEEELongDouble (value: BOOLEAN) ; (* GetIEEELongDouble - return the value of IEEELongDouble. *) PROCEDURE GetIEEELongDouble () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetDumpDeclFilename - returns the DumpLangDeclFilename. *) PROCEDURE GetDumpDeclFilename () : String ; (* SetDumpDeclFilename - set DumpDeclFilename to filename. *) PROCEDURE SetDumpDeclFilename (value: BOOLEAN; filename: ADDRESS) ; (* GetDumpQuadFilename - returns the DumpQuadFilename. *) PROCEDURE GetDumpQuadFilename () : String ; (* SetDumpQuadFilename - set DumpQuadFilename to filename. *) PROCEDURE SetDumpQuadFilename (value: BOOLEAN; filename: ADDRESS) ; (* GetDumpGimpleFilename - returns the DumpGimpleFilename. *) PROCEDURE GetDumpGimpleFilename () : String ; (* SetDumpGimpleFilename - set DumpGimpleFilename to filename. *) PROCEDURE SetDumpGimpleFilename (value: BOOLEAN; filename: ADDRESS) ; (* SetM2DumpFilter - sets the filter to a comma separated list of procedures and modules. *) PROCEDURE SetM2DumpFilter (value: BOOLEAN; filter: ADDRESS) ; (* GetM2DumpFilter - returns the dump filter. *) PROCEDURE GetM2DumpFilter () : ADDRESS ; (* SetM2Dump - sets the dump via a comma separated list: quad,decl,gimple,all. *) PROCEDURE SetM2Dump (value: BOOLEAN; filter: ADDRESS) ; (* GetDumpGimple - return TRUE if the dump gimple flag is set from SetM2Dump. *) PROCEDURE GetDumpGimple () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetDumpQuad - return TRUE if the dump quad flag is set from SetM2Dump. *) PROCEDURE GetDumpQuad () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetDumpDecl - return TRUE if the dump quad flag is set from SetM2Dump. *) PROCEDURE GetDumpDecl () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetDebugTraceQuad - return DebugTraceQuad. *) PROCEDURE GetDebugTraceQuad () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetDebugTraceTree - return DebugTraceTree. *) PROCEDURE GetDebugTraceTree () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetDebugTraceToken - return DebugTraceToken. *) PROCEDURE GetDebugTraceToken () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetDebugTraceLine - return DebugTraceLine. *) PROCEDURE GetDebugTraceLine () : BOOLEAN ; (* GetDebugFunctionLineNumbers - return DebugFunctionLineNumbers. *) PROCEDURE GetDebugFunctionLineNumbers () : BOOLEAN ; (* FinaliseOptions - once all options have been parsed we set any inferred values. *) PROCEDURE FinaliseOptions ; END M2Options.