(* Library module defined by the International Standard Information technology - programming languages BS ISO/IEC 10514-1:1996E Part 1: Modula-2, Base Language. Copyright ISO/IEC (International Organization for Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission) 1996-2021. It may be freely copied for the purpose of implementation (see page 707 of the Information technology - Programming languages Part 1: Modula-2, Base Language. BS ISO/IEC 10514-1:1996). *) DEFINITION MODULE LongMath; (* Mathematical functions for the type LONGREAL *) CONST pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841972; exp1 = 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572; PROCEDURE __BUILTIN__ sqrt (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; (* Returns the positive square root of x *) PROCEDURE __BUILTIN__ exp (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; (* Returns the exponential of x *) PROCEDURE __BUILTIN__ ln (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; (* Returns the natural logarithm of x *) (* The angle in all trigonometric functions is measured in radians *) PROCEDURE __BUILTIN__ sin (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; (* Returns the sine of x *) PROCEDURE __BUILTIN__ cos (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; (* Returns the cosine of x *) PROCEDURE tan (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; (* Returns the tangent of x *) PROCEDURE arcsin (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; (* Returns the arcsine of x *) PROCEDURE arccos (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; (* Returns the arccosine of x *) PROCEDURE arctan (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; (* Returns the arctangent of x *) PROCEDURE power (base, exponent: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; (* Returns the value of the number base raised to the power exponent *) PROCEDURE round (x: LONGREAL): INTEGER; (* Returns the value of x rounded to the nearest integer *) PROCEDURE IsRMathException (): BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if the current coroutine is in the exceptional execution state because of the raising of an exception in a routine from this module; otherwise returns FALSE. *) END LongMath.