(* Library module defined by the International Standard Information technology - programming languages BS ISO/IEC 10514-1:1996E Part 1: Modula-2, Base Language. Copyright ISO/IEC (International Organization for Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission) 1996-2021. It may be freely copied for the purpose of implementation (see page 707 of the Information technology - Programming languages Part 1: Modula-2, Base Language. BS ISO/IEC 10514-1:1996). *) DEFINITION MODULE LowReal; (* Access to underlying properties of the type REAL *) CONST radix = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* ZType *) places = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* ZType *) expoMin = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* ZType *) expoMax = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* ZType *) large = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* RType *) small = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* RType *) IEC559 = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* BOOLEAN *) LIA1 = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* BOOLEAN *) ISO = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* BOOLEAN *) IEEE = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* BOOLEAN *) rounds = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* BOOLEAN *) gUnderflow = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* BOOLEAN *) exception = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* BOOLEAN *) extend = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* BOOLEAN *) nModes = __ATTRIBUTE__ __BUILTIN__ (( )) ; (* ZType *) TYPE Modes = PACKEDSET OF [0..nModes-1]; PROCEDURE exponent (x: REAL): INTEGER; (* Returns the exponent value of x *) PROCEDURE fraction (x: REAL): REAL; (* Returns the significand (or significant part) of x *) PROCEDURE sign (x: REAL): REAL; (* Returns the signum of x *) PROCEDURE succ (x: REAL): REAL; (* Returns the next value of the type REAL greater than x *) PROCEDURE ulp (x: REAL): REAL; (* Returns the value of a unit in the last place of x *) PROCEDURE pred (x: REAL): REAL; (* Returns the previous value of the type REAL less than x *) PROCEDURE intpart (x: REAL): REAL; (* Returns the integer part of x *) PROCEDURE fractpart (x: REAL): REAL; (* Returns the fractional part of x *) PROCEDURE scale (x: REAL; n: INTEGER): REAL; (* Returns the value of x * radix ** n *) PROCEDURE trunc (x: REAL; n: INTEGER): REAL; (* Returns the value of the first n places of x *) PROCEDURE round (x: REAL; n: INTEGER): REAL; (* Returns the value of x rounded to the first n places *) PROCEDURE synthesize (expart: INTEGER; frapart: REAL): REAL; (* Returns a value of the type REAL constructed from the given expart and frapart *) PROCEDURE setMode (m: Modes); (* Sets status flags appropriate to the underlying implementation of the type REAL *) PROCEDURE currentMode (): Modes; (* Returns the current status flags in the form set by setMode *) PROCEDURE IsLowException (): BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if the current coroutine is in the exceptional execution state because of the raising of an exception in a routine from this module; otherwise returns FALSE. *) END LowReal.