(* Library module defined by the International Standard Information technology - programming languages BS ISO/IEC 10514-1:1996E Part 1: Modula-2, Base Language. Copyright ISO/IEC (International Organization for Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission) 1996-2021. It may be freely copied for the purpose of implementation (see page 707 of the Information technology - Programming languages Part 1: Modula-2, Base Language. BS ISO/IEC 10514-1:1996). *) DEFINITION MODULE SWholeIO; (* Input and output of whole numbers in decimal text form over default channels. The read result is of the type IOConsts.ReadResults. *) (* The text form of a signed whole number is ["+" | "-"], decimal digit, {decimal digit} The text form of an unsigned whole number is decimal digit, {decimal digit} *) PROCEDURE ReadInt (VAR int: INTEGER); (* Skips leading spaces, and removes any remaining characters from the default input channel that form part of a signed whole number. The value of this number is assigned to int. The read result is set to the value allRight, outOfRange, wrongFormat, endOfLine, or endOfInput. *) PROCEDURE WriteInt (int: INTEGER; width: CARDINAL); (* Writes the value of int to the default output channel in text form, in a field of the given minimum width. *) PROCEDURE ReadCard (VAR card: CARDINAL); (* Skips leading spaces, and removes any remaining characters from the default input channel that form part of an unsigned whole number. The value of this number is assigned to card. The read result is set to the value allRight, outOfRange, wrongFormat, endOfLine, or endOfInput. *) PROCEDURE WriteCard (card: CARDINAL; width: CARDINAL); (* Writes the value of card to the default output channel in text form, in a field of the given minimum width. *) END SWholeIO.