-- -- mc-2.bnf grammar and associated actions for mcp2. -- -- Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- Contributed by Gaius Mulley . -- -- This file is part of GNU Modula-2. -- -- GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) -- any later version. -- -- GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see -- . % module mcp2 begin (* output from mc-2.bnf, automatically generated do not edit. Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING. If not, see . *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE mcp2 ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String, InitString, KillString, Mark, ConCat, ConCatChar ; FROM mcError IMPORT errorStringAt ; FROM nameKey IMPORT NulName, Name, makekey ; FROM mcPrintf IMPORT printf0, printf1 ; FROM mcDebug IMPORT assert ; FROM mcReserved IMPORT toktype ; FROM mcLexBuf IMPORT currentstring, currenttoken, getToken, insertToken, insertTokenAndRewind, getTokenNo ; FROM decl IMPORT node, lookupDef, lookupImp, lookupModule, getSymName, makeType, makeVar, makeConst, enterScope, leaveScope, addImportedModule, getCurrentModule, makeEnum, makeEnumField, putType, lookupSym, isDef, lookupInScope, setEnumsComplete ; CONST Pass1 = FALSE ; Debugging = FALSE ; VAR WasNoError: BOOLEAN ; curident : Name ; typeDes, typeExp, curproc, curmodule : node ; PROCEDURE ErrorString (s: String) ; BEGIN errorStringAt (s, getTokenNo ()) ; WasNoError := FALSE END ErrorString ; PROCEDURE ErrorArray (a: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; BEGIN ErrorString (InitString (a)) END ErrorArray ; (* checkEndName - if module does not have, name, then issue an error containing, desc. *) PROCEDURE checkEndName (module: node; name: Name; desc: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; VAR s: String ; BEGIN IF getSymName (module)#name THEN s := InitString ('inconsistent module name found with this ') ; s := ConCat (s, Mark (InitString (desc))) ; ErrorString (s) END END checkEndName ; % declaration mcp2 begin (* SyntaxError - after a syntax error we skip all tokens up until we reach a stop symbol. *) PROCEDURE SyntaxError (stopset0: SetOfStop0; stopset1: SetOfStop1; stopset2: SetOfStop2) ; BEGIN DescribeError ; IF Debugging THEN printf0('\nskipping token *** ') END ; (* yes the ORD(currenttoken) looks ugly, but it is *much* safer than using currenttoken=32) AND (ORD(currenttoken)<64) AND (currenttoken IN stopset1)) OR ((ORD(currenttoken)>=64) AND (currenttoken IN stopset2))) DO getToken END ; IF Debugging THEN printf0(' ***\n') END END SyntaxError ; (* SyntaxCheck - *) PROCEDURE SyntaxCheck (stopset0: SetOfStop0; stopset1: SetOfStop1; stopset2: SetOfStop2) ; BEGIN (* and again (see above re: ORD) *) IF NOT (((ORD(currenttoken)<32) AND (currenttoken IN stopset0)) OR ((ORD(currenttoken)>=32) AND (ORD(currenttoken)<64) AND (currenttoken IN stopset1)) OR ((ORD(currenttoken)>=64) AND (currenttoken IN stopset2))) THEN SyntaxError (stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) END END SyntaxCheck ; (* WarnMissingToken - generates a warning message about a missing token, t. *) PROCEDURE WarnMissingToken (t: toktype) ; VAR s0 : SetOfStop0 ; s1 : SetOfStop1 ; s2 : SetOfStop2 ; str: String ; BEGIN s0 := SetOfStop0{} ; s1 := SetOfStop1{} ; s2 := SetOfStop2{} ; IF ORD(t)<32 THEN s0 := SetOfStop0{t} ELSIF ORD(t)<64 THEN s1 := SetOfStop1{t} ELSE s2 := SetOfStop2{t} END ; str := DescribeStop (s0, s1, s2) ; str := ConCat (InitString ('syntax error,'), Mark (str)) ; errorStringAt (str, getTokenNo ()) END WarnMissingToken ; (* MissingToken - generates a warning message about a missing token, t. *) PROCEDURE MissingToken (t: toktype) ; BEGIN WarnMissingToken (t) ; IF (t#identtok) AND (t#integertok) AND (t#realtok) AND (t#stringtok) THEN IF Debugging THEN printf0 ('inserting token\n') END ; insertToken (t) END END MissingToken ; (* CheckAndInsert - *) PROCEDURE CheckAndInsert (t: toktype; stopset0: SetOfStop0; stopset1: SetOfStop1; stopset2: SetOfStop2) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF ((ORD(t)<32) AND (t IN stopset0)) OR ((ORD(t)>=32) AND (ORD(t)<64) AND (t IN stopset1)) OR ((ORD(t)>=64) AND (t IN stopset2)) THEN WarnMissingToken (t) ; insertTokenAndRewind (t) ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END CheckAndInsert ; (* InStopSet *) PROCEDURE InStopSet (t: toktype; stopset0: SetOfStop0; stopset1: SetOfStop1; stopset2: SetOfStop2) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF ((ORD(t)<32) AND (t IN stopset0)) OR ((ORD(t)>=32) AND (ORD(t)<64) AND (t IN stopset1)) OR ((ORD(t)>=64) AND (t IN stopset2)) THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END InStopSet ; (* PeepToken - peep token checks to see whether the stopset is satisfied by currenttoken If it is not then it will insert a token providing the token is one of ; ] ) } . OF END , if the stopset contains then we do not insert a token *) PROCEDURE PeepToken (stopset0: SetOfStop0; stopset1: SetOfStop1; stopset2: SetOfStop2) ; BEGIN (* and again (see above re: ORD) *) IF (NOT (((ORD(currenttoken)<32) AND (currenttoken IN stopset0)) OR ((ORD(currenttoken)>=32) AND (ORD(currenttoken)<64) AND (currenttoken IN stopset1)) OR ((ORD(currenttoken)>=64) AND (currenttoken IN stopset2)))) AND (NOT InStopSet(identtok, stopset0, stopset1, stopset2)) THEN (* SyntaxCheck would fail since currentoken is not part of the stopset we check to see whether any of currenttoken might be a commonly omitted token *) IF CheckAndInsert(semicolontok, stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) OR CheckAndInsert(rsbratok, stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) OR CheckAndInsert(rparatok, stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) OR CheckAndInsert(rcbratok, stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) OR CheckAndInsert(periodtok, stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) OR CheckAndInsert(oftok, stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) OR CheckAndInsert(endtok, stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) OR CheckAndInsert(commatok, stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) THEN END END END PeepToken ; (* Expect - *) PROCEDURE Expect (t: toktype; stopset0: SetOfStop0; stopset1: SetOfStop1; stopset2: SetOfStop2) ; BEGIN IF currenttoken=t THEN getToken ; IF Pass1 THEN PeepToken(stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) END ELSE MissingToken(t) END ; SyntaxCheck(stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) END Expect ; (* CompilationUnit - returns TRUE if the input was correct enough to parse in future passes. *) PROCEDURE CompilationUnit () : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN WasNoError := TRUE ; FileUnit(SetOfStop0{eoftok}, SetOfStop1{}, SetOfStop2{}) ; RETURN( WasNoError ) END CompilationUnit ; (* Ident - error checking varient of Ident *) PROCEDURE Ident (stopset0: SetOfStop0; stopset1: SetOfStop1; stopset2: SetOfStop2) ; BEGIN curident := makekey (currentstring) ; Expect(identtok, stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) END Ident ; (* string - *) PROCEDURE string (stopset0: SetOfStop0; stopset1: SetOfStop1; stopset2: SetOfStop2) ; BEGIN (* PushTF(makekey(currentstring), stringtok) ; BuildString *) Expect(stringtok, stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) END string ; (* Integer - *) PROCEDURE Integer (stopset0: SetOfStop0; stopset1: SetOfStop1; stopset2: SetOfStop2) ; BEGIN (* PushTF(makekey(currentstring), integertok) ; BuildNumber *) Expect(integertok, stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) END Integer ; (* Real - *) PROCEDURE Real (stopset0: SetOfStop0; stopset1: SetOfStop1; stopset2: SetOfStop2) ; BEGIN (* PushTF(makekey(currentstring), realtok) ; BuildNumber *) Expect(realtok, stopset0, stopset1, stopset2) END Real ; (* registerImport - looks up module, ident, and adds it to the current module import list. *) PROCEDURE registerImport (ident: Name; scoped: BOOLEAN) ; VAR n: node ; BEGIN n := lookupDef (ident) ; addImportedModule (getCurrentModule (), n, scoped) END registerImport ; % module mcp2 end END mcp2. % rules error 'ErrorArray' 'ErrorString' tokenfunc 'currenttoken' token '' eoftok -- internal token token '+' plustok token '-' minustok token '*' timestok token '/' dividetok token ':=' becomestok token '&' ambersandtok token "." periodtok token "," commatok token ";" semicolontok token '(' lparatok token ')' rparatok token '[' lsbratok -- left square brackets token ']' rsbratok -- right square brackets token '{' lcbratok -- left curly brackets token '}' rcbratok -- right curly brackets token '^' uparrowtok token "'" singlequotetok token '=' equaltok token '#' hashtok token '<' lesstok token '>' greatertok token '<>' lessgreatertok token '<=' lessequaltok token '>=' greaterequaltok token '<*' ldirectivetok token '*>' rdirectivetok token '..' periodperiodtok token ':' colontok token '"' doublequotestok token '|' bartok token 'AND' andtok token 'ARRAY' arraytok token 'BEGIN' begintok token 'BY' bytok token 'CASE' casetok token 'CONST' consttok token 'DEFINITION' definitiontok token 'DIV' divtok token 'DO' dotok token 'ELSE' elsetok token 'ELSIF' elsiftok token 'END' endtok token 'EXCEPT' excepttok token 'EXIT' exittok token 'EXPORT' exporttok token 'FINALLY' finallytok token 'FOR' fortok token 'FROM' fromtok token 'IF' iftok token 'IMPLEMENTATION' implementationtok token 'IMPORT' importtok token 'IN' intok token 'LOOP' looptok token 'MOD' modtok token 'MODULE' moduletok token 'NOT' nottok token 'OF' oftok token 'OR' ortok token 'PACKEDSET' packedsettok token 'POINTER' pointertok token 'PROCEDURE' proceduretok token 'QUALIFIED' qualifiedtok token 'UNQUALIFIED' unqualifiedtok token 'RECORD' recordtok token 'REM' remtok token 'REPEAT' repeattok token 'RETRY' retrytok token 'RETURN' returntok token 'SET' settok token 'THEN' thentok token 'TO' totok token 'TYPE' typetok token 'UNTIL' untiltok token 'VAR' vartok token 'WHILE' whiletok token 'WITH' withtok token 'ASM' asmtok token 'VOLATILE' volatiletok token '...' periodperiodperiodtok token '__DATE__' datetok token '__LINE__' linetok token '__FILE__' filetok token '__ATTRIBUTE__' attributetok token '__BUILTIN__' builtintok token '__INLINE__' inlinetok token 'integer number' integertok token 'identifier' identtok token 'real number' realtok token 'string' stringtok special Ident first { < identtok > } follow { } special Integer first { < integertok > } follow { } special Real first { < realtok > } follow { } special string first { < stringtok > } follow { } BNF -- the following are provided by the module m2flex and also handbuild procedures below -- Ident := Letter { ( Letter | Digit ) } =: -- Integer := Digit { Digit } | OctalDigit { OctalDigit } ( " B " | " C " ) | -- Digit { HexDigit } " H " =: -- Real := Digit { Digit } " . " { Digit } [ ScaleFactor ] =: -- ScaleFactor := " E " [ ( " + " | " - " ) ] Digit { Digit } =: -- HexDigit := Digit | " A " | " B " | " C " | " D " | " E " | " F " =: -- Digit := OctalDigit | " 8 " | " 9 " =: -- OctalDigit := "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" =: -- String FileUnit := DefinitionModule | ImplementationOrProgramModule =: ProgramModule := "MODULE" Ident % curmodule := lookupModule (curident) % % enterScope (curmodule) % [ Priority ] ";" { Import } Block Ident % checkEndName (curmodule, curident, 'program module') % % leaveScope % % setEnumsComplete (curmodule) % "." =: ImplementationModule := "IMPLEMENTATION" "MODULE" Ident % curmodule := lookupImp (curident) % % enterScope (lookupDef (curident)) % % enterScope (curmodule) % [ Priority ] ";" { Import } Block Ident % checkEndName (curmodule, curident, 'implementation module') % % leaveScope ; leaveScope % % setEnumsComplete (curmodule) % "." =: ImplementationOrProgramModule := ImplementationModule | ProgramModule =: Number := Integer | Real =: -- -- Qualident needs some care as we must only parse module.module.ident -- and not ident.recordfield. We leave the ident.recordfield to be parsed by -- SubDesignator. Note that Qualident is called by SubDesignator so if -- IsAutoPushOff then we just consume tokens. -- Qualident := Ident { "." Ident } =: ConstantDeclaration := Ident "=" ConstExpression =: ConstExpression := SimpleConstExpr [ Relation SimpleConstExpr ] =: Relation := "=" | "#" | "<>" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "IN" =: SimpleConstExpr := UnaryOrConstTerm { AddOperator ConstTerm } =: UnaryOrConstTerm := "+" ConstTerm | "-" ConstTerm | ConstTerm =: AddOperator := "+" | "-" | "OR" =: ConstTerm := ConstFactor { MulOperator ConstFactor } =: MulOperator := "*" | "/" | "DIV" | "MOD" | "REM" | "AND" | "&" =: ConstFactor := Number | ConstString | ConstSetOrQualidentOrFunction | "(" ConstExpression ")" | "NOT" ConstFactor | ConstAttribute =: -- to help satisfy LL1 ConstString := string =: ComponentElement := ConstExpression [ ".." ConstExpression ] =: ComponentValue := ComponentElement [ 'BY' ConstExpression ] =: ArraySetRecordValue := ComponentValue { ',' ComponentValue } =: Constructor := '{' [ ArraySetRecordValue ] '}' =: ConstSetOrQualidentOrFunction := Qualident [ Constructor | ConstActualParameters ] | Constructor =: ConstActualParameters := ActualParameters =: ConstAttribute := "__ATTRIBUTE__" "__BUILTIN__" "(" "(" ConstAttributeExpression ")" ")" =: ConstAttributeExpression := Ident | "<" Qualident ',' Ident ">" =: ByteAlignment := '<*' AttributeExpression '*>' =: OptAlignmentExpression := [ AlignmentExpression ] =: AlignmentExpression := "(" ConstExpression ")" =: Alignment := [ ByteAlignment ] =: TypeDeclaration := Ident % typeDes := lookupSym (curident) % "=" Type Alignment =: Type := ( DefSimpleType | ArrayType | RecordType | SetType | PointerType | ProcedureType ) =: SimpleType := Qualident [ SubrangeType ] | Enumeration | SubrangeType =: EnumIdentList := % VAR n, f: node ; % % n := makeEnum () % Ident % f := makeEnumField (n, curident) % { "," Ident % f := makeEnumField (n, curident) % } =: Enumeration := "(" ( EnumIdentList ) ")" =: IdentList := Ident { "," Ident } =: SubrangeType := "[" ConstExpression ".." ConstExpression "]" =: ArrayType := "ARRAY" SimpleType { "," SimpleType } "OF" Type =: RecordType := "RECORD" [ DefaultRecordAttributes ] FieldListSequence "END" =: DefaultRecordAttributes := '<*' AttributeExpression '*>' =: RecordFieldPragma := [ '<*' FieldPragmaExpression { ',' FieldPragmaExpression } '*>' ] =: FieldPragmaExpression := Ident PragmaConstExpression =: PragmaConstExpression := [ '(' ConstExpression ')' ] =: AttributeExpression := Ident '(' ConstExpression ')' =: FieldListSequence := FieldListStatement { ";" FieldListStatement } =: -- at present FieldListStatement is as follows: FieldListStatement := [ FieldList ] =: -- later replace it with FieldList to comply with PIM2 -- sadly the PIM rules are not LL1 as Ident and Qualident have the same first -- symbols. We rewrite FieldList to inline qualident -- was -- FieldList := IdentList ":" -- Type | -- "CASE" [ Ident ":" ] Qualident "OF" Varient { "|" Varient } -- [ "ELSE" FieldListSequence ] "END" =: FieldList := IdentList ":" Type RecordFieldPragma | "CASE" CaseTag "OF" Varient { "|" Varient } [ "ELSE" FieldListSequence ] "END" =: TagIdent := [ Ident ] =: CaseTag := TagIdent [":" Qualident ] =: Varient := [ VarientCaseLabelList ":" FieldListSequence ] =: VarientCaseLabelList := VarientCaseLabels { "," VarientCaseLabels } =: VarientCaseLabels := ConstExpression [ ".." ConstExpression ] =: -- -- the following rules are a copy of the ConstExpression ebnf rules but without -- any actions all prefixed with Silent. -- At present they are only used by CaseLabels, if this continues to be true we -- might consider restricting the SilentConstExpression. Eg it makes no sence to allow -- String in these circumstances! -- SilentConstExpression := SilentSimpleConstExpr [ SilentRelation SilentSimpleConstExpr ] =: SilentRelation := "=" | "#" | "<>" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "IN" =: SilentSimpleConstExpr := SilentUnaryOrConstTerm { SilentAddOperator SilentConstTerm } =: SilentUnaryOrConstTerm := "+" SilentConstTerm | "-" SilentConstTerm | SilentConstTerm =: SilentAddOperator := "+" | "-" | "OR" =: SilentConstTerm := SilentConstFactor { SilentMulOperator SilentConstFactor } =: SilentMulOperator := "*" | "/" | "DIV" | "MOD" | "REM" | "AND" | "&" =: SilentConstFactor := Number | SilentConstString | SilentConstSetOrQualidentOrFunction | "(" SilentConstExpression ")" | "NOT" SilentConstFactor | SilentConstAttribute =: SilentConstString := string =: SilentConstAttribute := "__ATTRIBUTE__" "__BUILTIN__" "(" "(" SilentConstAttributeExpression ")" ")" =: SilentConstAttributeExpression := Ident | "<" Ident ',' SilentConstString ">" =: SilentComponentElement := SilentConstExpression [ ".." SilentConstExpression ] =: SilentComponentValue := SilentComponentElement [ 'BY' SilentConstExpression ] =: SilentArraySetRecordValue := SilentComponentValue { ',' SilentComponentValue } =: SilentConstructor := '{' [ SilentArraySetRecordValue ] '}' =: SilentConstSetOrQualidentOrFunction := SilentConstructor | Qualident [ SilentConstructor | SilentActualParameters ] =: SilentElement := SilentConstExpression [ ".." SilentConstExpression ] =: SilentActualParameters := "(" [ SilentExpList ] ")" =: SilentExpList := SilentConstExpression { "," SilentConstExpression } =: -- end of the Silent constant rules SetType := ( "SET" | "PACKEDSET" ) "OF" SimpleType =: PointerType := "POINTER" "TO" Type =: ProcedureType := "PROCEDURE" [ FormalTypeList ] =: FormalTypeList := "(" ( ")" FormalReturn | ProcedureParameters ")" FormalReturn ) =: FormalReturn := [ ":" OptReturnType ] =: OptReturnType := "[" Qualident "]" | Qualident =: ProcedureParameters := ProcedureParameter { "," ProcedureParameter } =: ProcedureParameter := "..." | "VAR" FormalType | FormalType =: VarIdent := Ident [ "[" ConstExpression "]" ] =: VarIdentList := VarIdent { "," VarIdent } =: VariableDeclaration := VarIdentList ":" Type Alignment =: DefVarIdent := Ident [ "[" ConstExpression "]" ] =: DefVarIdentList := DefVarIdent { "," DefVarIdent } =: DefVariableDeclaration := % typeDes := NIL % DefVarIdentList ":" Type Alignment =: Designator := Qualident { SubDesignator } =: SubDesignator := "." Ident | "[" ArrayExpList "]" | "^" =: ArrayExpList := Expression { "," Expression } =: ExpList := Expression { "," Expression } =: Expression := SimpleExpression [ Relation SimpleExpression ] =: SimpleExpression := UnaryOrTerm { AddOperator Term } =: UnaryOrTerm := "+" Term | "-" Term | Term =: Term := Factor { MulOperator Factor } =: Factor := Number | string | SetOrDesignatorOrFunction | "(" Expression ")" | "NOT" ( Factor | ConstAttribute ) =: SetOrDesignatorOrFunction := Qualident [ Constructor | SimpleDes [ ActualParameters ] ] | Constructor =: -- SimpleDes := { "." Ident | "[" ExpList "]" | "^" } =: SimpleDes := { SubDesignator } =: ActualParameters := "(" [ ExpList ] ")" =: ExitStatement := "EXIT" =: ReturnStatement := "RETURN" [ Expression ] =: Statement := [ AssignmentOrProcedureCall | IfStatement | CaseStatement | WhileStatement | RepeatStatement | LoopStatement | ForStatement | WithStatement | AsmStatement | ExitStatement | ReturnStatement | RetryStatement ] =: RetryStatement := "RETRY" =: AssignmentOrProcedureCall := Designator ( ":=" Expression | ActualParameters | % (* epsilon *) % ) =: -- these two break LL1 as both start with a Designator -- ProcedureCall := Designator [ ActualParameters ] =: -- Assignment := Designator ":=" Expression =: StatementSequence := Statement { ";" Statement } =: IfStatement := "IF" Expression "THEN" StatementSequence { "ELSIF" Expression "THEN" StatementSequence } [ "ELSE" StatementSequence ] "END" =: CaseStatement := "CASE" Expression "OF" Case { "|" Case } CaseEndStatement =: CaseEndStatement := "END" | "ELSE" StatementSequence "END" =: Case := [ CaseLabelList ":" StatementSequence ] =: CaseLabelList := CaseLabels { "," CaseLabels } =: CaseLabels := ConstExpression [ ".." ConstExpression ] =: WhileStatement := "WHILE" Expression "DO" StatementSequence "END" =: RepeatStatement := "REPEAT" StatementSequence "UNTIL" Expression =: ForStatement := "FOR" Ident ":=" Expression "TO" Expression [ "BY" ConstExpression ] "DO" StatementSequence "END" =: LoopStatement := "LOOP" StatementSequence "END" =: WithStatement := "WITH" Designator "DO" StatementSequence "END" =: ProcedureDeclaration := ProcedureHeading ";" ProcedureBlock Ident =: ProcedureIdent := Ident % curproc := lookupSym (curident) % =: DefineBuiltinProcedure := [ "__ATTRIBUTE__" "__BUILTIN__" "(" "(" Ident ")" ")" | "__INLINE__" ] =: ProcedureHeading := "PROCEDURE" DefineBuiltinProcedure ( ProcedureIdent % enterScope (curproc) % [ FormalParameters ] AttributeNoReturn ) =: Builtin := [ "__BUILTIN__" | "__INLINE__" ] =: DefProcedureHeading := "PROCEDURE" Builtin ( ProcedureIdent [ DefFormalParameters ] AttributeNoReturn ) =: -- introduced procedure block so we can produce more informative -- error messages ProcedureBlock := { Declaration } [ "BEGIN" ProcedureBlockBody ] "END" % leaveScope % =: Block := { Declaration } InitialBlock FinalBlock "END" =: InitialBlock := [ "BEGIN" InitialBlockBody ] =: FinalBlock := [ "FINALLY" FinalBlockBody ] =: InitialBlockBody := NormalPart [ "EXCEPT" ExceptionalPart ] =: FinalBlockBody := NormalPart [ "EXCEPT" ExceptionalPart ] =: ProcedureBlockBody := NormalPart [ "EXCEPT" ExceptionalPart ] =: NormalPart := StatementSequence =: ExceptionalPart := StatementSequence =: Declaration := "CONST" { ConstantDeclaration ";" } | "TYPE" { TypeDeclaration ";" } | "VAR" { VariableDeclaration ";" } | ProcedureDeclaration ";" | ModuleDeclaration ";" =: DefFormalParameters := "(" [ DefMultiFPSection ] ")" FormalReturn =: DefMultiFPSection := DefExtendedFP | FPSection [ ";" DefMultiFPSection ] =: FormalParameters := "(" [ MultiFPSection ] ")" FormalReturn =: AttributeNoReturn := [ "<*" Ident "*>" ] =: AttributeUnused := [ "<*" Ident "*>" ] =: MultiFPSection := ExtendedFP | FPSection [ ";" MultiFPSection ] =: FPSection := NonVarFPSection | VarFPSection =: DefExtendedFP := DefOptArg | "..." =: ExtendedFP := OptArg | "..." =: VarFPSection := "VAR" IdentList ":" FormalType [ AttributeUnused ] =: NonVarFPSection := IdentList ":" FormalType [ AttributeUnused ] =: OptArg := "[" Ident ":" FormalType [ "=" ConstExpression ] "]" =: DefOptArg := "[" Ident ":" FormalType "=" ConstExpression "]" =: FormalType := { "ARRAY" "OF" } Qualident =: ModuleDeclaration := "MODULE" Ident [ Priority ] ";" { Import } [ Export ] Block Ident =: Priority := "[" ConstExpression "]" =: Export := "EXPORT" ( "QUALIFIED" IdentList | "UNQUALIFIED" IdentList | IdentList ) ";" =: FromImport := "FROM" Ident "IMPORT" IdentList ";" =: ImportModuleList := Ident { "," Ident } =: WithoutFromImport := "IMPORT" ImportModuleList ";" =: Import := FromImport | WithoutFromImport =: DefinitionModule := "DEFINITION" "MODULE" [ "FOR" string ] Ident ";" % curmodule := lookupDef (curident) % % enterScope (curmodule) % { Import } [ Export ] { Definition } "END" Ident "." % checkEndName (curmodule, curident, 'definition module') % % leaveScope % % setEnumsComplete (curmodule) % =: DefQualident := Ident % typeExp := lookupSym (curident) % [ "." % IF NOT isDef (typeExp) THEN ErrorArray ('the first component of this qualident must be a definition module') END % Ident % typeExp := lookupInScope (typeExp, curident) ; IF typeExp=NIL THEN ErrorArray ('identifier not found in definition module') END % ] =: DefOptSubrange := [ SubrangeType | % putType (typeDes, typeExp) % ] =: DefTypeEquiv := DefQualident DefOptSubrange =: DefEnumIdentList := % VAR n, f: node ; % % n := makeEnum () % Ident % f := makeEnumField (n, curident) % { "," Ident % f := makeEnumField (n, curident) % } % IF typeDes # NIL THEN putType (typeDes, n) END % =: DefEnumeration := "(" DefEnumIdentList ")" =: DefSimpleType := DefTypeEquiv | DefEnumeration | SubrangeType =: DefType := DefSimpleType | ArrayType | RecordType | SetType | PointerType | ProcedureType =: DefTypeDeclaration := { Ident % typeDes := lookupSym (curident) % ( ";" | "=" DefType Alignment ";" ) } =: DefConstantDeclaration := Ident "=" ConstExpression =: Definition := "CONST" { DefConstantDeclaration ";" } | "TYPE" { DefTypeDeclaration } | "VAR" { DefVariableDeclaration ";" } | DefProcedureHeading ";" =: AsmStatement := 'ASM' [ 'VOLATILE' ] '(' AsmOperands ')' =: AsmOperands := string [ AsmOperandSpec ] =: AsmOperandSpec := [ ':' AsmList [ ':' AsmList [ ':' TrashList ] ] ] =: AsmList := [ AsmElement ] { ',' AsmElement } =: NamedOperand := '[' Ident ']' =: AsmOperandName := [ NamedOperand ] =: AsmElement := AsmOperandName string '(' Expression ')' =: TrashList := [ string ] { ',' string } =: FNB