// Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of GCC.
// GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
// .
#include "rust-ast.h"
namespace Rust {
namespace AST {
// Literal pattern AST node (comparing to a literal)
class LiteralPattern : public Pattern
Literal lit;
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
std::string as_string () const override;
// Constructor for a literal pattern
LiteralPattern (Literal lit, location_t locus)
: lit (std::move (lit)), locus (locus),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ())
LiteralPattern (std::string val, Literal::LitType type, location_t locus,
PrimitiveCoreType type_hint)
: lit (Literal (std::move (val), type, type_hint)), locus (locus),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ())
location_t get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
NodeId get_node_id () const override { return node_id; }
Literal &get_literal () { return lit; }
const Literal &get_literal () const { return lit; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
virtual LiteralPattern *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new LiteralPattern (*this);
// Identifier pattern AST node (bind value matched to a variable)
class IdentifierPattern : public Pattern
Identifier variable_ident;
bool is_ref;
bool is_mut;
// bool has_pattern;
std::unique_ptr to_bind;
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
std::string as_string () const override;
// Returns whether the IdentifierPattern has a pattern to bind.
bool has_pattern_to_bind () const { return to_bind != nullptr; }
// Constructor
IdentifierPattern (Identifier ident, location_t locus, bool is_ref = false,
bool is_mut = false,
std::unique_ptr to_bind = nullptr)
: Pattern (), variable_ident (std::move (ident)), is_ref (is_ref),
is_mut (is_mut), to_bind (std::move (to_bind)), locus (locus),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ())
IdentifierPattern (NodeId node_id, Identifier ident, location_t locus,
bool is_ref = false, bool is_mut = false,
std::unique_ptr to_bind = nullptr)
: Pattern (), variable_ident (std::move (ident)), is_ref (is_ref),
is_mut (is_mut), to_bind (std::move (to_bind)), locus (locus),
node_id (node_id)
// Copy constructor with clone
IdentifierPattern (IdentifierPattern const &other)
: variable_ident (other.variable_ident), is_ref (other.is_ref),
is_mut (other.is_mut), locus (other.locus), node_id (other.node_id)
// fix to get prevent null pointer dereference
if (other.to_bind != nullptr)
to_bind = other.to_bind->clone_pattern ();
// Overload assignment operator to use clone
IdentifierPattern &operator= (IdentifierPattern const &other)
variable_ident = other.variable_ident;
is_ref = other.is_ref;
is_mut = other.is_mut;
locus = other.locus;
node_id = other.node_id;
// fix to prevent null pointer dereference
if (other.to_bind != nullptr)
to_bind = other.to_bind->clone_pattern ();
to_bind = nullptr;
return *this;
// default move semantics
IdentifierPattern (IdentifierPattern &&other) = default;
IdentifierPattern &operator= (IdentifierPattern &&other) = default;
location_t get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: is this better? Or is a "vis_pattern" better?
std::unique_ptr &get_pattern_to_bind ()
rust_assert (has_pattern_to_bind ());
return to_bind;
Identifier get_ident () const { return variable_ident; }
bool get_is_mut () const { return is_mut; }
bool get_is_ref () const { return is_ref; }
NodeId get_node_id () const override { return node_id; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
IdentifierPattern *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new IdentifierPattern (*this);
// AST node for using the '_' wildcard "match any value" pattern
class WildcardPattern : public Pattern
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
std::string as_string () const override { return std::string (1, '_'); }
WildcardPattern (location_t locus)
: locus (locus), node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ())
location_t get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
NodeId get_node_id () const override { return node_id; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
WildcardPattern *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new WildcardPattern (*this);
class RestPattern : public Pattern
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
std::string as_string () const override { return ".."; }
RestPattern (location_t locus)
: locus (locus), node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ())
location_t get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
NodeId get_node_id () const override final { return node_id; }
RestPattern *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new RestPattern (*this);
// Base range pattern bound (lower or upper limit) - abstract
class RangePatternBound
enum RangePatternBoundType
virtual ~RangePatternBound () {}
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_range_pattern_bound () const
return std::unique_ptr (
clone_range_pattern_bound_impl ());
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
virtual void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) = 0;
virtual RangePatternBoundType get_bound_type () const = 0;
// pure virtual as RangePatternBound is abstract
virtual RangePatternBound *clone_range_pattern_bound_impl () const = 0;
// Literal-based pattern bound
class RangePatternBoundLiteral : public RangePatternBound
Literal literal;
/* Can only be a char, byte, int, or float literal - same impl here as
* previously */
// Minus prefixed to literal (if integer or floating-point)
bool has_minus;
location_t locus;
// Constructor
RangePatternBoundLiteral (Literal literal, location_t locus,
bool has_minus = false)
: literal (literal), has_minus (has_minus), locus (locus)
std::string as_string () const override;
Literal get_literal () const { return literal; }
bool get_has_minus () const { return has_minus; }
location_t get_locus () const { return locus; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
RangePatternBoundType get_bound_type () const override
return RangePatternBoundType::LITERAL;
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
RangePatternBoundLiteral *clone_range_pattern_bound_impl () const override
return new RangePatternBoundLiteral (*this);
// Path-based pattern bound
class RangePatternBoundPath : public RangePatternBound
PathInExpression path;
/* TODO: should this be refactored so that PathInExpression is a subclass of
* RangePatternBound? */
RangePatternBoundPath (PathInExpression path) : path (std::move (path)) {}
std::string as_string () const override { return path.as_string (); }
location_t get_locus () const { return path.get_locus (); }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: this mutable getter seems kinda dodgy
PathInExpression &get_path () { return path; }
const PathInExpression &get_path () const { return path; }
RangePatternBoundType get_bound_type () const override
return RangePatternBoundType::PATH;
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
RangePatternBoundPath *clone_range_pattern_bound_impl () const override
return new RangePatternBoundPath (*this);
// Qualified path-based pattern bound
class RangePatternBoundQualPath : public RangePatternBound
QualifiedPathInExpression path;
/* TODO: should this be refactored so that QualifiedPathInExpression is a
* subclass of RangePatternBound? */
RangePatternBoundQualPath (QualifiedPathInExpression path)
: path (std::move (path))
std::string as_string () const override { return path.as_string (); }
location_t get_locus () const { return path.get_locus (); }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: this mutable getter seems kinda dodgy
QualifiedPathInExpression &get_qualified_path () { return path; }
const QualifiedPathInExpression &get_qualified_path () const { return path; }
RangePatternBoundType get_bound_type () const override
return RangePatternBoundType::QUALPATH;
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
RangePatternBoundQualPath *clone_range_pattern_bound_impl () const override
return new RangePatternBoundQualPath (*this);
// AST node for matching within a certain range (range pattern)
class RangePattern : public Pattern
std::unique_ptr lower;
std::unique_ptr upper;
bool has_ellipsis_syntax;
/* location only stored to avoid a dereference - lower pattern should give
* correct location so maybe change in future */
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
std::string as_string () const override;
// Constructor
RangePattern (std::unique_ptr lower,
std::unique_ptr upper, location_t locus,
bool has_ellipsis_syntax = false)
: lower (std::move (lower)), upper (std::move (upper)),
has_ellipsis_syntax (has_ellipsis_syntax), locus (locus),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ())
// Copy constructor with clone
RangePattern (RangePattern const &other)
: lower (other.lower->clone_range_pattern_bound ()),
upper (other.upper->clone_range_pattern_bound ()),
has_ellipsis_syntax (other.has_ellipsis_syntax), locus (other.locus),
node_id (other.node_id)
// Overloaded assignment operator to clone
RangePattern &operator= (RangePattern const &other)
lower = other.lower->clone_range_pattern_bound ();
upper = other.upper->clone_range_pattern_bound ();
has_ellipsis_syntax = other.has_ellipsis_syntax;
locus = other.locus;
node_id = other.node_id;
return *this;
// default move semantics
RangePattern (RangePattern &&other) = default;
RangePattern &operator= (RangePattern &&other) = default;
location_t get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
bool get_has_ellipsis_syntax () { return has_ellipsis_syntax; }
bool get_has_lower_bound () { return lower != nullptr; }
bool get_has_upper_bound () { return upper != nullptr; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: is this better? or is a "vis_bound" better?
std::unique_ptr &get_lower_bound ()
rust_assert (lower != nullptr);
return lower;
std::unique_ptr &get_upper_bound ()
rust_assert (upper != nullptr);
return upper;
NodeId get_node_id () const override { return node_id; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
RangePattern *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new RangePattern (*this);
// AST node for pattern based on dereferencing the pointers given
class ReferencePattern : public Pattern
bool has_two_amps;
bool is_mut;
std::unique_ptr pattern;
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
std::string as_string () const override;
ReferencePattern (std::unique_ptr pattern, bool is_mut_reference,
bool ref_has_two_amps, location_t locus)
: has_two_amps (ref_has_two_amps), is_mut (is_mut_reference),
pattern (std::move (pattern)), locus (locus),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ())
// Copy constructor requires clone
ReferencePattern (ReferencePattern const &other)
: has_two_amps (other.has_two_amps), is_mut (other.is_mut),
pattern (other.pattern->clone_pattern ()), locus (other.locus),
node_id (other.node_id)
// Overload assignment operator to clone
ReferencePattern &operator= (ReferencePattern const &other)
pattern = other.pattern->clone_pattern ();
is_mut = other.is_mut;
has_two_amps = other.has_two_amps;
locus = other.locus;
node_id = other.node_id;
return *this;
// default move semantics
ReferencePattern (ReferencePattern &&other) = default;
ReferencePattern &operator= (ReferencePattern &&other) = default;
location_t get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: is this better? Or is a "vis_pattern" better?
std::unique_ptr &get_referenced_pattern ()
rust_assert (pattern != nullptr);
return pattern;
bool is_double_reference () const { return has_two_amps; }
bool get_is_mut () const { return is_mut; }
NodeId get_node_id () const override { return node_id; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
ReferencePattern *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new ReferencePattern (*this);
#if 0
// aka StructPatternEtCetera; potential element in struct pattern
struct StructPatternEtc
std::vector outer_attrs;
// should this store location data?
StructPatternEtc (std::vector outer_attribs)
: outer_attrs (std::move (outer_attribs))
// Creates an empty StructPatternEtc
static StructPatternEtc create_empty ()
return StructPatternEtc (std::vector ());
// Base class for a single field in a struct pattern - abstract
class StructPatternField
std::vector outer_attrs;
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
enum ItemType
virtual ~StructPatternField () {}
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_struct_pattern_field () const
return std::unique_ptr (
clone_struct_pattern_field_impl ());
virtual std::string as_string () const;
location_t get_locus () const { return locus; }
virtual void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) = 0;
virtual void mark_for_strip () = 0;
virtual bool is_marked_for_strip () const = 0;
virtual ItemType get_item_type () const = 0;
NodeId get_node_id () const { return node_id; }
// TODO: seems kinda dodgy. Think of better way.
std::vector &get_outer_attrs () { return outer_attrs; }
const std::vector &get_outer_attrs () const { return outer_attrs; }
StructPatternField (std::vector outer_attribs, location_t locus,
NodeId node_id)
: outer_attrs (std::move (outer_attribs)), locus (locus), node_id (node_id)
// Clone function implementation as pure virtual method
virtual StructPatternField *clone_struct_pattern_field_impl () const = 0;
// Tuple pattern single field in a struct pattern
class StructPatternFieldTuplePat : public StructPatternField
TupleIndex index;
std::unique_ptr tuple_pattern;
StructPatternFieldTuplePat (TupleIndex index,
std::unique_ptr tuple_pattern,
std::vector outer_attribs,
location_t locus)
: StructPatternField (std::move (outer_attribs), locus,
Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ()),
index (index), tuple_pattern (std::move (tuple_pattern))
// Copy constructor requires clone
StructPatternFieldTuplePat (StructPatternFieldTuplePat const &other)
: StructPatternField (other), index (other.index)
// guard to prevent null dereference (only required if error state)
node_id = other.get_node_id ();
if (other.tuple_pattern != nullptr)
tuple_pattern = other.tuple_pattern->clone_pattern ();
// Overload assignment operator to perform clone
StructPatternFieldTuplePat &
operator= (StructPatternFieldTuplePat const &other)
StructPatternField::operator= (other);
index = other.index;
// outer_attrs = other.outer_attrs;
node_id = other.get_node_id ();
// guard to prevent null dereference (only required if error state)
if (other.tuple_pattern != nullptr)
tuple_pattern = other.tuple_pattern->clone_pattern ();
tuple_pattern = nullptr;
return *this;
// default move semantics
StructPatternFieldTuplePat (StructPatternFieldTuplePat &&other) = default;
StructPatternFieldTuplePat &operator= (StructPatternFieldTuplePat &&other)
= default;
std::string as_string () const override;
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// based on idea of tuple pattern no longer existing
void mark_for_strip () override { tuple_pattern = nullptr; }
bool is_marked_for_strip () const override
return tuple_pattern == nullptr;
TupleIndex get_index () { return index; }
// TODO: is this better? Or is a "vis_pattern" better?
std::unique_ptr &get_index_pattern ()
rust_assert (tuple_pattern != nullptr);
return tuple_pattern;
ItemType get_item_type () const override final { return ItemType::TUPLE_PAT; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
StructPatternFieldTuplePat *clone_struct_pattern_field_impl () const override
return new StructPatternFieldTuplePat (*this);
// Identifier pattern single field in a struct pattern
class StructPatternFieldIdentPat : public StructPatternField
Identifier ident;
std::unique_ptr ident_pattern;
StructPatternFieldIdentPat (Identifier ident,
std::unique_ptr ident_pattern,
std::vector outer_attrs,
location_t locus)
: StructPatternField (std::move (outer_attrs), locus,
Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ()),
ident (std::move (ident)), ident_pattern (std::move (ident_pattern))
// Copy constructor requires clone
StructPatternFieldIdentPat (StructPatternFieldIdentPat const &other)
: StructPatternField (other), ident (other.ident)
// guard to prevent null dereference (only required if error state)
node_id = other.get_node_id ();
if (other.ident_pattern != nullptr)
ident_pattern = other.ident_pattern->clone_pattern ();
// Overload assignment operator to clone
StructPatternFieldIdentPat &
operator= (StructPatternFieldIdentPat const &other)
StructPatternField::operator= (other);
ident = other.ident;
// outer_attrs = other.outer_attrs;
node_id = other.get_node_id ();
// guard to prevent null dereference (only required if error state)
if (other.ident_pattern != nullptr)
ident_pattern = other.ident_pattern->clone_pattern ();
ident_pattern = nullptr;
return *this;
// default move semantics
StructPatternFieldIdentPat (StructPatternFieldIdentPat &&other) = default;
StructPatternFieldIdentPat &operator= (StructPatternFieldIdentPat &&other)
= default;
std::string as_string () const override;
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// based on idea of identifier pattern no longer existing
void mark_for_strip () override { ident_pattern = nullptr; }
bool is_marked_for_strip () const override
return ident_pattern == nullptr;
const Identifier &get_identifier () const { return ident; }
// TODO: is this better? Or is a "vis_pattern" better?
std::unique_ptr &get_ident_pattern ()
rust_assert (ident_pattern != nullptr);
return ident_pattern;
ItemType get_item_type () const override final { return ItemType::IDENT_PAT; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
StructPatternFieldIdentPat *clone_struct_pattern_field_impl () const override
return new StructPatternFieldIdentPat (*this);
// Identifier only (with no pattern) single field in a struct pattern
class StructPatternFieldIdent : public StructPatternField
bool has_ref;
bool has_mut;
Identifier ident;
StructPatternFieldIdent (Identifier ident, bool is_ref, bool is_mut,
std::vector outer_attrs, location_t locus)
: StructPatternField (std::move (outer_attrs), locus,
Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ()),
has_ref (is_ref), has_mut (is_mut), ident (std::move (ident))
std::string as_string () const override;
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// based on idea of identifier no longer existing
void mark_for_strip () override { ident = {""}; }
bool is_marked_for_strip () const override { return ident.empty (); }
const Identifier &get_identifier () const { return ident; }
ItemType get_item_type () const override final { return ItemType::IDENT; }
bool is_ref () const { return has_ref; }
bool is_mut () const { return has_mut; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
StructPatternFieldIdent *clone_struct_pattern_field_impl () const override
return new StructPatternFieldIdent (*this);
// Elements of a struct pattern
class StructPatternElements
// bool has_struct_pattern_fields;
std::vector> fields;
bool has_struct_pattern_etc;
std::vector struct_pattern_etc_attrs;
// StructPatternEtc etc;
// must have at least one of the two and maybe both
// should this store location data?
// Returns whether there are any struct pattern fields
bool has_struct_pattern_fields () const { return !fields.empty (); }
/* Returns whether the struct pattern elements is entirely empty (no fields,
* no etc). */
bool is_empty () const
return !has_struct_pattern_fields () && !has_struct_pattern_etc;
bool has_etc () const { return has_struct_pattern_etc; }
// Constructor for StructPatternElements with both (potentially)
StructPatternElements (
std::vector> fields,
std::vector etc_attrs)
: fields (std::move (fields)), has_struct_pattern_etc (true),
struct_pattern_etc_attrs (std::move (etc_attrs))
// Constructor for StructPatternElements with no StructPatternEtc
StructPatternElements (
std::vector> fields)
: fields (std::move (fields)), has_struct_pattern_etc (false),
struct_pattern_etc_attrs ()
// Copy constructor with vector clone
StructPatternElements (StructPatternElements const &other)
: has_struct_pattern_etc (other.has_struct_pattern_etc),
struct_pattern_etc_attrs (other.struct_pattern_etc_attrs)
fields.reserve (other.fields.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.fields)
fields.push_back (e->clone_struct_pattern_field ());
// Overloaded assignment operator with vector clone
StructPatternElements &operator= (StructPatternElements const &other)
struct_pattern_etc_attrs = other.struct_pattern_etc_attrs;
has_struct_pattern_etc = other.has_struct_pattern_etc;
fields.clear ();
fields.reserve (other.fields.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.fields)
fields.push_back (e->clone_struct_pattern_field ());
return *this;
// move constructors
StructPatternElements (StructPatternElements &&other) = default;
StructPatternElements &operator= (StructPatternElements &&other) = default;
// Creates an empty StructPatternElements
static StructPatternElements create_empty ()
return StructPatternElements (
std::vector> ());
std::string as_string () const;
// TODO: seems kinda dodgy. Think of better way.
std::vector> &get_struct_pattern_fields ()
return fields;
const std::vector> &
get_struct_pattern_fields () const
return fields;
std::vector &get_etc_outer_attrs ()
return struct_pattern_etc_attrs;
const std::vector &get_etc_outer_attrs () const
return struct_pattern_etc_attrs;
void strip_etc ()
has_struct_pattern_etc = false;
struct_pattern_etc_attrs.clear ();
struct_pattern_etc_attrs.shrink_to_fit ();
// Struct pattern AST node representation
class StructPattern : public Pattern
PathInExpression path;
// bool has_struct_pattern_elements;
StructPatternElements elems;
NodeId node_id;
location_t locus;
std::string as_string () const override;
// Constructs a struct pattern from specified StructPatternElements
StructPattern (PathInExpression struct_path, location_t locus,
StructPatternElements elems
= StructPatternElements::create_empty ())
: path (std::move (struct_path)), elems (std::move (elems)),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ()), locus (locus)
/* TODO: constructor to construct via elements included in
* StructPatternElements */
/* Returns whether struct pattern has any struct pattern elements (if not, it
* is empty). */
bool has_struct_pattern_elems () const { return !elems.is_empty (); }
location_t get_locus () const override { return path.get_locus (); }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: seems kinda dodgy. Think of better way.
StructPatternElements &get_struct_pattern_elems () { return elems; }
const StructPatternElements &get_struct_pattern_elems () const
return elems;
PathInExpression &get_path () { return path; }
const PathInExpression &get_path () const { return path; }
NodeId get_node_id () const override { return node_id; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
StructPattern *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new StructPattern (*this);
// Base abstract class for patterns used in TupleStructPattern
class TupleStructItems
enum ItemType
virtual ~TupleStructItems () {}
// TODO: should this store location data?
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_tuple_struct_items () const
return std::unique_ptr (clone_tuple_struct_items_impl ());
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
virtual void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) = 0;
virtual ItemType get_item_type () const = 0;
// pure virtual clone implementation
virtual TupleStructItems *clone_tuple_struct_items_impl () const = 0;
// Class for non-ranged tuple struct pattern patterns
class TupleStructItemsNoRange : public TupleStructItems
std::vector> patterns;
TupleStructItemsNoRange (std::vector> patterns)
: patterns (std::move (patterns))
// Copy constructor with vector clone
TupleStructItemsNoRange (TupleStructItemsNoRange const &other)
patterns.reserve (other.patterns.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.patterns)
patterns.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
// Overloaded assignment operator with vector clone
TupleStructItemsNoRange &operator= (TupleStructItemsNoRange const &other)
patterns.clear ();
patterns.reserve (other.patterns.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.patterns)
patterns.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
return *this;
// move constructors
TupleStructItemsNoRange (TupleStructItemsNoRange &&other) = default;
TupleStructItemsNoRange &operator= (TupleStructItemsNoRange &&other)
= default;
std::string as_string () const override;
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: seems kinda dodgy. Think of better way.
std::vector> &get_patterns () { return patterns; }
const std::vector> &get_patterns () const
return patterns;
ItemType get_item_type () const override final { return ItemType::NO_RANGE; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
TupleStructItemsNoRange *clone_tuple_struct_items_impl () const override
return new TupleStructItemsNoRange (*this);
// Class for ranged tuple struct pattern patterns
class TupleStructItemsRange : public TupleStructItems
std::vector> lower_patterns;
std::vector> upper_patterns;
TupleStructItemsRange (std::vector> lower_patterns,
std::vector> upper_patterns)
: lower_patterns (std::move (lower_patterns)),
upper_patterns (std::move (upper_patterns))
// Copy constructor with vector clone
TupleStructItemsRange (TupleStructItemsRange const &other)
lower_patterns.reserve (other.lower_patterns.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.lower_patterns)
lower_patterns.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
upper_patterns.reserve (other.upper_patterns.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.upper_patterns)
upper_patterns.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
// Overloaded assignment operator to clone
TupleStructItemsRange &operator= (TupleStructItemsRange const &other)
lower_patterns.clear ();
lower_patterns.reserve (other.lower_patterns.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.lower_patterns)
lower_patterns.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
upper_patterns.clear ();
upper_patterns.reserve (other.upper_patterns.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.upper_patterns)
upper_patterns.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
return *this;
// move constructors
TupleStructItemsRange (TupleStructItemsRange &&other) = default;
TupleStructItemsRange &operator= (TupleStructItemsRange &&other) = default;
std::string as_string () const override;
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: seems kinda dodgy. Think of better way.
std::vector> &get_lower_patterns ()
return lower_patterns;
const std::vector> &get_lower_patterns () const
return lower_patterns;
// TODO: seems kinda dodgy. Think of better way.
std::vector> &get_upper_patterns ()
return upper_patterns;
const std::vector> &get_upper_patterns () const
return upper_patterns;
ItemType get_item_type () const override final { return ItemType::RANGE; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
TupleStructItemsRange *clone_tuple_struct_items_impl () const override
return new TupleStructItemsRange (*this);
// AST node representing a tuple struct pattern
class TupleStructPattern : public Pattern
PathInExpression path;
std::unique_ptr items;
NodeId node_id;
/* TOOD: should this store location data? current accessor uses path location
* data */
std::string as_string () const override;
// Returns whether the pattern has tuple struct items.
bool has_items () const { return items != nullptr; }
TupleStructPattern (PathInExpression tuple_struct_path,
std::unique_ptr items)
: path (std::move (tuple_struct_path)), items (std::move (items)),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ())
// Copy constructor required to clone
TupleStructPattern (TupleStructPattern const &other) : path (other.path)
// guard to protect from null dereference
node_id = other.node_id;
if (other.items != nullptr)
items = other.items->clone_tuple_struct_items ();
// Operator overload assignment operator to clone
TupleStructPattern &operator= (TupleStructPattern const &other)
path = other.path;
node_id = other.node_id;
// guard to protect from null dereference
if (other.items != nullptr)
items = other.items->clone_tuple_struct_items ();
items = nullptr;
return *this;
// move constructors
TupleStructPattern (TupleStructPattern &&other) = default;
TupleStructPattern &operator= (TupleStructPattern &&other) = default;
location_t get_locus () const override { return path.get_locus (); }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
std::unique_ptr &get_items () { return items; }
PathInExpression &get_path () { return path; }
const PathInExpression &get_path () const { return path; }
NodeId get_node_id () const override { return node_id; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
TupleStructPattern *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new TupleStructPattern (*this);
// Base abstract class representing TuplePattern patterns
class TuplePatternItems
enum TuplePatternItemType
virtual ~TuplePatternItems () {}
// TODO: should this store location data?
// Unique pointer custom clone function
std::unique_ptr clone_tuple_pattern_items () const
return std::unique_ptr (
clone_tuple_pattern_items_impl ());
virtual std::string as_string () const = 0;
virtual void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) = 0;
virtual TuplePatternItemType get_pattern_type () const = 0;
// pure virtual clone implementation
virtual TuplePatternItems *clone_tuple_pattern_items_impl () const = 0;
// Class representing TuplePattern patterns where there are multiple patterns
class TuplePatternItemsMultiple : public TuplePatternItems
std::vector> patterns;
TuplePatternItemsMultiple (std::vector> patterns)
: patterns (std::move (patterns))
// Copy constructor with vector clone
TuplePatternItemsMultiple (TuplePatternItemsMultiple const &other)
patterns.reserve (other.patterns.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.patterns)
patterns.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
// Overloaded assignment operator to vector clone
TuplePatternItemsMultiple &operator= (TuplePatternItemsMultiple const &other)
patterns.clear ();
patterns.reserve (other.patterns.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.patterns)
patterns.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
return *this;
// move constructors
TuplePatternItemsMultiple (TuplePatternItemsMultiple &&other) = default;
TuplePatternItemsMultiple &operator= (TuplePatternItemsMultiple &&other)
= default;
std::string as_string () const override;
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: seems kinda dodgy. Think of better way.
std::vector> &get_patterns () { return patterns; }
const std::vector> &get_patterns () const
return patterns;
TuplePatternItemType get_pattern_type () const override
return TuplePatternItemType::MULTIPLE;
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
TuplePatternItemsMultiple *clone_tuple_pattern_items_impl () const override
return new TuplePatternItemsMultiple (*this);
// Class representing TuplePattern patterns where there are a range of patterns
class TuplePatternItemsRanged : public TuplePatternItems
std::vector> lower_patterns;
std::vector> upper_patterns;
TuplePatternItemsRanged (std::vector> lower_patterns,
std::vector> upper_patterns)
: lower_patterns (std::move (lower_patterns)),
upper_patterns (std::move (upper_patterns))
// Copy constructor with vector clone
TuplePatternItemsRanged (TuplePatternItemsRanged const &other)
lower_patterns.reserve (other.lower_patterns.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.lower_patterns)
lower_patterns.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
upper_patterns.reserve (other.upper_patterns.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.upper_patterns)
upper_patterns.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
// Overloaded assignment operator to clone
TuplePatternItemsRanged &operator= (TuplePatternItemsRanged const &other)
lower_patterns.clear ();
lower_patterns.reserve (other.lower_patterns.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.lower_patterns)
lower_patterns.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
upper_patterns.clear ();
upper_patterns.reserve (other.upper_patterns.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.upper_patterns)
upper_patterns.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
return *this;
// move constructors
TuplePatternItemsRanged (TuplePatternItemsRanged &&other) = default;
TuplePatternItemsRanged &operator= (TuplePatternItemsRanged &&other)
= default;
std::string as_string () const override;
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: seems kinda dodgy. Think of better way.
std::vector> &get_lower_patterns ()
return lower_patterns;
const std::vector> &get_lower_patterns () const
return lower_patterns;
// TODO: seems kinda dodgy. Think of better way.
std::vector> &get_upper_patterns ()
return upper_patterns;
const std::vector> &get_upper_patterns () const
return upper_patterns;
TuplePatternItemType get_pattern_type () const override
return TuplePatternItemType::RANGED;
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
TuplePatternItemsRanged *clone_tuple_pattern_items_impl () const override
return new TuplePatternItemsRanged (*this);
// AST node representing a tuple pattern
class TuplePattern : public Pattern
// bool has_tuple_pattern_items;
std::unique_ptr items;
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
std::string as_string () const override;
// Returns true if the tuple pattern has items
bool has_tuple_pattern_items () const { return items != nullptr; }
TuplePattern (std::unique_ptr items, location_t locus)
: items (std::move (items)), locus (locus),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ())
// Copy constructor requires clone
TuplePattern (TuplePattern const &other) : locus (other.locus)
// guard to prevent null dereference
node_id = other.node_id;
if (other.items != nullptr)
items = other.items->clone_tuple_pattern_items ();
// Overload assignment operator to clone
TuplePattern &operator= (TuplePattern const &other)
locus = other.locus;
node_id = other.node_id;
// guard to prevent null dereference
if (other.items != nullptr)
items = other.items->clone_tuple_pattern_items ();
items = nullptr;
return *this;
location_t get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: seems kinda dodgy. Think of better way.
std::unique_ptr &get_items ()
rust_assert (has_tuple_pattern_items ());
return items;
NodeId get_node_id () const override { return node_id; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
TuplePattern *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new TuplePattern (*this);
// AST node representing a pattern in parentheses, used to control precedence
class GroupedPattern : public Pattern
std::unique_ptr pattern_in_parens;
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
std::string as_string () const override
return "(" + pattern_in_parens->as_string () + ")";
GroupedPattern (std::unique_ptr pattern_in_parens, location_t locus)
: pattern_in_parens (std::move (pattern_in_parens)), locus (locus),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ())
// Copy constructor uses clone
GroupedPattern (GroupedPattern const &other)
: pattern_in_parens (other.pattern_in_parens->clone_pattern ()),
locus (other.locus), node_id (other.node_id)
// Overload assignment operator to clone
GroupedPattern &operator= (GroupedPattern const &other)
pattern_in_parens = other.pattern_in_parens->clone_pattern ();
locus = other.locus;
node_id = other.node_id;
return *this;
// default move semantics
GroupedPattern (GroupedPattern &&other) = default;
GroupedPattern &operator= (GroupedPattern &&other) = default;
location_t get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: seems kinda dodgy. Think of better way.
std::unique_ptr &get_pattern_in_parens ()
rust_assert (pattern_in_parens != nullptr);
return pattern_in_parens;
NodeId get_node_id () const override { return node_id; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
GroupedPattern *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new GroupedPattern (*this);
// AST node representing patterns that can match slices and arrays
class SlicePattern : public Pattern
std::vector> items;
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
std::string as_string () const override;
SlicePattern (std::vector> items, location_t locus)
: items (std::move (items)), locus (locus),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ())
// Copy constructor with vector clone
SlicePattern (SlicePattern const &other) : locus (other.locus)
node_id = other.node_id;
items.reserve (other.items.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.items)
items.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
// Overloaded assignment operator to vector clone
SlicePattern &operator= (SlicePattern const &other)
locus = other.locus;
node_id = other.node_id;
items.clear ();
items.reserve (other.items.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.items)
items.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
return *this;
// move constructors
SlicePattern (SlicePattern &&other) = default;
SlicePattern &operator= (SlicePattern &&other) = default;
location_t get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: seems kinda dodgy. Think of better way.
std::vector> &get_items () { return items; }
const std::vector> &get_items () const
return items;
NodeId get_node_id () const override { return node_id; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
SlicePattern *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new SlicePattern (*this);
// AST node for alternate patterns
// joins together what are technically 'PatternNoTopAlt's
class AltPattern : public Pattern
std::vector> alts;
location_t locus;
NodeId node_id;
std::string as_string () const override;
AltPattern (std::vector> alts, location_t locus)
: alts (std::move (alts)), locus (locus),
node_id (Analysis::Mappings::get ()->get_next_node_id ())
// Copy constructor with vector clone
AltPattern (AltPattern const &other) : locus (other.locus)
node_id = other.node_id;
alts.reserve (other.alts.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.alts)
alts.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
// Overloaded assignment operator to vector clone
AltPattern &operator= (AltPattern const &other)
locus = other.locus;
node_id = other.node_id;
alts.clear ();
alts.reserve (other.alts.size ());
for (const auto &e : other.alts)
alts.push_back (e->clone_pattern ());
return *this;
// move constructors
AltPattern (AltPattern &&other) = default;
AltPattern &operator= (AltPattern &&other) = default;
location_t get_locus () const override final { return locus; }
void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis) override;
// TODO: seems kinda dodgy. Think of better way.
std::vector> &get_alts () { return alts; }
const std::vector> &get_alts () const
return alts;
NodeId get_node_id () const override { return node_id; }
/* Use covariance to implement clone function as returning this object rather
* than base */
AltPattern *clone_pattern_impl () const override
return new AltPattern (*this);
// Moved definition to rust-path.h
class PathPattern;
// Forward decls for paths (defined in rust-path.h)
class PathInExpression;
class QualifiedPathInExpression;
// Replaced with forward decl - defined in rust-macro.h
class MacroInvocation;
} // namespace AST
} // namespace Rust