// Written in the D programming language.
This is a submodule of $(MREF std, math).
It contains several trigonometric functions.
Copyright: Copyright The D Language Foundation 2000 - 2011.
D implementations of tan, atan, and atan2 functions are based on the
CEPHES math library, which is Copyright (C) 2001 Stephen L. Moshier
$(LT)steve@moshier.net$(GT) and are incorporated herein by permission
of the author. The author reserves the right to distribute this
material elsewhere under different copying permissions.
These modifications are distributed here under the following terms:
License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
Authors: $(HTTP digitalmars.com, Walter Bright), Don Clugston,
Conversion of CEPHES math library to D by Iain Buclaw and David Nadlinger
Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/math/trigonometry.d)
SVH = $(TR $(TH $1) $(TH $2))
SV = $(TR $(TD $1) $(TD $2))
TH3 = $(TR $(TH $1) $(TH $2) $(TH $3))
TD3 = $(TR $(TD $1) $(TD $2) $(TD $3))
$(SVH Domain X, Range Y)
$(SV $1, $2)
POWER = $1$2
module std.math.trigonometry;
static import core.math;
version (D_InlineAsm_X86) version = InlineAsm_X86_Any;
version (D_InlineAsm_X86_64) version = InlineAsm_X86_Any;
version (InlineAsm_X86_Any) version = InlineAsm_X87;
version (InlineAsm_X87)
static assert(real.mant_dig == 64);
version (CRuntime_Microsoft) version = InlineAsm_X87_MSVC;
* Returns cosine of x. x is in radians.
* $(TR $(TH x) $(TH cos(x)) $(TH invalid?))
* $(TR $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes) )
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes) )
* )
* Bugs:
* Results are undefined if |x| >= $(POWER 2,64).
pragma(inline, true)
real cos(real x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return core.math.cos(x); }
pragma(inline, true)
double cos(double x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return core.math.cos(x); }
pragma(inline, true)
float cos(float x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return core.math.cos(x); }
@safe unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
assert(cos(0.0) == 1.0);
@safe unittest
real function(real) pcos = &cos;
assert(pcos != null);
@safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
import std.math.algebraic : fabs;
float f = cos(-2.0f);
assert(fabs(f - -0.416147f) < .00001);
double d = cos(-2.0);
assert(fabs(d - -0.416147f) < .00001);
real r = cos(-2.0L);
assert(fabs(r - -0.416147f) < .00001);
* Returns $(HTTP en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sine, sine) of x. x is in $(HTTP en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian, radians).
* $(TH3 x , sin(x) , invalid?)
* $(TD3 $(NAN) , $(NAN) , yes )
* $(TD3 $(PLUSMN)0.0, $(PLUSMN)0.0, no )
* $(TD3 $(PLUSMNINF), $(NAN) , yes )
* )
* Params:
* x = angle in radians (not degrees)
* Returns:
* sine of x
* See_Also:
* $(MYREF cos), $(MYREF tan), $(MYREF asin)
* Bugs:
* Results are undefined if |x| >= $(POWER 2,64).
pragma(inline, true)
real sin(real x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return core.math.sin(x); }
pragma(inline, true)
double sin(double x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return core.math.sin(x); }
pragma(inline, true)
float sin(float x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return core.math.sin(x); }
@safe unittest
import std.math.constants : PI;
import std.stdio : writefln;
void someFunc()
real x = 30.0;
auto result = sin(x * (PI / 180)); // convert degrees to radians
writefln("The sine of %s degrees is %s", x, result);
@safe unittest
real function(real) psin = &sin;
assert(psin != null);
@safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
import std.math.algebraic : fabs;
float f = sin(-2.0f);
assert(fabs(f - -0.909297f) < .00001);
double d = sin(-2.0);
assert(fabs(d - -0.909297f) < .00001);
real r = sin(-2.0L);
assert(fabs(r - -0.909297f) < .00001);
* Returns tangent of x. x is in radians.
* $(TR $(TH x) $(TH tan(x)) $(TH invalid?))
* $(TR $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes))
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMNINF)) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes))
* )
pragma(inline, true)
real tan(real x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
version (InlineAsm_X87)
if (!__ctfe)
return tanAsm(x);
return tanImpl(x);
/// ditto
pragma(inline, true)
double tan(double x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return __ctfe ? cast(double) tan(cast(real) x) : tanImpl(x); }
/// ditto
pragma(inline, true)
float tan(float x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return __ctfe ? cast(float) tan(cast(real) x) : tanImpl(x); }
@safe unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.traits : isIdentical;
import std.math.constants : PI;
import std.math.algebraic : sqrt;
assert(isIdentical(tan(0.0), 0.0));
assert(tan(PI).isClose(0, 0.0, 1e-10));
assert(tan(PI / 3).isClose(sqrt(3.0)));
version (InlineAsm_X87)
private real tanAsm(real x) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
// Separating `return real.nan` from the asm block on LDC produces unintended
// behaviour as additional instructions are generated, invalidating the asm
// logic inside the previous block. To circumvent this, we can push rnan
// manually by creating an immutable variable in the stack.
immutable rnan = real.nan;
version (X86)
asm pure nothrow @nogc
fld x[EBP] ; // load theta
fxam ; // test for oddball values
fstsw AX ;
sahf ;
jc trigerr ; // x is NAN, infinity, or empty
// 387's can handle subnormals
SC18: fptan ;
fstsw AX ;
sahf ;
jnp Clear1 ; // C2 = 1 (x is out of range)
// Do argument reduction to bring x into range
fldpi ;
fxch ;
SC17: fprem1 ;
fstsw AX ;
sahf ;
jp SC17 ;
fstp ST(1) ; // remove pi from stack
jmp SC18 ;
jnp Lret ; // if theta is NAN, return theta
fstp ST(0) ; // dump theta
fld rnan ; // return rnan
jmp Lret ;
fstp ST(0) ; // dump X, which is always 1
else version (X86_64)
version (Win64)
asm pure nothrow @nogc
fld real ptr [RCX] ; // load theta
asm pure nothrow @nogc
fld x[RBP] ; // load theta
asm pure nothrow @nogc
fxam ; // test for oddball values
fstsw AX ;
test AH,1 ;
jnz trigerr ; // x is NAN, infinity, or empty
// 387's can handle subnormals
SC18: fptan ;
fstsw AX ;
test AH,4 ;
jz Clear1 ; // C2 = 1 (x is out of range)
// Do argument reduction to bring x into range
fldpi ;
fxch ;
SC17: fprem1 ;
fstsw AX ;
test AH,4 ;
jnz SC17 ;
fstp ST(1) ; // remove pi from stack
jmp SC18 ;
test AH,4 ;
jz Lret ; // if theta is NAN, return theta
fstp ST(0) ; // dump theta
fld rnan ; // return rnan
jmp Lret ;
fstp ST(0) ; // dump X, which is always 1
static assert(0);
private T tanImpl(T)(T x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
import std.math.traits : floatTraits, RealFormat;
import std.math.constants : PI, PI_4;
import std.math.rounding : floor;
import std.math.algebraic : poly;
import std.math.traits : isInfinity, isNaN, signbit;
// Coefficients for tan(x) and PI/4 split into three parts.
enum realFormat = floatTraits!T.realFormat;
static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeQuadruple)
static immutable T[6] P = [
static immutable T[7] Q = [
enum T P1 =
enum T P2 =
enum T P3 =
else static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended ||
realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeDouble)
static immutable T[3] P = [
static immutable T[5] Q = [
enum T P1 = 7.853981554508209228515625E-1L;
enum T P2 = 7.946627356147928367136046290398E-9L;
enum T P3 = 3.061616997868382943065164830688E-17L;
else static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeSingle)
static immutable T[6] P = [
enum T P1 = 0.78515625;
enum T P2 = 2.4187564849853515625E-4;
enum T P3 = 3.77489497744594108E-8;
static assert(0, "no coefficients for tan()");
// Special cases.
if (x == cast(T) 0.0 || isNaN(x))
return x;
if (isInfinity(x))
return T.nan;
// Make argument positive but save the sign.
bool sign = false;
if (signbit(x))
sign = true;
x = -x;
// Compute x mod PI/4.
static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeSingle)
enum T FOPI = 4 / PI;
int j = cast(int) (FOPI * x);
T y = j;
T z;
T y = floor(x / cast(T) PI_4);
// Strip high bits of integer part.
enum T highBitsFactor = (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeDouble ? 0x1p3 : 0x1p4);
enum T highBitsInv = 1.0 / highBitsFactor;
T z = y * highBitsInv;
// Compute y - 2^numHighBits * (y / 2^numHighBits).
z = y - highBitsFactor * floor(z);
// Integer and fraction part modulo one octant.
int j = cast(int)(z);
// Map zeros and singularities to origin.
if (j & 1)
j += 1;
y += cast(T) 1.0;
z = ((x - y * P1) - y * P2) - y * P3;
const T zz = z * z;
enum T zzThreshold = (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeSingle ? 1.0e-4L :
realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeDouble ? 1.0e-14L : 1.0e-20L);
if (zz > zzThreshold)
static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeSingle)
y = z + z * (zz * poly(zz, P));
y = z + z * (zz * poly(zz, P) / poly(zz, Q));
y = z;
if (j & 2)
y = (cast(T) -1.0) / y;
return (sign) ? -y : y;
@safe @nogc nothrow unittest
static void testTan(T)()
import std.math.operations : CommonDefaultFor, isClose, NaN;
import std.math.traits : isIdentical, isNaN;
import std.math.constants : PI, PI_4;
// ±0
const T zero = 0.0;
assert(isIdentical(tan(zero), zero));
assert(isIdentical(tan(-zero), -zero));
// ±∞
const T inf = T.infinity;
// NaN
const T specialNaN = NaN(0x0123L);
assert(isIdentical(tan(specialNaN), specialNaN));
static immutable T[2][] vals =
// angle, tan
[ .5, .546302489843790513255L],
[ 1, 1.55740772465490223050L],
[ 1.5, 14.1014199471717193876L],
[ 2, -2.18503986326151899164L],
[ 2.5,-.747022297238660279355L],
[ 3, -.142546543074277805295L],
[ 3.5, .374585640158594666330L],
[ 4, 1.15782128234957758313L],
[ 4.5, 4.63733205455118446831L],
[ 5, -3.38051500624658563698L],
[ 5.5,-.995584052213885017701L],
[ 6, -.291006191384749157053L],
[ 6.5, .220277200345896811825L],
[ 10, .648360827459086671259L],
// special angles
[ PI_4, 1],
//[ PI_2, T.infinity], // PI_2 is not _exactly_ pi/2.
[ 3*PI_4, -1],
[ PI, 0],
[ 5*PI_4, 1],
//[ 3*PI_2, -T.infinity],
[ 7*PI_4, -1],
[ 2*PI, 0],
foreach (ref val; vals)
T x = val[0];
T r = val[1];
T t = tan(x);
//printf("tan(%Lg) = %Lg, should be %Lg\n", cast(real) x, cast(real) t, cast(real) r);
assert(isClose(r, t, CommonDefaultFor!(T,T), CommonDefaultFor!(T,T)));
x = -x;
r = -r;
t = tan(x);
//printf("tan(%Lg) = %Lg, should be %Lg\n", cast(real) x, cast(real) t, cast(real) r);
assert(isClose(r, t, CommonDefaultFor!(T,T), CommonDefaultFor!(T,T)));
import std.meta : AliasSeq;
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(real, double, float))
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.constants : PI;
import std.math.algebraic : sqrt;
assert(isClose(tan(PI / 3), sqrt(3.0L), real.sizeof > double.sizeof ? 1e-15 : 1e-14));
@safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
import std.math.algebraic : fabs;
import std.math.traits : isNaN;
float f = tan(-2.0f);
assert(fabs(f - 2.18504f) < .00001);
double d = tan(-2.0);
assert(fabs(d - 2.18504f) < .00001);
real r = tan(-2.0L);
assert(fabs(r - 2.18504f) < .00001);
// Verify correct behavior for large inputs
static if (real.mant_dig >= 64)
* Calculates the arc cosine of x,
* returning a value ranging from 0 to $(PI).
* $(TR $(TH x) $(TH acos(x)) $(TH invalid?))
* $(TR $(TD $(GT)1.0) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes))
* $(TR $(TD $(LT)-1.0) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes))
* $(TR $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes))
* )
real acos(real x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
import core.math : sqrt;
return atan2(sqrt(1-x*x), x);
/// ditto
double acos(double x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return acos(cast(real) x); }
/// ditto
float acos(float x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return acos(cast(real) x); }
@safe unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.traits : isNaN;
import std.math.constants : PI;
assert(acos(0.5).isClose(PI / 3));
@safe @nogc nothrow unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.constants : PI;
assert(isClose(acos(0.5), PI / 3, real.sizeof > double.sizeof ? 1e-15 : 1e-14));
* Calculates the arc sine of x,
* returning a value ranging from -$(PI)/2 to $(PI)/2.
* $(TR $(TH x) $(TH asin(x)) $(TH invalid?))
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
* $(TR $(TD $(GT)1.0) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes))
* $(TR $(TD $(LT)-1.0) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes))
* )
real asin(real x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
import core.math : sqrt;
return atan2(x, sqrt(1-x*x));
/// ditto
double asin(double x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return asin(cast(real) x); }
/// ditto
float asin(float x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return asin(cast(real) x); }
@safe unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.traits : isIdentical, isNaN;
import std.math.constants : PI;
assert(isIdentical(asin(0.0), 0.0));
assert(asin(0.5).isClose(PI / 6));
@safe @nogc nothrow unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.constants : PI;
assert(isClose(asin(0.5), PI / 6, real.sizeof > double.sizeof ? 1e-15 : 1e-14));
* Calculates the arc tangent of x,
* returning a value ranging from -$(PI)/2 to $(PI)/2.
* $(TR $(TH x) $(TH atan(x)) $(TH invalid?))
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes))
* )
pragma(inline, true)
real atan(real x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
version (InlineAsm_X87)
if (!__ctfe)
return atan2Asm(x, 1.0L);
return atanImpl(x);
/// ditto
pragma(inline, true)
double atan(double x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return __ctfe ? cast(double) atan(cast(real) x) : atanImpl(x); }
/// ditto
pragma(inline, true)
float atan(float x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return __ctfe ? cast(float) atan(cast(real) x) : atanImpl(x); }
@safe unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.traits : isIdentical;
import std.math.constants : PI;
import std.math.algebraic : sqrt;
assert(isIdentical(atan(0.0), 0.0));
assert(atan(sqrt(3.0)).isClose(PI / 3));
private T atanImpl(T)(T x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
import std.math.traits : floatTraits, RealFormat, copysign, isInfinity, signbit;
import std.math.constants : PI_2, PI_4;
import std.math.algebraic : poly;
// Coefficients for atan(x)
enum realFormat = floatTraits!T.realFormat;
static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeQuadruple)
static immutable T[9] P = [
static immutable T[9] Q = [
else static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeExtended)
static immutable T[5] P = [
static immutable T[6] Q = [
else static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeDouble)
static immutable T[5] P = [
static immutable T[6] Q = [
enum T MOREBITS = 6.123233995736765886130E-17L;
else static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeSingle)
static immutable T[4] P = [
static assert(0, "no coefficients for atan()");
// tan(PI/8)
enum T TAN_PI_8 = 0.414213562373095048801688724209698078569672L;
// tan(3 * PI/8)
enum T TAN3_PI_8 = 2.414213562373095048801688724209698078569672L;
// Special cases.
if (x == cast(T) 0.0)
return x;
if (isInfinity(x))
return copysign(cast(T) PI_2, x);
// Make argument positive but save the sign.
bool sign = false;
if (signbit(x))
sign = true;
x = -x;
static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeDouble) // special case for double precision
short flag = 0;
T y;
if (x > TAN3_PI_8)
y = PI_2;
flag = 1;
x = -(1.0 / x);
else if (x <= 0.66)
y = 0.0;
y = PI_4;
flag = 2;
x = (x - 1.0)/(x + 1.0);
T z = x * x;
z = z * poly(z, P) / poly(z, Q);
z = x * z + x;
if (flag == 2)
z += 0.5 * MOREBITS;
else if (flag == 1)
y = y + z;
// Range reduction.
T y;
if (x > TAN3_PI_8)
y = PI_2;
x = -((cast(T) 1.0) / x);
else if (x > TAN_PI_8)
y = PI_4;
x = (x - cast(T) 1.0)/(x + cast(T) 1.0);
y = 0.0;
// Rational form in x^^2.
const T z = x * x;
static if (realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeSingle)
y += poly(z, P) * z * x + x;
y = y + (poly(z, P) / poly(z, Q)) * z * x + x;
return (sign) ? -y : y;
@safe @nogc nothrow unittest
static void testAtan(T)()
import std.math.operations : CommonDefaultFor, isClose, NaN;
import std.math.traits : isIdentical;
import std.math.constants : PI_2, PI_4;
// ±0
const T zero = 0.0;
assert(isIdentical(atan(zero), zero));
assert(isIdentical(atan(-zero), -zero));
// ±∞
const T inf = T.infinity;
assert(isClose(atan(inf), cast(T) PI_2));
assert(isClose(atan(-inf), cast(T) -PI_2));
// NaN
const T specialNaN = NaN(0x0123L);
assert(isIdentical(atan(specialNaN), specialNaN));
static immutable T[2][] vals =
// x, atan(x)
[ 0.25, 0.244978663126864154172L ],
[ 0.5, 0.463647609000806116214L ],
[ 1, PI_4 ],
[ 1.5, 0.982793723247329067985L ],
[ 10, 1.471127674303734591852L ],
foreach (ref val; vals)
T x = val[0];
T r = val[1];
T a = atan(x);
//printf("atan(%Lg) = %Lg, should be %Lg\n", cast(real) x, cast(real) a, cast(real) r);
assert(isClose(r, a, CommonDefaultFor!(T,T), CommonDefaultFor!(T,T)));
x = -x;
r = -r;
a = atan(x);
//printf("atan(%Lg) = %Lg, should be %Lg\n", cast(real) x, cast(real) a, cast(real) r);
assert(isClose(r, a, CommonDefaultFor!(T,T), CommonDefaultFor!(T,T)));
import std.meta : AliasSeq;
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(real, double, float))
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.algebraic : sqrt;
import std.math.constants : PI;
assert(isClose(atan(sqrt(3.0L)), PI / 3, real.sizeof > double.sizeof ? 1e-15 : 1e-14));
* Calculates the arc tangent of y / x,
* returning a value ranging from -$(PI) to $(PI).
* $(TR $(TH y) $(TH x) $(TH atan(y, x)))
* $(TR $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD anything) $(TD $(NAN)) )
* $(TR $(TD anything) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD $(NAN)) )
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(GT)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) )
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD +0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) )
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(LT)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)))
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD -0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)))
* $(TR $(TD $(GT)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PI)/2) )
* $(TR $(TD $(LT)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD -$(PI)/2) )
* $(TR $(TD $(GT)0.0) $(TD $(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) )
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD anything) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)/2))
* $(TR $(TD $(GT)0.0) $(TD -$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)) )
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)/4))
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD -$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)3$(PI)/4))
* )
pragma(inline, true)
real atan2(real y, real x) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc // TODO: @safe
version (InlineAsm_X87)
if (!__ctfe)
return atan2Asm(y, x);
return atan2Impl(y, x);
/// ditto
pragma(inline, true)
double atan2(double y, double x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return __ctfe ? cast(double) atan2(cast(real) y, cast(real) x) : atan2Impl(y, x);
/// ditto
pragma(inline, true)
float atan2(float y, float x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return __ctfe ? cast(float) atan2(cast(real) y, cast(real) x) : atan2Impl(y, x);
@safe unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.constants : PI;
import std.math.algebraic : sqrt;
assert(atan2(1.0, sqrt(3.0)).isClose(PI / 6));
version (InlineAsm_X87)
private real atan2Asm(real y, real x) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
version (Win64)
asm pure nothrow @nogc {
fld real ptr [RDX]; // y
fld real ptr [RCX]; // x
asm pure nothrow @nogc {
fld y;
fld x;
private T atan2Impl(T)(T y, T x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
import std.math.traits : copysign, isInfinity, isNaN, signbit;
import std.math.constants : PI, PI_2, PI_4;
// Special cases.
if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y))
return T.nan;
if (y == cast(T) 0.0)
if (x >= 0 && !signbit(x))
return copysign(0, y);
return copysign(cast(T) PI, y);
if (x == cast(T) 0.0)
return copysign(cast(T) PI_2, y);
if (isInfinity(x))
if (signbit(x))
if (isInfinity(y))
return copysign(3 * cast(T) PI_4, y);
return copysign(cast(T) PI, y);
if (isInfinity(y))
return copysign(cast(T) PI_4, y);
return copysign(cast(T) 0.0, y);
if (isInfinity(y))
return copysign(cast(T) PI_2, y);
// Call atan and determine the quadrant.
T z = atan(y / x);
if (signbit(x))
if (signbit(y))
z = z - cast(T) PI;
z = z + cast(T) PI;
if (z == cast(T) 0.0)
return copysign(z, y);
return z;
@safe @nogc nothrow unittest
static void testAtan2(T)()
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.traits : isIdentical, isNaN;
import std.math.constants : PI, PI_2, PI_4;
// NaN
const T nan = T.nan;
assert(isNaN(atan2(nan, cast(T) 1)));
assert(isNaN(atan2(cast(T) 1, nan)));
const T inf = T.infinity;
static immutable T[3][] vals =
// y, x, atan2(y, x)
// ±0
[ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
[ -0.0, 1.0, -0.0 ],
[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
[ -0.0, 0.0, -0.0 ],
[ 0.0, -1.0, PI ],
[ -0.0, -1.0, -PI ],
[ 0.0, -0.0, PI ],
[ -0.0, -0.0, -PI ],
[ 1.0, 0.0, PI_2 ],
[ 1.0, -0.0, PI_2 ],
[ -1.0, 0.0, -PI_2 ],
[ -1.0, -0.0, -PI_2 ],
// ±∞
[ 1.0, inf, 0.0 ],
[ -1.0, inf, -0.0 ],
[ 1.0, -inf, PI ],
[ -1.0, -inf, -PI ],
[ inf, 1.0, PI_2 ],
[ inf, -1.0, PI_2 ],
[ -inf, 1.0, -PI_2 ],
[ -inf, -1.0, -PI_2 ],
[ inf, inf, PI_4 ],
[ -inf, inf, -PI_4 ],
[ inf, -inf, 3 * PI_4 ],
[ -inf, -inf, -3 * PI_4 ],
[ 1.0, 1.0, PI_4 ],
[ -2.0, 2.0, -PI_4 ],
[ 3.0, -3.0, 3 * PI_4 ],
[ -4.0, -4.0, -3 * PI_4 ],
[ 0.75, 0.25, 1.2490457723982544258299L ],
[ -0.5, 0.375, -0.9272952180016122324285L ],
[ 0.5, -0.125, 1.8157749899217607734034L ],
[ -0.75, -0.5, -2.1587989303424641704769L ],
foreach (ref val; vals)
const T y = val[0];
const T x = val[1];
const T r = val[2];
const T a = atan2(y, x);
//printf("atan2(%Lg, %Lg) = %Lg, should be %Lg\n", cast(real) y, cast(real) x, cast(real) a, cast(real) r);
if (r == 0)
assert(isIdentical(r, a)); // check sign
assert(isClose(r, a));
import std.meta : AliasSeq;
foreach (T; AliasSeq!(real, double, float))
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.algebraic : sqrt;
import std.math.constants : PI;
assert(isClose(atan2(1.0L, sqrt(3.0L)), PI / 6, real.sizeof > double.sizeof ? 1e-15 : 1e-14));
* Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of x.
* $(TR $(TH x) $(TH cosh(x)) $(TH invalid?))
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no) )
* )
real cosh(real x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
import std.math.exponential : exp;
// cosh = (exp(x)+exp(-x))/2.
// The naive implementation works correctly.
const real y = exp(x);
return (y + 1.0/y) * 0.5;
/// ditto
double cosh(double x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return cosh(cast(real) x); }
/// ditto
float cosh(float x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return cosh(cast(real) x); }
@safe unittest
import std.math.constants : E;
import std.math.operations : isClose;
assert(cosh(0.0) == 1.0);
assert(cosh(1.0).isClose((E + 1.0 / E) / 2));
@safe @nogc nothrow unittest
import std.math.constants : E;
import std.math.operations : isClose;
assert(isClose(cosh(1.0), (E + 1.0 / E) / 2, real.sizeof > double.sizeof ? 1e-15 : 1e-14));
* Calculates the hyperbolic sine of x.
* $(TR $(TH x) $(TH sinh(x)) $(TH invalid?))
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD no))
* )
real sinh(real x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _sinh(x); }
/// ditto
double sinh(double x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _sinh(x); }
/// ditto
float sinh(float x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _sinh(x); }
@safe unittest
import std.math.constants : E;
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.traits : isIdentical;
enum sinh1 = (E - 1.0 / E) / 2;
import std.meta : AliasSeq;
static foreach (F; AliasSeq!(float, double, real))
assert(isIdentical(sinh(F(0.0)), F(0.0)));
private F _sinh(F)(F x)
import std.math.traits : copysign;
import std.math.exponential : exp, expm1;
import core.math : fabs;
import std.math.constants : LN2;
// sinh(x) = (exp(x)-exp(-x))/2;
// Very large arguments could cause an overflow, but
// the maximum value of x for which exp(x) + exp(-x)) != exp(x)
// is x = 0.5 * (real.mant_dig) * LN2. // = 22.1807 for real80.
if (fabs(x) > F.mant_dig * F(LN2))
return copysign(F(0.5) * exp(fabs(x)), x);
const y = expm1(x);
return F(0.5) * y / (y+1) * (y+2);
@safe @nogc nothrow unittest
import std.math.constants : E;
import std.math.operations : isClose;
assert(isClose(sinh(1.0L), real((E - 1.0 / E) / 2), real.sizeof > double.sizeof ? 1e-15 : 1e-14));
* Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of x.
* $(TR $(TH x) $(TH tanh(x)) $(TH invalid?))
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no) )
* $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)1.0) $(TD no))
* )
real tanh(real x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _tanh(x); }
/// ditto
double tanh(double x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _tanh(x); }
/// ditto
float tanh(float x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _tanh(x); }
@safe unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
import std.math.traits : isIdentical;
assert(isIdentical(tanh(0.0), 0.0));
assert(tanh(1.0).isClose(sinh(1.0) / cosh(1.0)));
private F _tanh(F)(F x)
import std.math.traits : copysign;
import std.math.exponential : expm1;
import core.math : fabs;
import std.math.constants : LN2;
// tanh(x) = (exp(x) - exp(-x))/(exp(x)+exp(-x))
if (fabs(x) > F.mant_dig * F(LN2))
return copysign(1, x);
const y = expm1(2*x);
return y / (y + 2);
@safe @nogc nothrow unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
assert(isClose(tanh(1.0L), sinh(1.0L) / cosh(1.0L), real.sizeof > double.sizeof ? 1e-15 : 1e-14));
* Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.
* Mathematically, acosh(x) = log(x + sqrt( x*x - 1))
* $(DOMAIN 1..$(INFIN)),
* $(RANGE 0..$(INFIN))
* )
* $(SVH x, acosh(x) )
* $(SV $(NAN), $(NAN) )
* $(SV $(LT)1, $(NAN) )
* $(SV 1, 0 )
* $(SV +$(INFIN),+$(INFIN))
* )
real acosh(real x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _acosh(x); }
/// ditto
double acosh(double x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _acosh(x); }
/// ditto
float acosh(float x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _acosh(x); }
@safe @nogc nothrow unittest
import std.math.traits : isIdentical, isNaN;
assert(isIdentical(acosh(1.0), 0.0));
assert(acosh(real.infinity) == real.infinity);
private F _acosh(F)(F x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
import std.math.constants : LN2;
import std.math.exponential : log;
import core.math : sqrt;
if (x > 1/F.epsilon)
return F(LN2) + log(x);
return log(x + sqrt(x*x - 1));
@safe @nogc nothrow unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
assert(isClose(acosh(cosh(3.0L)), 3.0L, real.sizeof > double.sizeof ? 1e-15 : 1e-14));
* Calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
* Mathematically,
* ---------------
* asinh(x) = log( x + sqrt( x*x + 1 )) // if x >= +0
* asinh(x) = -log(-x + sqrt( x*x + 1 )) // if x <= -0
* -------------
* $(SVH x, asinh(x) )
* $(SV $(NAN), $(NAN) )
* $(SV $(PLUSMN)0, $(PLUSMN)0 )
* )
real asinh(real x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _asinh(x); }
/// ditto
double asinh(double x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _asinh(x); }
/// ditto
float asinh(float x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _asinh(x); }
@safe @nogc nothrow unittest
import std.math.traits : isIdentical, isNaN;
assert(isIdentical(asinh(0.0), 0.0));
assert(isIdentical(asinh(-0.0), -0.0));
assert(asinh(real.infinity) == real.infinity);
assert(asinh(-real.infinity) == -real.infinity);
private F _asinh(F)(F x)
import std.math.traits : copysign;
import core.math : fabs, sqrt;
import std.math.exponential : log, log1p;
import std.math.constants : LN2;
return (fabs(x) > 1 / F.epsilon)
// beyond this point, x*x + 1 == x*x
? copysign(F(LN2) + log(fabs(x)), x)
// sqrt(x*x + 1) == 1 + x * x / ( 1 + sqrt(x*x + 1) )
: copysign(log1p(fabs(x) + x*x / (1 + sqrt(x*x + 1)) ), x);
@safe unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
assert(isClose(asinh(sinh(3.0L)), 3.0L, real.sizeof > double.sizeof ? 1e-15 : 1e-14));
* Calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x,
* returning a value from ranging from -1 to 1.
* Mathematically, atanh(x) = log( (1+x)/(1-x) ) / 2
* $(DOMAIN -$(INFIN)..$(INFIN)),
* $(RANGE -1 .. 1)
* )
* $(BR)
* $(SVH x, acosh(x) )
* $(SV $(NAN), $(NAN) )
* $(SV $(PLUSMN)0, $(PLUSMN)0)
* $(SV -$(INFIN), -0)
* )
real atanh(real x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
import std.math.exponential : log1p;
// log( (1+x)/(1-x) ) == log ( 1 + (2*x)/(1-x) )
return 0.5 * log1p( 2 * x / (1 - x) );
/// ditto
double atanh(double x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return atanh(cast(real) x); }
/// ditto
float atanh(float x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return atanh(cast(real) x); }
@safe @nogc nothrow unittest
import std.math.traits : isIdentical, isNaN;
assert(isIdentical(atanh(0.0), 0.0));
assert(atanh(0.0) == 0);
@safe unittest
import std.math.operations : isClose;
assert(isClose(atanh(tanh(0.5L)), 0.5, real.sizeof > double.sizeof ? 1e-15 : 1e-14));