(* M2Quads.def generates quadruples. Copyright (C) 2001-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) DEFINITION MODULE M2Quads ; (* Author : Gaius Mulley Title : M2Quads Date : 3/6/87 Description: generates quadruples. *) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT WORD ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String ; EXPORT QUALIFIED StartBuildDefFile, StartBuildModFile, EndBuildFile, BuildModuleStart, BuildScaffold, StartBuildInit, EndBuildInit, StartBuildFinally, EndBuildFinally, BuildExceptInitial, BuildExceptFinally, BuildExceptProcedure, BuildRetry, BuildReThrow, BuildBuiltinConst, BuildBuiltinTypeInfo, BuildAssignment, BuildAssignConstant, BuildAlignment, BuildDefaultFieldAlignment, BuildPragmaField, BuildRepeat, BuildUntil, BuildWhile, BuildDoWhile, BuildEndWhile, BuildLoop, BuildExit, BuildEndLoop, BuildThenIf, BuildElse, BuildEndIf, BuildElsif1, BuildElsif2, BuildForToByDo, BuildPseudoBy, BuildEndFor, BuildCaseStartStatementSequence, BuildCaseEndStatementSequence, BuildCaseList, BuildCaseStart, BuildCaseOr, BuildCaseElse, BuildCaseEnd, BuildCaseCheck, BuildCaseRange, BuildCaseEquality, BuildNulParam, BuildProcedureCall, CheckBuildFunction, BuildFunctionCall, BuildConstFunctionCall, BuildProcedureStart, BuildProcedureEnd, BuildProcedureBegin, BuildReturn, BuildModulePriority, BuildBooleanVariable, BuildSizeCheckStart, StartBuildWith, EndBuildWith, CheckWithReference, BuildDesignatorRecord, BuildDesignatorArray, BuildDesignatorPointer, BuildSetStart, BuildSetEnd, BuildEmptySet, BuildInclRange, BuildInclBit, BuildNulExpression, BuildNot, BuildRelOp, BuildBinaryOp, BuildUnaryOp, RecordOp, Top, PopTF, PushTF, PopT, PushT, PopNothing, PopN, PushTFA, PushTtok, PushTFtok, PopTFtok, PopTtok, PushTFAtok, PushTFn, PushTFntok, PopTFn, OperandT, OperandF, OperandA, OperandAnno, OperandTok, DisplayStack, WriteOperand, Annotate, BuildCodeOn, BuildCodeOff, BuildProfileOn, BuildProfileOff, BuildOptimizeOn, BuildOptimizeOff, BuildAsm, BuildStmtNote, BuildLineNo, PushLineNo, BuildConstructor, BuildConstructorStart, BuildConstructorEnd, NextConstructorField, BuildTypeForConstructor, PopConstructor, BuildComponentValue, SilentBuildConstructor, SilentBuildConstructorStart, SetOptionOptimizing, SetOptionCoding, SetOptionProfiling, QuadOperator, Opposite, IsReferenced, IsBackReference, IsUnConditional, IsConditional, IsBackReferenceConditional, IsGoto, IsCall, IsReturn, IsProcedureScope, IsNewLocalVar, IsKillLocalVar, IsCatchBegin, IsCatchEnd, IsInitStart, IsInitEnd, IsFinallyStart, IsFinallyEnd, IsCodeOn, (* Compiler flag testing routines *) IsProfileOn, IsOptimizeOn, IsPseudoQuad, IsDefOrModFile, IsInitialisingConst, IsQuadConstExpr, IsBecomes, IsDummy, GetQuadOp1, GetQuadOp2, GetQuadOp3, GetQuadDest, SetQuadConstExpr, DumpQuadruples, DisplayQuadRange, DisplayQuad, WriteOperator, BackPatchSubrangesAndOptParam, GetQuad, GetFirstQuad, GetNextQuad, PutQuad, SubQuad, EraseQuad, GetRealQuad, GetQuadtok, GetQuadOtok, PutQuadOtok, GetQuadOp, GetM2OperatorDesc, GetQuadOTypetok, CountQuads, GetLastFileQuad, GetLastQuadNo, QuadToLineNo, QuadToTokenNo, LoopAnalysis, ForLoopAnalysis, AddVarientFieldToList, AddRecordToList, AddVarientToList, AddVarientRange, AddVarientEquality, BeginVarient, EndVarient, ElseVarient, BeginVarientList, EndVarientList, IsAutoPushOn, PushAutoOn, PushAutoOff, PopAuto, PushInConstExpression, PopInConstExpression, IsInConstExpression, PushInConstParameters, PopInConstParameters, IsInConstParameters, MustCheckOverflow, BuildAsmElement, BuildAsmTrash, GetQuadTrash ; TYPE QuadOperator = (AddOp, AddrOp, ArithAddOp, ArrayOp, BecomesOp, BuiltinConstOp, BuiltinTypeInfoOp, CallOp, CastOp, CatchBeginOp, CatchEndOp, CodeOffOp, CodeOnOp, CoerceOp, ConvertOp, DivCeilOp, DivFloorOp, DivM2Op, DivTruncOp, DummyOp, ElementSizeOp, EndFileOp, ErrorOp, ExclOp, FinallyEndOp, FinallyStartOp, FunctValueOp, GotoOp, HighOp, IfEquOp, IfGreEquOp, IfGreOp, IfInOp, IfLessEquOp, IfLessOp, IfNotEquOp, IfNotInOp, InclOp, IndrXOp, InitAddressOp, InitEndOp, InitStartOp, InlineOp, KillLocalVarOp, LineNumberOp, LogicalAndOp, LogicalDiffOp, LogicalOrOp, LogicalRotateOp, LogicalShiftOp, LogicalXorOp, ModCeilOp, ModFloorOp, ModM2Op, ModTruncOp, ModuleScopeOp, MultOp, NegateOp, NewLocalVarOp, OptimizeOffOp, OptimizeOnOp, OptParamOp, ParamOp, ProcedureScopeOp, ProfileOffOp, ProfileOnOp, RangeCheckOp, RecordFieldOp, RestoreExceptionOp, RestorePriorityOp, RetryOp, ReturnOp, ReturnValueOp, SaveExceptionOp, SavePriorityOp, SizeOp, StandardFunctionOp, StartDefFileOp, StartModFileOp, StatementNoteOp, SubOp, SubrangeHighOp, SubrangeLowOp, StringConvertCnulOp, StringConvertM2nulOp, StringLengthOp, ThrowOp, TryOp, UnboundedOp, XIndrOp) ; (* SetOptionCoding - builds a code quadruple if the profiling option was given to the compiler. *) PROCEDURE SetOptionCoding (b: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetOptionProfiling - builds a profile quadruple if the profiling option was given to the compiler. *) PROCEDURE SetOptionProfiling (b: BOOLEAN) ; (* SetOptionOptimizing - builds a code quadruple if the profiling option was given to the compiler. *) PROCEDURE SetOptionOptimizing (b: BOOLEAN) ; (* Opposite - returns the opposite comparison operator. *) PROCEDURE Opposite (Operator: QuadOperator) : QuadOperator ; (* IsReferenced - returns true if QuadNo is referenced by another quadruple. *) PROCEDURE IsReferenced (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsBackReference - returns TRUE if quadruple, q, is referenced from a quad further on. *) PROCEDURE IsBackReference (q: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsUnConditional - returns true if QuadNo is an unconditional jump. *) PROCEDURE IsUnConditional (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsConditional - returns true if QuadNo is a conditional jump. *) PROCEDURE IsConditional (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsBackReferenceConditional - returns TRUE if quadruple, q, is referenced from a conditional quad further on. *) PROCEDURE IsBackReferenceConditional (q: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsGoto - returns true if QuadNo is a goto operation. *) PROCEDURE IsGoto (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsCall - returns true if QuadNo is a call operation. *) PROCEDURE IsCall (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsReturn - returns true if QuadNo is a return operation. *) PROCEDURE IsReturn (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsProcedureScope - returns true if QuadNo is a ProcedureScope operation. *) PROCEDURE IsProcedureScope (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsNewLocalVar - returns true if QuadNo is a NewLocalVar operation. *) PROCEDURE IsNewLocalVar (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsKillLocalVar - returns true if QuadNo is a KillLocalVar operation. *) PROCEDURE IsKillLocalVar (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsCatchBegin - returns true if QuadNo is a catch begin quad. *) PROCEDURE IsCatchBegin (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsCatchEnd - returns true if QuadNo is a catch end quad. *) PROCEDURE IsCatchEnd (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsInitStart - returns true if QuadNo is a init start quad. *) PROCEDURE IsInitStart (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsInitEnd - returns true if QuadNo is a init end quad. *) PROCEDURE IsInitEnd (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsFinallyStart - returns true if QuadNo is a finally start quad. *) PROCEDURE IsFinallyStart (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsFinallyEnd - returns true if QuadNo is a finally end quad. *) PROCEDURE IsFinallyEnd (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsBecomes - return TRUE if QuadNo is a BecomesOp. *) PROCEDURE IsBecomes (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsDummy - return TRUE if QuadNo is a DummyOp. *) PROCEDURE IsDummy (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsQuadConstExpr - returns TRUE if QuadNo is part of a constant expression. *) PROCEDURE IsQuadConstExpr (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* SetQuadConstExpr - sets the constexpr field to value. *) PROCEDURE SetQuadConstExpr (QuadNo: CARDINAL; value: BOOLEAN) ; (* GetQuadDest - returns the jump destination associated with quad. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadDest (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; (* GetQuadOp1 - returns the 1st operand associated with quad. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadOp1 (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; (* GetQuadOp2 - returns the 2nd operand associated with quad. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadOp2 (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; (* GetQuadOp3 - returns the 3rd operand associated with quad. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadOp3 (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; (* IsInitialisingConst - returns TRUE if the quadruple is setting a const (op1) with a value. *) PROCEDURE IsInitialisingConst (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsOptimizeOn - returns true if the Optimize flag was true at QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE IsOptimizeOn (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsProfileOn - returns true if the Profile flag was true at QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE IsProfileOn (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsCodeOn - returns true if the Code flag was true at QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE IsCodeOn (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsPseudoQuad - returns true if QuadNo is a compiler directive. ie code, profile and optimize. *) PROCEDURE IsPseudoQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* IsDefOrModFile - returns TRUE if QuadNo is a start of Module or Def file directive. *) PROCEDURE IsDefOrModFile (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* DumpQuadruples - dump all quadruples providing the -fq, -fdump-lang-quad, -fdump-lang-quad= or -fdump-lang-all were issued to the command line. *) PROCEDURE DumpQuadruples (title: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; (* DisplayQuadRange - displays all quads in list range, start..end. *) PROCEDURE DisplayQuadRange (scope: CARDINAL; start, end: CARDINAL) ; (* DisplayQuad - displays a quadruple, QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE DisplayQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) ; (* GetLastFileQuad - returns the Quadruple number of the last StartDefFile or StartModFile quadruple. *) PROCEDURE GetLastFileQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; (* GetLastQuadNo - returns the last quadruple number referenced by a GetQuad. *) PROCEDURE GetLastQuadNo () : CARDINAL ; (* QuadToTokenNo - Converts a QuadNo into the approprate token number of the source file, the line number is returned. This may be used to yield an idea where abouts in the source file the code generetion is processing. *) PROCEDURE QuadToTokenNo (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; (* QuadToLineNo - Converts a QuadNo into the approprate line number of the source file, the line number is returned. This may be used to yield an idea where abouts in the source file the code generetion is processing. *) PROCEDURE QuadToLineNo (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; (* GetQuad - returns the Quadruple QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE GetQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL; VAR Op: QuadOperator; VAR Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL) ; (* GetQuadOp - returns the operator for quad. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadOp (quad: CARDINAL) : QuadOperator ; (* GetM2OperatorDesc - returns the Modula-2 string associated with the quad operator (if possible). It returns NIL if no there is not an obvious match in Modula-2. It is assummed that the string will be used during construction of error messages and therefore keywords are wrapped with a format specifier. *) PROCEDURE GetM2OperatorDesc (op: QuadOperator) : String ; (* GetQuadtok - returns the Quadruple QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadtok (QuadNo: CARDINAL; VAR Op: QuadOperator; VAR Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL; VAR Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos: CARDINAL) ; (* GetQuadOtok - returns the Quadruple QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadOtok (QuadNo: CARDINAL; VAR tok: CARDINAL; VAR Op: QuadOperator; VAR Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL; VAR overflowChecking, constExpr: BOOLEAN ; VAR Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos: CARDINAL) ; (* GetQuadOTypetok - returns the fields associated with quadruple QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadOTypetok (QuadNo: CARDINAL; VAR tok: CARDINAL; VAR Op: QuadOperator; VAR Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL; VAR overflowChecking, typeChecking, constExpr: BOOLEAN ; VAR Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos: CARDINAL) ; (* PutQuadOtok - alters a quadruple QuadNo with Op, Oper1, Oper2, Oper3, and sets a boolean to determinine whether overflow should be checked. *) PROCEDURE PutQuadOtok (QuadNo: CARDINAL; tok: CARDINAL; Op: QuadOperator; Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL; overflowChecking, constExpr: BOOLEAN ; Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos: CARDINAL) ; (* PutQuad - overwrites a quadruple QuadNo with Op, Oper1, Oper2, Oper3 *) PROCEDURE PutQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL; Op: QuadOperator; Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL) ; (* GetFirstQuad - returns the first quadruple. *) PROCEDURE GetFirstQuad () : CARDINAL ; (* GetNextQuad - returns the Quadruple number following QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE GetNextQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; (* GetRealQuad - returns the Quadruple number of the real quadruple at QuadNo or beyond. *) PROCEDURE GetRealQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; (* SubQuad - removes quadruple QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE SubQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) ; (* EraseQuad - erases a quadruple QuadNo, the quaduple is still in the list but wiped clean. *) PROCEDURE EraseQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) ; (* CountQuads - returns the number of quadruples. *) PROCEDURE CountQuads () : CARDINAL ; (* BuildScaffold - generate the main, init, finish functions if no -c and this is the application module. *) PROCEDURE BuildScaffold (tok: CARDINAL; moduleSym: CARDINAL) ; (* StartBuildDefFile - generates a StartFileOp quadruple indicating the file that has produced the subsequent quadruples. The code generator uses the StartDefFileOp quadruples to relate any error to the appropriate file. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | ModuleName | | ModuleName | |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q StartDefFileOp _ _ ModuleSym *) PROCEDURE StartBuildDefFile (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* StartBuildModFile - generates a StartModFileOp quadruple indicating the file that has produced the subsequent quadruples. The code generator uses the StartModFileOp quadruples to relate any error to the appropriate file. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | ModuleName | | ModuleName | |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q StartModFileOp _ _ ModuleSym *) PROCEDURE StartBuildModFile (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* EndBuildFile - generates an EndFileOp quadruple indicating the file that has produced the previous quadruples has ended. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | ModuleName | | ModuleName | |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q EndFileOp _ _ ModuleSym *) PROCEDURE EndBuildFile (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* StartBuildInit - Builds the start initialisation code of a module. *) PROCEDURE StartBuildInit (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* EndBuildInit - Builds the end initialisation code of a module. *) PROCEDURE EndBuildInit (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* StartBuildFinally - Builds the start finalisation code of a module. *) PROCEDURE StartBuildFinally (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* EndBuildFinally - Builds the end finalisation code of a module. *) PROCEDURE EndBuildFinally (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildExceptInitial - adds an ExceptOp quadruple in a modules initial block. *) PROCEDURE BuildExceptInitial (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildExceptFinally - adds an ExceptOp quadruple in a modules finally block. *) PROCEDURE BuildExceptFinally (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildExceptProcedure - adds an ExceptOp quadruple in a procedure block. *) PROCEDURE BuildExceptProcedure (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildRetry - adds an RetryOp quadruple. *) PROCEDURE BuildRetry (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildReThrow - creates a ThrowOp _ _ NulSym, indicating that the exception needs to be rethrown. The stack is unaltered. *) PROCEDURE BuildReThrow (tokenno: CARDINAL) ; (* StartBuildInnerInit - Sets the start of initialization code of the inner module to the next quadruple. *) PROCEDURE StartBuildInnerInit (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* EndBuildInnerInit - Sets the end initialization code of a module. *) PROCEDURE EndBuildInnerInit (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildBuiltinConst - makes reference to a builtin constant within gm2. Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ +------------+ | Ident | | Sym | |------------| |------------| Quadruple produced: q Sym BuiltinConstOp Ident *) PROCEDURE BuildBuiltinConst ; (* BuildBuiltinTypeInfo - make reference to a builtin typeinfo function within gm2. Entry Exit Ptr -> +-------------+ | IdentType | |-------------| +------------+ | ConstString | | Sym | |-------------| |------------| Quadruple produced: q Sym BuiltinTypeInfoOp Ident ConstString *) PROCEDURE BuildBuiltinTypeInfo ; (* BuildAssignment - Builds an assignment from the values given on the quad stack. Either an assignment to an arithmetic expression or an assignment to a boolean expression. This procedure should not be called in CONST declarations. The Stack is expected to contain: Either Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Expression | |------------| | Designator | |------------| +------------+ | | | | <- Ptr |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q BecomesOp Designator _ Expression OR Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | True |False| |------------| | Designator | |------------| +------------+ | | | | <- Ptr |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q BecomesOp Designator _ TRUE q+1 GotoOp q+3 q+2 BecomesOp Designator _ FALSE *) PROCEDURE BuildAssignment (becomesTokNo: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildAssignConstant - used to create constant in the CONST declaration. The stack is expected to contain: Either Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Expression | |------------| | Designator | |------------| +------------+ | | | | <- Ptr |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q BecomesOp Designator _ Expression OR Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | True |False| |------------| | Designator | |------------| +------------+ | | | | <- Ptr |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q BecomesOp Designator _ TRUE q+1 GotoOp q+3 q+2 BecomesOp Designator _ FALSE *) PROCEDURE BuildAssignConstant (equalsTokNo: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildAlignment - builds an assignment to an alignment constant. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +---------------+ | Expression | |---------------| | bytealignment | |---------------| empty *) PROCEDURE BuildAlignment ; (* BuildBitLength - builds an assignment to a bit length constant. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Expression | |------------| empty *) PROCEDURE BuildBitLength ; (* BuildPragmaField - builds an assignment to a pragma constant. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Expression | |------------| empty *) PROCEDURE BuildPragmaField ; (* BuildDefaultFieldAlignment - builds an assignment to an alignment constant. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Expression | |------------| empty *) PROCEDURE BuildDefaultFieldAlignment ; (* BuildRepeat - Builds the repeat statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Empty <- Ptr +------------+ | RepeatQuad | |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildRepeat ; (* BuildUntil - Builds the until part of the repeat statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | t | f | |------------| | RepeatQuad | Empty |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildUntil ; (* BuildWhile - Builds the While part of the While statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== <- Ptr |------------| Empty | WhileQuad | |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildWhile ; (* BuildDoWhile - Builds the Do part of the while statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ +------------+ | t | f | | 0 | f | |------------| |------------| | WhileQuad | | WhileQuad | |------------| |------------| Quadruples BackPatch t exit to the NextQuad *) PROCEDURE BuildDoWhile ; (* BuildEndWhile - Builds the end part of the while statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | t | f | |------------| | WhileQuad | Empty |------------| Quadruples q GotoOp WhileQuad False exit is backpatched with q+1 *) PROCEDURE BuildEndWhile ; (* BuildLoop - Builds the Loop part of the Loop statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== <- Ptr Empty +------------+ | LoopQuad | |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildLoop ; (* BuildExit - Builds the Exit part of the Loop statement. *) PROCEDURE BuildExit ; (* BuildEndLoop - Builds the End part of the Loop statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | LoopQuad | Empty |------------| Quadruples Goto _ _ LoopQuad *) PROCEDURE BuildEndLoop ; (* BuildThenIf - Builds the Then part of the If statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | t | f | | 0 | f | |------------| |------------| Quadruples The true exit is BackPatched to point to the NextQuad. *) PROCEDURE BuildThenIf ; (* BuildElse - Builds the Else part of the If statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ +------------+ | t | f | | t+q | 0 | |------------| |------------| Quadruples q GotoOp _ _ 0 q+1 <- BackPatched from f *) PROCEDURE BuildElse ; (* BuildEndIf - Builds the End part of the If statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | t | f | Empty |------------| Quadruples Both t and f are backpatched to point to the NextQuad *) PROCEDURE BuildEndIf ; (* BuildElsif1 - Builds the Elsif part of the If statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ +------------+ | t | f | | t+q | 0 | |------------| |------------| Quadruples q GotoOp _ _ 0 q+1 <- BackPatched from f *) PROCEDURE BuildElsif1 ; (* BuildElsif2 - Builds the Elsif until part of the If statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +--------------+ | 0 | f1 | <- Ptr |--------------| +---------------+ | t2 | f2 | | t2 | f1+f2 | |--------------| |---------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildElsif2 ; (* BuildForToByDo - Builds the For To By Do part of the For statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | BySym | | t | f | |------------| |------------| | e2 | | ForQuad | |------------| |------------| | e1 | | BySym | |------------| |------------| | Ident | | IdentSym | |------------| |------------| Quadruple q BecomesOp IdentSym _ e1 q+1 if < by 0 q+5 q+2 GotoOp q+3 q+3 If > IdentSym e2 _ q+4 GotoOp q+7 q+5 If <= IdentSym e2 _ q+6 GotoOp q+7 The For Loop is regarded: For ident := e1 To e2 By by Do End *) PROCEDURE BuildForToByDo ; (* BuildPseudoBy - Builds the Non existant part of the By clause of the For statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== <- Ptr +------------+ Empty | BySym | |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildPseudoBy ; (* BuildEndFor - Builds the End part of the For statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | t | f | |------------| | ForQuad | |------------| | BySym | |------------| | IdSym | Empty |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildEndFor (endpostok: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildCaseStart - starts the case statement. It initializes a backpatch list on the compile time stack, the list is used to contain all case break points. The list is later backpatched and contains all positions of the case statement which jump to the end of the case statement. The stack also contains room for a boolean expression, this is needed to allow , operator in the CaseField alternatives. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== <- Ptr +------------+ Empty | 0 | 0 | |------------| | 0 | 0 | |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseStart ; (* BuildCaseStartStatementSequence - starts the statement sequence inside a case clause. BackPatches the true exit to the NextQuad. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +-----------+ +------------+ | t | f | | 0 | f | |-----------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseStartStatementSequence ; (* BuildCaseEndStatementSequence - ends the statement sequence inside a case clause. BackPatches the false exit f1 to the NextQuad. Asserts that t1 and f2 is 0 Pushes t2+q and 0 Quadruples: q GotoOp _ _ 0 The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +-----------+ +------------+ | t1 | f1 | | 0 | 0 | |-----------| |------------| | t2 | f2 | | t2+q | 0 | |-----------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseEndStatementSequence ; (* BuildCaseRange - builds the range testing quaruples for a case clause. IF (e1>=ce1) AND (e1<=ce2) THEN ELS.. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +-----------+ | ce2 | <- Ptr |-----------| +-----------+ | ce1 | | t | f | |-----------| |-----------| | t1 | f1 | | t1 | f1 | |-----------| |-----------| | t2 | f2 | | t2 | f2 | |-----------| |-----------| | e1 | | e1 | |-----------| |-----------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseRange ; (* BuildCaseEquality - builds the range testing quadruples for a case clause. IF e1=ce1 THEN ELS.. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +-----------+ +-----------+ | ce1 | | t | f | |-----------| |-----------| | t1 | f1 | | t1 | f1 | |-----------| |-----------| | t2 | f2 | | t2 | f2 | |-----------| |-----------| | e1 | | e1 | |-----------| |-----------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseEquality ; (* BuildCaseList - merges two case tests into one The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +-----------+ | t2 | f2 | |-----------| +-------------+ | t1 | f1 | | t1+t2| f1+f2| |-----------| |-------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseList ; (* BuildCaseOr - builds the , in the case clause. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +-----------+ +------------+ | t | f | | t | 0 | |-----------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseOr ; (* BuildCaseElse - builds the else of case clause. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +-----------+ +------------+ | t | f | | t | 0 | |-----------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseElse ; (* BuildCaseEnd - builds the end of case clause. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +-----------+ | t1 | f1 | |-----------| | t2 | f2 | |-----------| | e1 | |-----------| Empty *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseEnd ; (* BuildCaseCheck - builds the case checking code to ensure that the program does not need an else clause at runtime. The stack is unaltered. *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseCheck ; (* BuildNulParam - Builds a nul parameter on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit <- Ptr Empty +------------+ | 0 | |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildNulParam ; (* BuildProcedureCall - builds a procedure call. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildProcedureCall (tokno: CARDINAL) ; (* CheckBuildFunction - checks to see whether ProcSym is a function and if so it adds a TempSym value which will hold the return value once the function finishes. This procedure also generates an error message if the user is calling a function and ignoring the return result. The additional TempSym is not created if ProcSym is a procedure and the stack is unaltered. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | ProcSym | Type | +----------------+ |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | | TempSym | Type | |----------------| |----------------| *) PROCEDURE CheckBuildFunction () : BOOLEAN ; (* BuildFunctionCall - builds a function call. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildFunctionCall (ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; (* BuildConstFunctionCall - builds a function call and checks that this function can be called inside a ConstExpression. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildConstFunctionCall ; (* BuildBooleanVariable - tests to see whether top of stack is a boolean conditional and if so it converts it into a boolean variable. *) PROCEDURE BuildBooleanVariable ; (* BuildModuleStart - starts current module scope. *) PROCEDURE BuildModuleStart (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildProcedureStart - Builds start of the procedure. Creates space for the local variables. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +-----------+ | ProcSym | | ProcSym | |------------| |-----------| | Name | | Name | |------------| |-----------| Quadruples: q NewLocalVarOp _ _ ProcSym *) PROCEDURE BuildProcedureStart ; (* BuildProcedureBegin - determines the start of the BEGIN END block of the procedure. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +-----------+ | ProcSym | | ProcSym | |------------| |-----------| | Name | | Name | |------------| |-----------| Quadruples: q BeginOp _ _ ProcSym *) PROCEDURE BuildProcedureBegin ; (* BuildProcedureEnd - Builds end of the procedure. Destroys space for the local variables. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +-----------+ | ProcSym | | ProcSym | |------------| |-----------| | Name | | Name | |------------| |-----------| Quadruples: q KillLocalVarOp _ _ ProcSym *) PROCEDURE BuildProcedureEnd ; (* BuildReturn - Builds the Return part of the procedure. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | e1 | Empty |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildReturn (tokreturn: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildModulePriority - assigns the current module with a priority from the top of stack. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> Empty +------------+ | Priority | |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildModulePriority ; (* StartBuildWith - performs the with statement. The Stack: Entry Exit +------------+ | Sym | Type | Empty |------------| *) PROCEDURE StartBuildWith (withTok: CARDINAL) ; (* EndBuildWith - terminates the innermost with scope. *) PROCEDURE EndBuildWith ; (* CheckWithReference - performs the with statement. The Stack: Entry Exit +------------+ +------------+ | Sym | Type | | Sym | Type | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE CheckWithReference ; (* BuildDesignatorRecord - Builds the record referencing. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +--------------+ | n | |--------------| | fld1 | type1 | |--------------| . . . . . . |--------------| | fldn | typen | <- Ptr |--------------| +-------------+ | Sym | Type | | S | type1| |--------------| |-------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildDesignatorRecord (dottok: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildDesignatorArray - Builds the array referencing. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +--------------+ | n | Empty |--------------| | e1 | |--------------| . . . . . . |--------------| | e2 | <- Ptr |--------------| +------------+ | Sym | Type | | S | T | |--------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildDesignatorArray ; (* BuildDesignatorPointer - Builds the record referencing. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +--------------+ +--------------+ | Sym1 | Type1| | Sym2 | Type2| |--------------| |--------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildDesignatorPointer (ptrtok: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildNulExpression - Builds a nul expression on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit <- Ptr Empty +------------+ | NulSym | |------------| tokpos is the position of the RETURN token. *) PROCEDURE BuildNulExpression (tokpos: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildSetStart - Pushes a Bitset type on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr Empty +--------------+ | Bitset | |--------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildSetStart (tokpos: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildSetEnd - pops the set value and type from the stack and pushes the value,type pair. Entry Exit Ptr -> +--------------+ | Set Value | <- Ptr |--------------| +--------------+ | Set Type | | Value | Type | |--------------| |--------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildSetEnd ; (* BuildEmptySet - Builds an empty set on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit <- Ptr +-------------+ Ptr -> | Value | +-----------+ |-------------| | SetType | | SetType | |-----------| |-------------| tokpos points to the opening '{'. *) PROCEDURE BuildEmptySet (tokpos: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildInclRange - includes a set range with a set. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | El2 | |------------| | El1 | <- Ptr |------------| +-------------------+ | Set Value | | Value + {El1..El2}| |------------| |-------------------| | Set Type | | Set Type | |------------| |-------------------| No quadruples produced as the range info is contained within the set value. *) PROCEDURE BuildInclRange ; (* BuildInclBit - includes a bit into the set. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Element | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | Value | | Value | |------------| |------------| | Type | | Type | |------------| |------------| No quadruples produced as this bit inclusion is contained within the set value. *) PROCEDURE BuildInclBit ; (* SilentBuildConstructor - places NulSym into the constructor fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE SilentBuildConstructor ; (* SilentBuildConstructorStart - removes an entry from the constructor fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE SilentBuildConstructorStart ; (* BuildConstructor - builds a constructor. Stack Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Type | <- Ptr |------------+ *) PROCEDURE BuildConstructor (tokcbrpos: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildConstructorStart - builds a constructor. Stack Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | Name | | Sym | |------------+ |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildConstructorStart (cbratokpos: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildConstructorEnd - removes the current constructor frame from the constructor stack (it does not effect the quad stack) Stack Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | const | | const | |------------+ |------------| startpos is the start of the constructor, either the typename or '{' cbratokpos is the '}'. *) PROCEDURE BuildConstructorEnd (startpos, cbratokpos: CARDINAL) ; (* NextConstructorField - increments the top of constructor stacks index by one. *) PROCEDURE NextConstructorField ; (* BuildTypeForConstructor - pushes the type implied by the current constructor. If no constructor is currently being built then it Pushes a Bitset type. *) PROCEDURE BuildTypeForConstructor (tokpos: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildComponentValue - builds a component value. Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | const | | const | |------------| |------------| (this is incomplete (fixme)) *) PROCEDURE BuildComponentValue ; (* PopConstructor - removes the top constructor from the top of stack. *) PROCEDURE PopConstructor ; (* BuildNot - Builds a NOT operation from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | t | f | | f | t | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildNot (notTokPos: CARDINAL) ; (* RecordOp - Records the operator passed on the stack. Checks for AND operator or OR operator if either of these operators are found then BackPatching takes place. The Expected Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +-------------+ +-------------+ | OperatorTok | | OperatorTok | |-------------| |-------------| | t | f | | t | f | |-------------| |-------------| If OperatorTok=AndTok Then BackPatch(f, NextQuad) Elsif OperatorTok=OrTok Then BackPatch(t, NextQuad) End *) PROCEDURE RecordOp ; (* BuildRelOp - Builds a relative operation from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | e1 | |------------| <- Ptr | Operator | |------------| +------------+ | e2 | | t | f | |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q IFOperator e1 e2 TrueExit q+1 GotoOp FalseExit *) PROCEDURE BuildRelOp (optokpos: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildBinaryOp - Builds a binary operation from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Sym1 | |------------| | Operator | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | Sym2 | | Temporary | |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q Operator Temporary Sym1 Sym2 *) PROCEDURE BuildBinaryOp ; (* BuildUnaryOp - Builds a unary operation from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Sym1 | |------------| +------------+ | Operator | | Temporary | <- Ptr |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q Operator Temporary _ Sym1 *) PROCEDURE BuildUnaryOp ; (* OperandT - returns the ident operand stored in the true position on the boolean stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandT (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ; (* OperandF - returns the ident operand stored in the false position on the boolean stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandF (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ; (* PushTF - Push a True and a False exit quad numbers onto the True/False stack. *) PROCEDURE PushTF (True, False: WORD) ; (* PopTF - Pops a True and a False exit quad numbers from the True/False stack. *) PROCEDURE PopTF (VAR True, False: WORD) ; (* PushT - Push a True exit quad numbers onto the True/False stack. The False exit will be zero. *) PROCEDURE PushT (True: WORD) ; (* PopT - Pop a True exit quad number from the True/False stack. The False exit is ignored. *) PROCEDURE PopT (VAR True: WORD) ; (* PushTtok - Push an item onto the stack in the T (true) position, it is assummed to be a token and its token location is recorded. *) PROCEDURE PushTtok (True: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ; (* PushTFtok - Push an item onto the stack in the T (true) position, it is assummed to be a token and its token location is recorded. *) PROCEDURE PushTFtok (True, False: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ; (* PopTFtok - Pop T/F/tok from the stack. *) PROCEDURE PopTFtok (VAR True, False: WORD; VAR tokno: CARDINAL) ; (* PushTFAtok - Push T/F/A/tok to the stack. *) PROCEDURE PushTFAtok (True, False, Array: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ; (* PopTtok - Pops the T value from the stack and token position. *) PROCEDURE PopTtok (VAR True: WORD; VAR tok: CARDINAL) ; (* PushTFn - Push a True and False numbers onto the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PushTFn (True, False, n: WORD) ; (* PushTFntok - Push a True and False numbers onto the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PushTFntok (True, False, n: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ; (* PopTFn - Pop a True and False number from the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PopTFn (VAR True, False, n: WORD) ; (* PopNothing - pops the top element on the stack. *) PROCEDURE PopNothing ; (* PopN - pops multiple elements from the BoolStack. *) PROCEDURE PopN (n: CARDINAL) ; (* PushTFA - Push True, False, Array, numbers onto the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PushTFA (True, False, Array: WORD) ; (* OperandTok - returns the token associated with pos, on the stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandTok (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ; (* OperandA - returns possible array symbol associated with the ident operand stored on the boolean stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandA (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ; (* OperandAnno - returns the annotation string associated with the position, n, on the stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandAnno (n: CARDINAL) : String ; (* Annotate - annotate the top of stack. *) PROCEDURE Annotate (a: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; (* DisplayStack - displays the compile time symbol stack. *) PROCEDURE DisplayStack ; (* Top - returns the no of items held in the stack. *) PROCEDURE Top () : CARDINAL ; (* WriteOperand - displays the operands name, symbol id and mode of addressing. *) PROCEDURE WriteOperand (Sym: CARDINAL) ; (* BeginVarient - begin a varient record. *) PROCEDURE BeginVarient ; (* EndVarient - end a varient record. *) PROCEDURE EndVarient ; (* ElseVarient - associate an ELSE clause with a varient record. *) PROCEDURE ElseVarient ; (* BeginVarientList - begin an ident list containing ranges belonging to a varient list. *) PROCEDURE BeginVarientList ; (* EndVarientList - end a range list for a varient field. *) PROCEDURE EndVarientList ; (* AddRecordToList - adds the record held on the top of stack to the list of records and varient fields. *) PROCEDURE AddRecordToList ; (* AddVarientToList - adds varient held on the top of stack to the list. *) PROCEDURE AddVarientToList ; (* AddVarientFieldToList - adds varient field, f, to the list of all varient fields created. *) PROCEDURE AddVarientFieldToList (f: CARDINAL) ; (* AddVarientRange - creates a range from the top two contant expressions on the stack which are recorded with the current varient field. The stack is unaltered. *) PROCEDURE AddVarientRange ; (* AddVarientEquality - adds the contant expression on the top of the stack to the current varient field being recorded. The stack is unaltered. *) PROCEDURE AddVarientEquality ; (* BuildCodeOn - generates a quadruple declaring that code should be emitted from henceforth. The Stack is unnaffected. *) PROCEDURE BuildCodeOn ; (* BuildCodeOff - generates a quadruple declaring that code should not be emmitted from henceforth. The Stack is unnaffected. *) PROCEDURE BuildCodeOff ; (* BuildProfileOn - generates a quadruple declaring that profile timings should be emmitted from henceforth. The Stack is unnaffected. *) PROCEDURE BuildProfileOn ; (* BuildProfileOn - generates a quadruple declaring that profile timings should be emmitted from henceforth. The Stack is unnaffected. *) PROCEDURE BuildProfileOff ; (* BuildOptimizeOn - generates a quadruple declaring that optimization should occur from henceforth. The Stack is unnaffected. *) PROCEDURE BuildOptimizeOn ; (* BuildOptimizeOff - generates a quadruple declaring that optimization should not occur from henceforth. The Stack is unnaffected. *) PROCEDURE BuildOptimizeOff ; (* BuildAsm - builds an Inline pseudo quadruple operator. The inline interface, Sym, is stored as the operand to the operator InlineOp. The stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +--------------+ | Sym | Empty |--------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildAsm (tok: CARDINAL) ; (* BuildLineNo - builds a LineNumberOp pseudo quadruple operator. This quadruple indicates which source line has been processed, these quadruples are only generated if we are producing runtime debugging information. The stack is not affected, read or altered in any way. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr *) PROCEDURE BuildLineNo ; (* PushLineNo - pushes the current file and line number to the stack. *) PROCEDURE PushLineNo ; (* BuildStmtNote - builds a StatementNoteOp pseudo quadruple operator. This quadruple indicates which source line has been processed and it represents the start of a statement sequence. It differs from LineNumberOp in that multiple successive LineNumberOps will be removed and the final one is attached to the next real GCC tree. Whereas a StatementNoteOp is always left alone. Depending upon the debugging level it will issue a nop instruction to ensure that the gdb single step will step into this line. Practically it allows pedalogical debugging to occur when there is syntax sugar such as: END (* step *) END (* step *) END ; (* step *) a := 1 ; (* step *) REPEAT (* step *) i := 1 (* step *) The stack is not affected, read or altered in any way. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr *) PROCEDURE BuildStmtNote (offset: INTEGER) ; (* LoopAnalysis - checks whether an infinite loop exists. *) PROCEDURE LoopAnalysis (Scope: CARDINAL; Current, End: CARDINAL) ; (* ForLoopAnalysis - checks all the FOR loops for index variable manipulation and dangerous usage outside the loop. *) PROCEDURE ForLoopAnalysis ; (* BuildSizeCheckStart - switches off all quadruple generation if the function SIZE is being "called". This should be done as SIZE only requires the actual type of the expression, not its value. Consider the problem of SIZE(UninitializedPointer^) quite legal and it must also be safe! The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +-----------+ | ProcSym | | ProcSym | |------------| |-----------| *) PROCEDURE BuildSizeCheckStart ; (* BackPatchSubrangesAndOptParam - runs through all the quadruples and finds SubrangeLow or SubrangeHigh quadruples and replaces it by an assignment to the Low or High component of the subrange type. Input: SubrangeLow op1 op3 (* op3 is a subrange *) Output: Becomes op1 low Input: SubrangeHigh op1 op3 (* op3 is a subrange *) Output: Becomes op1 high Input: OptParam op1 op2 op3 Output: Param op1 op2 GetOptArgInit(op3) *) PROCEDURE BackPatchSubrangesAndOptParam ; (* WriteOperator - writes the name of the quadruple operator. *) PROCEDURE WriteOperator (Operator: QuadOperator) ; (* PushAutoOn - push the auto flag and then set it to TRUE. Any call to ident in the parser will result in the token being pushed. *) PROCEDURE PushAutoOn ; (* PushAutoOff - push the auto flag and then set it to FALSE. *) PROCEDURE PushAutoOff ; (* IsAutoPushOn - returns the value of the current Auto ident push flag. *) PROCEDURE IsAutoPushOn () : BOOLEAN ; (* PopAuto - restores the previous value of the Auto flag. *) PROCEDURE PopAuto ; (* MustCheckOverflow - returns TRUE if the quadruple should test for overflow. *) PROCEDURE MustCheckOverflow (q: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* PushInConstExpression - push the InConstExpression flag and then set it to TRUE. *) PROCEDURE PushInConstExpression ; (* PopInConstExpression - restores the previous value of the InConstExpression. *) PROCEDURE PopInConstExpression ; (* IsInConstExpression - returns the value of the InConstExpression. *) PROCEDURE IsInConstExpression () : BOOLEAN ; (* PushInConstParameters - push the InConstParameters flag and then set it to TRUE. *) PROCEDURE PushInConstParameters ; (* PopInConstParameters - restores the previous value of the InConstParameters. *) PROCEDURE PopInConstParameters ; (* IsInConstParameters - returns the value of the InConstParameters. *) PROCEDURE IsInConstParameters () : BOOLEAN ; (* BuildAsmElement - the stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------------+ | expr | tokpos | |------------------| | str | |------------------| | name | |------------------| +------------------+ | CurrentInterface | | CurrentInterface | |------------------| |------------------| | CurrentAsm | | CurrentAsm | |------------------| |------------------| | n | | n | |------------------| |------------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildAsmElement (input, output: BOOLEAN) ; (* BuildAsmTrash - the stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------------+ | expr | tokpos | |------------------| +------------------+ | CurrentInterface | | CurrentInterface | |------------------| |------------------| | CurrentAsm | | CurrentAsm | |------------------| |------------------| | n | | n | |------------------| |------------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildAsmTrash ; (* GetQuadTrash - return the symbol associated with the trashed operand. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadTrash (quad: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; END M2Quads.