(* Library module defined by the International Standard Information technology - programming languages BS ISO/IEC 10514-1:1996E Part 1: Modula-2, Base Language. Copyright ISO/IEC (International Organization for Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission) 1996-2021. It may be freely copied for the purpose of implementation (see page 707 of the Information technology - Programming languages Part 1: Modula-2, Base Language. BS ISO/IEC 10514-1:1996). *) DEFINITION MODULE SRawIO; (* Reading and writing data over default channels using raw operations, that is, with no conversion or interpretation. The read result is of the type IOConsts.ReadResults. *) IMPORT SYSTEM; PROCEDURE Read (VAR to: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.LOC); (* Reads storage units from the default input channel, and assigns them to successive components of to. The read result is set to the value allRight, wrongFormat, or endOfInput. *) PROCEDURE Write (from: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.LOC); (* Writes storage units to the default output channel from successive components of from. *) END SRawIO.