(* Library module defined by the International Standard Information technology - programming languages BS ISO/IEC 10514-1:1996E Part 1: Modula-2, Base Language. Copyright ISO/IEC (International Organization for Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission) 1996-2021. It may be freely copied for the purpose of implementation (see page 707 of the Information technology - Programming languages Part 1: Modula-2, Base Language. BS ISO/IEC 10514-1:1996). *) DEFINITION MODULE WholeConv; (* Low-level whole-number/string conversions *) IMPORT ConvTypes; TYPE ConvResults = ConvTypes.ConvResults; (* strAllRight, strOutOfRange, strWrongFormat, strEmpty *) PROCEDURE ScanInt (inputCh: CHAR; VAR chClass: ConvTypes.ScanClass; VAR nextState: ConvTypes.ScanState) ; (* Represents the start state of a finite state scanner for signed whole numbers - assigns class of inputCh to chClass and a procedure representing the next state to nextState. *) PROCEDURE FormatInt (str: ARRAY OF CHAR): ConvResults; (* Returns the format of the string value for conversion to INTEGER. *) PROCEDURE ValueInt (str: ARRAY OF CHAR): INTEGER; (* Returns the value corresponding to the signed whole number string value str if str is well-formed; otherwise raises the WholeConv exception. *) PROCEDURE LengthInt (int: INTEGER): CARDINAL; (* Returns the number of characters in the string representation of int. *) PROCEDURE ScanCard (inputCh: CHAR; VAR chClass: ConvTypes.ScanClass; VAR nextState: ConvTypes.ScanState); (* Represents the start state of a finite state scanner for unsigned whole numbers - assigns class of inputCh to chClass and a procedure representing the next state to nextState. *) PROCEDURE FormatCard (str: ARRAY OF CHAR): ConvResults; (* Returns the format of the string value for conversion to CARDINAL. *) PROCEDURE ValueCard (str: ARRAY OF CHAR): CARDINAL; (* Returns the value corresponding to the unsigned whole number string value str if str is well-formed; otherwise raises the WholeConv exception. *) PROCEDURE LengthCard (card: CARDINAL): CARDINAL; (* Returns the number of characters in the string representation of card. *) PROCEDURE IsWholeConvException (): BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if the current coroutine is in the exceptional execution state because of the raising of an exception in a routine from this module; otherwise returns FALSE. *) END WholeConv.