(* Indexing provides a dynamic array of pointers. Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with gm2; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE Indexing ; FROM libc IMPORT memset, memmove ; FROM Storage IMPORT ALLOCATE, REALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE ; FROM SYSTEM IMPORT TSIZE, ADDRESS, WORD, BYTE ; FROM mcDebug IMPORT assert ; CONST MinSize = 128 ; TYPE PtrToAddress = POINTER TO ADDRESS ; PtrToByte = POINTER TO BYTE ; Index = POINTER TO RECORD ArrayStart: ADDRESS ; ArraySize : CARDINAL ; Used, Low, High : CARDINAL ; Debug : BOOLEAN ; Map : BITSET ; END ; (* InitIndex - creates and returns an Index. *) PROCEDURE InitIndex (low: CARDINAL) : Index ; VAR i: Index ; BEGIN NEW(i) ; WITH i^ DO Low := low ; High := 0 ; ArraySize := MinSize ; ALLOCATE(ArrayStart, MinSize) ; ArrayStart := memset(ArrayStart, 0, ArraySize) ; Debug := FALSE ; Used := 0 ; Map := BITSET{} END ; RETURN( i ) END InitIndex ; (* KillIndex - returns Index to free storage. *) PROCEDURE KillIndex (i: Index) : Index ; BEGIN WITH i^ DO DEALLOCATE(ArrayStart, ArraySize) END ; DISPOSE(i) ; RETURN( NIL ) END KillIndex ; (* DebugIndex - turns on debugging within an index. *) PROCEDURE DebugIndex (i: Index) : Index ; BEGIN i^.Debug := TRUE ; RETURN( i ) END DebugIndex ; (* InBounds - returns TRUE if indice, n, is within the bounds of the dynamic array. *) PROCEDURE InBounds (i: Index; n: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF i=NIL THEN HALT ELSE WITH i^ DO RETURN( (n>=Low) AND (n<=High) ) END END END InBounds ; (* HighIndice - returns the last legally accessible indice of this array. *) PROCEDURE HighIndice (i: Index) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF i=NIL THEN HALT ELSE RETURN( i^.High ) END END HighIndice ; (* LowIndice - returns the first legally accessible indice of this array. *) PROCEDURE LowIndice (i: Index) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF i=NIL THEN HALT ELSE RETURN( i^.Low ) END END LowIndice ; (* PutIndice - places, a, into the dynamic array at position i[n] *) PROCEDURE PutIndice (i: Index; n: CARDINAL; a: ADDRESS) ; VAR oldSize: CARDINAL ; b : ADDRESS ; p : POINTER TO POINTER TO WORD ; BEGIN WITH i^ DO IF NOT InBounds(i, n) THEN IF n=ArraySize DO ArraySize := ArraySize * 2 END ; IF oldSize#ArraySize THEN (* IF Debug THEN printf2('increasing memory hunk from %d to %d\n', oldSize, ArraySize) END ; *) REALLOCATE(ArrayStart, ArraySize) ; (* and initialize the remainder of the array to NIL *) b := ArrayStart ; INC(b, oldSize) ; b := memset(b, 0, ArraySize-oldSize) END ; High := n END END ; b := ArrayStart ; INC(b, (n-Low)*TSIZE(ADDRESS)) ; p := b; p^ := a ; INC(Used) ; IF Debug THEN IF n<32 THEN INCL(Map, n) END END END END PutIndice ; (* GetIndice - retrieves, element i[n] from the dynamic array. *) PROCEDURE GetIndice (i: Index; n: CARDINAL) : ADDRESS ; VAR b: PtrToByte ; p: PtrToAddress ; BEGIN WITH i^ DO IF NOT InBounds(i, n) THEN HALT END ; b := ArrayStart ; INC(b, (n-Low)*TSIZE(ADDRESS)) ; p := VAL(PtrToAddress, b) ; IF Debug THEN IF (n<32) AND (NOT (n IN Map)) AND (p^#NIL) THEN HALT END END ; RETURN( p^ ) END END GetIndice ; (* IsIndiceInIndex - returns TRUE if, a, is in the index, i. *) PROCEDURE IsIndiceInIndex (i: Index; a: ADDRESS) : BOOLEAN ; VAR j: CARDINAL ; b: PtrToByte ; p: PtrToAddress ; BEGIN WITH i^ DO j := Low ; b := ArrayStart ; WHILE j<=High DO p := VAL(PtrToAddress, b) ; IF p^=a THEN RETURN( TRUE ) END ; (* we must not INC(p, ..) as p2c gets confused *) INC(b, TSIZE(ADDRESS)) ; INC(j) END END ; RETURN( FALSE ) END IsIndiceInIndex ; (* RemoveIndiceFromIndex - removes, a, from Index, i. *) PROCEDURE RemoveIndiceFromIndex (i: Index; a: ADDRESS) ; VAR j, k: CARDINAL ; p : PtrToAddress ; b : PtrToByte ; BEGIN WITH i^ DO j := Low ; b := ArrayStart ; WHILE j<=High DO p := VAL(PtrToAddress, b) ; INC(b, TSIZE(ADDRESS)) ; IF p^=a THEN DeleteIndice(i, j) END ; INC(j) END END END RemoveIndiceFromIndex ; (* DeleteIndice - delete i[j] from the array. *) PROCEDURE DeleteIndice (i: Index; j: CARDINAL) ; VAR p: PtrToAddress ; b: PtrToByte ; BEGIN WITH i^ DO IF InBounds(i, j) THEN b := ArrayStart ; INC(b, TSIZE(ADDRESS)*(j-Low)) ; p := VAL(PtrToAddress, b) ; INC(b, TSIZE(ADDRESS)) ; p := memmove(p, b, (High-j)*TSIZE(ADDRESS)) ; DEC(High) ; DEC(Used) ELSE HALT END END END DeleteIndice ; (* IncludeIndiceIntoIndex - if the indice is not in the index, then add it at the end. *) PROCEDURE IncludeIndiceIntoIndex (i: Index; a: ADDRESS) ; BEGIN IF NOT IsIndiceInIndex(i, a) THEN IF i^.Used=0 THEN PutIndice(i, LowIndice(i), a) ELSE PutIndice(i, HighIndice(i)+1, a) END END END IncludeIndiceIntoIndex ; (* ForeachIndiceInIndexDo - for each j indice of i, call procedure p(i[j]) *) PROCEDURE ForeachIndiceInIndexDo (i: Index; p: IndexProcedure) ; VAR j: CARDINAL ; q: IndexProcedure ; BEGIN j := LowIndice (i) ; q := p ; WHILE j <= HighIndice (i) DO assert (q = p) ; p (GetIndice (i, j)) ; INC (j) END END ForeachIndiceInIndexDo ; END Indexing.