#!/bin/sh # Copyright (C) 2000-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is part of GNU Modula-2. # # GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. # # builds the pg.bnf from ppg.mod # usage buildpg ppg.mod destination [-e] # -e build without error recovery # PPGSRC=$1 PPGDST=$2 includeNonErrorChecking () { sed -e "1,/StartNonErrorChecking/d" < $PPGSRC |\ sed -e "1,/EndNonErrorChecking/!d" } includeErrorChecking () { sed -e "1,/StartErrorChecking/d" < $PPGSRC |\ sed -e "1,/EndErrorChecking/!d" } echo "% module" $PPGDST "begin" sed -e "1,/% declaration/!d" < $PPGSRC | sed -e "s/ppg/${PPGDST}/g" echo "% declaration" $PPGDST "begin" sed -e "1,/% declaration/d" < $PPGSRC | sed -e "1,/% rules/!d" | sed -e "s/ppg/${PPGDST}/g" if [ "$3" = "-e" ] ; then includeNonErrorChecking echo "% module" $PPGDST "end" sed -e "1,/% module pg end/d" < $PPGSRC | sed -e "s/ppg/${PPGDST}/g" else includeErrorChecking echo "% module" $PPGDST "end" sed -e "1,/% module pg end/d" < $PPGSRC | sed -e "s/ppg/${PPGDST}/g" |\ sed -e "s/WasNoError := Main() ;/Main({eoftok}) ;/" fi echo "% rules" cat << EOFEOF | sed -e "s/ppg/${PPGDST}/g" error 'WarnError' 'WarnString' tokenfunc 'GetCurrentTokenType()' token 'identifier' identtok -- internal token token 'literal' literaltok token '%' codetok token ':=' lbecomestok token '=:' rbecomestok token '|' bartok token '[' lsparatok token ']' rsparatok token '{' lcparatok -- left curly para token '}' rcparatok -- right curly para token '(' lparatok token ')' rparatok token "error" errortok token "tokenfunc" tfunctok token "symfunc" symfunctok token '"' dquotetok token "'" squotetok token "module" moduletok token "begin" begintok token "rules" rulestok token "end" endtok token '<' lesstok token '>' gretok token "token" tokentok token "special" specialtok token "first" firsttok token "follow" followtok token "BNF" BNFtok token "FNB" FNBtok token "declaration" declarationtok token "epsilon" epsilontok token '' eoftok -- internal token special Ident first { < identtok > } follow { } special Modula2Code first { } follow { '%' } special StartModName first { < identtok > } follow { } special EndModName first { < identtok > } follow { } special DoDeclaration first { < identtok > } follow { } special CollectLiteral first { < literaltok > } follow { } special CollectTok first { < identtok > } follow { } special DefineToken first { < identtok > } follow { } BNF Rules := "%" "rules" { Defs } ExtBNF =: Special := Ident % VAR p: ProductionDesc ; % % p := NewProduction() ; p^.statement := NewStatement() ; p^.statement^.followinfo^.calcfollow := TRUE ; p^.statement^.followinfo^.epsilon := false ; p^.statement^.followinfo^.reachend := false ; p^.statement^.ident := CurrentIdent ; p^.statement^.expr := NIL ; p^.firstsolved := TRUE ; p^.followinfo^.calcfollow := TRUE ; p^.followinfo^.epsilon := false ; p^.followinfo^.reachend := false % First Follow [ "epsilon" % p^.statement^.followinfo^.epsilon := true ; (* these are not used - but they are displayed when debugging *) p^.statement^.followinfo^.reachend := true ; p^.followinfo^.epsilon := true ; p^.followinfo^.reachend := true % ] [ Literal % p^.description := LastLiteral % ] =: Factor := "%" Modula2Code "%" | Ident % WITH CurrentFactor^ DO type := id ; ident := CurrentIdent END ; % | Literal % WITH CurrentFactor^ DO type := lit ; string := LastLiteral ; IF GetSymKey(Aliases, LastLiteral)=NulName THEN WarnError1('no token defined for literal %s', LastLiteral) END END ; % | "{" % WITH CurrentFactor^ DO type := mult ; expr := NewExpression() ; CurrentExpression := expr ; END ; % Expression "}" | "[" % WITH CurrentFactor^ DO type := opt ; expr := NewExpression() ; CurrentExpression := expr ; END ; % Expression "]" | "(" % WITH CurrentFactor^ DO type := sub ; expr := NewExpression() ; CurrentExpression := expr ; END ; % Expression ")" =: Statement := % VAR i: IdentDesc ; % Ident % VAR p: ProductionDesc ; % % p := FindDefinition(CurrentIdent^.name) ; IF p=NIL THEN p := NewProduction() ELSE IF NOT ((p^.statement=NIL) OR (p^.statement^.expr=NIL)) THEN WarnError1('already declared rule %s', CurrentIdent^.name) END END ; i := CurrentIdent ; % ":=" % VAR e: ExpressionDesc ; % % e := NewExpression() ; CurrentExpression := e ; % % VAR s: StatementDesc ; % % s := NewStatement() ; WITH s^ DO ident := i ; expr := e END ; % Expression % p^.statement := s ; % "=:" =: Defs := "special" Special | "token" Token | "error" ErrorProcedures | "tokenfunc" TokenProcedure | "symfunc" SymProcedure =: ExtBNF := "BNF" { Production } "FNB" =: Main := Header Decls Footer Rules =: Header := "%" "module" StartModName =: Decls := "%" "declaration" DoDeclaration =: Footer := "%" "module" EndModName =: First := "first" "{" { LitOrTokenOrIdent % WITH CurrentSetDesc^ DO next := TailProduction^.first ; END ; TailProduction^.first := CurrentSetDesc % } "}" =: Follow := "follow" "{" { LitOrTokenOrIdent % WITH CurrentSetDesc^ DO next := TailProduction^.followinfo^.follow ; END ; TailProduction^.followinfo^.follow := CurrentSetDesc % } "}" =: LitOrTokenOrIdent := Literal % CurrentSetDesc := NewSetDesc() ; WITH CurrentSetDesc^ DO type := litel ; string := LastLiteral ; END ; % | '<' CollectTok '>' | Ident % CurrentSetDesc := NewSetDesc() ; WITH CurrentSetDesc^ DO type := idel ; ident := CurrentIdent ; END ; % =: Literal := '"' CollectLiteral '"' | "'" CollectLiteral "'" =: CollectTok := % CurrentSetDesc := NewSetDesc() ; WITH CurrentSetDesc^ DO type := tokel ; string := GetCurrentToken() ; END ; IF NOT ContainsSymKey(Values, GetCurrentToken()) THEN AddEntry(Values, GetCurrentToken(), LargestValue) ; AddEntry(ReverseValues, Name(LargestValue), GetCurrentToken()) ; AddEntry(Aliases, GetCurrentToken(), GetCurrentToken()) ; AddEntry(ReverseAliases, GetCurrentToken(), GetCurrentToken()) ; INC(LargestValue) END ; AdvanceToken() ; % =: CollectLiteral := % LastLiteral := GetCurrentToken() ; AdvanceToken ; % =: DefineToken := % AddEntry(Aliases, LastLiteral, GetCurrentToken()) ; AddEntry(ReverseAliases, GetCurrentToken(), LastLiteral) ; AddEntry(Values, GetCurrentToken(), LargestValue) ; AddEntry(ReverseValues, Name(LargestValue), GetCurrentToken()) ; INC(LargestValue) ; AdvanceToken ; % =: Token := Literal DefineToken =: ErrorProcedures := Literal % ErrorProcArray := LastLiteral % Literal % ErrorProcString := LastLiteral % =: TokenProcedure := Literal % TokenTypeProc := LastLiteral % =: SymProcedure := Literal % SymIsProc := LastLiteral % =: Production := Statement =: Expression := % VAR t1, t2: TermDesc ; e : ExpressionDesc ; % % e := CurrentExpression ; t1 := NewTerm() ; CurrentTerm := t1 ; % Term % e^.term := t1 ; % { "|" % t2 := NewTerm() ; CurrentTerm := t2 % Term % t1^.next := t2 ; t1 := t2 % } =: Term := % VAR t1: TermDesc ; f1, f2: FactorDesc ; % % CurrentFactor := NewFactor() ; f1 := CurrentFactor ; t1 := CurrentTerm ; % Factor % t1^.factor := f1 ; f2 := NewFactor() ; CurrentFactor := f2 % { Factor % f1^.next := f2 ; f1 := f2 ; f2 := NewFactor() ; CurrentFactor := f2 ; % } =: FNB EOFEOF