/* Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of LIBF7, which is part of GCC.
GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
. */
#include "libf7.h"
#ifndef __AVR_TINY__
#define ALIAS(X, Y) \
F7_WEAK __attribute__((__alias__(F7_STRINGY(X)))) __typeof__(X) Y;
#define DALIAS(...) // empty
#define LALIAS(...) // empty
#ifndef IN_LIBGCC2
#define in_libgcc false
_Static_assert (sizeof (f7_t) == 10 && F7_MANT_BYTES == 7,
"libf7 will only work with 7-byte mantissa.");
#define in_libgcc true
#if __SIZEOF_DOUBLE__ == 8
#undef DALIAS
#define DALIAS(X,Y) \
F7_WEAK __attribute__((__alias__(F7_STRINGY(X)))) __typeof__(X) Y;
#undef LALIAS
#define LALIAS(X,Y) \
F7_WEAK __attribute__((__alias__(F7_STRINGY(X)))) __typeof__(X) Y;
#endif // in libgcc
static F7_INLINE
void f7_assert (bool x)
if (!in_libgcc && !x)
static F7_INLINE
int16_t abs_ssat16 (int16_t a)
_Sat _Fract sa = __builtin_avr_rbits (a);
return __builtin_avr_bitsr (__builtin_avr_absr (sa));
static F7_INLINE
int16_t add_ssat16 (int16_t a, int16_t b)
_Sat _Fract sa = __builtin_avr_rbits (a);
_Sat _Fract sb = __builtin_avr_rbits (b);
return __builtin_avr_bitsr (sa + sb);
static F7_INLINE
int16_t sub_ssat16 (int16_t a, int16_t b)
_Sat _Fract sa = __builtin_avr_rbits (a);
_Sat _Fract sb = __builtin_avr_rbits (b);
return __builtin_avr_bitsr (sa - sb);
static F7_INLINE
int8_t ssat8_range (int16_t a, int8_t range)
if (a >= range)
return range;
if (a <= -range)
return -range;
return a;
#define IN_LIBF7_H
#define F7_CONST_DEF(NAME, FLAGS, M6, M5, M4, M3, M2, M1, M0, EXPO) \
F7_UNUSED static const uint8_t F7_(const_##NAME##_msb) = M6; \
F7_UNUSED static const int16_t F7_(const_##NAME##_expo) = EXPO;
#include "libf7-const.def"
#undef F7_CONST_DEF
#undef IN_LIBF7_H
libgcc naming converntions for conversions:
__float : Convert float modes.
__floatun: Convert unsigned integral to float.
__fix : Convert float to signed integral.
__fixuns : Convert float to unsigned integral.
#ifdef F7MOD_floatundidf_
f7_double_t __floatundidf (uint64_t x)
f7_t xx;
f7_set_u64 (&xx, x);
return f7_get_double (&xx);
#endif // F7MOD_floatundidf_
#ifdef F7MOD_floatdidf_
f7_double_t __floatdidf (int64_t x)
f7_t xx;
f7_set_s64 (&xx, x);
return f7_get_double (&xx);
#endif // F7MOD_floatdidf_
#ifdef F7MOD_init_
f7_t* f7_init_impl (uint64_t mant, uint8_t flags, f7_t *cc, int16_t expo)
flags &= F7_FLAGS;
if (f7_class_number (flags))
uint8_t msb;
while ((__builtin_memcpy (&msb, (uint8_t*) &mant + 7, 1), msb))
mant >>= 1;
expo = add_ssat16 (expo, 1);
*(uint64_t*) cc->mant = mant;
cc->expo = add_ssat16 (expo, F7_MANT_BITS-1);
cc = f7_normalize_asm (cc);
cc->flags = flags;
return cc;
#endif // F7MOD_init_
#ifdef F7MOD_set_s16_
f7_t* f7_set_s16_impl (f7_t *cc, int16_t i16)
uint16_t u16 = (uint16_t) i16;
uint8_t flags = 0;
if (i16 < 0)
u16 = -u16;
flags = F7_FLAG_sign;
f7_set_u16_impl (cc, u16);
cc->flags = flags;
return cc;
#endif // F7MOD_set_s16_
#ifdef F7MOD_set_u16_
f7_t* f7_set_u16_impl (f7_t *cc, uint16_t u16)
f7_clr (cc);
F7_MANT_HI2 (cc) = u16;
cc->expo = 15;
return f7_normalize_asm (cc);
#endif // F7MOD_set_u16_
#ifdef F7MOD_set_s32_
f7_t* f7_set_s32 (f7_t *cc, int32_t i32)
uint32_t u32 = (uint32_t) i32;
uint8_t flags = 0;
if (i32 < 0)
u32 = -u32;
flags = F7_FLAG_sign;
cc = f7_set_u32 (cc, u32);
cc->flags = flags;
return cc;
ALIAS (f7_set_s32, f7_floatsidf)
#endif // F7MOD_set_s32_
#ifdef F7MOD_set_u32_
f7_t* f7_set_u32 (f7_t *cc, uint32_t u32)
f7_clr (cc);
F7_MANT_HI4 (cc) = u32;
cc->expo = 31;
return f7_normalize_asm (cc);
ALIAS (f7_set_u32, f7_floatunsidf)
#endif // F7MOD_set_u32_
// IEEE 754 single
// float = s bbbbbbbb mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
// 31
// s = sign
// b = biased exponent, bias = 127
// m = mantissa
// +0 = 0 0 0
// -0 = 1 0 0
// Inf = S B 0 = S * Inf, B = 0xff
// NaN = S B M, B = 0xff, M != 0
// Sub-normal = S 0 M = S * 0.M * 2^{1 - bias}, M != 0
// Normal = S B M = S * 1.M * 2^{B - bias}, B = 1 ... 0xfe
#define FLT_DIG_EXP 8
#define FLT_DIG_MANT (31 - FLT_DIG_EXP)
#define FLT_MAX_EXP ((1 << FLT_DIG_EXP) - 1)
#define FLT_EXP_BIAS (FLT_MAX_EXP >> 1)
#ifdef F7MOD_set_float_
void f7_set_float (f7_t *cc, float f)
uint32_t val32;
_Static_assert (__SIZEOF_FLOAT__ == 4, "");
_Static_assert (__FLT_MANT_DIG__ == 24, "");
__builtin_memcpy (&val32, &f, __SIZEOF_FLOAT__);
uint16_t val16 = val32 >> 16;
val16 >>= FLT_DIG_MANT - 16;
uint8_t expo_biased = val16 & FLT_MAX_EXP;
bool sign = val16 & (1u << FLT_DIG_EXP);
f7_clr (cc);
uint32_t mant = val32 & ((1ul << FLT_DIG_MANT) -1);
if (mant == 0)
if (expo_biased == 0)
if (expo_biased >= FLT_MAX_EXP)
return f7_set_inf (cc, sign);
if (expo_biased == 0)
expo_biased = 1; // Sub-normal: biased expo of 1 was encoded as 0.
else if (expo_biased < FLT_MAX_EXP)
mant |= (1ul << FLT_DIG_MANT);
return f7_set_nan (cc);
__builtin_memcpy (& F7_MANT_HI4 (cc), &mant, 4);
cc->expo = expo_biased - FLT_EXP_BIAS + 31 - FLT_DIG_MANT;
f7_normalize_asm (cc);
f7_set_sign (cc, sign);
ALIAS (f7_set_float, f7_extendsfdf2)
#endif // F7MOD_set_float_
#ifdef F7MOD_get_float_
static F7_INLINE
float make_float (uint32_t x)
float ff;
__builtin_memcpy (&ff, &x, 4);
return ff;
float f7_get_float (const f7_t *aa)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
if (f7_class_nan (a_class))
return make_float (0xffc00000 /* NaN: Biased expo = 0xff, mant != 0 */);
uint32_t mant;
__builtin_memcpy (&mant, &F7_MANT_CONST_HI4 (aa), 4);
uint8_t expo8 = 0;
uint8_t mant_offset = FLT_DIG_EXP;
int16_t c_expo = add_ssat16 (aa->expo, FLT_EXP_BIAS);
if (f7_class_zero (a_class) || c_expo <= -FLT_DIG_MANT)
// Zero or tiny.
return 0.0f;
else if (c_expo >= FLT_MAX_EXP || f7_class_inf (a_class))
// Inf or overflow.
expo8 = FLT_MAX_EXP;
mant = 0;
else if (c_expo > 0)
// Normal.
expo8 = c_expo;
// Sub-normal: -DIG_MANT < c_expo <= 0.
// Encoding of 0 represents a biased exponent of 1.
// mant_offset in 9...31.
expo8 = 0;
mant_offset += 1 - c_expo;
uint16_t expo16 = expo8 << (FLT_DIG_MANT - 16);
if (f7_class_sign (a_class))
expo16 |= 1u << (FLT_DIG_EXP + FLT_DIG_MANT - 16);
mant >>= mant_offset;
__asm ("cbr %T0%t2, 1 << (7 & %2)" "\n\t"
"or %C0, %A1" "\n\t"
"or %D0, %B1"
: "+d" (mant)
: "r" (expo16), "n" (FLT_DIG_MANT));
return make_float (mant);
ALIAS (f7_get_float, f7_truncdfsf2)
#endif // F7MOD_get_float_
#define DBL_DIG_EXP 11
#define DBL_DIG_MANT (63 - DBL_DIG_EXP)
#define DBL_MAX_EXP ((1 << DBL_DIG_EXP) - 1)
#define DBL_EXP_BIAS (DBL_MAX_EXP >> 1)
#ifdef F7MOD_set_double_
void f7_set_double_impl (f7_double_t val64, f7_t *cc)
f7_clr (cc);
register uint64_t mant __asm ("r18") = val64 & ((1ull << DBL_DIG_MANT) -1);
uint16_t val16 = 3[(uint16_t*) & val64];
val16 >>= DBL_DIG_MANT - 48;
uint16_t expo_biased = val16 & DBL_MAX_EXP;
bool sign = val16 & (1u << DBL_DIG_EXP);
if (mant == 0)
if (expo_biased == 0)
if (expo_biased >= DBL_MAX_EXP)
return f7_set_inf (cc, sign);
__asm ("" : "+r" (mant));
if (expo_biased == 0)
expo_biased = 1; // Sub-normal: biased expo of 1 was encoded as 0.
else if (expo_biased < DBL_MAX_EXP)
mant |= (1ull << DBL_DIG_MANT);
return f7_set_nan (cc);
*(uint64_t*) & cc->mant = mant;
cc->expo = expo_biased - DBL_EXP_BIAS + 63 - DBL_DIG_MANT - 8;
f7_normalize_asm (cc);
f7_set_sign (cc, sign);
#endif // F7MOD_set_double_
#ifdef F7MOD_set_pdouble_
void f7_set_pdouble (f7_t *cc, const f7_double_t *val64)
f7_set_double (cc, *val64);
#endif // F7MOD_set_pdouble_
#ifdef F7MOD_get_double_
static F7_INLINE
uint64_t clr_r18 (void)
extern void __clr_8 (void);
register uint64_t r18 __asm ("r18");
__asm ("%~call %x[f]" : "=r" (r18) : [f] "i" (__clr_8));
return r18;
static F7_INLINE
f7_double_t make_double (uint64_t x)
register f7_double_t r18 __asm ("r18") = x;
__asm ("" : "+r" (r18));
return r18;
f7_double_t f7_get_double (const f7_t *aa)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
if (f7_class_nan (a_class))
uint64_t nan = clr_r18() | (0x7fffull << 48);
return make_double (nan);
uint64_t mant;
__builtin_memcpy (&mant, & aa->mant, 8);
mant &= 0x00ffffffffffffff;
// FIXME: For subnormals, rounding is premature and should be
// done *after* the mantissa has been shifted into place
// (or the round value be shifted left accordingly).
// Round.
mant += 1u << (F7_MANT_BITS - (1 + DBL_DIG_MANT) - 1);
uint8_t dex;
register uint64_t r18 __asm ("r18") = mant;
// dex = Overflow ? 1 : 0.
__asm ("bst %T[mant]%T[bitno]" "\n\t"
"clr %0" "\n\t"
"bld %0,0"
: "=r" (dex), [mant] "+r" (r18)
: [bitno] "n" (64 - 8));
mant = r18 >> dex;
uint16_t expo16 = 0;
uint16_t mant_offset = DBL_DIG_EXP - 8;
int16_t c_expo = add_ssat16 (aa->expo, DBL_EXP_BIAS + dex);
if (f7_class_zero (a_class) || c_expo <= -DBL_DIG_MANT)
// Zero or tiny.
return make_double (clr_r18());
else if (c_expo >= DBL_MAX_EXP || f7_class_inf (a_class))
// Inf or overflow.
expo16 = DBL_MAX_EXP;
mant = clr_r18();
else if (c_expo > 0)
// Normal.
expo16 = c_expo;
// Sub-normal: -DIG_MANT < c_expo <= 0.
// Encoding expo of 0 represents a biased exponent of 1.
// mant_offset in 5...55 = 63-8.
mant_offset += 1 - c_expo;
expo16 <<= (DBL_DIG_MANT - 48);
if (f7_class_sign (a_class))
expo16 |= 1u << (DBL_DIG_EXP + DBL_DIG_MANT - 48);
// mant >>= mant_offset;
mant = f7_lshrdi3 (mant, mant_offset);
r18 = mant;
__asm ("cbr %T0%t2, 1 << (7 & %2)" "\n\t"
"or %r0+6, %A1" "\n\t"
"or %r0+7, %B1"
: "+r" (r18)
: "r" (expo16), "n" (DBL_DIG_MANT));
return make_double (r18);
#endif // F7MOD_get_double_
#ifdef F7MOD_fabs_
void f7_fabs (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
f7_abs (cc, aa);
#endif // F7MOD_fabs_
#ifdef F7MOD_neg_
f7_t* f7_neg (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
f7_copy (cc, aa);
uint8_t c_class = f7_classify (cc);
if (! f7_class_zero (c_class))
cc->sign = ! f7_class_sign (c_class);
return cc;
#endif // F7MOD_neg_
#ifdef F7MOD_frexp_
void f7_frexp (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, int *expo)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
if (f7_class_nan (a_class))
return f7_set_nan (cc);
if (f7_class_inf (a_class) || aa->expo == INT16_MAX)
return f7_set_inf (cc, f7_class_sign (a_class));
if (! f7_msbit (aa))
*expo = 0;
return f7_clr (cc);
*expo = 1 + aa->expo;
cc->flags = a_class & F7_FLAG_sign;
cc->expo = -1;
f7_copy_mant (cc, aa);
#endif // F7MOD_frexp_
#ifdef F7MOD_get_s16_
int16_t f7_get_s16 (const f7_t *aa)
extern int16_t to_s16 (const f7_t*, uint8_t) F7ASM(f7_to_integer_asm);
return to_s16 (aa, 0xf);
#endif // F7MOD_get_s16_
#ifdef F7MOD_get_s32_
int32_t f7_get_s32 (const f7_t *aa)
extern int32_t to_s32 (const f7_t*, uint8_t) F7ASM(f7_to_integer_asm);
return to_s32 (aa, 0x1f);
ALIAS (f7_get_s32, f7_fixdfsi)
#endif // F7MOD_get_s32_
#ifdef F7MOD_get_s64_
int64_t f7_get_s64 (const f7_t *aa)
extern int64_t to_s64 (const f7_t*, uint8_t) F7ASM(f7_to_integer_asm);
return to_s64 (aa, 0x3f);
ALIAS (f7_get_s64, f7_fixdfdi)
#endif // F7MOD_get_s64_
#ifdef F7MOD_get_u16_
uint16_t f7_get_u16 (const f7_t *aa)
extern uint16_t to_u16 (const f7_t*, uint8_t) F7ASM(f7_to_unsigned_asm);
return to_u16 (aa, 0xf);
#endif // F7MOD_get_u16_
#ifdef F7MOD_get_u32_
uint32_t f7_get_u32 (const f7_t *aa)
extern uint32_t to_u32 (const f7_t*, uint8_t) F7ASM(f7_to_unsigned_asm);
return to_u32 (aa, 0x1f);
ALIAS (f7_get_u32, f7_fixunsdfsi)
#endif // F7MOD_get_u32_
#ifdef F7MOD_get_u64_
uint64_t f7_get_u64 (const f7_t *aa)
extern int64_t to_u64 (const f7_t*, uint8_t) F7ASM(f7_to_unsigned_asm);
return to_u64 (aa, 0x3f);
ALIAS (f7_get_u64, f7_fixunsdfdi)
#endif // F7MOD_get_u64_
#ifdef F7MOD_cmp_unordered_
static int8_t cmp_u8 (uint8_t a_class, uint8_t b_class, bool sign_a);
int8_t f7_cmp_unordered (const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb, bool with_sign)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
uint8_t b_class = f7_classify (bb);
uint8_t a_sign = f7_class_sign (a_class) & with_sign;
uint8_t b_sign = f7_class_sign (b_class) & with_sign;
uint8_t ab_class = a_class | b_class;
ab_class &= with_sign - 2;
if (f7_class_nan (ab_class))
return INT8_MIN;
if (a_sign != b_sign)
return b_sign - a_sign;
if (f7_class_inf (ab_class))
return cmp_u8 (a_class, b_class, a_sign);
if (f7_class_zero (ab_class))
return cmp_u8 (b_class, a_class, a_sign);
if (aa->expo < bb->expo)
return a_sign ? 1 : -1;
if (aa->expo > bb->expo)
return a_sign ? -1 : 1;
return cmp_u8 (1 + f7_cmp_mant (aa, bb), 1, a_sign);
int8_t cmp_u8 (uint8_t a_class, uint8_t b_class, bool sign_a)
int8_t c;
__asm ("sub %[a], %[b]" "\n\t"
"breq 1f" "\n\t"
"sbc %[c], %[c]" "\n\t"
"sbci %[c], -1" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[s], 0" "\n\t"
"neg %[c]" "\n\t"
: [c] "=d" (c)
: [a] "0" (a_class), [b] "r" (b_class), [s] "r" (sign_a));
return c;
#endif // F7MOD_cmp_unordered_
#ifdef F7MOD_cmp_abs_
int8_t f7_cmp_abs (const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
return f7_cmp_unordered (aa, bb, false /* no signs */);
#endif // F7MOD_cmp_abs_
#ifdef F7MOD_cmp_
int8_t f7_cmp (const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
return f7_cmp_unordered (aa, bb, true /* with signs */);
#endif // F7MOD_cmp_
#ifdef F7MOD_abscmp_msb_ge_
// Compare absolute value of Number aa against a f7_t represented
// by msb and expo.
bool f7_abscmp_msb_ge (const f7_t *aa, uint8_t msb, int16_t expo)
uint8_t a_msb = aa->mant[F7_MANT_BYTES - 1];
if (0 == (0x80 & a_msb))
// 0 or subnormal.
return false;
return aa->expo == expo
? a_msb >= msb
: aa->expo > expo;
#endif // F7MOD_abscmp_msb_ge_
#ifdef F7MOD_lt_
bool f7_lt_impl (const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
return f7_lt (aa, bb);
#endif // F7MOD_lt_
#ifdef F7MOD_le_
bool f7_le_impl (const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
return f7_le (aa, bb);
#endif // F7MOD_le_
#ifdef F7MOD_gt_
bool f7_gt_impl (const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
return f7_gt (aa, bb);
#endif // F7MOD_gt_
#ifdef F7MOD_ge_
bool f7_ge_impl (const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
return f7_ge (aa, bb);
#endif // F7MOD_ge_
#ifdef F7MOD_ne_
bool f7_ne_impl (const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
return f7_ne (aa, bb);
#endif // F7MOD_ne_
#ifdef F7MOD_eq_
bool f7_eq_impl (const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
return f7_eq (aa, bb);
#endif // F7MOD_eq_
#ifdef F7MOD_unord_
bool f7_unord_impl (const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
return f7_unordered (aa, bb);
#endif // F7MOD_unord_
#ifdef F7MOD_minmax_
f7_t* f7_minmax (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb, bool do_min)
int8_t cmp = f7_cmp_unordered (aa, bb, true /* with signs */);
if (cmp == INT8_MIN)
return (f7_set_nan (cc), cc);
if (do_min)
cmp = -cmp;
return f7_copy (cc, cmp >= 0 ? aa : bb);
#endif // F7MOD_minmax_
#ifdef F7MOD_fmax_
f7_t* f7_fmax (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
return f7_minmax (cc, aa, bb, false);
ALIAS (f7_fmax, f7_max)
#endif // F7MOD_fmax_
#ifdef F7MOD_fmin_
f7_t* f7_fmin (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
return f7_minmax (cc, aa, bb, true);
ALIAS (f7_fmin, f7_min)
#endif // F7MOD_fmin_
#ifdef F7MOD_mulx_
uint8_t f7_mulx (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb, bool no_rounding)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
uint8_t b_class = f7_classify (bb);
// From this point on, no more access aa->flags or bb->flags
// to avoid early-clobber when writing cc->flags.
uint8_t ab_class = a_class | b_class;
// If either value is NaN, return NaN.
if (f7_class_nan (ab_class)
// Any combination of Inf and 0.
|| (f7_class_zero (ab_class) && f7_class_inf (ab_class)))
cc->flags = F7_FLAG_nan;
return 0;
// If either value is 0.0, return 0.0.
if (f7_class_zero (ab_class))
f7_clr (cc);
return 0;
// We have 2 non-zero numbers-or-INF.
uint8_t c_sign = (a_class ^ b_class) & F7_FLAG_sign;
uint8_t c_inf = ab_class & F7_FLAG_inf;
cc->flags = c_sign | c_inf;
if (c_inf)
return 0;
int16_t expo = add_ssat16 (aa->expo, bb->expo);
// Store expo and handle expo = INT16_MIN and INT16_MAX.
if (f7_store_expo (cc, expo))
return 0;
return f7_mul_mant_asm (cc, aa, bb, no_rounding);
#endif // F7MOD_mulx_
#ifdef F7MOD_square_
void f7_square (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
f7_mul (cc, aa, aa);
#endif // F7MOD_square_
#ifdef F7MOD_mul_
void f7_mul (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
f7_mulx (cc, aa, bb, false);
#endif // F7MOD_mul_
#ifdef F7MOD_Iadd_
F7_WEAK void f7_Iadd (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa) { f7_add (cc, cc, aa); }
#ifdef F7MOD_Isub_
F7_WEAK void f7_Isub (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa) { f7_sub (cc, cc, aa); }
#ifdef F7MOD_Imul_
F7_WEAK void f7_Imul (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa) { f7_mul (cc, cc, aa); }
#ifdef F7MOD_Idiv_
F7_WEAK void f7_Idiv (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa) { f7_div (cc, cc, aa); }
#ifdef F7MOD_IRsub_
F7_WEAK void f7_IRsub (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa) { f7_sub (cc, aa, cc); }
#ifdef F7MOD_Ineg_
F7_WEAK void f7_Ineg (f7_t *cc) { f7_neg (cc, cc); }
#ifdef F7MOD_Isqrt_
F7_WEAK void f7_Isqrt (f7_t *cc) { f7_sqrt (cc, cc); }
#ifdef F7MOD_Isquare_
F7_WEAK void f7_Isquare (f7_t *cc) { f7_square (cc, cc); }
#ifdef F7MOD_Ildexp_
F7_WEAK f7_t* f7_Ildexp (f7_t *cc, int ex) { return f7_ldexp (cc, cc, ex); }
#ifdef F7MOD_add_
void f7_add (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
f7_addsub (cc, aa, bb, false);
#endif // F7MOD_add_
#ifdef F7MOD_sub_
void f7_sub (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
f7_addsub (cc, aa, bb, true);
#endif // F7MOD_sub_
#ifdef F7MOD_addsub_
static void return_with_sign (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, int8_t c_sign)
__asm (";;; return with sign");
f7_copy (cc, aa);
if (c_sign != -1)
f7_set_sign (cc, c_sign);
void f7_addsub (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb, bool neg_b)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
uint8_t b_class = f7_classify (bb);
// From this point on, no more access aa->flags or bb->flags
// to avoid early-clobber when writing cc->flags.
// Hande NaNs.
if (f7_class_nan (a_class | b_class))
return f7_set_nan (cc);
bool a_sign = f7_class_sign (a_class);
bool b_sign = f7_class_sign (b_class) ^ neg_b;
// Add the mantissae?
bool do_add = a_sign == b_sign;
// Handle +Infs and -Infs.
bool a_inf = f7_class_inf (a_class);
bool b_inf = f7_class_inf (b_class);
if (a_inf && b_inf)
if (do_add)
return f7_set_inf (cc, a_sign);
return f7_set_nan (cc);
else if (a_inf)
return f7_set_inf (cc, a_sign);
else if (b_inf)
return f7_set_inf (cc, b_sign);
int16_t shift16 = sub_ssat16 (aa->expo, bb->expo);
// aa + 0 = aa.
// Also check MSBit to get rid of Subnormals and 0.
if (shift16 > F7_MANT_BITS || f7_is0 (bb))
return return_with_sign (cc, aa, -1);
// 0 + bb = bb.
// 0 - bb = -bb.
// Also check MSBit to get rid of Subnormals and 0.
if (shift16 < -F7_MANT_BITS || f7_is0 (aa))
return return_with_sign (cc, bb, b_sign);
// Now aa and bb are non-zero, non-NaN, non-Inf.
// shift > 0 ==> |a| > |b|
// shift < 0 ==> |a| < |b|
int8_t shift = (int8_t) shift16;
bool c_sign = a_sign;
if (shift < 0
|| (shift == 0 && f7_cmp_mant (aa, bb) < 0))
const f7_t *p = aa; aa = bb; bb = p;
c_sign = b_sign;
shift = -shift;
uint8_t shift2 = (uint8_t) (shift << 1);
cc->expo = aa->expo;
// From this point on, no more access aa->expo or bb->expo
// to avoid early-clobber when writing cc->expo.
cc->flags = c_sign; _Static_assert (F7_FLAGNO_sign == 0, "");
// This function uses neither .expo nor .flags from either aa or bb,
// hence there is early-clobber for cc->expo and cc->flags.
f7_addsub_mant_scaled_asm (cc, aa, bb, shift2 | do_add);
#endif // F7MOD_addsub_
#ifdef F7MOD_madd_msub_
void f7_madd_msub (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb, const f7_t *dd,
bool neg_d)
f7_t xx7, *xx = &xx7;
uint8_t x_lsb = f7_mulx (xx, aa, bb, true /* no rounding */);
uint8_t x_sign = f7_signbit (xx);
int16_t x_expo = xx->expo;
f7_addsub (xx, xx, dd, neg_d);
// Now add LSB. If cancellation occured in the add / sub, then we have the
// chance of extra 8 bits of precision. Turn LSByte into f7_t.
f7_clr (cc);
cc->expo = sub_ssat16 (x_expo, F7_MANT_BITS);
cc->mant[F7_MANT_BYTES - 1] = x_lsb;
cc = f7_normalize_asm (cc);
cc->flags = x_sign;
f7_Iadd (cc, xx);
#endif // F7MOD_madd_msub_
#ifdef F7MOD_madd_
void f7_madd (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb, const f7_t *dd)
f7_madd_msub (cc, aa, bb, dd, false);
#endif // F7MOD_madd_
#ifdef F7MOD_msub_
void f7_msub (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb, const f7_t *dd)
f7_madd_msub (cc, aa, bb, dd, true);
#endif // F7MOD_msub_
#ifdef F7MOD_ldexp_
f7_t* f7_ldexp (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, int delta)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
cc->flags = a_class;
// Inf and NaN.
if (! f7_class_number (a_class))
return cc;
if (f7_msbit (aa) == 0)
return (f7_clr (cc), cc);
int16_t expo = add_ssat16 (delta, aa->expo);
// Store expo and handle expo = INT16_MIN and INT16_MAX.
if (! f7_store_expo (cc, expo))
f7_copy_mant (cc, aa);
return cc;
#endif // F7MOD_ldexp_
#elif USE_LD
#error need include "asm-defs.h"
#endif // USE_LPM
Handling constants:
Set f7_t [const] *PVAR to an LD address for one
of the f7_const_X[_P] constants.
PVAR might be set to point to a local auto that serves
as temporary storage for f7_const_X_P. PVAR is only
valid in the current block.
const f7_t* F7_PCONST_U16 (PVAR, X) // USE_LD
f7_t* F7_PCONST_U16 (PVAR, uint16_t X) // USE_LPM
Set f7_t [const] *PVAR to an LD address for one of the
f7_const_X[_P] constants. PVAR might be set to point to a
local auto that serves as temporary storage for X. PVAR is
only valid in the current block.
VAR is a pointer variable holding the address of some f7_const_X[_P]
constant. Set [const] f7_t *PVAR to a respective LD address.
PVAR might be set to point to a local auto that serves
as temporary storage for f7_const_X_P. PVAR is only
valid in the current block.
Return an LD address to some f7_const_X[_P] constant.
*PTMP might be needed to hold a copy of f7_const_X_P in RAM.
f7_t* F7_U16_ADDR (uint16_t X, f7_t* PTMP) // USE_LPM
const f7_t* F7_U16_ADDR ( X, ) // USE_LD
Return an LD address to compile-time constant uint16_t X which is
also known as f7_const_X[_P]. *PTMP might be set to (f7_t) X.
f7_t* f7_const (f7_t *PVAR, X)
Copy f7_const_X[_P] to *PVAR.
f7_t* f7_copy_flash (f7_t *DST, const f7_t *SRC)
Copy to *DST with LD (from .rodata in flash) if the address
space is linear, or with LPM (from .progmem.data) if the
address space is not linear.
f7_t* f7_copy (f7_t *DST, const f7_t* SRC)
Copy to RAM using LD.
f7_t* f7_copy_P (f7_t *DST, const f7_t *SRC)
Copy to RAM using LPM.
#define F7_RAW_CONST_ADDR(CST) \
& F7_(const_##CST##_P)
#define F7_PCONST(PVAR, CST) \
f7_t _var_for_##CST; \
f7_copy_P (& _var_for_##CST, & F7_(const_##CST##_P)); \
PVAR = & _var_for_##CST
#define F7_PCONST_U16(PVAR, CST) \
f7_t _var_for_##CST; \
PVAR = f7_set_u16 (& _var_for_##CST, CST)
#define F7_PCONST_VAR(PVAR, VAR) \
f7_t _var_for_##VAR; \
f7_copy_P (& _var_for_##VAR, VAR); \
PVAR = & _var_for_##VAR
#define MAYBE_const // empty
#define F7_CONST_ADDR(CST, PTMP) \
f7_copy_P ((PTMP), & F7_(const_##CST##_P))
#define F7_U16_ADDR(CST, PTMP) \
f7_set_u16 ((PTMP), CST)
#elif USE_LD
#define F7_RAW_CONST_ADDR(CST) \
& F7_(const_##CST)
#define F7_PCONST(PVAR, CST) \
PVAR = & F7_(const_##CST)
#define F7_PCONST_U16(PVAR, CST) \
PVAR = & F7_(const_##CST)
#define F7_PCONST_VAR(PVAR, VAR) \
#define F7_CONST_ADDR(CST, PTMP) \
(& F7_(const_##CST))
#define F7_U16_ADDR(CST, PTMP) \
(& F7_(const_##CST))
#define MAYBE_const const
#define DD(str, X) \
do { \
LOG_PSTR (PSTR (str)); \
f7_dump (X); \
} while (0)
#undef DD
#define DD(...) (void) 0
#ifdef F7MOD_sqrt_
void f7_sqrt (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
if (f7_class_nan (a_class) || f7_class_sign (a_class))
return f7_set_nan (cc);
if (f7_class_inf (a_class))
return f7_set_inf (cc, 0);
if (f7_class_zero (a_class))
return f7_clr (cc);
f7_sqrt_approx_asm (cc, aa);
#endif // F7MOD_sqrt_
#ifdef F7MOD_hypot_
void f7_hypot (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
f7_t xx7, *xx = &xx7;
f7_square (xx, aa);
f7_square (cc, bb);
f7_Iadd (cc, xx);
f7_Isqrt (cc);
#endif // F7MOD_hypot_
#ifdef F7MOD_const_m1_
#include "libf7-constdef.h"
#endif // -1
#ifdef F7MOD_const_1_2_
#include "libf7-constdef.h"
#endif // 1/2
#ifdef F7MOD_const_1_3_
#include "libf7-constdef.h"
#endif // 1/3
#ifdef F7MOD_const_ln2_
#include "libf7-constdef.h"
#endif // ln2
#ifdef F7MOD_const_1_ln2_
#include "libf7-constdef.h"
#endif // 1_ln2
#ifdef F7MOD_const_ln10_
#include "libf7-constdef.h"
#endif // ln10
#ifdef F7MOD_const_1_ln10_
#include "libf7-constdef.h"
#endif // 1_ln10
#ifdef F7MOD_const_1_
#include "libf7-constdef.h"
#endif // 1
#ifdef F7MOD_const_sqrt2_
#include "libf7-constdef.h"
#endif // sqrt2
#ifdef F7MOD_const_2_
#include "libf7-constdef.h"
#endif // 2
#ifdef F7MOD_const_pi_
#include "libf7-constdef.h"
#endif // pi
#ifdef F7MOD_divx_
// C /= A
extern void f7_div_asm (f7_t*, const f7_t*, uint8_t);
void f7_divx (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb, uint8_t quot_bits)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
uint8_t b_class = f7_classify (bb);
// From this point on, no more access aa->flags or bb->flags
// to avoid early-clobber when writing cc->flags.
// If either value is NaN, return NaN.
if (f7_class_nan (a_class | b_class)
// If both values are Inf or both are 0, return NaN.
|| f7_class_zero (a_class & b_class)
|| f7_class_inf (a_class & b_class)
// Inf / 0 = NaN.
|| (f7_class_inf (a_class) && f7_class_zero (b_class)))
return f7_set_nan (cc);
// 0 / B = 0 for non-zero, non-NaN B.
// A / Inf = 0 for non-zero numbers A.
if (f7_class_zero (a_class) || f7_class_inf (b_class))
return f7_clr (cc);
uint8_t c_sign = (a_class ^ b_class) & F7_FLAG_sign;
if (f7_class_inf (a_class) || f7_class_zero (b_class))
return f7_set_inf (cc, c_sign);
cc->flags = c_sign; _Static_assert (F7_FLAGNO_sign == 0, "");
int16_t expo = sub_ssat16 (aa->expo, bb->expo);
// Store expo and handle expo = INT16_MIN and INT16_MAX.
if (f7_store_expo (cc, expo))
f7_t ss7, *ss = &ss7;
ss->flags = cc->flags;
ss->expo = cc->expo;
f7_copy_mant (ss, aa);
f7_div_asm (ss, bb, quot_bits);
f7_copy (cc, ss);
#endif // F7MOD_divx_
#ifdef F7MOD_div_
void f7_div (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
/* When f7_divx calls f7_div_asm, dividend and divisor are valid
mantissae, i.e. their MSBit is set. Therefore, the quotient will
be in [0x0.ff..., 0x0.40...] and to adjust it, at most 1 left-shift
is needed. Compute F7_MANT_BITS + 2 bits of the quotient:
One bit is used for rounding, and one bit might be consumed by the
mentioned left-shift. */
f7_divx (cc, aa, bb, 2 + F7_MANT_BITS);
#endif // F7MOD_div_
#ifdef F7MOD_div1_
void f7_div1 (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
F7_PCONST_U16 (const f7_t *one, 1);
f7_div (cc, one, aa);
#endif // F7MOD_div_
#ifdef F7MOD_fmod_
void f7_fmod (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
uint8_t b_class = f7_classify (bb);
if (! f7_class_number (a_class)
|| f7_class_nan (b_class)
|| f7_class_zero (b_class))
return f7_set_nan (cc);
// A == 0 and B != 0 => 0.
if (f7_class_zero (a_class))
return f7_clr (cc);
f7_t zz7, *zz = & zz7;
f7_div (zz, aa, bb);
// Z in Z, |Z| <= |A/B|.
f7_trunc (zz, zz);
// C = A - Z * B.
f7_msub (cc, zz, bb, aa);
cc->flags ^= F7_FLAG_sign;
#endif // F7MOD_fmod_
#ifdef F7MOD_truncx_
f7_t* f7_truncx (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, bool do_floor)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
if (! f7_class_nonzero (a_class))
return f7_copy (cc, aa);
bool sign = f7_class_sign (a_class);
int16_t a_expo = aa->expo;
if (a_expo < 0)
// |A| < 1.
if (sign & do_floor)
return f7_set_s16 (cc, -1);
f7_clr (cc);
return cc;
else if (a_expo >= F7_MANT_BITS - 1)
// A == floor (A).
return f7_copy (cc, aa);
f7_t tmp7, *tmp = &tmp7;
// Needed if aa === cc.
f7_copy (tmp, aa);
cc->flags = sign;
cc->expo = a_expo;
f7_clr_mant_lsbs (cc, aa, F7_MANT_BITS - 1 - a_expo);
if (do_floor && cc->sign && f7_cmp_mant (cc, tmp) != 0)
F7_PCONST_U16 (const f7_t *one, 1);
f7_Isub (cc, one);
return cc;
#endif // F7MOD_truncx_
#ifdef F7MOD_floor_
f7_t* f7_floor (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
return f7_truncx (cc, aa, true);
#endif // F7MOD_floor_
#ifdef F7MOD_trunc_
f7_t* f7_trunc (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
return f7_truncx (cc, aa, false);
#endif // F7MOD_trunc_
#ifdef F7MOD_ceil_
void f7_ceil (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
cc = f7_copy (cc, aa);
cc->flags ^= F7_FLAG_sign;
cc = f7_floor (cc, cc);
f7_Ineg (cc);
#endif // F7MOD_ceil_
#ifdef F7MOD_round_
void f7_round (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
f7_t tmp;
(void) tmp;
const f7_t *half = F7_CONST_ADDR (1_2, &tmp);
f7_addsub (cc, aa, half, f7_signbit (aa));
f7_trunc (cc, cc);
#endif // F7MOD_round_
#ifdef F7MOD_horner_
// Assertion when using this function is that either cc != xx,
// or if cc == xx, then tmp1 must be non-NULL and tmp1 != xx.
// In General, the calling functions have a spare f7_t object available
// and can pass it down to save some stack.
// Moreover, the power series must have degree 1 at least.
void f7_horner (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *xx, uint8_t n_coeff, const f7_t *coeff,
f7_t *tmp1)
f7_assert (n_coeff > 1);
if (cc != xx)
tmp1 = cc;
f7_assert (tmp1 != NULL && tmp1 != xx);
f7_t *yy = tmp1;
f7_t tmp27, *tmp2 = &tmp27;
const f7_t *pcoeff = coeff + n_coeff;
f7_copy_flash (yy, pcoeff);
if (yy->flags & F7_FLAG_plusx)
f7_Iadd (yy, xx);
while (1)
#if 1
f7_Imul (yy, xx);
const f7_t *cst = USE_LD ? pcoeff : f7_copy_P (tmp2, pcoeff);
if (coeff == pcoeff)
return f7_add (cc, yy, cst);
f7_Iadd (yy, cst);
const f7_t *cst = USE_LD ? pcoeff : f7_copy_P (tmp2, pcoeff);
f7_madd (yy, yy, xx, cst);
if (coeff == pcoeff)
f7_copy (cc, yy);
#endif // F7MOD_horner_
#ifdef F7MOD_log_
void f7_log (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
f7_logx (cc, aa, NULL);
#endif // F7MOD_log_
#ifdef F7MOD_log2_
void f7_log2 (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
f7_logx (cc, aa, F7_RAW_CONST_ADDR (1_ln2));
#endif // F7MOD_log2_
#ifdef F7MOD_log10_
void f7_log10 (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
f7_logx (cc, aa, F7_RAW_CONST_ADDR (1_ln10));
#endif // F7MOD_log10_
#ifdef F7MOD_logx_
#define ARRAY_NAME coeff_artanh
#include "libf7-array.def"
// Compute P * ln(A) if P != NULL and ln(A), otherwise.
// P is a LD-address if USE_LD and a LPM-address if USE_LPM.
// Assumption is that P > 0.
void f7_logx (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *p)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
if (f7_class_nan (a_class) || f7_class_sign (a_class))
return f7_set_nan (cc);
if (f7_class_inf (a_class))
return f7_set_inf (cc, 0);
if (f7_class_zero (a_class))
return f7_set_inf (cc, 1);
f7_t *yy = cc;
f7_t xx7, *xx = &xx7;
f7_t tmp7, *tmp = &tmp7;
// Y in [1, 2] = A * 2 ^ (-a_expo).
int16_t a_expo = aa->expo;
f7_copy (yy, aa);
yy->expo = 0;
// Y in [1 / sqrt2, sqrt2].
if (f7_abscmp_msb_ge (yy, F7_(const_sqrt2_msb), F7_(const_sqrt2_expo)))
yy->expo = -1;
a_expo = add_ssat16 (a_expo, 1);
const f7_t *one = F7_U16_ADDR (1, & tmp7);
// X := (Y - 1) / (Y + 1), |X| <= (sqrt2 - 1) / (sqrt2 + 1) ~ 0.172.
f7_sub (xx, yy, one);
f7_Iadd (yy, one);
f7_Idiv (xx, yy);
// Y := X^2, |Y| < 0.03.
f7_square (yy, xx);
// Y := artanh (X^2) / X
f7_horner (yy, yy, n_coeff_artanh, coeff_artanh, tmp);
// C = X * Y = ln A - a_expo * ln2.
f7_mul (cc, xx, yy);
// X := a_expo * ln2.
f7_set_s16 (xx, a_expo);
f7_Imul (xx, F7_CONST_ADDR (ln2, & tmp7));
// C = ln A.
f7_Iadd (cc, xx);
if (p && USE_LPM)
f7_Imul (cc, f7_copy_P (tmp, p));
if (p && USE_LD)
f7_Imul (cc, p);
#endif // F7MOD_logx_
#ifdef F7MOD_exp_
#define ARRAY_NAME coeff_exp
#include "libf7-array.def"
#define STATIC static
#include "libf7-constdef.h" // ln2_low
#undef STATIC
void f7_exp (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
if (f7_class_nan (a_class))
return f7_set_nan (cc);
/* The maximal exponent of 2 for a double is 1023, hence we may limit
to |A| < 1023 * ln2 ~ 709. We limit to 1024 ~ 1.99 * 2^9 */
if (f7_class_inf (a_class)
|| (f7_class_nonzero (a_class) && aa->expo >= 9))
if (f7_class_sign (a_class))
return f7_clr (cc);
return f7_set_inf (cc, 0);
f7_t const *cst;
f7_t qq7, *qq = &qq7;
F7_PCONST (cst, ln2);
// We limited |A| to 1024 and are now dividing by ln2, hence Q will
// be at most 1024 / ln2 ~ 1477 and fit into 11 bits. We will
// round Q anyway, hence only request 11 bits from the division and
// one additional bit that might be needed to normalize the quotient.
f7_divx (qq, aa, cst, 1 + 11);
// Use the smallest (by absolute value) remainder system.
f7_round (qq, qq);
int16_t q = f7_get_s16 (qq);
// Reducing A mod ln2 gives |C| <= ln2 / 2, C = -A mod ln2.
f7_msub (cc, qq, cst, aa);
// Corrigendum: We added Q * ln2; now add Q times the low part of ln2
// for better precision. Due to |C| < |A| this is not a no-op in general.
const f7_t *yy = F7_CONST_ADDR (ln2_low, &_var_for_ln2);
f7_madd (cc, qq, yy, cc);
// Because we computed C = -A mod ...
cc->flags ^= F7_FLAG_sign;
// Reduce further to |C| < ln2 / 8 which is the range of our MiniMax poly.
const uint8_t MAX_LN2_RED = 3;
int8_t scal2 = 0;
while (f7_abscmp_msb_ge (cc, F7_(const_ln2_msb),
F7_(const_ln2_expo) - MAX_LN2_RED))
f7_horner (cc, cc, n_coeff_exp, coeff_exp, qq);
while (--scal2 >= 0)
f7_Isquare (cc);
f7_Ildexp (cc, q);
#endif // F7MOD_exp_
#ifdef F7MOD_pow10_
void f7_pow10 (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
const f7_t *p_ln10;
F7_PCONST (p_ln10, ln10);
f7_mul (cc, aa, p_ln10);
f7_exp (cc, cc);
ALIAS (f7_pow10, f7_exp10)
#endif // F7MOD_pow10_
#ifdef F7MOD_cbrt_
void f7_cbrt (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
f7_copy (cc, aa);
const f7_t *p_1_3;
uint8_t c_flags = cc->flags;
cc->flags &= ~F7_FLAG_sign;
f7_log (cc, cc);
F7_PCONST (p_1_3, 1_3);
f7_Imul (cc, p_1_3);
f7_exp (cc, cc);
if (c_flags & F7_FLAG_sign)
cc->flags |= F7_FLAG_sign;
#endif // F7MOD_cbrt_
#ifdef F7MOD_pow_
void f7_pow (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, const f7_t *bb)
#if 0
f7_t slots[cc == bb];
f7_t *yy = cc == bb ? slots : cc;
f7_t yy7, *yy = &yy7;
f7_log (yy, aa);
f7_Imul (yy, bb);
f7_exp (cc, yy);
#endif // F7MOD_pow_
#ifdef F7MOD_powi_
void f7_powi (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, int ii)
uint16_t u16 = ii;
f7_t xx27, *xx2 = &xx27;
bool cc_is_one = true;
bool expo_is_neg = false;
if (ii < 0)
u16 = -u16;
expo_is_neg = true;
f7_copy (xx2, aa);
while (1)
if (u16 & 1)
if (cc_is_one)
// C *= X2 simplifies to C = X2.
f7_copy (cc, xx2);
cc_is_one = false;
f7_Imul (cc, xx2);
if (! cc_is_one
&& ! f7_is_nonzero (cc))
u16 >>= 1;
if (u16 == 0)
f7_Isquare (xx2);
if (cc_is_one)
f7_set_u16 (cc, 1);
else if (expo_is_neg)
f7_div1 (cc, cc);
#endif // F7MOD_powi_
#ifdef F7MOD_sincos_
#define ARRAY_NAME coeff_sin
#define FOR_SIN
#include "libf7-array.def"
#undef FOR_SIN
#define ARRAY_NAME coeff_cos
#define FOR_COS
#include "libf7-array.def"
#undef FOR_COS
#define STATIC static
#include "libf7-constdef.h" // pi_low
#undef STATIC
typedef union
bool neg_sin : 1; // Must be bit F7_FLAGNO_sign.
bool neg_cos : 1;
bool do_sin: 1;
bool do_cos: 1;
bool swap_sincos : 1;
uint8_t res : 3;
uint8_t bits;
} sincos_t;
void f7_sincos (f7_t *ss, f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
sincos_t sc = { .bits = a_class & F7_FLAG_sign };
if (ss != NULL) sc.do_sin = 1;
if (cc != NULL) sc.do_cos = 1;
if (f7_class_nan (a_class) || f7_class_inf (a_class))
if (sc.do_sin) f7_set_nan (ss);
if (sc.do_cos) f7_set_nan (cc);
f7_t pi7, *pi = &pi7;
f7_t xx7, *xx = &xx7;
f7_t yy7, *yy = &yy7;
f7_t *hh = sc.do_sin ? ss : cc;
// X = |A|
f7_copy (xx, aa);
xx->flags = 0;
// Y is how often we subtract PI from X.
f7_clr (yy);
f7_const (pi, pi);
if (f7_abscmp_msb_ge (xx, F7_(const_pi_msb), F7_(const_pi_expo) + 1))
pi->expo = 1 + F7_(const_pi_expo); // 2*pi
// Y = X / 2pi.
f7_div (yy, xx, pi);
// The integral part of |A| / pi mod 2 is bit 55 - x_expo.
if (yy->expo >= F7_MANT_BITS && !f7_is_zero (yy))
// Too big for sensible calculation: Should this be NaN instead?
if (sc.do_sin) f7_clr (ss);
if (sc.do_cos) f7_clr (cc);
// X -= 2pi * [ X / 2pi ]
f7_floor (yy, yy);
f7_msub (xx, yy, pi, xx);
xx->flags ^= F7_FLAG_sign;
// We divided by 2pi, but Y should count times we subtracted pi.
pi->expo = F7_(const_pi_expo); // pi
f7_sub (hh, xx, pi);
if (!f7_signbit (hh))
// H = X - pi >= 0 => X >= pi
// sin(x) = -sin(x - pi)
// cos(x) = -cos(x - pi)
f7_copy (xx, hh);
// Y: We subtracted pi one more time.
f7_Iadd (yy, f7_set_u16 (hh, 1));
sc.neg_sin ^= 1;
sc.neg_cos ^= 1;
pi->expo = F7_(const_pi_expo) - 1; // pi/2
if (f7_gt (xx, pi))
// x > pi/2
// sin(x) = sin(pi - x)
// cos(x) = -cos(pi - x)
pi->expo = F7_(const_pi_expo); // pi
f7_IRsub (xx, pi);
// Y: We subtracted pi one more time (and then negated).
f7_Iadd (yy, f7_set_u16 (hh, 1));
yy->flags ^= F7_FLAG_sign;
sc.neg_cos ^= 1;
pi->expo = F7_(const_pi_expo) - 2; // pi/4
if (f7_gt (xx, pi))
// x > pi/4
// sin(x) = cos(pi/2 - x)
// cos(x) = sin(pi/2 - x)
pi->expo = F7_(const_pi_expo) - 1; // pi/2
f7_IRsub (xx, pi);
// Y: We subtracted pi/2 one more time (and then negated).
f7_Iadd (yy, f7_set_1pow2 (hh, -1, 0));
yy->flags ^= F7_FLAG_sign;
sc.swap_sincos = 1;
if (!f7_is0 (yy))
// Y counts how often we subtracted pi from X in order to
// get 0 <= X < pi/4 as small as possible (Y is 0 mod 0.5).
// Now also subtract the low part of pi:
// f7_const_pi_low = pi - f7_const_pi in order to get more precise
// results in the cases where the final result is close to 0.
const f7_t *pi_low = F7_CONST_ADDR (pi_low, pi);
//f7_const (pi, pi_low);
f7_Imul (yy, pi_low);
f7_Isub (xx, yy);
// X in [0, pi/4].
// X^2 in [0, pi^2/16] ~ [0, 0.6169]
f7_square (yy, xx);
f7_t *x_sin = xx;
f7_t *x_cos = yy;
if ((sc.do_sin && !sc.swap_sincos)
|| (sc.do_cos && sc.swap_sincos))
f7_horner (hh, yy, n_coeff_sin, coeff_sin, NULL);
f7_mul (x_sin, hh, xx);
if ((sc.do_cos && !sc.swap_sincos)
|| (sc.do_sin && sc.swap_sincos))
f7_horner (x_cos, yy, n_coeff_cos, coeff_cos, hh);
if (sc.swap_sincos)
x_sin = yy;
x_cos = xx;
if (sc.do_sin)
x_sin->flags ^= sc.bits;
x_sin->flags &= F7_FLAG_sign;
f7_copy (ss, x_sin);
if (sc.do_cos)
x_cos->flags = sc.neg_cos;
f7_copy (cc, x_cos);
#endif // F7MOD_sincos_
#ifdef F7MOD_sin_
void f7_sin (f7_t *ss, const f7_t *aa)
f7_sincos (ss, NULL, aa);
#endif // F7MOD_sin_
#ifdef F7MOD_cos_
void f7_cos (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
f7_sincos (NULL, cc, aa);
#endif // F7MOD_cos_
#ifdef F7MOD_tan_
void f7_tan (f7_t *tt, const f7_t *aa)
f7_t xcos;
f7_sincos (tt, & xcos, aa);
f7_Idiv (tt, & xcos);
#endif // F7MOD_tan_
#ifdef F7MOD_cotan_
void f7_cotan (f7_t *ct, const f7_t *aa)
f7_t xcos;
f7_sincos (ct, & xcos, aa);
f7_div (ct, & xcos, ct);
#endif // F7MOD_cotan_
#ifdef F7MOD_sinhcosh_
void f7_sinhcosh (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, bool do_sinh)
f7_t xx7, *xx = &xx7;
// C = exp(A)
f7_exp (cc, aa);
// X = exp(-A)
f7_div (xx, f7_set_u16 (xx, 1), cc);
// sinh(A) = (exp(A) - exp(-A)) / 2
// cosh(A) = (exp(A) + exp(-A)) / 2
f7_addsub (cc, cc, xx, do_sinh);
#endif // F7MOD_sinhcosh_
#ifdef F7MOD_sinh_
#define ARRAY_NAME coeff_sinh
#include "libf7-array.def"
void f7_sinh (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
if (aa->expo <= -2)
// For small values, exp(A) - exp(-A) suffers from cancellation, hence
// use a MiniMax polynomial for |A| < 0.5.
f7_t xx7, *xx = &xx7;
f7_t hh7, *hh = &hh7;
f7_square (xx, aa);
f7_horner (hh, xx, n_coeff_sinh, coeff_sinh, NULL);
f7_mul (cc, aa, hh);
f7_sinhcosh (cc, aa, true);
#endif // F7MOD_sinh_
#ifdef F7MOD_cosh_
void f7_cosh (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
f7_sinhcosh (cc, aa, false);
#endif // F7MOD_cosh_
#ifdef F7MOD_tanh_
void f7_tanh (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
// tanh(A) = (exp(2A) - 1) / (exp(2A) + 1)
f7_t xx7, *xx = &xx7;
F7_PCONST_U16 (const f7_t *one, 1);
// C = 2A
f7_copy (cc, aa);
// C = exp(2A)
f7_exp (cc, cc);
// X = exp(2A) + 1
f7_add (xx, cc, one);
// C = exp(2A) - 1
f7_Isub (cc, one);
// C = tanh(A)
f7_Idiv (cc, xx);
#endif // F7MOD_tanh_
#ifdef F7MOD_atan_
#define MINIMAX_6_6_IN_0_1
#define ARRAY_NAME coeff_atan_zahler
#include "libf7-array.def"
#define ARRAY_NAME coeff_atan_nenner
#include "libf7-array.def"
#include "libf7-constdef.h"
void f7_atan (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
uint8_t flags = a_class & F7_FLAG_sign;
if (f7_class_nan (a_class))
return f7_set_nan (cc);
f7_t yy7, *yy = &yy7;
f7_t zz7, *zz = &zz7;
if (f7_class_inf (a_class))
f7_set_u16 (cc, 0);
goto do_Inf;
// C = |A|
f7_copy (cc, aa);
cc->flags = 0;
if (!f7_class_zero (a_class) && cc->expo >= 0)
// C >= 1: use atan (x) + atan (1/x) = pi / 2 to reduce to [0, 1].
flags |= 1 << 1;
f7_div (cc, f7_set_u16 (yy, 1), cc);
#if !defined (MINIMAX_6_6_IN_0_1)
const uint8_t const_a_msb = 0x89;
const int16_t const_a_expo = -2;
if (f7_abscmp_msb_ge (cc, const_a_msb, const_a_expo))
// We have C in [0, 1] and we want to use argument reduction by means
// of addition theorem atan(x) - atan(y) = atan((x - y) / (1 + xy)).
// We want to split [0, 1] into [0, a] u [a, 1] in such a way that
// the upper interval will be mapped to [-a, a]. The system is easy
// to solve and yiels
// y = 1 / sqrt (3) ~ 0.57735 atan(y) = pi / 6
// a = (1 - y) / (1 + y) ~ 0.26795 ~ 0x0.8930A2F * 2^-1.
flags |= 1 << 2;
// C <- (C - Y) / (1 + C * Y) in [-a, a]
const f7_t *cst = F7_CONST_ADDR (1_sqrt3, zz);
f7_mul (yy, cc, cst);
f7_Isub (cc, cst);
f7_Iadd (yy, F7_U16_ADDR (1, zz));
f7_Idiv (cc, yy);
// C <- C * p(C^2) / q(C^2)
f7_square (yy, cc);
f7_horner (zz, yy, n_coeff_atan_zahler, coeff_atan_zahler, NULL);
f7_Imul (zz, cc);
f7_horner (cc, yy, n_coeff_atan_nenner, coeff_atan_nenner, NULL);
f7_div (cc, zz, cc);
#if !defined (MINIMAX_6_6_IN_0_1)
if (flags & (1 << 2))
f7_Iadd (cc, F7_CONST_ADDR (pi_6, yy));
if (flags & (1 << 1))
// Y = pi / 2
f7_const (yy, pi);
yy->expo = F7_(const_pi_expo) - 1;
f7_IRsub (cc, yy);
cc->flags = a_class & F7_FLAG_sign;
#undef MINIMAX_6_6_IN_0_1
#endif // F7MOD_atan_
#ifdef F7MOD_atan2_
void f7_atan2 (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *yy, const f7_t *xx)
uint8_t y_class = f7_classify (yy);
uint8_t x_class = f7_classify (xx);
// (NaN, *) -> NaN
// (*, NaN) -> NaN
if (f7_class_nan (y_class | x_class))
return f7_set_nan (cc);
// (0, 0) -> 0
if (f7_class_zero (y_class & x_class))
return f7_clr (cc);
f7_t pi7, *pi = &pi7;
f7_const (pi, pi);
// (Inf, +Inf) -> +pi/4; (-Inf, +Inf) -> +3pi/4
// (Inf, -Inf) -> -pi/4; (-Inf, -Inf) -> -3pi/4
if (f7_class_inf (y_class & x_class))
f7_copy (cc, pi);
if (! f7_class_sign (x_class))
cc->expo = F7_(const_pi_expo) - 1; // pi / 2
pi->expo = F7_(const_pi_expo) - 2; // pi / 4
f7_Isub (cc, pi);
cc->flags = y_class & F7_FLAG_sign;
// sign(pi) := sign(y)
pi->flags = y_class & F7_FLAG_sign;
// Only use atan(*) with |*| <= 1.
if (f7_cmp_abs (yy, xx) > 0)
// |y| > |x|: atan2 = sgn(y) * pi/2 - atan (x / y);
pi->expo = F7_(const_pi_expo) - 1; // +- pi / 2
f7_div (cc, xx, yy);
f7_atan (cc, cc);
f7_IRsub (cc, pi);
// x > |y|: atan2 = atan (y / x)
// x < -|y|: atan2 = atan (y / x) +- pi
f7_div (cc, yy, xx);
f7_atan (cc, cc);
if (f7_class_sign (x_class))
f7_Iadd (cc, pi);
#endif // F7MOD_atan2_
#ifdef F7MOD_asinacos_
#define ARRAY_NAME coeff_func_a_zahler
#include "libf7-array.def"
#define ARRAY_NAME coeff_func_a_nenner
#include "libf7-array.def"
typedef union
bool sign : 1; // Must be bit F7_FLAGNO_sign.
bool do_acos : 1; // From caller.
bool have_acos : 1; // What we compute from rational approx p/q.
uint8_t res : 5;
uint8_t bits;
} asinacos_t;
void f7_asinacos (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, uint8_t what)
f7_t xx7, *xx = &xx7;
f7_t xx27, *xx2 = &xx27;
asinacos_t flags = { .bits = what | f7_signbit (aa) };
f7_abs (xx, aa);
int8_t cmp = f7_cmp (xx, f7_set_u16 (cc, 1));
if (cmp == INT8_MIN
|| cmp > 0)
return f7_set_nan (cc);
if (xx->expo <= -2 || f7_is_zero (xx))
// |A| < 1/2: asin(x) = x * a(2*x^2)
f7_square (xx2, xx);
xx2->expo ++;
// |A| > 1/2: acos (1-x) = sqrt(2*x) * a(x)
// C is 1 from above.
f7_IRsub (xx, cc);
f7_copy (xx2, xx);
flags.have_acos = 1;
// MiniMax [5/4] numerator.
f7_horner (cc, xx2, n_coeff_func_a_zahler, coeff_func_a_zahler, NULL);
if (flags.have_acos)
xx->expo ++;
f7_Isqrt (xx);
f7_Imul (cc, xx);
// MiniMax [5/4] denominator.
f7_horner (xx, xx2, n_coeff_func_a_nenner, coeff_func_a_nenner, NULL);
f7_Idiv (cc, xx);
With the current value of C, we have:
| | do_asin | do_acos
| C | A <= 0 | A >= 0 | A <= 0 | A >= 0
have_asin | asin (|A|) | -C | C | pi/2 + C | pi/2 - C
have_acos | acos (|A|) | -pi/2 + C | pi/2 - C | pi - C | C
Result = n_pi2 * pi/2 + C * (c_sign ? -1 : 1)
Result (A, do_asin) = asin (A)
Result (A, do_acos) = acos (A)
c_sign = do_acos ^ have_acos ^ a_sign
n_pi2 = do_acos + have_acos * (a_sign ^ do_acos) ? (-1 : 1)
n_pi2 in { -1, 0, 1, 2 }
// All what matters for c_sign is bit 0.
uint8_t c_sign = flags.bits;
int8_t n_pi2 = flags.do_acos;
c_sign ^= flags.do_acos;
if (flags.have_acos)
__asm ("" : "+r" (n_pi2));
if (c_sign & 1) // c_sign & 1 = a_sign ^ do_acos
n_pi2 -= 2;
cc->flags = c_sign & F7_FLAG_sign;
if (n_pi2)
f7_const (xx, pi);
if (n_pi2 < 0)
xx->sign = 1;
if (n_pi2 != 2)
xx->expo = F7_(const_pi_expo) - 1;
f7_Iadd (cc, xx);
#endif // F7MOD_asinacos_
#ifdef F7MOD_asin_
void f7_asin (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
f7_asinacos (cc, aa, 0);
#endif // F7MOD_asin_
#ifdef F7MOD_acos_
void f7_acos (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
f7_asinacos (cc, aa, 1 << 1);
#endif // F7MOD_acos_
#ifndef IN_LIBGCC2
#ifdef F7MOD_put_C_
static F7_INLINE
uint8_t f7_hex_digit (uint8_t nibble)
nibble = (uint8_t) (nibble + '0');
if (nibble > '9')
nibble = (uint8_t) (nibble + ('a' - '0' - 10));
return nibble;
static void f7_put_hex2 (uint8_t x, FILE *stream)
putc ('0', stream);
if (x)
putc ('x', stream);
putc (f7_hex_digit (x >> 4), stream);
putc (f7_hex_digit (x & 0xf), stream);
#define XPUT(str) \
fputs_P (PSTR (str), stream)
// Write to STREAM a line that is appropriate for usage in libf7-const.def.
void f7_put_CDEF (const char *name, const f7_t *aa, FILE *stream)
char buf[7];
fputs (name, stream);
XPUT (",\t");
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
if (! f7_class_nonzero (a_class))
f7_put_hex2 (a_class & F7_FLAGS, stream);
XPUT (",\t0,0,0,0,0,0,0,\t0)");
putc ('0' + (a_class & F7_FLAGS), stream);
XPUT (",\t");
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < F7_MANT_BYTES; i++)
f7_put_hex2 (aa->mant[F7_MANT_BYTES-1 - i], stream);
putc (',', stream);
putc ('\t', stream);
itoa (aa->expo, buf, 10);
fputs (buf, stream);
XPUT (")");
void f7_put_C (const f7_t *aa, FILE *stream)
char buf[7];
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
if (f7_class_nan (a_class))
XPUT ("{ .is_nan = 1 }");
bool sign = a_class & F7_FLAG_sign;
if (f7_class_inf (a_class))
XPUT ("{ .is_nan = 1, .sign = ");
putc ('0' + sign, stream);
XPUT (" }");
XPUT ("{ .sign = ");
putc ('0' + sign, stream);
XPUT (", .mant = { ");
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < F7_MANT_BYTES; i++)
f7_put_hex2 (aa->mant[F7_MANT_BYTES-1 - i], stream);
if (i != F7_MANT_BYTES - 1)
putc (',', stream);
XPUT (" }, .expo = ");
itoa (aa->expo, buf, 10);
fputs (buf, stream);
XPUT (" }");
#endif //F7MOD_put_C_
#ifdef F7MOD_dump_
#ifndef AVRTEST_H
static void LOG_PSTR (const char *str)
fputs_P (str, stdout);
static void LOG_PFMT_U16 (const char *fmt, uint16_t x)
printf_P (fmt, x);
static void LOG_PFMT_FLOAT (const char *fmt, float x)
printf_P (fmt, x);
#define LOG_X8(X) LOG_PFMT_U16 (PSTR (" 0x%02x "), (uint8_t)(X))
#define LOG_PFMT_S16(FMT, X) LOG_PFMT_U16 (FMT, (unsigned)(X))
#define LOG_PFMT_ADDR(FMT, X) LOG_PFMT_U16 (FMT, (unsigned)(X))
#endif // AVRTEST_H
static void dump_byte (uint8_t b)
LOG_PSTR (PSTR (" "));
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
LOG_PSTR ((b & 0x80) ? PSTR ("1") : PSTR ("0"));
b = (uint8_t) (b << 1);
void f7_dump_mant (const f7_t *aa)
LOG_PSTR (PSTR ("\tmant ="));
for (int i = F7_MANT_BYTES - 1; i >= 0; i--)
LOG_X8 (aa->mant[i]);
LOG_PSTR (PSTR ("\n\t ="));
for (int i = F7_MANT_BYTES - 1; i >= 0; i--)
dump_byte (aa->mant[i]);
LOG_PSTR (PSTR ("\n"));
void f7_dump (const f7_t *aa)
LOG_PFMT_ADDR (PSTR ("\n0x%04x\tflags = "), aa);
dump_byte (aa->flags);
uint8_t a_class = f7_classify (aa);
LOG_PSTR (PSTR (" = "));
LOG_PSTR (f7_class_sign (a_class) ? PSTR ("-") : PSTR ("+"));
if (f7_class_inf (a_class)) LOG_PSTR (PSTR ("Inf "));
if (f7_class_nan (a_class)) LOG_PSTR (PSTR ("NaN "));
if (f7_class_zero (a_class)) LOG_PSTR (PSTR ("0 "));
if (f7_class_number (a_class)) LOG_PSTR (PSTR ("Number "));
LOG_PFMT_FLOAT (PSTR (" = %.10g\n"), f7_get_float (aa));
LOG_PFMT_S16 (PSTR ("\texpo = %d\n"), aa->expo);
f7_dump_mant (aa);
#endif // F7MOD_dump_
#endif // ! libgcc
#endif // !AVR_TINY