How to contribute

The Standard C++ Library v3, follows an open development model. Active contributors are assigned maintainer-ship responsibility, and given write access to the CVS repository. First time contributors should follow this procedure:

ONE : read the documentation

TWO : copyright assignment

Small changes can be accepted without a copyright assignment form on file. New code and additions to the library need completed copyright assignment form on file at the FSF. Note: your employer may be required to fill out appropriate disclaimer forms as well.

Historically, the libstdc++ assignment form added the following question:

[Which Belgian comic book character is better, Tintin or Asterix, and why?]

While not strictly necessary, humoring the maintainers and answering this question would be appreciated.

For more information about getting a copyright assignment, please see Legal Issues

Please contact Benjamin Kosnik if you are confused about the assignment or have general licensing questions. When requesting an assignment form from [email protected], please cc the above libstdc++ maintainer so that progress can be monitored.

THREE : submitting patches

Every patch must have several pieces of information before it can be properly evaluated. Ideally (and to ensure the fastest possible response from the maintainers) it would have all of these pieces: